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Notes on Contributors

G. Thomas Tanselle, Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin and Bibliographical Editor of the Northwestern-Newberry Edition of The Writings of Herman Melville, is presently on the committee of the Modern Language Association's Center for Scholarly Editions.

Thomas J. Garbàty, Professor of English at the University of Michigan, is editor of Sir Thopas for the Variorum Chaucer and in 1977 Chairman of the MLA Committee of the Chaucer Division. He has published articles on Chaucer, Middle English and Victorian literature.

Rollo G. Silver, Boston, Massachusetts, author of The American Printer, 1787-1825 and Typefounding in America, 1787-1825, has recently completed a study of the practice of printing during the American Revolution to be published in PAAS.

Fredson Bowers, Emeritus Linden Kent Professor of English at the University of Virginia, has recently published a collection, Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing.

Stephen Spector took his doctorate at Yale and is now Assistant Professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is preparing an edition of the N-town Cycle of mystery plays for the Early English Text Society.

Dr. B. J. McMullin, Lecturer in the Graduate School of Librarianship, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, is editor of the Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand.

Bradford Y. Fletcher, Assistant Professor at the Georgia State University, is primarily interested in the textual tradition of late medieval English vernacular works.

MacD. P. Jackson is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His recent publications include a bibliographical analysis of the Shakespeare Sonnets Quarto in The Library, 1975.

Jeanne Roberts, professor of Literature at the American University in Washington, D.C., is textual editor of The Tempest for the forthcoming Old Spelling International Shakespeare, and commentary editor for the New Variorum Merry Wives of Windsor.

William C. Woodson, Associate Professor of English at the Illinois State University, is co-editor of the New Variorum Macbeth.

Ernest W. Sullivan, II, Assistant Professor of English at Texas Tech


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University, has finished an edition of Donne's Biathanatos and is working on a variorum edition of Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim for the Cambridge University Press.

Anthony S. G. Edwards, Assistant Professor, Department of English, at the University of Victoria, Canada, has recently been appointed General Editor of the Index of Middle English Verse.

Harold Love is reader in English at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. His most recent book is Congreve (1975).

Richard Wendorf is Assistant Professor of English at Northwestern University. With Charles Ryskamp he has edited a forthcoming edition of the works of William Collins, and is author of several articles on Restoration and eighteenth-century poetry.

William S. Pfeiffer, in the English Department at the University of Houston Downtown College, is book review editor of Studies in American Humor and co-editor of a new magazine of original American humor, Spirit of the Times.

Ray Lewis White, Professor of English at the Illinois State University, has written extensively on the works of Sherwood Anderson.

Philip Stratford, Professor of English at l'Université de Montréal, Canada, is author of Faith and Fiction: Creative Process in Greene and Mauriac (1964). He wrote an introduction to The Heart of the Matter for Heinemann's Modern Novel Series in 1969, and edited the Viking Portable Graham Greene in 1973.

Timothy Crist is Associate Editor of the Wing STC Revision, Yale University.

Clinton Sisson, Research Librarian, University of Virginia Library, is currently at work on the index to printers, publishers and booksellers in the second edition of the Wing STC and a monograph on the construction of the earlier English common press.