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  • BERGMANN, FRANK, A Note on Two Nineteenth-Century German Editions of Theodore Winthrop's John Brent , BNYPL , 72:656-58.[3049]
  • BLANCK, JACOB, Two Revisions in the Bibliography of Joseph Holt Ingraham, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz . 42:158-60.[3050]
  • BOWDEN, E. T., The Thurber Carnival: Bibliography and Printing History, Texas Studies in Lit. & Lang. , 9:555-66.[3051]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Crane's Red Badge of Courage and Other ‘Advance Copies,’ SB , 22:273-77.[3052]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, ed., The University of Virginia Edition of the Works of Stephen Crane , Univ. Press of Virginia, 1968, and following.(Vol. I: Bowery Tales: Maggie and George's Mother.)[3053]
  • BRODERICK, J. C., Not Quite Poetry: Analysis of a Robert Frost Manuscript [of “Not Quite Social”], Manuscripts , 20:28-31.[3054]
  • BRUCCOLI, M. J., and KATZ, JOSEPH, Scholarship and Mere Artifacts: The British and Empire Publications of Stephen Crane, SB , 22:277-87.[3055]
  • BUGBEE, B. W., Genesis of American Patent and Copyright Law , Washington, Public Affaris Press, 1967. vii, 208 p.[3056]
  • CARY, RICHARD, Some Bibliographic Ghosts of Sarah Orne Jewett, Colby Libr. Quart. , 8:139-45.[3057]
  • CHAMBERS, LENOIR, SHANK, J. E., and SUGG, HAROLD, Salt Water and Printer's Ink: Norfolk and Its Newspapers, 1865-1965 , Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1967. viii, 418 p.[3058]
  • CHARVAT, WILLIAM, The Profession of Authorship in America, 1800-1870 , Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1968. 327 p.[3059]
  • CUMMING, JOHN, Pokagon's Birch Bark Books, Amer. Book Collector , 18:8:14-17.[3060]
  • DAVIS, O. L., Jr., Found: A “Lost” Confederate Schoolbook, Serif , 5:2:29-30.(H. Apel's Prose Specimens for Translation into German, London, Trübner and Co., 1862.)[3061]
  • de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes IV [Robert Barclay, Agricultural Tour in the United States, London, 1842], Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:188-89.[3062]
  • DeKAY, DRAKE, Encyclopedia Americana , First Edition, Jour. Libr. Hist., 3:201-220.[3063]
  • DOYNO, V. A., Over Twain's Shoulder: The Composition and Structure of Huckleberry Finn , Modern Fiction Studies , 14:3-9.[3064]
  • ENSOR, ALLISON, The Contributions of Charles Webster and Albert Bigelow Paine to Huckleberry Finn , AL , 40:222-27.[3065]

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  • FONE, B. R. S., A Note on the Jones Very Editions, Amer. N & Q , 6:67-69, 88-89.[3066]
  • GAINES, P. W., William Cobbett's Account Book, Proc. Amer. Antiquarian Soc. , 78:299-309.(As bookseller in Philadelphia and New York, June, 1796 to June, 1800.)[3067]
  • GALLUP, DONALD, The “Lost” Manuscripts of T. S. Eliot, BNYPL , 72: 641-52.(A reprinting, with slight revision, of his essay with the same title in the TLS, November 7, 1968, pp. 1237-40.)[3068]
  • GARNER, STANTON, The Publishing History of Harold Frederic: A Correction, Books at Brown , 22:95-101.[3069]
  • GOLDEN, ARTHUR, ed., Walt Whitman's Blue Book. The 1860-61 Leaves of Grass Containing His Manuscript Additions and Revisions , New York Public Libr., 1968. 2 vols.[3070]
  • GORDON, DOUGLAS, Signed Maryland Bindings III [Walter Giles, 1847-1852], Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:311-13.[3071]
  • GRIER, E. F., Walt Whitman's Earliest Known Notebook, PMLA , 83:1453-56.[3072]
  • GUILDS, J. C., The “Lost” Number of the Southern Literary Gazette , SB , 22:266-73.[3073]
  • HARDING, WALTER, ed., The Variorum “Civil Disobedience ,” New York, Twayne, 1967. 91 p.[3074]
  • HIXSON, R. F., Isaac Collins: A Quaker Printer in 18th-Century America , New Brunswick, N. J., Rutgers Univ. Press, 1968. 241 p.[3075]
  • HOWARD, E. G., A Footnote to Sevententh-Century Maryland, Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:314-15.(A variant of Baer 191, H. Curson's A Compendium of the Laws and Government . . . of England . . . and Dominions, London, 1699.)[3076]
  • HOWARD, E. G., Signed Maryland Bindings I [Binding by Louis Bonsal, Baltimore, c. 1847], Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:438.[3077]
  • HOWARD, E. G., A Footnote to Sevententh-Century Maryland, II [Binding by F. M. Wills & Co., 1809-1810], Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:68-70.[3078]
  • HOWARD, E. G., A Footnote to Sevententh-Century Maryland, IV [Binding by Louis Bonsal], Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:313-14.[3079]
  • KATZ, JOSEPH, and MANNING, J. J., Notes on Frank Norris's Revisions of Two Novels. I. McTeague. II A Man's Woman , PBSA , 62:256-59.[3080]
  • KIME, W. R., Poe's Use of Irving's Astoria in “The Journal of Julius Rodman,” AL , 40:215-22.[3081]
  • KRAUSE, S. J., Olivia Clemens's “Editing” Reviewed, AL , 39(1967-68):325-51.[3082]
  • McCLARY, B. H., Addressed to Albemarle Street: The Letters of Washington Irving to the House of Murray, 1817-1856 , Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Sussex, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 331.)[3083]
  • McCLARY, B. H., Irving's Literary Midwifery: Five Unpublished Letters from British Repositories [To William Godwin, Thomas Moore, John Gibson Lockhart, Robert Southey, and to a niece], PQ , 46 (1967):277-83.[3084]
  • MANN, DAVID, and WOODS, S. H., Jr., John Crowe Ransom's Poetic Revisions, PMLA , 83:15-21.[3085]
  • MAXSON, J. W., Jr., Papermaking in America: From Art to Industry, 1690-1860, Quart Jour. Libr. of Congress , 25:116-29.[3086]
  • MILLER, HENRY, Collector's Quest: The Correspondence of Henry Miller and J. Rives Childs, 1947-1965 , Charlottesville, Pub. for Randolph-Macon College by the Univ. Press of Virginia, 1968. xv, 216 p.[3087]
  • MUSSEY, BARROWS, Book Town: A Historical Sketch of Publishing and Printing in Brattleboro, Vermont History , 36:173-85.[3088]
  • PILKINGTON, J. P., The Methodist Publishing House: A History , Nashville, Abingdon, 1968.(Vol. I of two volumes, beginnings to 1870. 585 p.)[3089]
  • POLLIN, B. R., Poe as Probable Author of “Harper's Ferry” [Graham's, 20:73], AL , 40:164-78.[3090]
  • RAY, G. N., In Memoriam: John D. Gordan, PBSA , 62:175-76.[3091]

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  • RAYWARD, W. B., Manufacture and Copyright: Past History Remaking, Jour. of Library Hist. , 3:7-31.(The United States and international copyright.)[3092]
  • ROLLINS, C. P., Theodore Low De-Vinne , New York, The Typophiles, 1968. 2 vols. 280 p.(Chap Books XLVII and XLVIII.)[3093]
  • RUSSELL, JACK, Israel Potter and “Song of Myself,” AL , 40:72-77.[3094]
  • SIMMONS, D. C., Eugene Field's “Little Willie”: An Excursion in Bibliopaedoenurosis, Amer. Book Collector , 18:10:35-38.[3095]
  • STEVENS, A. J., The Editions of Montaigne Read by Melville, PBSA , 62:130-34.[3096]
  • STICKLE, W. E., State and Press in New Jersey during the American Revolution, I, New Jersey History , 86:158-70.[3097]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., Copyright Records and the Bibliographer, SB , 22:77-124.[3098]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., Millay's Renascence and Second April: A Bibliographical Study, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):175-86.[3099]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., Royal Tyler, Judith Sargent Murry, and The Medium , NEQ , 41:115-17.(The Medium is by Mr. Murray; corrects C2511 on this point.)[3100]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., The Text of Stevens's “Le Monocle de Mon Oncle,” Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):246-48.[3101]
  • TURFTE, V. J., Gertrude Stein's Prothalamium: A Unique Poem in a Classical Mode, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 43:17-23.[3102]
  • VALGEMAE, MARDI, Eugene O'Neill's Preface to The Great God Brown , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 43:24-28.[3103]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, “Old Age Echoes” Proof Sheet, Walt Whitman Rev. , 14:180.[3104]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Thomas B. Mosher and A Shropshire Lad , Serif , 5:2:30-33.[3105]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Variants of R. M. Bucke's Walt Whitman , Serif , 5:4:25-29.[3106]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, The Very Earliest Whitman, Amer. Book Collector , 19:2:6.(A paragraph in The Long Islander of 1838.)[3107]