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A. English and General
- AITKEN, W. R., Hugh MacDiarmid (Christopher Murray Grieve, b. 1892): A Second Check List, Bibliotheck , 5:253-63.[4190]
- ALDIS, H. G., A List of Books Printed in Scotland before 1700, including Those Printed Furth of the Realm for Scottish Booksellers, with Brief Notes on the Printers and Stationers. Printed for the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society , 1904. Photographically Reprinted with Additions, Including Entries for Books Published in 1700 , Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, 1970. xxviii, [234], 105-189, [190] p.[4191]
- BAIN, IAIN, A Checklist of the Manuscripts of Thomas Bewick. Reprinted from The Private Library with Addenda. [n. p. 1970.](Addenda, pp. 39-46, supplement C3609.)[4192]
- BILES, J. I., A William Golding Checklist, Twentieth Century Literature , 17:107-21.[4193]
- BIRBECK, J. A., A List of Durham & Northumberland Newspapers to 1860 , Dundee, Privately Printed, 1971. [16] p.[4194]
- BIRMINGHAM SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY, A Shakespeare Bibliography. The Catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Library, Birmingham Public Libraries , new ed., London, Mansell, 1971 7 v. Vols. 1-3, Accessions Pre-1932, Vols. 4-7, Accessions Post 1931.[4195]
- BOND, D. F., A Reference Guide to English Studies , 2d ed., Univ. of Chicago Press, 1971. x, 198 p.[4196]
- BONHEIM, H. W., The English Novel before Richardson: A Checklist of Texts and Criticism to 1970 , Metuchen, New Jersey, Scarecrow Press, 1971. vi, 145 p.[4197]
- BRYDEN, D. J., A Short Catalogue of the Types Used by John Reid, Printer in Edinburgh, 1761-74, Bibliotheck , 6:17-21.[4198]
- CLOUGH, E. A., A Short-title Catalogue Arranged Geographically of Books Printed and Distributed by Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in the English Provincial Towns and in Scotland and Ireland up to and including the Year 1700 , London, The Library Assn., 1969. iii, 119 p.[4199]
- COLLINS, JOHN, The Library of Thomas Pennant: Some Additions, Library , 5th ser., 26:56-58.(Supplements C3871.)[4200]
- DAY, A. E., J. B. Priestley: A Checklist, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:42-48.[4201]
- DOYLE, P. A., Peadar O'Donnell: A Checklist, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:3-4.[4202]
- DUNN, J. J., Macpherson's Ossian and the Ossianic Controversy: A Supplementary Bibliography, BNYPL , 75:465-73.(Supplements G. F. Black's “Contribution Towards a Bibliography,” BNYPL, 30 (1926):424-39, 508-24.)[4203]
- ESCHELBACH, C. J., and MARTHALER, J. S., Aldous Huxley: A Bibliography, 1914-1964 (A Supplementary Listing), Bull. of Bibl. , 28:114-17.(Supplements B3058.)[4204]
- FABIAN, BERNHARD, Edward Young in Germany: An Addendum, Book Collector , 20:533.(Supplements Forster below.)[4205]
- FEATHER, JOHN, A Check-List of the Works of Robert Armin, Library , 5th ser., 26:165-72.[4206]
- FIFOOT, RICHARD, A Bibliography of Edith, Osbert, and Sacheverell Sitwell , 2d ed. rev., Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1971. 432 p.[4207]
- FISHER, BARBARA, Joyce Cary's Published Writings, Bodleian Libr. Record , 8:4: (1970):213-28.[4208]
- FORD, H. S., The Creator of “Clubfoot”: A Valentine Williams Checklist, American Book Collector , 21:4:31.[4209]
- FORSTER, HAROLD, Edward Young in Translation. II, Check-list, 1749-1881: The French Phase (1769-90); III, The Decline (1791-1881), Book Collector , 20:47-67, 202-224.(Continues C3627.)[4210]
- GATHORNE-HARDY, ROBERT, and WILLIAMS, W. P., A Bibliography of the Writings of Jeremy Taylor to 1700, with a Section of Tayloriana , DeKalb, Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 1971. xi, 159 p.(Expansion and rev. of bibl. in L. P. Smith's The Golden Grove, 1930.) (Critical rev., TLS, Mar. 10, 1972, p. 284.)[4211]
- GILSON, D. J., The Early American Editions of Jane Austin, Book Collector , 20:388-89.[4212]
- GINGERICH, OWEN, Rara Astronomica, HLB , 19:117-39.(Catalogue of an exhibition.)[4213]
- HANEMANN, LOTTE, Addendum to Palau: Palafox y Mendoza, PBSA , 65:397-98.[4214]
- HIRTS, MARY, Cyril Connolly's One Hundred Modern Books from England, France and America, 1880-1950 . . . With an Introduction by Cyril Connolly , Austin, Texas, The Humanities Research Center, 1971. 120 p.(Catalogue of an exhibition.)[4215]
- HOWARD-HILL, T. H., Julius Caesar; a Concordance to the Text of the First Folio , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971. xii, 249 p.(Oxford Shakespeare Concordances.)[4216]
- JOCHUM, K. P. S., Additions to the Yeats Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:129-35.(Supplements B1292.)[4217]
- KELLER, D. H., Index to Plays in Periodicals , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1971. 558 p.[4218]
- KEYNES, G. L., A Bibliography of Sir William Petty F.R.S. and of Observations on the Bills of Mortality by John Graunt F.R.S. , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971. xx, 103 p.[4219]
- KIDD, JAMES, Charles Murray: A Chronological Check List, Bibliotheck , 6:22-27.[4220]
- KINSMAN, R. S., and YOUNG, THEODORE, John Skelton; Canon and Census , New York, Published for the Renaissance Soc. of America by Monographics Press, 1967. xxv, 88 p.(Reproduced from typescript.) (Bibls. and Indexes, No. 4.)[4221]
- KNAPP, L. M., Rare and Unrecorded Publications of Smollett's Works, N & Q , n.s., 18:338-39.[4222]
- LANDE, LAWRENCE, Rare and Unusual Canadiana: First Supplement to the Lande Bibliography . . . Introduction by Stanley Brice Frost , Montreal, McGill University, 1971. xx, [2], 779 p.(Supplements C1370.)[4223]
- MAUD, RALPH, and GLOVER, ALBERT, Dylan Thomas in Print: A Bibliographical History , Pittsburgh, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. xi, 261 p.[4224]
- MOORE, J. R., A Checklist of the Writings of Daniel Defoe , 2d ed., Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1971. xviii, 281 p.[4225]
- MUNBY, A. N. L., Sales Catalogues of Libraries of Eminent Persons . Vols. 1-2, Poets and Men of Letters, London, Mansell, 1971. 2 v.(Includes Lady Blessington, Byron, Thomas Day, Macaulay, Thomas Love Peacock, and Oscar Wilde.)[4226]
- NONESUCH: The Next Two Score [with a List of:] Books of the Nonesuch Press Published [1935-1968] Since the Nonesuch Century, Book Collector , 20:465-82.[4227]
- PROUDFIT, C. L., More Unrecorded Periodical Contributions of Walter Savage Landor, N & Q , n.s., 18:90-91.[4228]
- RANDALL, D. A., The Ian Fleming Collection of 19th-20th Century Source Material Concerning Western Civilization together with Originals of the James Bond 007 Tales , Bloomington, Indiana, Lilly Library, 1971. 53 p.[4229]
- SCOTLAND. NATIONAL LIBRARY, Edinburgh, A Short-Title Catalogue of Foreign Books Printed up to 1600; Books Printed or Published Outside the British Isles Now in the National Library of Scotland and the Library of the Faculty of Advocates , Edinburgh, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1970. viii, 545, [1] p.[4230]
- SIMMONS, J. C., Philip Meadows Taylor and the Anglo-Indian Novel, with a Check List of His Writings, BNYPL , 75:154-62.[4231]
- TOOLE-STOTT, R., Circus and Allied Arts: A World Bibliography, 1500-1970 , Vol. 4, Derby, England, Harpur and Sons, Ltd., 1971 335 p. 23 pl.[4232]
- WAGNER, F. J., J. H. Shorthouse (1834-1903): A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:84-88, 108, 141-44.[4233]
- WALLIS, P. J., English Books in Dutch Libraries: Newton and Boyle, Library , 5th ser., 26:60-62.[4234]
- WATSON, A. G., The Manuscripts of Henry Savile of Banke , London, The Bibliographical Society, 1969. xi, 102 p.[4235]
- WATSON, GEORGE, The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Volume II: 1660-1800 , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1971. 2091 p.[4236]


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