University of Virginia Library


I have mentioned in some of the previous
chapters that Miss Gardner and I stopped in
Washington at the Hotel corner 8th st and Pennsylvania
Ave on two occasions I think. This hotel was
conducted by Mr. Joy, a native of Massachusetts
if I have been correctly informed. Upon learning
that we were teachers in schools for the freedmen
Mr. J. exerted himself to make our stay in his
house as pleasant as possible, and in the
afternoon of our first day there he sent a
servant up to our room asking us to come
down to the parlor as he wished to introduce
us to a gentleman from Virginia

"Is he a rebel?" asked Miss Gardner. "I don't
want to meet any rebels."

"N-n-n-no." stammered the colored
man. "There are no r-r-r-rebels in this
house, nor no J-J-J-Johnson men either."