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The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the following persons be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty:
  • Miss Madeline M. Allen as Assistant Professor of Education, for one year, effective July 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Paul E. Bayes as Assistant Professor of Economics, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mr. John G. Blackburn, Jr., as Assistant Professor of History, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Zougul H. Chowdhury as Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mrs. Joan W. Dollard as Assistant Professor of French, one-half time, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Carl L. Gusler as Assistant Professor of Sociology, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Ronald H. Heise as Assistant Professor of English, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mrs. Helen M. Lewis as Associate Professor of Sociology, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mrs. Catherine J. Mahony as Assistant Professor of English, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Mel J. Mahony as Assistant Professor of English, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mr. Leo S. Willis as Associate Professor of History, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1972.