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Notes on Contributors
Martin C. Battestin is William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of English at the University of Virginia. With his wife, Ruthe, who specializes in documentary research, he is preparing a biography of Fielding. His edition of Amelia will be published shortly in the Wesleyan-Oxford University Press edition of the Works.
G. Thomas Tanselle, Vice-President of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, is one of the editors of the Northwestern-Newberry Edition of Melville.
Peter J. Lucas, NUI Statutory Lecturer in Old and Middle English at University College Dublin, has published an edition of the Old English poem Exodus (1977) and various articles on Medieval English language and literature. He has just completed an edition of Capgrave's Abbreuiacion of Cronicles.
Gary Taylor is Associate Editor of the Oxford Shakespeare now in preparation. The Clarendon Press recently published Modernizing Shakespeare's Spelling, by the General Editor, Dr. Stanley Wills, to which Dr. Taylor contributed "Three Studies in the Text of Henry V."
Peter Shillingsburg is Professor of English at Mississippi State University. He is general editor of a new edition of Thackeray's works in preparation, and has published on Thackeray in PBSA, HLQ, Costerus, and the Book Collector.
Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., Commonwealth Professor of English at the University of Virginia, is the author of a book and other articles on Tennyson. With Cecil Lang, he is co-editor of the poet's letters, which are being published by the Oxford University Press.
Dennis E. Rhodes, Assistant Keeper, The British Library, London, specializes in incunabula and the history of printing in Italy up to 1700. His catalogue of the incunabula in all Oxford libraries except the Bodleian is now printing at the Oxford University Press.
Fredson Bowers is Linden Kent Professor of English Emeritus at the University of Virginia. He is currently occupied as Textual Editor of the multi-volumed ACLS edition of The Works of William James published by the Harvard University Press.
J. C. Eade is Research Fellow in the Humanities Research Centre at the

J. P. Feather, who was A. H. Munby Fellow in Bibliography at Cambridge University in 1978-79, is Lecturer in the Department of Library and Information Studies at Loughborough University, Leicestershire. He is engaged on a study of the English provincial book trade in the eighteenth century.
Arthur Sherbo, Professor of English at Michigan State University, is the author of several books on eighteenth-century literature. He is currently working on a study of mid-eighteenth and early nineteenth-century commentators on Shakespeare and also a separate book on George Steevens.
G. E. Bentley, Jr., of the University of Toronto, has published Blake Records (1969), Blake Books (1977), William Blake's Writings (1978), and works on John Flaxman, George Cumberland, and on the Eighteenth-Century Novel.
G. D. Hargreaves is Rare Book Librarian at St. Andrews University Library and editor of The Bibliotheck.
Valerie A. Dodd has an M.A. and a B.Litt. from the University of Oxford. Formerly a research assistant for the late F. W. Bateson, she is currently teaching in Oxford for the Junior Year programs of several American universities. She is working on articles on the early translation of the work of Friedrich Strauss, and George Eliot's response to the literature of the late 1840s.
W. D. Paden was Professor of English at the University of Kansas. His collection of Tennyson materials has been donated to the Spencer Research Library at that university.
Louis Daniel Brodsky businessman and poet, has had poetry appear in the, Texas Quarterly, Harper's Magazine, the Literary Review, the Ball State Forum, Kansas Quarterly, Four Quarters, and the American Scholar. The Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1980 contains three of his poems.
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