University of Virginia Library


1. The question must be selected by the principal.

2. A preliminary contest is to be held in which any student complying
with clause 2 in schedule "General" above is eligible.

3. Contestants in preliminary contests may debate on any side of
question they choose.

4. Contestants in preliminary contests are to be limited to seven
minutes in the debate. (No rebuttal being granted.)

5. Final contestants shall be limited to 15 minutes each, no more
than five of which may be used for rebuttal.

6. The judges are to select the four best debaters in the preliminary
contest; selection being based on following standards: Argument
50%; delivery 25%; stage deportment 25%.

7. For the final contest the teams consisting of two members each
are to be pitted against each other.

8. The four final contestants are to select their side of the question
(two on each side) by lot.

9. The two members of the team winning the debate in final contest,
as declared by the judges, will each be awarded a prize offered
by The Richmond Times-Dispatch; provided the principal within five
days after final contest fill out official blanks in the triplicate one to
be kept by the school and two to be forwarded to Secretary A. R.
Boyd, University, Va.