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List of Publications

Page List of Publications


Except where otherwise noted, order from University Press of Virginia, Box 3608, University Station, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903

M.A. Shaaber. Check-list of Works of British Authors Printed Abroad, in Languages other than English, to 1641. New York, 1975. $15.00.

Denis B. Woodfield. Surreptitious Printing in England, 1550-1640. Cloth. New York, 1973. $17.50.

Frederick R. Goff. Incunabula in American Libraries-A Supplement to the Third Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Recorded in North American Collections. Cloth. New York, 1972. $10.00. (Please note: the Third Census is now available only as a reprint of Mr. Goff's annotated copy, from Kraus Reprint Corporation, Route 100, Millwood, New York 10564, $35.00.)

Margaret B. Stillwell. The Beginning of the World of Books, 1450 to 1470. Cloth. New York, 1972. $10.00.

Donald D. Eddy. A Bibliography of John Brown. Cloth. New York, 1971. $7.50.

Margaret B. Stillwell. The Awakening Interest in Science during the First Century of Printing 1450-1550. Cloth. New York, 1970. $25.00.

The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. (PBSA)
Current subscriptions: $15.00 per annum.
Vols. 65 (1971) and ante, and preceding and related journals on: Inquire of Kraus Reprint Corporation.

Hazel T. Johnson. A Checklist of New London, Connecticut, Imprints 1709- 1800. Cloth. Virginia, 1978. $25.00.

Sidney L. Gulick. A Chesterfield Bibliography to 1800. Cloth. Virginia, 1979. $30.00.

The Bibliographical Society of America, 1904-79-A Retrospective Collection. Cloth. Virginia, 1980. $20.00.