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The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the following promotions of members of the faculty of Mary Washington College be and they are hereby made:
  • Mr. Clavio F. Ascari, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Nathaniel H. Brown, Associate Professor, to Professor of English, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of [OMITTED].
  • Mr. Otho C. Campbell, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of History, for three years, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Miss Nancy C. Dosch, Assistant Instructor, to Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, for one year, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Ruth T. Friedman, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Biology, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Miss Susan J. Hanna, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of English, effective July 1, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Mathew Herban, III, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Art, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Miss Rose Mary Johnson, Associate Professor, to Professor of Biology, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of [OMITTED].
  • Mr. John M. Kramer, Instructor, to Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science, for three years, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Carlton R. Lutterbie, Jr., Instructor, to Assistant Professor of English, for three years, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Alice B. Rabson, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Key Sun Ryang, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of History, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mrs. Jane N. Saladin, Assistant Instructor, to Instructor (Registrar and Director of Financial Aid), for one year, effective July 1, 1972, at an annual salary of[OMITTED]
  • Mr. Richard L. Sarchet, Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Mathematics, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Edward F. Shaughnessy, Jr., Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of[OMITTED].
  • Mr. Benjamin F. Zimdars, Associate Professor, to Professor of History, effective August 16, 1972, at a session salary of [OMITTED].