University of Virginia Library

I wrote you thus far on Sunday last. Polly is on
the recovery, but your brother Thomas is very ill,


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and almost helpless with the rheumatism. You recollect,
how he formerly had it. It. seems as if sickness
followed me wherever I go. The President got
to town on Saturday; I have not yet seen him or
Mrs. Washington. We have had two severe storms;
the last was snow. Poor Mrs. Knox is in great
tribulation about her furniture. The vessel sailed the
day before the first storm, and had not been heard of
on Friday last. I had a great misfortune happen to
my best trunk of clothes. The vessel sprung a leak,
and my trunk got wet a foot high, by which means I
have several gowns spoiled; and the one you worked
is the most damaged, and a black satin;—the blessed
effects of tumbling about the world. Adieu. Write
me soon. Love to all.

A. A.