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Lawrence's Substantive Revisions on the Proofs

There is insufficient space here to quote or discuss Lawrence's revisions, but the statistics are revealing. On the surviving galley proofs, he rewrote words and sentences in twenty-nine places, only two of them in response to a query in the margin. He deleted material in twelve places. But his additions were infrequent: he added the sentence about Miriam putting her finger between her lips, and a further three short phrases of three, five and seven words.

Not only did Lawrence delete and rewrite or simply delete far more than he added, he also did so far more than the proofreaders and Garnett. Although the "interference" provided by them, which we now know about, is sometimes dramatic, we may perhaps be reassured that it does not loom larger. It is regrettable that more of the author's proofs have not survived, but we must be grateful for the information supplied by this small sample.