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  • The following resolution was adopted:
  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the mandatory retirement age for all faculty members, research personnel, athletic coaches and any other employees of the University of Virginia exempt from the State Personnel Act shall be the age of 70, the effective date of retirement being midnight on June 30after reaching the age of 70;

  • 1477

  • RESOLVED FURTHER that for all classified personnel employed by the University of Virginia who are covered by the State Employment Act, the mandatory retirement age shall be the employee's 70th birthday, except that upon the recommendation of the employee's division head the employee's effective date of retirement may be extended to midnight of the first June 30following the employee's 70th birthday, provided a physician designated by the University of Virginia Personnel Office certifies that the employee is physically and mentally competent to continue beyond the 70th birthday;
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the University's retirement policy as set forth in this resolution shall supersede all previous mandatory retirement policies affecting University employees, and shall be presented to future employees and be accepted by them as a condition of employment.