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Donald J. Greene, Samuel Johnson's Library. An annotated Guide (E.L.S. no. 1; Victoria, B.C., 1975), and J. D. Fleeman, The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library (E.L.S. no. 2; Victoria, B.C., 1975).


Cited as Booklist.


'The Progress of a Subscription' in Writers, Books, and Trade. An Eighteenth-Century English Miscellany for William B. Todd, ed. O M Brack (New York: AMS Press, 1992).


Elizabeth Montague to Beattie, 30 Apr. 1774 (Aberdeen Univ. Libr., MS Beattie, c. 189).


I. A. Williams, 'The Elusive Dr Johnson', Book Collector's Quarterly, 7 (1932), 53-59; and further idem 14 (1934), 73-75.


Derrick's Proposals for printing his poems by subscription are dated 'London, July 1, 1754'; a copy is L: 11633 f.35/1.


SJ's name is not included in this list, published in Bristol in 1774, but it carries an apology for the omission of many subscribers' names.


R. J. Deverell, Notes on the Name &c. of Deverell (1954) gives no information on the authoress.


J. J. Parry, 'Dr Johnson's Interest in Welsh', Modern Language Notes, 36 (1921), 374-376.


Dorothy H. Eshleman, Eliza Griffiths. A Biographical and Critical Study (Philadelphia, 1949), and J. E. Norton, 'Elizabeth Griffiths, 1727-1793' (Uncollected Authors, 22), Book Collector, 8 (1959), 418-424.


William C. Smith (assisted by Charles Humphries), Handel: A Descriptive Catalogue of Early Editions, 2nd ed. with Supplement (New York, 1970), nos. 1-8, pp. 124-127. The Goldberg copy of the 6th ed. (1773) also lists 'Mr. Samuel Johnson' among the subscribers, but we have not recorded here a list of the holdings of all the early reprints.


D. D. Eddy, Samuel Johnson Book Reviewer in the Literary Magazine . . . 1756-1758 (New York, 1979).


SJ's 'Prologue' is not printed with this edition (Poems 209-211; Life, iii.113-114, 490).


Cf. DNB, s.n. John James Lates.


Though then at Winchester College, Derby had been at St John's, Oxford.


See also PBSA, 41 (1947), 231-238.


This volume went to a second edition in 1774 (NSyU, TxU). A second volume was published in 1779, a third in 1786, and a fourth and fifth in 1798 (ESTC).


Hazen 138; cf. W. R. Keast, 'Samuel Johnson and Thomas Maurice', Eighteenth Century Studies, ed. W. H. Bond (New York, 1970), 63-79.


Facsimile reprint by Dover Books in 1965.


Although apparently five different editions of this work were published between 1789 and 1805 (Alston 9.331-333, and n.), there were also various subscription lists issued with the first edition of 1789. Of these the first ran to 40 numbered pages (NIC); to it was added 'Subscribers' Names Continued', numbered pp. 41 42-44 (MH); and, with some intermediate stages, this list grew to 75 pp. (Alston 9.331; R. W. Lowe, J. F. Arnott, and J. W. Robinson, English Theatrical Literature, 1559-1900: A Bibliography [London, 1970], no. 3399).


Rector of Husbands Bosworth; Gents. Mag., 60 (Aug. 1790), 767.


'This volume was intended as only the first of three, but it was poorly received and it was not until 1790 that Tasker published it in a revised second edition (with Johnson's name still in the subscription list, six years after his death), vols. ii and iii following in 1792 and 1793' (Lonsdale 411).


Biographia Dramatica (1782), s.n., and European Magazine, 4 (1782), 358.