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Selected Parallel Readings from the Editions of Londres 1815 and London 1816

  • 2:2 table. Sa] 2:2 table, he sought by his affability, to procure agreeable companions; and he succeeded the better as his
  • 3:15 En un mot, Vathek, le plus curieux des hommes, n'avoit rien omis dans ce palais de ce qui pouvoit contenter la curiosité de ceux qui le visitoient.] 4:4 In a word, Vathek omitted nothing in this palace, that might gratify the curiosity of those who resorted to it, although he was not able to satisfy his own; for, of all men, he was the most curious.
  • 4:24 qu'il savoit beaucoup; il voulùt enfin tout approfondir, même les sciences qui n'existent pas.] 5:17 as to acquire a great deal of knowledge, though not a sufficiency to satisfy himself; for he wished to know every thing; even sciences that did not exist.
  • 21:3 Cependant la princesse Carathis ètoit dans la plus vive douleur. Elle se renfermoit tous les jours avec le visir Morakanabad] 23:24 In the mean time the Princess Carathis, whose affliction no words can describe, instead of confining herself to sobbing and tears, was closetted daily with the vizir Morakanabad
  • 24:21 les habitans . . . couroient en foule pour voir passer Vathek et l'Indien. Ils ne se lassoient point de répéter] 28:9 the inhabitants . . . ran together in crowds to see the procession of Vathek and the Indian, whom they now blessed as much as they had before execrated, incessantly shouting

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  • 25:19 qu'ils étoient servis.] 29:10 The various dainties were no sooner served up than they vanished, to the great mortification of Vathek, who piqued himself on being the greatest eater alive; and, at this time in particular, was blessed with an excellent appetite.
  • 26:10 Sa présence lui devenoit insupportable, et il pouvoit à peine cacher son humeur et son inquiétude] 30:10 who was now considerably declined in the Prince's esteem. Vathek, however, being unwilling to betray the chagrin he could hardly disguise
  • 26:16 Va] 30:17 what would be the consequence should he get at my wives! —Go
  • 32:10 et malgré le ridicule de cette scène, personne ne rit.] 38:1 notwithstanding that the loss of veils and turbans, together with torn habits, and dust blended with sweat, presented a most laughable spectacle, yet there was not one smile to be seen.
  • 35:21 Le malheureux Calife promit tout.] 42:11 The unhappy Caliph, instigated by insatiable curiosity, lavished his promises in the utmost profusion.
  • 38:8 Vathek l'examina avec une perfide avidité] 45:15 the Caliph scrutinized each, in his turn, with a malignant avidity that passed for attention
  • 38:15 sa santé] 46:1 his health, on account of the favours he intended for them.
  • 38:23 en foule;] 46:12 crowd, and occasioned no little noise.
  • 39:14 Les pauvres enfans qui alloient être immolés rendoient la scene encore plus interessante. Pleins de sécurité, ils s'avançoient vers la plaine en ne cessant de folâtrer;] 47:6 The lovely innocents destined for the sacrifice, added not a little to the hilarity of the scene. They approached the plain full of sportiveness,
  • 41:18 Pendant cet affreux dialogue] 49:18 During this exquisite dialogue
  • 42:12 et encourager la jeunesse] 50:13 and the encouragement of the rising generation
  • 50:9 ces régions exhaussées] 59:14 these unsubstantial regions
  • 52:1 se dépouilla de ses vêtemens: elle battoit des mains et brandissoit un flambeau de graisse humaine;] 61:12 having stripped herself to her inmost garments, clapped her hands in an impulse of ecstacy;
  • 52:4 mais Vathek exténué de faim] 61:15 but Vathek, extenuated with hunger and impatience
  • 55:12 leurs seaux étoient presque vuides] 65:11 the water
  • 57:8 que son fils n'avoit pas même apperçu. Finissez donc, glouton] 67:12 which had escaped the notice of her son. Totally occupied in gratifying an importunate appetite, he left her to peruse it without interruption; which having finished, she said to him, in an authoritative tone, "Put an end to your gluttony

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  • 57:16 et sur-tout de ce sang Musulman que tu as répandu sur le bûcher] 67:23 and, still more by the lives, devoted on the pile
  • 60:15 de choses précieuses pour les sciences] 71:8 materials for the advancement of science
  • 61:3 et il se réjouissoit d'en être délivré. Il alla donc calmer] 71:22 and that the alternative, on the whole, would be in her favour. Consoled, therefore, with this reflection; he went, in good spirits, to soothe
  • 62:12 Carathis faisoit semblant de ne pas s'en appercevoir, et personne n'osoit bouger. Lorsqu'elle voyoit que les convives alloient expirer, elle s'amusoit à panser quelques plaies avec une excellente thériaque] 73:8 and Carathis would have left her friends to die were it not that, to fill up the time, she now and then amused herself in curing their wounds, with an excellent anodyne
  • 70:1 descendit la grande rampe de la tour.] 81:9 descended the great staircase of the tower in the sight of all his people.
  • 70:18 Vathek salua la lune d'un air d'intelligence; et les docteurs de la loi furent scandalisés de cette idolâtrie] 82:6 Vathek, meanwhile, saluted the moon with an idolatrous air, that neither pleased Morakanabad, nor the doctors of the law
  • 76:18 tout le monde s'arme de gros cierges, et le Calife lui-même en fait autant] 88:21 The Caliph, himself, seized a large one of wax: every person followed his example
  • 79:4 le chargea sur ses épaules] 91:4 threw him upon her shoulder, like a sack of dates
  • 98:17 et entendoit, à sa grande douleur, des éclats de rire de tous côtés] 111:16 was still doomed to hear, for his further consolation, the fresh outbursts of merriment his disaster occasioned
  • 99:4 Son humeur s'exhala en soliloques remplis d'imprécations] 112:16 where he amused himself with soliloquies, interspersed with imprecations
  • 144:20 avant que d'aller m'enfouir sous terre] 160:10 before I go to burrow under ground, like a mole.
  • 159:3 il sauta hors de l'eau] 176:8 he flounced from the water like a carp
  • 173:14 s'acharnèrent tellement à les piquer]192:7 assembled so zealously to do it with good effect
  • 187:23 trait empoisonné;] 207:19 poisoned arrows; whilst others, grinding their teeth in rage, foamed along more frantic than the wildest maniac.
  • 188:1 comme s'il eût été seul] 207:24 unheedful of the rest, as if alone on a desert where no foot had trodden
  • 205:19 s'éloignèrent l'un de l'autre en frémissant] 226:11 shrunk back, gnashing their teeth with mutual and unchangeable hatred
  • 205:23 cris étouffés] 226:16 screams that could not be smothered