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It is ironic that The Cambridge Review, A Journal of University Life and Thought (hereafter CR) is rarely, if at all, cited in the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. The tentativeness of my statement is a matter of scholarly caution, but the NCBEL's list of periodical abbreviations does not include the CR, and in every instance where I have sought in it a reference to an article from the CR I have come away empty-handed. It is not only the compilers of the NCBEL (myself included) who have neglected the journal, for most other bibliographers, biographers, and editors of the works of this essayist or that poet have been equally remiss in ignoring essays, poems, reviews, obituary notices, and miscellaneous information of all kinds to be found there. The neglect may result from the apparent scarcity of full sets: the British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals lists complete runs only in three Cambridge libraries and the British Library, and the nineteen American holdings recorded by the Union List of Serials include only one set of all the numbers. By calling attention to representative pieces from the periodical, I hope to resurrect interest in the CR—even as it now seems to have met its final demise.[1]