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Note: this is a list of the documents which include an agreement or other papers which give the terms of a contract. There are a few other receipts in this MS. which cannot be related to agreements, and have not, therefore been used or listed. In the last column * indicates that the book has not been traced; I have searched the catalogs of the British Library, Bodleian Library, Oxford, and University Library, Cambridge, and the National Union Catalog, together with appropriate subject bibliographies, and Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica.

Author   Title in documents   f. no.  Date  Fee   Other documents   Published book  
Aylette, George  a compendium of Physic & Surgery for the use of Young Practitioners  23-23v   11.25.68  £52.10+ same for repr.  receipt (15-16v
Barlow, Thomas  Treatise concerning the Duty and office of a Justice of peace  20  1.4.33  £2.2s. per sh.  draft of agreement (21); agreement to enlarge work (21v); memo. on copyright (25); receipts (26, 27); assignment of copyr. (27v-29v The Justice of the Peace: a Treatise, 1745 
Blackwell, Elizabeth  Herbal  --  --  --  assignments of shares books, &s. (31-31v, 33-35v, 36v-37, 38-40v); accounts (42-48v A curious herbal, 1737,39 See Appendix, B, p. 226 
Deletanville, Thomas  The Child's Guide to the french Tongue  70-71v   11.10.57  £10.10s  --  The Child's Guide to the French Tongue, 1758 
Deletanville, Thomas  A dictionary in two parts, viz., french and English and English and French  74  11.14.61  £157.10s.  accounts (76); receipt (76v A New French Dictionary, (1st ed., *, 2nd ed., 1779) 


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Author   Title in documents   f. no.  Date  Fee   Other documents   Published book  
Deletanville, Thomas  A new Set of Exercises upon the various parts of French Speech, calculated for the use of Such as are desirous of making French without the use of any Grammar whatever  72  1.16.58  £9.9s.  receipts (72v A New Set of Exercises upon the Various Parts of French Speech, 1758 
Dossie, Robert  The Laboratory laid open, or the secrets of modern chemistry and pharmacy revealed  85r-v   3.7.57  £31.10s  receipt (85v); receipt, agreement to enlarge (86)  The Elaboratory Laid Open, 1758 
Dossie, Robert  The Mysteries of Art displayed; later: Handmaid to the arts  87r-v   9.24.57  £63  receipt (87v); title changed, receipt, assignment (88)  The Handmaid to the Arts, vol. 1, 1758 
Dossie, Robert  The second Volume of the Handmaid  89r-v   3.25.58  £63  receipts, assignment (89v The Handmaid to the Arts, vol. 2, 1758 
Dossie, Robert  A Treatise on Experimental Chemistry Volume the first  91r-v   5.15.58  £63  receipts, assignment (91v Institutes of Experimental Chemistry, vol. 1, 1759 
Dossie, Robert  Institutes of experimental Chemistry Volume the second  93r-v   9.22.58  £63  receipts, assignment (93v ibid., vol. 2, 1759 
Dossie, Robert  Memoirs of Agriculture and other Œconomical Arts  102  3.31.68  £63  receipts (102v Memoirs of Agriculture and Other Œconomical Arts, vol. 1, 1768 
Dossie, Robert  Memoirs of Agriculture and other œconomical arts, volume 2  103r-v   2.16.69  £63  receipts, assignment (103v, 104)  ibid., vol. 2, 1771 


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Dossie, Robert  Pharmacopeia chyrurgica  95r-v   4.25.59  £52.10s.  receipts (95v Theory and Practice of Chirurgical Pharmacy, 1761 
Greenwood, James  An Essay towards a practical english grammar and an Abridgement of the said Essay & entitled The Royal English Grammar  --  --  --  assignment, repr. agreements (135, 137)  An Essay Towards a Practical English Grammar, 4th ed., 1740 and The Royal English Grammar, 1737 
Landen, John  Mathematical Lucubrations  146  2.27.55  £1.1s. per sh.  receipt (146)  Mathematical Lucubrations, 1755 
Landen, John  Treatise on the Residual Analysis  147  1.22.60  100 copies  --  The Residual Analysis, 1764 
Langhorne, J.  Translation of the Lettres d'Emerance a Lucie  148  1.14.66  £1.11s.6d. per sh.  receipts (148v Letters from Emerance to Lucy, 1766 
Lally, Thomas  a Translation of a book intitled The Principle of The Christian Religion  --  --  --  700 copies bought, repr. rights (144) 
Le Moine, Abraham  A treatise on miracles &c  150  9.18.47  Equal profits  --  A Treatise on Miracles, 1747 
Le Prince de Beaumont, Marie  Magasin pour servir a l'instruction des Jeunes personnes nouvellements mariees ou pretes a l'etres ou Suite du Magasin des Adolescentes  68  4.18.63  £105.2s.  receipt (68)  ? Le magasin des jeunes dames, 1764 
Le Prince de Beaumont, Marie  Magasin des Adolescentes  66  7.4.59  £1.1s. per sh.  receipt (66)  Magasin des adolescentes, 1766 
Le Prince de Beaumont, Marie  Education complete, ou abrege de l'Histoire universelle, a L'usage de la Famille Royalle  63  7.11.52  150 copies  receipt (64)  Education complète, ou abrégé de l'histoire universelle, 1753 


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Author   Title in documents   f. no.  Date  Fee   Other documents   Published book  
Lewis, William  A New English Dispensatory  152r-v   1.16.46  £105  draft agreement (154r-v); incomplete copy of agreem. (157r-v); revisions (163); receipts (152v, 159)  The New Dispensatory, 1753 
Lewis, William  a New practice of Physick  161  7.23.53  £52.10s  receipt (161v
Mills, John  a Work on the subject of Trade & Commerce  174  6.5.65  £2.2s. per sh.  account (178); letter (176r-v * See p. 207 
Palairet, Elias  Dictionnary of the Ellipses  197  1.18.60  £1.1s. per. sh.  receipts (197)  Thesaurus ellipsium Latinarum, 1760 
Palairet, John  Atlas Methodique  £105  --  Atlas methodique, 1754 
Palairet, John  Translation of the French Introduction to modern Geography  196r-v   undated  £31.10s.  -- 
Palairet, John  Grammar  --  1.22.33  --  1000 copies bought (188)  The New Royal French Grammar, 1730+ 
Palairet, John  The New English Spelling Book  --  --  --  assignment of ½ + ½ share (191, 192)  See p. 212 
Palairet, John  Nouvelle Introduction a la Geographie moderne  Nouvelle introduction a la geographie moderne, 1754 
Palairet, John  Abrege de la Nouvelle Introduction a la Geographie Moderne  {194  5.19.60  £21 for 2 works  receipt (194)}  Abrege de la nouvelle introduction a la geographie moderne, 1761 
Palairet, John  nouvelle methode Pour apprendre a Bien Lire Et a Bien ortographier  --  6.27.35  --  assignment of ½ share (189)  Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a bien lire et a bien orthographier, nouv. ed., 174- 


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Author   Title in documents   f. no.  Date  Fee   Other documents   Published book  
Palairet, John  A Short Treatise upon arts 191 and Sciences  191  5.16.38  £10.10s.  --  A Short Treatise upon Arts and Sciences, 1741 
Robertson, John  the Elements of Navigation  208  1.10.54  £2.2s. per sh.  receipts, agreement to enlarge (208v Elements of Navigation, 1754 
Shaw, Joseph  a new treatise Intitled Parish Law  218  11.10.31  £2.2s. per sh.  memo. on copyr. (25); receipts (220, 221)  Parish Law, 1733 
Tyrrell, Thomas  Lettres et memoires pour servir a l'histoire du Cap Breton ou Isle Roïale  241  10.1.59  £31.10s. + 25 copies + 100 books  -- 
Vieyra, Anthony  a Complete Dictionary of the portuguese Language in two parts Vizt. in English and Portuguese and in Portuguese and English  245r-v   11.9.65  £210+ £210 in copies  receipts (246, 248); accounts (247)  A Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages, 2 vols., 1773