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1. Annual Leave

  • For purposes of accrual of annual leave and use thereof, the personnel of RLES are divided into these categories:
  • a. Research Directors
  • b. Principal Scientists/Engineers and Senior Scientists/Engineers
  • c. All other RLES employees except hourly employees and students.

Note: Hourly employees and student personnel do not accrue annual leave.

  • The rate of accrual for each of the above categories is as follows: (See attached summary chart)
  • a. Research Directors - 16 hours per month
  • b. Principal Scientists/Engineers and Senior Scientists/Engineers - 16 hours per month
  • c. All other RLES employees except hourly employees and students - the rate of accrual for this category is identical to that of the University and is as follows:
  • First 5 years of service - 8 hours per month
  • Sixth through 10th year of service - 10 hours per month
  • Over 10 years of service - 12 hours per month

RLES annual leave will be accrued on a yearly basis beginning January 1.

Annual leave accrual rates will apply when an employee is on annual leave provided his length of absence on annual leave does not exceed 60 consecutive calendar days.

  • Limits of accrual of annual leave for the purpose of carrying over into the next leave accrual year are also divided into the same categories of employees. The following are the limits of leave credits which may be carried into the next accrual year:

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  • a. Research Directors, Principal Scientists/Engineers and Senior Scientists/Engineers - 60 days
  • b. All other RLES employees (except hourly employees and students) will be allowed accrual accumulations and carry-overs as follows:
    1-5 years of service  24 days 
    6-10 years of service  30 days 
    Over 10 years of service  36 days 
  • c. An RLES staff member accepting a faculty appointment must accept a cash settlement for his accrual leave credits as of his appointment date, as a condition of his new status.
  • d. A terminating RLES employee will be paid in a lump sum for the total of his accrual, not to exceed 30 days, which will be equivalent to his then rate of pay times the total accrual of days or hours as the case may be.

Credit toward five or ten years of changes in the accrual rate will not be given for any period in which the employee was off the payroll. The only exception shall be for military leave without pay.

Employees who have separated and are re-employed will not receive credit for prior service in determining the rate of accrual for annual leave.

The annual leave credits provided may be used, at option of the employee, to provide paid absences for vacation and other personal purposes (including sickness), or for absences in excess of the credits available for other kinds of leave.

No annual leave credit shall be provided for service less than a full semi-monthly pay period, or fifteen calendar days, whichever is less; the credit for full semi-monthly pay period, or more than fifteen calendar days but less than one calendar month shall be one-half the monthly accrual rate. No annual leave credit shall be provided during any period of absence immediately following an absence of sixty calendar days.