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Page 132

Chart III—Variants Within the First Edition of Vanity Fair

This chart provides a means of identifying the printing and sometimes the state within a printing of individual sheets in Vanity Fair. The variants are grouped under part numbers and, within parts, under signatures. The first two columns represent the first and second states of the first printing of each sheet (a third state of signatures X and FF is distinguishable as indicated in notes under these signatures in the chart). Columns three and four represent the second and third printings of each sheet. A fourth printing is distinguishable for signatures C, L, R, Y, Z, and QQ (as indicated in notes under each of these signatures in the chart).

The second printing is always distinguishable from the first, even when no variants occur (as in signature B), because it was printed from stereotyped plates. When the illustration in signature Y (336.2-3) was removed, text was reset and moved up to fill the gap—moving in the process some text from Z to Y, hence the jagged delimiter between these signatures in the chart. The third and fourth printings of signatures Y and Z are distinguishable even though there are no variants because pages 336-340, newly reset for the third printing, were printed from type whereas in the fourth printing plates were used.

When a reading remains unchanged from one state or printing to the next, it is represented in the next column by a dash. When for a given signature a printing is identifiable only by a change from type to stereotype as a means of printing, the column will contain no changed readings but will be represented by dashes. If the state or printing represented by a column is not distinguishable in any way for a given signature, the column is left blank. For example, for signature B, only one state of the first printing can be distinguished, hence column two is blank; on the other hand, though no variants were introduced in the second printing, made from stereotyped plates, the second-printing column is represented by dashes.

Anyone discovering a copy of a signature in the book which contains changes in a pattern not fully represented by any one column (or its attending notes) will have discovered a hitherto unknown printing or state for that signature.

Entries marked by an asterisk (*) record changes which machine collation suggests may have been made in the type before stereotyping; however, no copy of the book printed from type with altered readings has been seen confirming the priority of asterisked readings (see text footnote 13).


Page 133

First Print.
(from type) 
Printings from Stereo Plates 
Page.Line  First State  Second State  Second Print.  Third Print. 
Part #1 
Sig. B 
1.[Title]  [Rustic Type]  ----------  [Roman Type] 
1.[Sub-Title]  [Roman Type]  ----------  [Gothic Type] 
8.17  only fifty  ----------  five and fifty 
9.42  had  ----------  with 
10.11  and her father  ----------  her father, 
10.16  pupil,  ----------  pupil; 
10.17  seen,  ----------  seen; 
10.17  free;  ----------  free, 
13.[run-title]  WITHOUT A  ----------  WITHOUTA 
13.24  that she  ----------  as she 
13.1up  Horse  ----------  Life 
15.14  harm trying."  ----------  harm in trying." 
Sig. C 
18.2up  measure;  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
19.23  Stycorax  ----------  ----------  Sicorax 
24.23  "and  ----------  ·'and  ---------- 
24.6up  26,  ----------  ----------  96, 
24.3up  roguish;  ----------  ----------  roguish, 
24.3up  Amelia,  ----------  ----------  Amelia; 
26.10  dining-room,  ----------  ----------  dining-room,-- 
26.12  society,  ----------  ----------  society;-- 
26.21  Christmas;  ----------  ----------  Christmas: 
26.22  remembered  ----------  ----------  he remembered 
27.35  great sigh.  great / sigh.  ----------  ---------- 
28.8  howdah  ----------  ----------  seat 
28.1up  [printer's widow]  [end of ¶]  ----------  ---------- 
29  [19 lines]  [20 lines]  ----------  ---------- 
30.5  hearth  ----------  ----------  roof 
31.2up  Joseph:  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
NOTE: A fourth printing agrees with the third except at 18.2up measure, and at 31.2up Joseph;


Page 134
First Print.
(from type) 
Printings from Stereo Plates 
Page.Line  First State  Second State  Second Print.  Third Print. 
Part #2 
Sig. D 
34.1up  other.  ----------  other 
40.10-11  face? And what can Alderman Dobbin have amongst fourteen?"  face?  ---------- 
43.1up  gaberdine,  gabardine,  ---------- 
45.4  Devonshire  D-----  ---------- 
45.8  Cupids,  Cupids  ---------- 
45.14  Trent emille   Trent emille   ---------- 
45.19  Devonshire!"  D-----!  ---------- 
Sig. E 
50.18  foolth!"  fools!" 
50.11up  this fat bacchanalian  Mr. Jos Sedley 
52.34  Glauber  Gollop 
53.19  Glauber  Gollop 
54.14  ran:--  ran-- 
55.14  Pinner, they're neither one thing nor t'other.  Pinner, she remarked to the maid. 
55.3up  James."  James.' 
*58.1-2  Crawley's son, the  Crawley, son of the 
*58.42  Shiverly  Gaunt 
*60.2  I be  I'm 
*60.3  baynt.  aynt. 
*60.17  Crawley,  Tinker, 
*61.31  orphan,  baronet, 
*62.9  noise  nose 
63.12  hath  has 
63.14  What  Where 


Page 135
Part #3 
Sig. F 
*66.17  Mudbury  Leakington 
*66.36  Leakington  Mudbury 
*66.45  Leakington  Mudbury 
74.10  about  about, 
75.29  Muttondown's  Southdown's 
77.25  fortune equally  inheritance 
Sig. G 
83.11  as Cornet and  in the Life 
Lieutenant Crawley.  Guards Green. 
*88.6  Crawley  Crawley's 
*92.4  Petty  Rawdon 
94.30  Rincer,  Bowls, 
Part #4 
Sig. H 
97.24  gift  knack 
99.6up  it's  it is 
99.6up  There's  There is 
101.1up  that   that 
101.1up  to Heaven  Te Deum 
104.40  correspondence  correspondent 
105.18  alwayth  always 
105.18  nonthenth  nonsense 
105.18  thcandal  scandal 
105.19  Othborne  Osborne 
105.19  ith  is 
108.30  carpenter  weaver 
109.35  Maria:"  Jane:" 
110.18  Maria."  Jane." 
Sig. I 
113.9  Hulker  Hulker's 
116.32  Fisher  Firkin 
122.2  chicken that day.  chicken. 
128.6  vort.  vor't. 


Page 136
First Print.
(from type) 
Printings from Stereo Plates 
Page.Line  First State  Second State  Second Print.  Third Print. 
Part #5 
Sig. K 
129.1up  siad  said  ---------- 
144.25  use  ----------  used 
145.sig  L [centered]  ----------  ---------- 
147.sig  L2  ---------- 
149.23  Young Cornet and Lieutenant  And young Lieutenant  ----------  [Chapter heading has normal top margin]  ----------  ---------- 
152.8-9  this worthy  the worthy  ---------- 
152.33  honest, kind  trembling  ---------- 
152.36  kind  sad  ---------- 
153.3  good mother  old mother  ---------- 
153.25  good old  old  ---------- 
154.1  good kindly  humiliated  ---------- 
156.5  done;  ----------  done, 
*156.38  Miss A.  Miss Ann  ---------- 
*156.1up  improved  uproused  ---------- 
NOTE: A fourth printing agrees with the third except at 145.sig L [is on the right] and 147.sig L2 [is restored] and [Chapter heading flush with top margin] and 156.5 done
Part #6 
Sig. M 
165.22  all the particulars she could  sundry strange particulars  ---------- 
167.13  know  know,  ---------- 
173.14  ready;  ready  ready; [restored in heavier type] 
175.1up  three  and three  ---------- 


Page 137
Sig. N 
180.5  Mahogany Charmer  mahogany charmer 
*188.26  Osborne  Sedley 
*188.32  Osborne  Sedley 
191.12  marriage. And  marriage; and 
191.15  here  there 
Part #7 
Sig. O 
202.35  stately  ----------  ----------  state 
203.17  commission:  ----------  ----------  commissions: 
206.20  young, favourite  young favourite,  ----------  ---------- 
Sig. P 
223.15up  are  ar 
Part #8 
Sig. Q 
227.16  mother  ----------  parents 
232.15  friends  ----------  friend 
236.25  Flanagan's  ----------  Flanahan's 
236.27  Major-General  ----------  Mejor-General 
Sig. R 
242.11  This  ----------  ----------  The 
244.3up  soldier  ----------  ----------  orderly 
247.35  of  ----------  ----------  with 
247.37  company  ----------  ----------  society 
248.4  "Near [normal quote ----------  ----------  "Near [first quote lower
252.1up  get  gain  ----------  ---------- 
254.9  shall  shawl  ----------  ---------- 
NOTE: A fourth printing agrees with the third except at 248.4 'Near


Page 138
First Print.
(from type) 
Printings from Stereo Plates 
Page.Line  First State  Second State  Second Print.  Third Print. 
Part #9 
Sig. S 
259.19  below  ----------  above 
266.9up  Allée-Verté!  ----------  Allée-Verte! 
Sig. T 
280.32  in her  ----------  in their 
280.4up  Crawley had  Crawley's horses had  ---------- 
Part #10 
Sig. U 
289.20  be Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel  ----------  be Lieutenant-Colonel 
293.11  given up all  ----------  but faint 
293.19  report says was once  ----------  was secretly 
294.4up  the Grand Duchess  ----------  the Duchess 
295.7  [Randall reports the word worldty on this line; I have not seen it in any copy examined.] 
296.4up  worldty  ----------  worldly 
Sig. X 
305.5  buzz.  ----------  ----------  'buzz.' 
309.3  Osborne  Sedley  ----------  ---------- 
309.11  knicknacks,  ----------  knick-knacks,  ---------- 
310.13up  of—  ----------  ----------  of the 
312.1  fight  ----------  ----------  fights 
313.1  chance  ----------  a chance  ---------- 
NOTE: A third state of the first printing agrees with the second state except at 309.11 knick-knacks,


Page 139
Part #11 
Sig. Y 
328.29-34  [¶] After a stay at Brussels, where they lived in good fashion, with carriages and horses, and giving pretty little dinners at their hotel, the Colonel and his lady again quitted that city, from which slander pursued them as it did from Paris, and where it is said they left a vast amount of debt behind them. Indeed, this is the way in which gentlemen who live upon nothing a-year, make both ends meet. [¶] From Brussels, Colonel  ----------  [¶] And so, Colonel 
331.3up  salon  ----------  salons 
333.28  St.  ----------  Ste. 
333.37  Susan's  ----------  Jane's 
334.13  Mr.  Mr  ---------- 
334.14  orphan;  orphan,  ---------- 
336.1-end of sig.  [original typesetting]  [plated]  [reset and printed from type] 
336.1  silk;  ----------  silk: 
336.2-3  [woodcut illustration of Lord Steyne]  ----------  [omitted] 
336.18  too; he's  ----------  too: "he's 


Page 140
First Print.
(from type) 
Printings from Stereo Plates 
Page.Line  First State  Second State  Second Print.  Third Print. 
Sig. Z 
337-340  [original typesetting]  ----------  336-340 [reset and printed from type] 
337.10  "Yes,  ----------  336.30 "Yes," 
337.10  ----------  336.30 "I 
338.2  loud;  ----------  337.22 loud: 
338.15  Minor  ----------  337.35 minor 
338.19  Father  ----------  337.39 father 
338.31  patronizingly  ----------  338.2 patronisingly 
338.16up  fragrance,  ----------  338.5 fragrance 
338.45  splendor  ----------  338.16 splendour 
338.46  pink,  ----------  338.17 pink 
339.8  Minor  ----------  338.28 minor 
339.36  literary, and that  ----------  339.7 literary and that, 
339.41  to night  ----------  339.12 to-night 
340.15  said,  ----------  339.34 said 
340.29  Minor  ----------  339.48 minor 
342.3  horse  ----------  horse, 
342.3  rode  ----------  rode, 
350.8up  IOU  ----------  IOU's 
NOTE: A fourth printing of Signatures Y and Z agrees with the third printing except that pages 336-340 are printed from stereotyped plates.
Part #12 
Sig. AA 
363.23  Mr. Glauber, the surgeon,  The family surgeon 
Sig. BB 
371.11up  in 
373.3  upon  that 
376.17  her. The  her: &c: the 


Page 141
Part #13 
Sig. CC 
385.19  away  and  ---------- 
386.14  and that if  and, if  ---------- 
391.25  Dobbins  Dobbin  ---------- 
391.30  "dearest William"  dearest William  ---------- 
394.8  Briggs'  Briggs  ---------- 
395.12-11up  to to his  ----------  to his 
399.1up  "It 's  "It's  ---------- 
Sig. DD 
403.31  Cabine  ----------  ----------  Cabinet 
405.18  sneaked  ----------  bolted  ---------- 
405.6-5up  [¶] Hunters arrived, from time to time, in charge of boys of the boy Jack species—the young  ----------  [¶] Many young  ---------- 
405.5up  hacks  ----------  hacks,  ---------- 
406.13  Will  ----------  Tom  ---------- 
409.7up  submission, and Dalilah  ----------  submission. Dalilah  ---------- 
414.8  restlessly, still  ----------  restlessly still,  ---------- 
414.30  dinners,  dinners:  ----------  ---------- 
Part #14 
Sig. EE 
[No alterations] 
Sig. FF 
434.1up  tired of  tired o  tired of [restored] 
NOTE: A third state of the first printing reads: tired
Part #14 
Sig. GG 
458.14-13up  Agamemnon  AGAMEMNON 
459.1  an d [#]  an d a 


Page 142
First Print.
(from type) 
Printings from Stereo Plates 
Page.Line  First State  Second State  Second Print.  Third Print. 
Sig. HH 
[No alterations] 
Part #16 
Sig. II 
481.1up  read  made  ---------- 
482.22  gentleman,—  gentleman,  ---------- 
482.22  word,  word,--  ---------- 
482.36  tattoo  tune  ---------- 
483.17up  Jane  Jane,  ---------- 
484.4-3up  the the suburbs  ----------  the suburbs 
Sig. KK 
497.4  Behanged! these  ----------  Behanged to these 
499.10  a--fool  ----------  a d—fool 
500.35  Macbeth  ----------  Southdown 
502.3up  in his pompous manner,  ----------  in pompous orations 
503.9up  leaving  ----------  he left 
505.7  cost, as to his mother, saying he  ----------  cost, saying that he 
505.8  to her.  ----------  to his mother. 
510.1  thram  thrum  ---------- 
510.19  miserable  ----------  faded 
Part #17 
Sig. LL 
514.2  "it  (it 
514.3  window."  window.) 
514.5up  wages. Sisters  wages,—sisters 
517.27  youngster  youngsters 
521.24  that perennially  which perennially 
523.9  Ten  Long 


Page 143
Sig. MM 
536.3  an harsh  a harsh  ---------- 
536.27  cot; Miss  cot as Miss  ---------- 
536.41  time;  time  time, 
543.7  dandy  dandies  ---------- 
Part #18 
Sig. NN 
550.8up  was affected  was pleased 
555.3up  Mr.  Mrs. 
560.1up  the German  German 
Sig. OO 
561.1  Palatinate: in  Palatinate. In 
571.6up  the Elephant,  the Pariser Hof, 
Part #19-20 
Sig. PP 
579.7-8  certain debts and the insurance of his life;  certain outstanding debts and liabilities, 
579.17  make  take 
580.5up  Hornby  Horner 
585.3  à vipère   a vipère  
587.5-4up  and at his lordship's side was  and near his lordship was 
588.18up  Fenouil,  Fiche, 
588.1oup  Fenouil,—  Fiche,— 
589.1  Fenouil's  Fiche's 
589.21  in the cushions  on the cushions 
589.29  Fenouil  Fiche 
589.33  Fenouil  Fiche 
589.35  Finelli  Ficci 
590.2  Grey  White 
590.20  Fenouil,  Fiche, 
592.1  sonorous  sournois  
592.3up  94,  90, 


Page 144
First Print.
(from type) 
Printings from Stereo Plates 
Page.Line  First State  Second State  Second Print.  Third Print. 
Sig. QQ 
593.1  92,  ----------  92 
593.7  Fitz  Fritz  ---------- 
598.1-2  such as  like  ---------- 
598.5up  acceptances,  acceptance,  ---------- 
601.7up  seemed to be  also was  ---------- 
601.6up  might have  certainly  ---------- 
602.4  William, he was  William was  ---------- 
602.29  look,  look;  ---------- 
602.29a  and  and,  ---------- 
602.30  place;  place,  ---------- 
603.11up  pure,  pure,—  ---------- 
604.8  Jos eagerly  Mr. Sedley  ---------- 
605.12up  hearing—Tufto,  hearing the tale. Tufto,  ---------- 
605.7up  Mrs. Sedley  Mr. Sedley  ---------- 
607.10  even  ----------  ---------- 
607.12  Major  ----------  ---------- 
NOTE: A fourth printing agrees with the third except at 607.10 eve and at 607.12 Majo
Sig. RR 
617.21up  Captain  and Captain 
617.20up  day at  day on 
617.9up  him  him  
621.15  scenes;  scenes,— 
623.11up  payment: invited  payment. They invited 
623.10up  examination: declared  examination, they declared 
624.imprint  [present]  [omitted]