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Notes on Contributors
G. Thomas Tanselle, Vice President of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, teaches bibliography and editing in the Columbia University English Department and is co-editor of the Northwestern-Newberry Edition of The Writings of Herman Melville. He is currently president of the Grolier Club and has just completed two terms as president of the Bibliographical Society of America.
Richard J. Zboray is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Texas at Arlington and Microfilm Editor of the Emma Goldman Papers at the University of California at Berkeley. He has published in American Quarterly, Southwest Review, Journal of American Culture, Book Research Quarterly, American Archivist, International Journal of Micrographics and Video Technology, Documentary Editing, and Publishing History.
Ralph Hanna III, Professor of English at the University of California, Riverside, has edited a number of Middle English and Anglo-Latin works; he remains interested in the relationship of book production and literary history.
Grace Ioppolo has recently completed a doctoral dissertation on authorial revision in the plays of Shakespeare and his contemporaries at the University of California, Los Angeles. A former Huntington Library Fellow, her article on Shakespeare's 18th-century editors appeared in the Huntington Library Quarterly.
Fredson Bowers is Linden Kent Memorial Professor of English Emeritus at the University of Virginia.
Adrian Weiss is Associate Professor of English at the University of South Dakota. His research progresses in several directions: sorting out the printing histories and sequence of standing-type plays (Malcontent, Honest Whore, Eastward Hoe!, Fawne); identifying the sets of matrices that produced mixed fonts; and developing programs for computer-assisted compositor analysis and font analysis. Relocation closer to rare-books collections is critical to the continuation of his work.
William J. Burling is Associate Professor of Research and Bibliography at Southwest Missouri State University. He specializes in Restoration and eighteenth-century drama and has published in Philological Quarterly, Modern Philology, Theatre Notebook, Essays in Theatre, Theatre History Studies, and other journals. He is presently preparing A Catalogue of New Plays and Entertainments on the London Stage, 1700-1737.

Frederick G. Ribble received a Ph.D. in English from the University of Virginia. He has published articles on Fielding and is currently working with his wife on an annotated catalogue of Fielding's library.
Arthur Sherbo, Emeritus Professor of English at Michigan State University, is making a special study of eighteenth-century periodicals. He was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, and graduated from Haverhill High School.
William Baker, MLS, is Associate Professor and Humanities Librarian (English / American Language and Literature), Founders Memorial Library, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. Dr. Baker is one of the authors of F. R. Leavis and Q. D. Leavis: An Annotated Bibliography (Garland, 1989). He edits The George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Newsletter, and his The Letters of G. H. Lewes will be published by the Ohio State University Press. Other projects include work on reader response theory with especial reference to Carlyle, Mill, Darwin, and T. S. Eliot.
Mark S. Sexton, Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Wake Forest University, received the doctorate degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His recent work includes an essay on Thomas Wolfe published in the South Atlantic Review and an essay on Joseph Conrad published in Studies in Short Fiction.
David Leon Higdon, Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of English at Texas Tech University, is author of Shadows of the Past in Contemporary British Fiction and General Editor of Conradiana. He is currently writing a textual history of Graham Greene's novels.
Robert F. Sheard is a recent MA graduate of Texas Tech University and is now in the Ph.D. program at The Pennsylvania State University. His previous work has appeared in journals such as Studies in the Novel and Conradiana. He is currently working on a study of confessional narratives in contemporary British fiction.
John V. Richardson, Jr., Associate Professor in UCLA's Graduate School of Library and Information Science, teaches analytical bibliography. He is completing a biography of Pierce Butler, Curator of the Wing Foundation at the Newberry Library and Professor of Bibliographical History at the University of Chicago, which will be published by Scarecrow Press. his research in progress is a bibliographical description of printing ink.
R. M. Flores teaches Spanish at The University of British Columbia. He is preparing an annotated, old-spelling edition of Don Quixote.

President, Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Wilson Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Vice President, Kendon L. Stubbs, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Secretary-Treasurer, Ray W. Frantz, Jr., University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Editor, Fredson Bowers, Route 14, Box 7, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Executive Secretary, Penelope F. Weiss, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the British Isles, Mrs. Douglas Wyllie, Westbrae, 39 Libo Ave., Uplawmoor, G78 4AL Glasgow, Scotland
I. B. Cauthen, Jr. (1990)
Nancy Essig (1993)
David L. Vander Meulen (1991)
Ruthe R. Battestin (1994)
Kendon L. Stubbs (1992)
Julius Barclay (1995)
Mrs. Linton R. Massey (1989)
Chalmers L. Gemmill, Atcheson L. Hench, Linton R. Massey, Kendon L. Stubbs
Studies in Bibliography is issued annually by the Society, in addition to various bibliographical pamphlets and monographs.
Membership in the Society is solicited according to the following categories:
Subscribing Members at $25.00 a year receive Studies in Bibliography and other bibliographical material issued without charge by the Society. Institutions as well as private persons are accepted in this class of membership.
Student Members at $12.50 a year receive benefits of Subscribing Members.
Contributing Members at $75 a year receive all publications, and by their contributions assist in furthering the work of the Society. Institutions are accepted.
Articles and notes are invited by the editor. Preferably these should conform to the recommendations of the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The Society will consider the publication of bibliographical monographs for separate issue.
All matters pertaining to business affairs, including applications for membership, should be sent to the Executive Secretary, Penelope F. Weiss, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903.

- Bodleian Library Oxford, England
- The British Library, London, England
- University Library, Cambridge, England
- Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
- Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Charlottesville, Virginia
- Jack Dalton, New York City
- University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
- Rolf E. Du Rietz, Upsala, Sweden
- Emory University, Emory University, Georgia
- Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany
- Johan Gerritsen, The Netherlands
- University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
- Wallace Kirsop, Victoria, Australia
- Mark Samuels Lasner, Washington, D.C.
- Melvin M. McCosh, Excelsior, Minnesota
- Paul Mellon, Upperville, Virginia
- Harrison T. Meserole, Bryan, Texas
- Davis W. Moore, Denevr, Colorado
- Howard S. Mott, Sheffield, Massachusetts
- Calvin P. Otto, Charlottesville, Virginia
- University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington
- Rice University, Houston, Texas
- Otto Schaefer, Schweinfurt, Germany
- Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
- University of Sussex Library, Brighton, England
- G. Thomas Tanselle, New York City
- Robert A. Tibbetts, Columbus, Ohio
- William M. Tucker, Palo Alto, California
- Peter Tumarkin, New York City
- Calhoun Winton, College Park, Maryland
- Stuart Wright, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Distributed by the University Press of Virginia
Former publications of the Society not listed here are out of print. Those wishing a complete list of them should see the annual lists in successive volumes of Studies. Members will receive a 20 per cent discount on all publications. Orders should be addressed to the University Press of Virginia, Box 3608, University Station, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, U. S. A.
Blehl, Vincent Ferrer, S. J., John Henry Newman, A Bibliographical Catalogue of His Writings. $20.00.
Bloomfield, B.C., and Mendelson, Edward, W. H. Auden, A Bibliography, 1924-1969. $35.00.
Bowers, Fredsom, Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing. $45.00.
Bristol, Roger P., Index to Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. $20.00.
Bristol, Roger P., Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. $50.00.
Dameron, J. Lasley, and Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., Edgar Allan Poe: A Bibliography of Criticism 1827- 1967. $35.00.
Evans, G. Blakemore, editor, Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century. Vol. V: Text of the Smock Alley Macbeth. $35.00. Vol. VI: Text of the Smock Alley Othello. $35.00. Vol. VII: Text of the Smock Alley A Midsummer Night's Dream. $50.00.
Frost, Robert, Stories for Leslie, edited by Roger D. Sell, illustrated by Warren Chappell. $16.95.
Fry, Donald, Beowulf and The Fight at Finnsburh: A Bibliography. $25.00.
Gallup, Donald, Ezra Pound: A Bibliography. (Published in conjunction with St. Paul's Bibliographies.) $50.00.
Grimshaw, James A., Robert Penn Warren: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1922-1979. $35.00.
Guiliano, Edward, Lewis Carroll: An Annotated International Bibliography, 1960-1977. $25.00.
Herring, Phillip F., editor, Joyce's Notes and Early Drafts for Ulysses: Selections from the Buffalo Collection. $42.50.
Herring, Phillip F., editor, Joyce's Ulysses Notesheets in the British Museum. $42.50.
Hirsch, Rudolf, and Heaney, Howell, Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship, 1949-1955. $30.00. (Vol. X of Studies.)
Hirsch, Rudolf, and Heaney, Howell, Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship, Series B, 1956-1962. $25.00.
Hodnett, Edward, Aesop in England. $20.00.
Johnson, Linck C. Thoreau's Complex Weave. The Writing of A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers with the Text of the First Draft. $45.00.
Life, Page West, Sir Thomas Malory and the Morte Darthur: A Survey of Scholarship and Annotated Bibliography. $25.00.

MacMahon, Candace W., Elizabeth Bishop, A Bibliography, 1927-1979. $25.00.
Maynard, Joe, and Miles, Barry, William S. Burroughs, A Bibliography, 1953-73. Signed, $50.00; unsigned, $25.00.
Partridge, A. C., A Substantive Grammar of Shakespeare's Nondramatic Texts. $27.50.
Polk, Noel. William Faulkner, The Marionettes. Trade edition. $17.50.
Pound, Ezra, A Quinzaine for This Yule. $10.00.
Ross, Charles L., The Composition of The Rainbow and Women in Love. $20.00.
Roth, Barry, An Annotated Bibliography of Jane Austen Studies, 1973-83. $25.00.
Spalek, John M., Guide to the Archival Materials of the German-Speaking Emigration to the United States After 1933. $45.00.
Studies in Bibliography, Volumes 1-42. $35.00 each.
Tanselle, G. Thomas, Selected Studies in Bibliography. $30.00.
Tanselle, G. Thomas, Textual Criticism Since Greg: A Chronicle 1950-1985. $9.95.
Tarr, Roger, Thomas Carlyle, A Bibliography of English-Language Criticism, 1824-1974. $20.00.
Tucker, Edward. The Shaping of Longfellow's John Endicott. A Textual History, Including Two Early Versions. $20.00.
Weisenfarth, Joseph, George Eliot: A Writer's Notebook, 1854-1879 and Uncollected Writings. $30.00.
West, James L. W., III. A Sister Carrie Portfolio. $25.00.
Wright, Stuart, Randall Jarrell: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1929-1983. $35.00.
Wright, Stuart and West, James L. W. III, Reynolds Price: A Bibliography, 1949-1984. $20.00.
Maura Ives (George Meredith)
David R. Evans (Eighteenth-Century Fables)
R. Chace Anderson | Martin C. Perdue |
Bruce Glassco | William M. Teem, IV |
E. Mark Mones | David Vetter |
Liza Mundy | Thomas L. West, III |

This book was printed by letterpress from type cast on
the Linotype by Heritage Printers, Inc. of Charlotte,
North Carolina. The typeface is Baskerville, a design by
John Baskerville (1706-1775), English printer and type-
founder. Linotype Baskerville is a weight-for-weight
and curve-for-curve copy of Baskerville's, celebrates
printing type. The paper for the cutting was a com-
plete font of (approximately) 14 point, cast from Bas-
kerville's own matrices--exhumed at Paris, France, in
1929. The paper is 70-pound Glatfelter, an acid-free
paper with a useful life of 300 years.

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