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[title page]
The Melbourne Manuscript and John Webster: A Reproduction and Transcript by Antony Hammond and Doreen Delvecchio
Bibliographical History As a Field of Study by G. Thomas Tanselle
Does "Text" Exist? by Louis Hay
Script, Work and Published Form: Franz Kafka's Incomplete Text by Gerhard Neumann
Conceptualisations for Procedures of Authorship by Klaus Hurlebusch
Some Notes on Letter Editions: With Special Reference to German Writers by Siegfried Scheibe
Editing the Correspondence of Charles Darwin by Frederick Burkhardt
Practice, not Theory: Editing J. S. Mill's Newspaper Writings by John M. Robson
The Unity and Authenticity of Anelida and Arcite: The Evidence of the Manuscripts by A. S. G. Edwards
Editorial Method and Medieval Translations: The Example of Chaucer's Boece by Tim William Machan
The Origins and Production of Westminster School MS. 3 by Ralph Hanna III
[section 1]
Appendix I: Brief manuscript descriptions
Appendix II
Appendix III
Notes from Appendices
An Epitaph for Richard, Duke of York by Richard Firth Green
More on the 1532 Edition of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso by Conor Fahy
"Foul Papers" and "Prompt-Books": Printer's Copy For Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors by Paul Werstine
New Evidence for Dr. Arbuthnot's Authorship of "The Rabbit-Man-Midwife" by Dennis Todd
"Hesiod" Cooke and the Subscription Game by Arthur Sherbo
From the Westminster Magazine: Swift, Goldsmith, Garrick, et al. by Arthur Sherbo
Richard Edwards, Publisher of Church-and-King Pamphlets and of William Blake by G. E. Bentley, Jr.
William Faulkner's 1962 Gold Medal Speech by Louis Daniel Brodsky
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Read at a symposium on editing and text held in Charlottesville, Va., 20-23 April 1985.