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B. United States

  • ADAMS, T. R., In Memoriam: Lawrence C. Wroth, 1884-1970 , PBSA , 65:103-107.[4518]
  • BENNETT, J. Q., Let's Get Together on Jones, Serif , 8:2:32-33.(John Beauchamp Jones' Wild Western Scenes, New York, 1841.)[4519]
  • BENNETT, SCOTT, David Douglas and the British Publication of W. D. Howells' Works, SB , 25:107-24.[4520]
  • BONE, ESTHER, Robinson's Matthias at the Door. A New Variant, Serif , 8:2:31.[4521]
  • BOWE, FORREST, A Ghost in the Streeter Bibliography of Texas , PBSA , 65:398-99.(Pierre Marie François, vicomte de Pagès' Travels, Philadelphia [1795], actually 1801.)[4522]
  • BOYD, E., The First New Mexico Imprint, Princeton Univ. Libr. Chron. , 33:30-40.[4523]
  • BRACK, O. M., Jr., The Centenary Hawthorne Eight Years Later: A Review Article, Proof , 1:358-67.[4524]
  • BYERS, J. R., Further Verification of the Authorship of The Power of Sympathy , Amer. Lit. , 43:421-27.(By William Hill Brown.)[4525]
  • BYRD, SCOTT, Henry James's “Two Old Houses and Three Young Women”: A Problem in Dating and Assemblage, PBSA , 65:383-89.[4526]
  • CARY, RICHARD, Jewett Bijoux, Colby Libr. Quart. , 9:440.[4527]
  • CLARK, C. E. F., Jr., Hawthorne and the Pirates, Proof , 1:90-121.[4528]
  • CRANE, J. St.C., Issues and Binding Variants of Robert Frost's A Boy's Will and North of Boston , Serif , 8:3:3-6.[4529]
  • CRANE, J. St.C., Rare or Seldom-Seen Dust Jackets of American First Editions: IV [William Faulkner], Serif , 8:1:21-23.[4530]
  • CRANE, J. St.C., Rare or Seldom-Sen Dust Jackets of American First Editions: V [Cabell, Dos Passos, and Frost], Serif , 8:2:27-28.[4531]

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  • CRANE, J. St.C., Rare or Seldom-Seen Dust Jackets of American First Editions: VI [Hemingway], Serif , 8:3:29-31.[4532]
  • DOLMETSCH, JOAN, Prints in Colonial America: Supply and Demand in the Mid-Eighteenth Century, in J. D. Morse, ed., Prints in and of America to 1850 , Winterthur, Del., The Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum, 1970, pp. 53-74.[4533]
  • FARMER, DAVID, The Bibliographical Potential of a 20th Century Literary Agent's Archive: The Pinker Archives, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , n.s., 2:27-35.[4534]
  • FRENCH, H. D., Caleb Buglass, Binder of the Proposed Book of Common Prayer, Philadelphia, 1786, Winterthur Portfolio , 6(1970):15-32.[4535]
  • GILKES, LILLIAN, Park Benjamin: Literary Agent, et cetera, Proof , 1:35-89.[4536]
  • GLICK, WENDELL, Thoreau Rejects an Emerson Text, SB , 25:213-16.[4537]
  • GRIFFIN, G. R., Hawthorne and “The New England Village”: Internal Evidence and a New Genesis of The Scarlet Letter , Essex Institute Historical Collections , 107:268-79.[4538]
  • GULLASON, T. A., Stephen Crane and the Arena: Three “Lost” Reviews, PBSA , 65:297-98.(Reviews by Benjamin Orange Flower.)[4539]
  • HAKUTANI, YOSHINOBU, Theodore Dreiser's Editorial and Free-Lance Writing, Libr. Chron [Univ. of Pa.], 37:70-85.[4540]
  • HAYFORD, HARRISON, Contract: Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, Proof , 1:1-7.[4541]
  • HEANEY, H. J., Thomas W. Streeter, Collector, 1883-1965, PBSA , 65:243-56.[4542]
  • HITCHINGS, S. H., The Graphic Arts in Colonial New England, in J. D. Morse, ed., Prints in and of America to 1850 , Winterthur, Del., The Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum, 1970, pp. 75-109.[4543]
  • HOLMAN, R. B., Seventeenth-Century American Prints, in J. D. Morse, ed., Prints in and of America to 1850 , Winterthur, Del., The Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum, 1970, pp. 23-52.[4544]
  • JACOBS, R. D., Campaign for a Southern Literature: The Southern Literary Messenger , Southern Literary Jour. , 2:1:66-98.[4545]
  • KABLE, W. S., Addenda to Wright. Botsford's The Spiritual Voyage , PBSA , 65:72-74.[4546]
  • KABLE, W. S., South Carolina District Copyrights: 1794-1820, Proof , 1:180-98.[4547]
  • KATZ, JOSEPH, Analytical Bibliography and Literary History: The Writing and Printing of Wieland , Proof , 1:8-34.[4548]
  • KATZ, JOSEPH, Dummy: The “Genius,” by Theodore Dreieser, Proof , 1:330-57.[4548A]
  • KELLER, D. H., Dreiser's Concerning Dives and Lazarus , Serif , 8:2:31-32.[4549]
  • KELLER, D. H., Nelson Algren and the Galena Guide, Serif , 8:3:33-34.(Written by Algren from WPA data.)[4550]
  • KIME, W. R., Pierre M. Irving's Account of Peter Irving, Washington Irving, and the Corrector , AL , 43:108-14.[4551]
  • KIRKHAM, E. B., The First Edition of Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Bibliographical Study, PBSA , 65:365-82.[4552]
  • KLINEFELTER, WALTER, Surveyor General Thomas Holme's “Map of the Improved Part of the Province of Pennsilvania,” Winterthur Portfolio , 6 (1970):41-74.[4553]
  • KOENIG, MICHAEL, De Vinne and the De Vinne Press, Libr. Quart. , 41:1-24.[4554]
  • KRAMER, V. A., The Manuscript and the Text of James Agee's A Death in the Family , PBSA , 65:257-66.[4555]
  • LYONS, L. M., Newspaper Story: One Hundred Years of the Boston Globe, Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1971. xv, 482 p.[4556]
  • McCORISON, M. A., The Wages of John Carter's Journeyman Printers, 1771-1779, Proc. Amer. Antiquarian Soc. , 81:273-303.[4557]
  • MARZIO, P. C., American Lithographic Technology before the Civil War, in J. D. Morse, ed., Prints in and of America to 1850 , Winterthur, Del., The Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum, 1970, pp. 215-56.[4558]

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  • MAXFIELD-MILLER, ELIZABETH, Emerson and Elizabeth [Hoar] of Concord, Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:290-306.[4559]
  • MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Mather's Melville Book, SB , 25:226-27.[4560]
  • MOORE, R. S., A Distinctively Southern Magazine: The Southern Bivouac , Southern Literary Jour. , 2:2:49-65.[4561]
  • MORSE, D. E., Two Major Revisions in W. H. Auden's “For the Time Being,” Eng. Lang. Notes , 7(1969/70):294-97.[4562]
  • NEWMAN, E. P., Franklin Making Money More Plentiful, Proc. Amer. Philosophical Soc. , 115:341-49.(His printing of paper money.)[4563]
  • NORDLOH, D. J., Plates and Publishing-Housekeeping: Some Aspects of Howells' Venetian Life , Serif , 8:2:29-31.[4564]
  • OPPERMAN, HARRY, Two Ghost Editions of Uncle Tom's Cabin , PBSA , 65:295-96.[4565]
  • PAPANTONIO, MICHAEL, A Note on the Binding of Smith's Wealth of Nations [Philadelphia, 1789], Princeton Univ. Libr. Chron. , 32:116-17.[4566]
  • PARKER, HERSHEL, Melville and the Concept of “Author's Final Intention,” Proof , 1:156-68.[4567]
  • PETRULLO, H. B., Sinclair Lewis's Condensation of Dickens's Bleak House , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 45:85-87.(Never published.)[4568]
  • A PRINTER in New York: John Townley West's Receipt Book, 1831-1837, BNYPL , 75:174-75.[4569]
  • RIEWALD, J. G., Reynier Jansen of Philadelphia, Early American Printer , Groningen, Wolters-Nordhoff, 1970. xiii, 296 p.(Groningen Studies in English, No. 11.)[4570]
  • SEALTS, M. M., Jr., A Supplementary Note to Melville's Reading (1966), Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:280-84.(Supplements C1878.)[4571]
  • SHUFFELTON, F. C., Thomas Prince and His Edition of Thomas Hooker's Poor Doubting Christian , Early American Lit. , 5:3:68-75.[4572]
  • SMITH, N. E., Another Story Falsely Attributed to Hawthorne. “The First and Last Dinner,” PBSA , 65:172-73.(By William Mudford.)[4573]
  • SMITH, N. E., Author-Identification for Six Wright I Titles: Cleveland and Doughty, PBSA , 65:173-74.[4574]
  • SMITH, N. E., Author-Identification for Six Anonymous or Pseudonymous Wright I Titles, with Wright II, Thompson, and BAL Addenda: Cardell, Crawford, Fay, Goddard, Sleeper, and Stebbins, PBSA , 65:402-408.[4575]
  • SPANN, MARCELLA, The Zukofsky Papers, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , n.s., 2:49-59.[4576]
  • STODDARD, R. E., Notes on American Play Publishing, 1765-1865, Proc. Amer. Antiquarian Soc. , 81:161-90.[4577]
  • THEISS, F. C., John Henry Nash, Book Club of California Quart. , 36:80-89.[4578]
  • TUCKER, E. F. J., The Harvard Manuscript of Parkhurst's Ignoramus , Harvard Libr. Bull. , 19:5-24.[4579]
  • VERNER, COOLIE, Surveying and Mapping the New Federal City, Imago Mundi , 23(1969):59-72.[4580]
  • WARD, W. S., Charles Brockden Brown, His Contemporary British Reviewers, and Two Minor Bibliographical Problems, PBSA , 65:399-402.(Supplements C1861.)[4581]
  • WEST, J. L. W., III, Materials for an Established Text of F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise, Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of South Carolina, 1971.[4581A]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Bucke's Walt Whitman: A Variant Printing, Walt Whitman Rev. , 17:105.[4582]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, A Unique Franklin Evans , Walt Whitman Rev. , 17:31.[4583]
  • WITTLIFF, W. D., José Manuel Bangs: Impresor, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , n.s., 3:59-60.[4584]
  • WOLF, EDWIN, 2nd, The American Printings of the Definitive Treaty of Peace of 1783 Freed of Obfuscation, PBSA , 65:272-78.[4585]
  • WOLF, EDWIN, Great American Book Collectors to 1800, Gaz. of The Grolier Club , n.s., No. 16(June 1971):3-70.[4586]
  • WOLF, EDWIN, Historical Grist for the Bibliographical Mill, SB , 25:29-40.[4587]
  • WOLF, EDWIN, The Library of Edward Lloyd IV of Wye House, Winterthur Portfolio , 5(1969):87-121.[4588]

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  • WOOD, C. B., III, Prints and Scientific Illustrations in America, in J. D. Morse, ed., Prints in and of America to 1850 , Winterthur, Del., The Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum, 1970, pp. 161-91.[4589]
  • WOODWARD, DAVID, The Foster Map Controversy: A Further Examination of the Evidence, Imago Mundi , 21 (1967):50-61.(Refutation of B2739.)[4590]