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Mr. Hobbs presented and commented upon a study of the organization of the University by Heald, Hobson and Associates of New York City, a copy of which report had previously been sent to each Board member. With each Visitor's copy there was attached a memorandum from Mr. Hobbs which read as follows:

"22 May 1967

"Particularly for new members of the Board, it is appropriate to provide some explanation of the enclosed report which was prepared by Heald-Hobson and Associates, a firm of consultants which specializes in working with colleges and universities.

"At the meeting in December 1965, the Board of Visitors authorized the employment of an outside consulting firm to study, report on and make recommendations on the administrative area of the University. The reasons behind the authorization were (1) the Board unanimously felt that the President was greatly overburdened and that such a study might suggest ways and means to relieve this situation; (2) while the Board was not apprehensive or worried, it wanted assurance that the administrative area was adequately staffed, capable, and effective currently and geared or gearing for the future; and (3) the Board felt that the support of outside consultants would be helpful in obtaining Richmond's approval of proposed changes.

"A careful survey of consulting firms was conducted and while this was time-consuming, it was very necessary. It was originally thought that the report would be available for the December 1966 meeting but the assignment was broadened following the Report of the State Council of Higher Education. The cost of the report is to be paid from `local' or non-State funds.

"So much for background. As to the report itself, it is important that it not be misunderstood. It is part factual and descriptive which is interesting and useful for the Board and those not intimately acquainted with the University; it contains opinions and recommendations - some limited and definite, others broad and long-range. It is certainly not a blueprint for vast and radical changes. Rather it is a document which can be reviewed from time to time and hopefully can be useful to the President in his proposals and presentations in the future.

"While it will come up for discussion at the meeting of the Board on 2 June, it will not be presented as a matter to be voted upon. From time to time, the President will undoubtedly refer to sections of the report as he adopts some of the recommendations, or modifications thereof, and presents them for discussion or approval.

William A. Hobbs"

Following Mr. Hobbs' comments, a general discussion ensued concerning the recommendations of the report. It was the general consensus that another discussion of several points contained in the report will be necessary at a later date.