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- ABERDEEN. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Catalogue of the incunabula . . . by W. S. Mitchell. Edinburgh, London, Oliver & Boyd, 1966. xi, 107 p.(Aberdeen University Studies, no. 150)[2527]
- AMELUNG, P. Drei Inkunabeln, die es nicht gibt. [Hain 1806a, 6228, 14362.] Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3:178-83.[2528]
- ANGELO, F. d' Aspetti economici dei primordi della tipografia in Sicilia. Economia e storia , 14:457-84.[2529]
- BACĂRU, L. Livres d'heures tipârite pe pergament in coleciile Bibliotecii Academiei R.S. România Studi si cercetari de documentare si bibliologie (Bucharest), 10: 41-47.(“Books of Hours printed on vellum in the Library of the Rumanian Academy of Sciences”; (Paris, 1520, 1532); English summary.)[2530]
- BALSAMO, L. La stampa in Sardegna nei secoli XV e XVI. Firenze, Olschki, 1968. xi, 197p.(Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana. 51.)[2531]
- BALSAMO, L. and TINTO, A. Origine del corsivo nella tipografia italiana del cinquecento. Milano, Polifilo, 1968.(Documenti sulle arti del libro, 6.)[2532]
- BAUDE, A. Guillaume Fichet, humaniste, introducteur de l'imprimerie en France. FRANCE. Cour d'appel de Chambéry. Audience solennelle de rentrée .(Bonneville, impr. Plancher, 1967)[2533]
- BERNONI, D. Dei Torresani, Blado, e Ragazzoni. [Milan, 1890. repr.:] London, Gregg Press, 1968. 412p.[2534]
- BIBLIA pauperum: facsimile edition of the . . . blockbook in . . . Esztergom Cathedral. [ed. E. Soltész.] Budapest, Corvina Press, 1967. xxxi, 40p.[2535]
- BIRJUK, J., Inkunabuly Centralńoji naukovoji biblioteky Akademiji nauk Ukrajinśkoj RSR. Archivy Ukrajiny (Kijiv), 22 no. 5(91):73-79.(“Incunabula in the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukranian SSR”)[2536]
- BłOŃSKA, M., Próba nowego spojrzenia na dzieje krakowskiej oficyny drukarskiej Szwajpolta Fiola (około 1483-1491). Rocznik Biblioteki Narodoweij (Warszawa), 4:51-62, pl.x.(“A fresh look at the history of S. Fiol's Cracow printing-house, c.1483-1491”; English summary.)[2537]
- BORSA, G. Néhány bécsi ösnyomtatvány magyar vonatkozásai. Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Évkönyve (1965/6):389-96.(“Some Viennese incunabula of Hungarian interest”; German summary).[2538]
- BORSA, G. Neues über einige Einblattdrucke des XV. Jahrhunderts in Wiener Sammlungen. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3:161-64.(16 items.)[2539]
- BOŠNJAK, M. A study of Slavic incunabula. Zagreb, Mladost; München, Kubon & Sagner, 1968. 195p. xxxii pl.[2540]
- BRANCO, U. Il Poliziano nello studio fiorentino. Humanisme actif; mélanges . . . offerts à J. Cain (Paris, 1968), 2:181-86.[2541]
- BRIQUET, C. Les filigranes. ed. A. Stevenson. Amsterdam, Paper Publ. Soc., 1968. 4v.[2542]
- BROD, L. Existuje hebrejský knihtisk starší nez Gutenbergův? Židovská rocenka (Prague), 5727 [= 1966-7]: 36, 37.(“Was there Hebrew printing before Gutenberg?”)[2543]
- BÜHLER, C. F. Dates in incunabular colophons. SB , 22:210-14.[2544]
- BÜHLER, C. F. Some early editions of Martial. Humanisme actif; mélanges . . . à J. Cain (Paris, 1968), 2:199-204.[2545]
- BUŁHAK, H. Druga drukarnia F. Unglera, 1521-1536. Wrocław, Zakład narodowy imiena Ossolińskich, 1966. 2v. 34p., pl. 246-310.(Polonia typographica saeculi sedecimi, 6.)[2546]
- BURGER, K. Die Drucker des 15. Jahrhunderts. [Leipzig, 1891, repr.:] Liechtenstein, Kraus, 1968. vi, 428p.[2547]
- CALLMER, C. Die Dombibliothek zu Lund und ihre Inkunabeln. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3:135-38.[2548]
- CAROSI, P. C. Sweynheym e A. Pannarz a Subiaco, 1465-67. Atti e memorie della Società tiburtina di storia e d'arte , 39:99-126. pl.[2549]
- COCKX-INDESTEGE, E. and GLORIEUX, G. Belgica typographica, 1541-1600: catalogus . . . I. Bibliotheca regia Bruxellensis. Nieuwkoop, B. de Graaf, 1968. xxviii, 611p.[2550]
- CONSUELO OLDENBOURG, M. Zwei tschechische Hortuli animae mit Nürnberger Illustrationen. Philobiblon , 12:105-112.[2551]
- ĆURIĆ, H. Jedna rijetka knjiga iz XVI vijeka. Bibliotekarstvo (Sarajevo), 1967 no. 3:25-28.(“A rare 16th-cent. book”; B. Kuripesi&c.cute;, Itinerarium gen Constantinopel, 1531.)[2552]
- CYTOWSKA, M. Polski Dominus: ze studiów na podrȩcznikami gramatyki łacińskiej w XVI wieku. Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej (Warszawa), 4:85-96.(“The Polish Dominus: studies on 16th-cent. elementary Latin grammars”; English summary.)[2553]
- DEUTSCHE Buchdrucker des fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1968.[2554]
- DOMSA, I. Incunabulele Bibliotecii filialei din Cluj a Academiei Republîcii Socialiste România. Studii si cercetari de documentare si bibliologie (Bucuresti), 9:343-47.(“Incunabula in the Library of the Cluj Branch of the Rumanian Academy of Sciences”.)[2555]
- EDINBURGH. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND. Incunables . . . Accessions 1946-1966 . [A catalogue, by M.A. Pegg.] Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3:93-106.(113 entries).[2556]
- EINBLATTDRUCKE des XV. Jahrhunderts: ein bibliographisches Verzeichnis. [Halle, 1914. repr.:] Liechtenstein, Kraus, 1968. xix, 553p.[2557]
- EVOLA, F. Storia tipografico-letteraria del secolo XVI in Sicilia. [Palermo, 1878, repr.:] Bologna, Forni, 1967.[2558]
- EYSSEN, J. “Hinricus Coster bant dit.” Lübecker Einbandkunst des 15. Jahrhunderts in der Stadtbibliothek Hannover. Bibliothek und Wissenschaft , 5:74-84.[2559]
- FANAUD, L. Moulins possède-t-il la doynenne des imprimeries françaises? Bulletin de la Société d'émulation de Bourbonnais , 1968: 63-77, 132-51.[2560]
- FERREIRA DE ASSUNCÃO, G.J. Obras de tipografia italiana e suiça na Biblioteca de Mafra: seculos XV e XVI. Boletim internacional de bibliografia lusobrasileira , 8:70-104.[2561]
- FRAENKEL, P. Neue Studien zur Druck- und Textgeschichte von Johannes Ecks Enchiridion. BHR , 30: 583-600.[2562]
- FRATTAROLO, R. La stampa in Italia fra quattro e cinquecento. Roma, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1967. p. 123.(Collana di cultura, 19.)[2563]
- FUNKE, G. Gutenberg im Zeitalter der grossen Wende. Mainz, Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1968. 36p.(Kleiner Druck, 82.)[2564]
- GECK, E. Johannes Gutenberg: from lead letter to the computer. Bad Godesberg, Inter nationes, 1968. 117p. facsims.[2565]
- GEISSLER, F. Die Drucke des Buches der Beispiele der alten Weisen. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3:18-46.[2566]
- GELDNER, F. Die deutschen Inkunabeldrucker. Bd. 1. Das deutsche Sprachgebiet. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1968. 310p.[2567]
- GERARDY, T. Die Zahl der bis 1600 entstandenen Wasserzeichen. IPH Information , 2: 41, 42.[2568]
- GOEZE, J. M. Versuch einer Historie der gedruckten niedersächsischen Bibeln vom Jahr 1470 bis 1621. [Halle, 1775, repr.:] Hildesheim, Olms, 1968. 412p.[2569]
- GOFF. F.R. Four undescribed German broadsides of the XV century in the Library of Congress. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 165-67.[2570]
- GROLIER CLUB. Fifty-five books printed before 1525, representing the works of England's first printers: an exhibition. N.Y., the Club, 1968. 74p.[2571]
- GRUCZYŃSKI, S. J. Ekslibris Jana Szykowskiego. Roczniki Biblioteczne (Wrocław, Warszawa), 11: 55-61.(“Jan Szykowski's ex-libris” French summary.)[2572]
- GRZEBIEŃ, L. Katalog starich druków Biblioteki Teologicznej Bobolanum (Polonica XVI w.). Archiwa Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne (Lublin), 16: 243-78.(“Catalogue of 16th-cent. Polonica in the Theological Library of the Bobolanum”; in Warsaw.)[2573]
- GUTENBERG-Ehrung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Leipzig, 1968. Materialzustellung. [Edited by R. Gerboth.] Leipzig, Rat der Stadt, 1968. 44p.[2574]
- HAEBLER, K. Rollen- und Plattenstempel des 16. Jahrunderts. [Leipzig, 1928, 29, repr.:] Liechtenstein, Kraus, 1968. xi, 518, 480p.[2575]
- HAEBLER, K. Typenrepertorium der Wiegendrucke. [Halle/Saale, etc. 1905-24, repr.:] Liechtenstein, Kraus, 1968. 5 pt. in 3.[2576]
- HASE, M. von. Bibliographie der Erfurter Drucke von 1501-1550. 3. erw. Aufl. Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1968. viii, 238p.(Revision of C. 2162. 1273 items.)[2577]
- HEILAND, K. Die Lutherdrucke der Erlanger Universitätsbibliothek . . . 1518-1523. [Leipzig, 1898, repr.:] Liechtenstein, Kraus, 1968. 71p.[2578]
- HELLINGA, L. and HELLINGA, W. Govert van Ghemen's activities, ca. 1486-1510. Fund og forskning , 15: 7-38, facsims.(Danish, with English summary.)[2579]
- HELLINGA, L. and HELLINGA, W. Notes sur une ancienne Bible “imprimée en l'an 1450”. Studia bibliographica in honorem H. de la Fontaine Verwey (Amsterdam, 1968): 240-60.[2580]
- HORVÁTH, L. Ungarn betreffende alte deutsche Drucke der Budapester Universitätsbibliothek, I: 1475-1600. Az Egyetemi Könyvtár Évkönyvei (Budapest), 4: 203-73.[2581]
- HUBAY, I. Incunabula Eichstätter Bibliotheken. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1968. xviii, 260p.(Inkunabelkataloge bayerischer Bibliotheken.)[2582]
- JAKÓ, S. Filigrane transilvanene din secolul al XVI-lea. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai (Cluj), Series historica, 1968 no. 1: 3-19. illus.(“Transylvanian watermarks of the 16th cent.”)[2583]
- JAKÓ, S. Die Hermannstädter Druckerei im 16. Jahrhundert. Bukarest, Verlag der Akademie der S.R. Rumänien, 1966. 58p.(From Forschungen zur Volks- und Landeskunde.)[2584]
- JENNY, J. Note sur le bréviaire de Saint-Satur et les origines de l'imprimerie à Bourges (1523). Cahiers d'archéologie et d'histoire du Berry , 12/13:[2585]
- JUNTKE, F. Ein unbekannter doppelseitiger Einblattdruck des Markus Brandis. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 155-60.[2586]
- JURIĆ, S. Neue Angabe über . . . GW 592a und C 5946. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 187, 88.[2587]
- KAPLAN, H. G. First census of incunabula in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney, Trustes of the Public Library of N.S.W., 1966. 52p.[2588]
- KARL-MARX-STADT. STADT- UND BEZIRKSBIBLIOTHEK. Katalog der Inkunabeln. [By H. Deckert.] Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 55-92.(82 entries.)[2589]
- KARNER, K. Zwei unbekannte Drucke von Luther-schriften in Sopron. Magyar könyvszemle , 84: 262, 63.[2590]
- KAUFMANN, H. and NABHOLZ, P. Verzeichnis schweizerischer Inkunabeln und Frühdrucke. fasc. 1. Zürich, [the authors,] 1968. 40p.[2591]
- KAYSER, W. and DEHN, C. Bibliographie der Hamburger Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg, E. Hauswedell, 1068. xiv, 301p.(Mitteilungen aus der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Bd.6)[2592]
- KLINDA, M. A Fövárosi Szábo Ervin Könyvtár ösnyomtatványai. A Fövárosi Könyvtár Évkönyve , 25: 121-36, pls.(“Incunabula in the Budapest Municipal Library”)[2593]
- KOCOWSKI, B. Z babań nad poczatkami drukarstwa w Magdeburgu, Roczniki biblioteczne (Wrocław, Warszawa), 10: 277-92. 16pl.(“Studies on the beginnings of printing in Magdeburg”; German summary.)[2594]
- KOHLMANN, E. Die Kartenmacherei und der Inkunabelholzschnitt. Marginalien , 29: 15-29.[2595]
- KOLMAKOV, P. K. Istori&c.reve;eskie zagadki, svjazannye s žizńju, dejatelńostju i sudboj pecatnika veka inkunabul Bartolomeja Gotana. Skandinavskij sbornik (Tallinn), 12: 197-208.(“Historical problems connected with the life, activities, and fate of the incunable-printer Bartholomaeus Ghotan”)[2596]
- KOTVAN, I. Missale Strigoniense. [H 11428 and C 4125.] Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 189.[2597]
- KRAJCAR, J. Early-printed Slavonic books in the library of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Orientalia Christiana periodica (Rome), 34: 105-28.[2598]
- KRBEC, L. Kronika trojanská. Typografia (Praha), 71: 215-18.(“The Chronicle of Troy”; Pilsen? c. 1473.)[2599]
- LA CROIX DU MAINE, G. & DU VERDIER, A. Bibliothèques françaises. [Paris, 1772-73, repr.:] Graz, Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 1968.[2600]
- LANGER, G. Von drei Frühdrucken und deren Datierung. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 170-77.[2601]
- LA PERRIÈRE, Y. de Supplément provisoire à la “Bibliographie lyonnaise” du président Baudrier. fasc. 1. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1967. Recensemeid des livres anciens des bibliothèques françaises, travaux prèparatoires , 2.)[2602]
- LENINGRAD. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Katalog inkunabulov. [By A. K Gorfunkel.] Leningrad, [University Press,] 1967. 64p. facsims.[2603]
- LEWICKA-KAMIŃSKA, A. Nieznany fragment polskiego “Hortulusa” z około 1527 roku. Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej (Warszawa), 4: 63-68, 4 pl.(“An unrecorded Polish Hortulus of c. 1527”; Cracow, not after 1527; English summary.)[2604]
- LOEW, F. Livres, bréviaires et missels à Neuchâtel avant le XVIe siècle. Musée neuchâtelois , 1:[2605]
- LOUBES, G. Un moulin à papier à Cahnzac-sur-Adour à la fin du XVe siècle. Bulletin de la Société archéologique . . . du Gers , 69 no. 3:[2606]
- LÜLFING, H. Reflexionen anlässlich eines neuen Inkunabelkataloges. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3:50-54.[2607]
- LUXEMBURG. GROSSHERZOG-LICHES INSTITUT. Die Drucke des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts in der Bibliothek des Grossherzoglichen Institutes. [A catalogue, by E. van der Vekene.] Luxemburg, [the Institute,] 1968. 59p.[2608]
- LYONS. BIBLIOTHEQUE DE LA VILLE. Supplément au “Catalogue des incunables” . . . par G. Parguez. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1967. iii, 108 f.(Recensement des livres anciens des bibliothèques françaises, travaux préparatoires, 1.)[2609]
- MARTÍNEZ ORTIZ, J. La Valencia del siglo XV, los impresores y editores alemanes, y la cuestión del primer libro español. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 190-93.[2610]
- MEISSNER, U. Der Antwerpener Notendrucker Tylman Susato. Berlin, Merseburger, 1967. 2v.(Berliner Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, 11.)[2611]
- MILAN. BIBLIOTECA TRIVULZIANA. Le cinquecentine della Biblioteca . . . II. Le edizioni lombarde. [A catalogue, by G. Bologna.] Milano, Castello Sforzesco, 1966. xxii, 199p.(Continuation of C. 1711.)[2612]
- MOLIN, V. Observatii si opinii noi in legatura cu tipariturile ieromonahului Macarie (1508-1512). Mitropolia Moldovei si Sucevei (Iasi), 43: 382-88.(“Notes and views concerning the books printed by the Monk Macarie (1508-1512.”)[2613]
- MOŠIN, V. Vodeni znaci najstarijih srpskih štampanih knjiga. Zbornik, Muzej Primenjene Umetnosti (Beograd), 11: 7-24.(“Watermarks in the earliest Serbian Printed books”)[2614]
- MÜLLER, J. and ROTH, E. Aussereuropäische Druckereien im 16. Jahrhundert: Bibliographie der Drucke. Baden-Baden, Heitz, 1968.(Bibliotheca bibliographica aureliana, 22.)[2615]
- NAZOR, A. Ein Rückblick auf die Geschichte unserer ältesten Buchdruckereien. Vjesnik bibliotekara hrvatske , 13: 1-22.(Croat, with German summary.)[2616]
- NEMIROVSKIJ, E. L. Slavjanskie inkunabuly i paleotipy kirillovskogo srifta v knigohraniliscen Sovetskogo Sojuza. Sovetskoe slavjanovedenie (Moskva), 1968 no. 1: 11-25.(“Slavonic incunabula and early-printed books in Cyrillic types in Soviet collections”.)[2617]
- NIEDERMEIER, H. Johannes Rynmann (1460-1522), ein Verleger theologischer Literatur. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 9:422-32.[2618]
- NORTON, F. J. List of poetical chap—books up to 1521. NORTON, F. J., and WILSON, E. M. Two Spanish vere chap-books (Cambridge, 1969): 12-30.(83 items.)[2619]
- OLIVAR, A. Ein Ablassbrief von 1500 zugunsten des Domes zu Huesca. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Fölge, 3:168, 69.[2620]
- OLIVER, L.M. A bookseller's account book, 1545. Harvard library bulletin , 16: 139-55. facsims.[2621]
- PANTELIĆ, M. Prvotisak glagoljskog misala iz 1483: prema misalu Kneza Novaka iz 1368. Radovi Staroslavenskog Instituta (Zagreb), 6(1967): 5-108(“Prince Novak's glagolitic missal of 1383 and the [Venice-printed] editio princeps of 1483: a comparative study”; German summary.)[2622]
- PRESSER, H. Habent sua fata libelli. Mainz, Gutenberg-Museum, 1967. 36p.(Schriften. Druck 1.)[2623]
- PRESSER, H. Johannes Gutenberg in Zeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1968. 173p.(Rowohlts Monographien, 134.)[2624]
- RAJKOV, B. Opis na slavjanskite staropecatni knigi ot XV i XVI vek v Narodna biblioteka “Kiril i Metodii”. Izvestija na Narodnata biblioteka “Kiril i Metodii” (Sofija), 7(13) (1967): 225-54, 4 pl.(“Catalogue of 15th and 16th-cent. Slavonic books in the “Cyril and Methodius” National Library, Sofia”; French summary.)[2625]
- REITZEL, A.M. Die Renaissance Gutenbergs. Mainz, Deutscher Fachschriftenverlag, 1968. 131p.[2626]
- RÉPERTOIRE bibliographique des livres imprimés en France au seizième siècle. livr. 1- . Baden-Baden, Heitz, 1968- .(Bibliotheca bibliographica aureliana.) (To cover all France except Paris and Lyons.)[2627]
- RHODES, D. E. Notes on the early editions of Valerius Flaccus. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 47-49.[2628]
- RHODES, D. E. Il quinto incunabulo cosentino. [Piramo e Tisbe, c. 1478.] Calabria nobilissima , 21 no. 53/4: 51-54.[2629]
- ROLOFF, H. Der Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke als Zentralkatalog. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 7-17.[2630]
- ROSSI, G. B. de. Annales hebraeo-typographici. [Parma, 1795-99, repr.:] Amsterdam, Philo, 1968.[2631]
- RUPPEL, A. Gutenbergs Tod und Begräbnis. Mainz, Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1968. 39p.(Kleiner Druck, 81.)[2632]
- SCHAEFER, H. Gutenbergs Leben und Werk im Widerstreit der Forschungen. Marginalien , 29: 1-14.[2633]
- SCHAEFER, H. Wege und Wandlungen der Gutenbergforschung. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Bücherei , 4: 31-58.[2634]
- SCHMITT, A. Die Inkunabeln des Brandenburger Schöppenstuhls. [Now in the Deutsche Staatsbiblothek.] Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 122-34.[2635]
- SCHŁOTTENLOHER, K. Der Münchner Buchdrucker Hans Scholzer. 1500-1530. [München, 1925, repr.:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1967. xii, 158p.(236 entries.)[2636]
- SCHŁOTTENLOHER, K. Die Landshuter Buchdrucker des 16. Jahrhunderts. [Mainz, 1930, repr.:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1967. vi, 92p. 20 pl.(246 entries.)[2637]
- SCHŁOTTENLOHER, K. Philipp Ulhart, ein Augsburger Winkeldrucker. [München, 1921, repr.:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1967. 160p.(223 entries.)[2638]
- SELECTIVE check list of bibliographical scholarship for 1967. Pt. 1. Incunabula and early renaissance. SB , 22:319-23.[2639]
- SOLTÉSZ, E. Diurnalia und Breviere aus dem XV. Jahrhundert in ungarischen Bibliotheken. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 150-54.(22 items.)[2640]
- SOLTÉSZ, E. Zum Gedächtnis des 500-jährigen Todestages Gutenbergs. Magyar könyvszemle , 84: 229-36.[2641]
- STRASBOURG. BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE ET UNIVERSITAIRE. Gutenberg et les débuts de l'imprimerie à Strasbourg . . . Exposition organisée par les Archives et la Bibliothèque Municipale de Strasbourg. [A catalogue.] Strasbourg, 1968. 46p.[2642]
- SYME, S. A. The regulation of the English book trade, 1484-1547. Journal of library history , 3: 32-38.[2643]
- SZANDOROWSKA, E. Czy w Chełmnie nad Wisła drukowano inkunabuły? Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej (Warszawa), 4: 23-49.(“Were incunabula printed at Chełmno on the Vistula?”; English summary.)[2644]
- THOMAS, A. G. St. Augustine, De civitate Dei, 1473, with historic presentation inscription. Studia bibliographica in honorem H. de la Fontaine Verwey (Amsterdam, 1968): 364-69.[2645]
- TICHÝ, R. Plzeň, kolébka ceskoslovenské polygrafie. Typografia (Praha), 1968, no. 10: 306-09.(“Pilsen, cradle of Czech printing”)[2646]
- TINTO, A. Gli annali tipografici di Eucario e Marcello Silber. Firenze, Olschki, 1968. vii, 219p. 46 pl.(Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 55.)[2647]
- TRIESTE. BIBLIOTECA CIVICA. Catalogo degli incunabuli. [By S. Pesante.] Firenze, Olschki, 1968. xv, 81p.(Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 54.)[2648]
- TRILLER, E. O inkunabułach w zbiorach lwowskich. Roczniki Biblioteczne (Wroclaw, Warszawa), 11 (1967): 183-92.(“Incunabula in Lwów collections”; German summary.)[2649]
- VENOSA. BIBLIOTECA CIVICA. Le cinquecentine. [A catalogue.] Venosa, 1968.[2650]
- VÉRTESY, M. La collection des incunables d'Adam Patachich. Magyar Könyvszemle , 84: 54-61.(In Hungarian.)[2651]
- VÉRTESY, M. Die Geschichte der Inkunabelsammlung der Universitatsbibliothek in Budapest. Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde , 3. Folge, 3: 107-21.[2652]
- VERVLIET, D. L. Sixteenth-century printing types of the Low Countries. tr. H. Carter. Amsterdam, M. Hertzberger & Co., 1968. 366p.[2653]
- VIENNA. OSTERREICHISCHE NATIONALBIBLIOTHEK. Gutenberg und die Frühzeit seiner Kunst. [Exhibition catalogue, by F. Unterkircher.] Wien, Österr. Nationalbibliothek, 79p. facsims.(Biblos-Schriften, 49.)[2654]
- WIJNMAN, H. F. The mysterious sixteenth-century printer Niclaes van Oldenborch: Antwerp or Emden? [With a list of printings.] Studia bibliographica in honorem H. de la Fontaine Verwey ,(Amsterdam, 1968): 448-78.[2655]

1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
A. English and General
- ALTICK, R. D., Nineteenth-Century English Best-Sellers: A Further List, SB , 22:197-206.[2660]
- BARNES, WARNER, Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Editorial Problems: A Selective Bibliography, PBSA , 62:29-67.[2661]
- BARR, C. B. L., Early Scottish Editions of The Seven Sages of Rome , Bibliotheck , 5:62-72.[2662]
- BENSON, N. L., Martín Fierro at the University of Texas, Libr. Chron. of the Univ. of Texas , 8:13-27.[2663]
- BRACK, O. M., Jr., Thomas James Mathias' The Pursuits of Literature , PBSA , 62:123-27.[2664]
- BRIQUET, C. M., The New Briquet. . . . Les Filigranes , A Facsimile of the 1907 Edition with Supplementary Material Contributed by a Number of Scholars. Edited by Allan Stevenson, Amsterdam, The Paper Publications Society, 1968 . 4 vols. Supplementary Materials, Vol. I, pp. 1-151.[2665]
- CARTER, JOHN, Addenda and Corrigenda to “A Hand-List of the Printed Works of William Johnson, Afterwards Cory,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4: 4 (1967):318-20.(Supplements A1498.)[2666]
- COCKX-INDESTEGE, ELLY, and GLORIEUX, GENEVIEVE, Belgica Typographica, 1541-1600 , Nieuwkoop, B. De Graaf, 1968. xxvi, 612 p.[2667]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, A Bibliography of Robert Watt, M.D. . . . with a Facsimile Edition of His Catalogue of Medical Books , Detroit, Gale Research Company, 1968. 27 p., 72 p. of facsimile.[2668]
- DAVIS, K. W., A Bibliography of the Writings of William Henry Smith, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):162-74.[2669]
- GILLESPIE, R. R., A List of Books Printed in Glasgow, 1701-1775, with Notes on the Printers and Booksellers , Fellowship Thesis, Library Association, London, 1968. 2 vols.[2670]
- GOLDSTEIN, L. M., Prolegomena to a Catalogue of Samuel Pepy's Collection of Ballads , Doctoral Dissertation, Birkbeck College, University of London, 1968.[2671]
- GOLLIN, R. M., HOUGHTON, W. E., and TIMKO, MICHAEL. Arthur Hugh Clough: A Descriptive Catalogue. Poetry, Prose, Biography, and Criticism , New York Public Libr., 1968. 117 p.[2672]
- GORDAN, J. P., Arnold Bennett: The Centenary of His Birth. An Exhibition in the Berg Collection, BNYPL , 72:72-122. Also printed separately, 1968. 60 p.[2673]
- HANSON, L. W., Additional Notes [appended to his review of Catalogue of Botanical Books in the Collection of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt, Vol. II, 1701-1800], Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):270-71.(Supplements B3068.)[2674]
- HARRIS, W. V., Fiction in the English “Experimental” Periodicals of the 1890's, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:111-18.[2675]
- HERBERT, A. S., Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the English Bible, 1525-1961 , London, British and Foreign Bible Soc., 1968. xxxi, 549 p.(Rev. and expanded from Darlow and Moule.)[2676]
- JOHNS, F. A., A Bibliography of Arthur Waley , New Brunswisk, N. J., Rutgers Univ. Press, 1968. xi, 187 p.(English edition published by George Allen & Unwin, with title The Strategist: A Bibliography of Arthur Waley.)[2677]
- KENWARD, J., Juliana Horatia Ewing and Her Books, Books , 367 (Sept.-Oct. 1966):182-5.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 110.)[2678]
- KEYNES, G. L., A Bibliography of Sir Thomas Browne , 2d ed. rev. & augmented, Clarendon Press, 1968. xv, 293 p.[2679]
- KEYNES, G. L., John Evelyn: A Study in Bibliophily with a Bibliography of His Writings , 2d ed., Clarendon Press, 1968. xix, 313 p.[2680]
- KIRKPATRICK, B. J., E. M. Forster , 2d rev. impression, London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1968. 205 p.(Rev. of C1819.)[2681]
- KRISHNAMURTI, G. The Hound of Heaven: A Descriptive Catalogue of a Commemorative Exhibition , London, Francis Thompson Society, 1967. 19 p.[2682]
- LENFEST, D. S., A Checklist of Illustrated Editions of Gulliver's Travels , 1727-1914, PBSA , 62:85-123.[2683]
- LONDON. GUILDHALL LIBRARY, A List of Books Printed in the British Isles and of English Books Printed Abroad before 1701 in the Guildhall Library , Compiled by Miss Kathleen I. Garrett, Corporation of London, Library Committee, 1966-1967. Part 2, pp. 83-222, published in 1967.[2684]
- MAY, FREDERICK, Archdeacon Francis Wrangham: Addenda to Sadleir, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):238-42.[2685]
- MIKHAIL, E. H., The Comedies of Oscar Wilde: A Critique together with a Comprehensive Bibliography , Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Sheffield, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 134.)[2686]
- MIZUTA, HIROSHI, Adam Smith's Library. A Supplement to Bonar's Catalogue with a Check-list of the Whole Library , Cambridge, At the Univ. Press for the Royal Economic Soc., 1967. xix, 153 p.[2687]
- PRANCE, C. A., Richard Garnett, Amer. Book Collector , 18:8:25-27.[2688]
- QUAYLE, ERIC, R. M. Ballantyne: A Bibliography of First Editions , London, Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1968. 128 p.[2689]
- SIDNELL, M. J., Manuscript Versions of Yeats's The Shadowy Waters: An Abbreviated Description and Chronology of the Papers Relating to the Play in the National Library of Ireland, PBSA , 62:39-57.[2690]
- SMITH, H. R., The Published Works of David Garrick , Thesis, Univ. of London, 1966. (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 112.)[2691]
- SMITH, W. C., and HUMPHRIES, CHARLES, A Bibliography of the Musical Works Published by the Firm of John Walsh during the Years 1721-1766 , London, Bibliographical Soc., 1968. xx, 351 p.[2692]
- SMYTH, A. L., John Dalton, 1766-1844: A Bibliography of Works by and about Him , Manchester Univ. Press, 1966. xvi, 114 p.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 104.)[2693]
- SPALEK, J. M., Ernst Toller and His Critics: A Bibliography , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1968. xxii, 919 p.[2694]
- WADE, ALLAN, W. B. Yeats , 3d ed. rev. by Russell K. Alspach, London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1968. 514 p.[2695]
- WESTBY, SELMER, and BROWN, C. M., Christopher Isherwood: A Bibliography, 1923-1967 , Los Angeles, California State College, 1968. 51 p.[2696]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Two Bramah Variants, PBSA , 62:254-56.(Supplements C901.)[2697]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Wilfred Owen (1893-1918): A Bibliography , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1967. 41 p.(Serif Series of Bibls. and Checklists.)[2698]

B. United States
- BARTLETT, M. E., A Checklist of Hartford, Connecticut, Imprints for the Years 1832-1833, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of Amer., 1967.[2699]
- BELKNAP, G. N., Oregon Imprints, 1845-1870 , Eugene, Univ. of Oregon Bookshop, 1968. 305 p.[2700]
- BELOK, M. V., Spurious Peter Parley Books, Amer. Book Collector , 18:10:23-24.[2701]
- BOONSTRA, HARRY, Dutch-American Newspapers and Periodicals in Michigan, 1850-1925 , Thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1967.[2702]
- BOYDSTON, J. A., The John Dewey Bibliography, PBSA , 62:67-75.(Addenda to M. H. Thomas's John Dewey, A Centennial Bibliography (1962).)[2703]
- BROWN, JULIE, A Checklist of South Carolina Imprints for the Years 1873, 1874, 1875, and 1876, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2704]
- BRUCCOLI, M. J., Raymond Chandler: A Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1968. ix, 35 p.(Serif Series of Bibls. and Checklists.)[2705]
- BUCHAN, VIVIAN, Sara Teasdale, 1884-1933, Part 2, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:120-23.[2706]
- BULLEY, J. S., A Checklist of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints from 1831 through 1834, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2707]
- CALE, W. E., A Checklist of Hartford, Connecticut, Imprints from 1826-1828, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2708]
- CARY, RICHARD, A Bibliography of Robert P. Tristram Coffin: Addenda, Colby Libr. Quart. , 8:22-28. Supplements C1849 and C2272.)[2709]
- CARY, RICHARD, A Willa Cather Collection [at Colby], Colby Libr. Quart. , 8:82-95.[2710]
- CLENDENNING, S. T., Emily Dickinson: A Bibliography, 1850-1967 , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ., 1968. 160 p.(Serif Series of Bibls. and Checklists.)[2711]
- CONLAN, E. M., A Checklist of California Imprints for the Year 1870, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2712]
- DION, D. E., A Checklist of Hartford, Connecticut, Imprints from 1828-1829, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2713]
- DUNN, B. B., A Checklist of Charleston S. C., Imprints for the Years 1826-1830, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2714]
- FLYNN, J. M., A Checklist of Bangor, Maine, Imprints for the Years 1861-1876, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2715]
- FRASER, J. H., Indian Mission Printing: A Bibliography, New Mexico Historical Rev. , 43:311-18.[2716]
- FREE, W, J., American Fiction in the Columbian Magazine , 1786-1792, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:150-51.[2717]
- GOLDMAN, S. E., Mary McCarthy: A Bibliography , New York Harcourt, 1968. ix, 80 p.[2718]
- GULLANS, C. B., and ESPEY, J. J., A Checklist of Trade Bindings Designed by Margaret Armstrong , Los Angeles, Univ. of California Libr., 1968. 37 p.(UCLA Libr. Occasional Papers, No. 16.)[2719]
- HAGEMANN, E. R., Life Buffets (and Comforts) Henry James, 1883-1916: An Introduction and an Annotated Checklist, PBSA , 62:207-225.[2720]
- HARMAN, E. R., A Checklist of Trenton. New Jersey, Imprints, 1867-1870 , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2721]
- HEALEY, Sister FRANCES, A Checklist of Rochester, New York, Imprints for the Years 1855-1858, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2722]
- HIPKISS, R. A., Djuna Barnes (1892-), A Bibliography, Twenty Century Lit. , 14:161-63.[2723]
- HURLEY, M. E., A Checklist of Buffalo, New York, Imprints, 1871-1873 , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2724]
- KORN, B. W., Additional Benjamin and Alexander Levy Imprints, PBSA , 62: 245-52.(Supplements B2427.)[2725]
- LEAN, JOHN, Annotated Bibliography of the Life and Writings of William Faulkner from July, 1962, to January, 1967 , Thesis, Univ. of Mississippi, 1967.[2726]
- LEWIS, W. J., Edmund Wilson: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:145-49, 151.[2727]
- McCARVEL, M. K., A Checklist of California Imprints for the Year 1874, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2728]
- MACK, W. S., A Checklist of Buffalo Imprints from 1865-1866-1867, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2729]
- MARTIN, A. W., A Checklist of Portland, Maine, Imprints for the Years 1859-1862, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2730]
- MASSEY, L. R., William Faulkner, “Man Working,” 1919-1962: A Catalogue of the William Faulkner Collections at the University of Virginia , Univ. Press of Virginia for the Bibl. Soc. of the Univ. of Virginia, 1968. x, 250 p.[2731]
- MORGAN, R. P., A Preliminary Bibliography of South Carolina Imprints, 1731-1800 , Clemson, S. C., Clemson Univ. 1966. iv, 87 leaves(reproduced from typescript).[2732]
- MURPHY, M. A., A Checklist of Buffalo, New York, Imprints for the Years 1861-1863, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2733]
- NEWBERRY LIBRARY, Chicago, A Catalogue of the Everett D. Graff Collection of Western Americana . Compiled by Colton Storm, For the Newberry Library by the Univ. of Chicago Press, 1968. xxv, 854 p.[2734]
- PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, Early American Book Illustrators and Wood Engravers, 1670-1870 . Vol. II: Supplement, Princeton Univ. Press, 1968. 224 p.(Supplement to B1308).[2735]
- REDMOND, J. O., A Checklist of Columbus, Ohio, Imprints for the Years 1833-1841, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2736]
- ROATEN, DARNELL, Denis Braud: Some Imprints in the Bancroft Library, PBSA , 62:252-54.(Additions to and additional locations for entries in D. C. McMurtrie's Early Printing in New Orleans.)[2737]
- RULE, M. W., An Edward Albee Bibliography, Twentieth Century Lit. , 14:35-44.[2738]
- SCHMIDT, T. V., A Checklist of Pittsburgh Imprints for the Years 1867-1869, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2739]
- SHEFFIELD, J. W., A Checklist of Savannah, Georgia, Imprints for the Years 1854-1864, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2741]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., A Checklist of American Imprints for 1821 , Metuchen, N. J., The Scarecrow Press, 1967. 271 p.[2742]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., A Checklist of American Imprints for 1822 , Metuchen, N. J., The Scarecrow Press, 1967. 321 p.[2743]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., A Checklist of American Imprints for 1823 , Metuchen, N. J., The Scarecrow Press, 1968. 281 p.[2744]
- SLATTERY, W. J., A Checklist of Worcester, Massachusetts, Imprints for the Years 1840-1845, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2745]
- SMYTH, S. A., A Checklist of Rochester, New York, Imprints for the Years 1859-1862, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2746]
- SOPONIS, L. A., A Checklist of Morristown, New Jersey, Imprints for the Years 1821-1876, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2747]
- STANDLEY, F. L., James Baldwin: A Checklist, 1963-1967 , Bull. of Bibl. , 25:135-37, 160.[2748]
- STOKTON, PATRICIA, A Checklist of Hanover, New Hampshire, Imprints for the Years 1850-1876, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2749]
- TAYLOR, C. C., John Updike: A Bibliography , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ., 1968. 82 p.(Serif Series of Bibls. and Checklists.)[2750]
- THEISS, K. T., A Checklist of Portland, Maine, Imprints for the Years 1854-1855 , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2751]
- TIERNEY, Sister M. J., C. S. J., A Checklist of Worcester, Massachusetts, Imprints for the Years 1850-1853, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2752]
- VANDEGRIFT, B. P., A Checklist of Portland, Maine, Imprints for the Years 1875-1876, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2753]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Walt Whitman's Journalism: A Bibliography, Walt Whitman Rev. , 14:67-141.[2754]
- WHITELOCK, M. M., A Checklist of Princeton, New Jersey, Imprints in the Years 1826-1845, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1967.[2755]

2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliography and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ADEN, J. M., Swift, Pope, and “the Sin of Wit,” PBSA , 62:80-85.[2756]
- ANDERSON, W. J., Father Gallus Robertson's Edition of the New Testament, 1792, Innes Rev. , Spring, 1966, pp. 48-59.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 152.)[2757]
- ANDREWS, H. K., The Printed Part-Books of Byrd's Vocal Music, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):1-10.[2758]
- AVIS, F. C., Edward Prince, Punchcutter to the Private Presses, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1968):23-28.[2759]
- BAEDER, PAUL, The Meaning of Copy-Text, SB , 22:311-18.[2760]
- BAIN, I., Thomas Ross & Son: Copperand Steel-plate Printer since 1833, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 2 (1966):3-22.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 230.)[2761]
- BARBER, GILES, Bolingbroke, Pope, and the Patriot King, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):57-89.[2762]
- BARBER, GILES, An Incident in the French Book Trade in 1813, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):242-45.(The competition between the Bibliographie de l'Empire français and Treuttel and Würtz's Journal général de la littérature de France.)[2763]
- BARBER, GILES, Richard Dymott, Bookbinder, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):250-54.[2764]
- BARBER, GILES, Treuttel and Würtz: Some Aspects of the Importation of Books from France, c. 1825, Library , 5th ser., 23:118-44.[2765]
- BARR, C. B. L., Another Roger Bartlett Binding, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):248-50.(Supplements B3810.)[2766]
- BATCHELOR, BILLIE, Revision in Iris Murdock's Under the Net, Books at Iowa , No. 8:30-36.[2767]
- BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., William Blake's Protean Text, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 44-58.[2768]
- BERGERON, D. M., Two Compositors in Heywood's Londons Ius Honorarium (1631), SB , 22:223-26.[2769]
- BESTERMAN, THEODORE, Twenty Thousand Voltaire Letters, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 7-24.[2770]
- BIRCH, J. G., Camden's Britain , 1610, Library , 5th ser., 23:253.[2771]
- BLACK, L. G., A Lost Poem by Queen Elizabeth I [Beginning “Ah silly pugge wert thou so sore afraid”, with a Text, Heretofore Unpublished, of Sir Walter Ralegh's “Fortune hath taken thee away my love”], TLS , May 23, 1968, p. 535.[2772]
- BLISS, C. S., A Much-Travelled Association Copy of Calvin's Institutes , Book Collector , 17:458-62.(Once the property of Increase Mather and of Samuel Mather.)[2773]
- BLOOM, E. A., and BLOOM, L. D., Steele in 1719: Additions to the Canon, HLQ , 31:123-51.(The “Letter” in the Honest Gentleman, No. 22; A Discourse upon Honour and Peerage; and Further Reasons against the Peerage Bill.)[2774]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Old Wine in New Bottles: Problems of Machine Printing, in Editorial Conference, 3d, Toronto, 1966 , Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 9-36.[2775]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Review of Kathleen Tillotson's edition of Oliver Twist , Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 23:226-39.[2776]
- BRACK, O. M., Jr., The Ledgers of William Strahan, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 59-77.[2777]
- BRISSENDEN, A. T., Dodsley's Copy-Text for The Revenger's Tragedy, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):254-58.[2778]
- BROCKWAY, DUNCAN, The Printing History of Uberto Foglietta's De Sacro Foedere in Selimum , PBSA , 62:77-80.[2779]
- CADBURY, H. J., A Woolman Attribution Denied, Jour. Friends Hist. Soc. , 51 (1966):118-19.(Letter XVIII in J. Kendall, Letters on Religious Subjects, London, 1802.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 449.)[2780]
- CAMBRIDGE, D. G., English Music Printing, 1601-1629 , Thesis, Diploma in Librarianship, Univ. of London, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 244.)[2781]
- CARSWELL, JOHN, Bolingbroke Letters on History 1738: A Special Copy, Book Collector , 17:351.[2782]
- CARTER, JOHN, Colour Variations in 19th-Century Publishers' Bindings, Book Collector , 17:490.[2783]
- CARTER, JOHN, A Further Note on A. E. Housman, TLS , March 14, 1968, p. 278.(Followed by notes by T. B. Haber and by John Sparrow, and preceded by note by Nosworthy, No. C2977 here.)[2784]
- CARTER, JOHN, Ghosts, Book Collector , 17:492-93.[2785]
- CARTER, JOHN, Housmaniana, Book Collector , 17:215.(On a copy of A Shropshire Lad presented to John Maycock, a patent office colleague of Housman's.)[2786]
- CARTER, JOHN, and SPARROW, JOHN, Shelley, Swinburne and Housman, TLS , Nov. 21, 1968, pp. 1318-19.[2787]
- CARTER, JOHN, Wise Forgeries in Doves Binddings, Book Collector , 17:352-53.[2888]
- CAVE, RODERICK, and WAKEMAN, GEOFFREY, Typographia naturalis , Wymondham, Brewhouse Press, 1967. 36 p., 5 mounted plates.[2889]
- CLAPPERTON, R. H., The Paper-Making Machine, Its Invention, Evolution, and Development , Oxford, Pergamon, 1967 [i.e. 1968]. 365 p.[2890]
- COLLISON, R. L., New Light on Coleridge and the Metropolitan , Progress in Library Science (1966):152-61.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966) : No. 451.)[2891]
- COUSTILLAS, PIERRE, The Stormy Publication of Gissing's Veranilda , BNYPL , 72:588-610.[2892]
- CREIGH, J. C., Books and Readers, 1690-1610 , Doctoral dissertation, University of Birmingham, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 471.)[2893]
- CURTIS, M. H., William Hones: Puritan Printer and Propagandist, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):38-66.[2894]
- DAVIS, R. M., Textual Problems in the Novels of Evelyn Waugh, PBSA , 62:259-63.[2895]
- DAY, R. A., Aphra Behn's First Biography, SB , 22:227-40.[2896]
- DEARDEN, J. S., The Production and Distribution of John Ruskin's Poems , 1850, Book Collector , 17:151-67.[2897]
- DEWAR, M., The Authorship of the Discourse of the Commonweal , Economic Hist. Rev. , 19 (1966):388-400.(STC 23133-4, by Sir T. Smith?) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 452.)[2898]
- DICKINS, BRUCE, Printed Playbills in the Peninsular War, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:4 (1967):314-17.[2899]
- DOWNS, R. B., and JENKINS, F. B., eds., Bibliography: Current State and Future Trends , Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1967. vii, 611 p.(Reprinted from the January and April 1967 issues of Library Trends.)[2900]
- EAVES, T. C. D., and KIMPEL. B. D., The Composition of Clarissa and Its Revision before Publication, PMLA , 83:416-28.[2901]
- EAVES, T. C. D., and KIMPEL. B. D., Two Notes on Samuel Richardson: Richardson's Chapel Rules [and] The Printer of the Daily Journal , Library , 5th ser., 23:242-47.[2902]
- EDDY, D. D., Omar and the Peacock Bindings [of Sangorski and Sutcliffe], Cornell Libr. Jour. , 4:72-81.[2903]
- ELDRIDGE, H. G., The American Republication of Thomas Moore's Epistles, Odes, and Other Poems: An Early Version of the Reprinting “Game,” PBSA , 62:199-205.[2904]
- EMDEN, C. S., The Composition of Northanger Abbey , R.E.S. , n.s., 19:279-87.[2905]
- ERDMAN, D. V., The Binding (et cetera) of Vala , Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):112-29.[2906]
- ESDAILE, ARUNDELL, Esdaile's Manual of Bibliography , 4th rev. ed. by Roy Stokes, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1967. 336 p.[2907]
- FAWCETT, TREVOR, An Eighteenth-Century Book Club at Norwich, Library , 5th ser., 23:47-50.[2908]
- FAWCETT, TREVOR, Some Aspects of the Norfolk Book-Trade, 1800-24, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:5:383-95.[2910]
- FLETCHER, JOHN, Athanasius Kircher and the Distribution of His Books, Library , 5th ser., 23:108-117.[2911]
- FRYER, W. R., Mirabeau in England, 1784-85, Renaissance and Modern Studies , Nottingham, 10 (1966):34-87.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 120.)[2912]
- GASKELL, PHILIP, The Lay of the Case, SB , 22:125-42.[2913]
- GEMNETT, R. J., The Caliph Vathek from England and the Continent to America, Amer. Book Collector , 18:9:12-19.[2914]
- GRANT, I. R., Hindmarsh's Collection of Tracts , 1964, Bibliotheck , 5:73-74.[2915]
- GREENBERG, R. A., Swinburne's Heptalogia Improved, SB , 22:258-66.[2916]
- GREENE, DONALD, No Dull Duty: The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 92-123.[2917]
- GUFFEY, G. R., Standardization of Photographic Reproductions for Mechanical Collation, PBSA , 62:237-40.[2918]
- HALE, D. G., Thomas Colwell, Elizabethan Printer, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):223-26.[2919]
- HALL, P. E., Tennyson's Idylls of the King and The Holy Grail , Book Collector , 17:218-19.[2920]
- HALLADAY, JEAN, Some Errors in the Bibliography of the Library Edition of John Ruskin's Works, PBSA , 62:127-29.[2921]
- HALLORAN, W. F., William Blake's The French Revolution: A Note on the Text and a Possible Emendation, BNYPL , 72:3-18.[2922]
- HAMMELMANN, H. A., John Vanderbank, 1694-1739, Book Collector , 17:285-99.(Eightenth-Century English Illustrators.)[2923]
- HAMMELMANN, H. A., Proposals for Printing: ‘Doctor Thomas Jackson's Works Compleat . . . 1672,’ Book Collector , 17:491-92.[2924]
- HEMLOW, JOYCE, Letters and Journals of Fanny Burney: Establishing the Text, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eightenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 25-43.[2925]
- HENNING, STANDISH, The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647, Sections 4 and 8 D-F, SB , 22:165-78.[2926]
- HERNLUND, PATRICIA, William Strahan's Ledgers, II: Charges for Paper, 1738-1785, SB , 22:179-95.[2927]
- HERRING, P. F., Ulysses Notebook VIII.A.5 at Buffalo, SB , 22:287-310.[2928]
- HETHERINGTON, R. J., The Compilers of the Book of Common-Prayer . . . A Historical Enquiry . . . With a Bibliographical Note , Birmingham, The Author, 1968. 20 p.[2929]
- HILL, R. A., A Report on Newspaper Patronage in Canada during the late 1850's and Early 1860's Canadian Historical Rev. , 49:44-59.[2930]
- HOFFMAN, C. G., Fact and Fantasy in Orlando: Virginia Woolf's Manuscript Revisions, Texas Studies in Lit. and Lang. , 10:435-44.[2931]
- HOFFMAN, C. G., From Short Story to Novel: The Manuscript Revisions of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway , Modern Fict. Studies , 14:171-86.[2932]
- HOLLIS, P. I., The Unstamped Press in London and the Taxes on Knowledge , Doctoral Dissertation, University of Oxford, 1968.[2933]
- HOWARD, W. J., Literature in the Law Courts, 1770-1800, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967, Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 78-91.[2934]
- HOWARD-HILL, T. H., The Oxford Old-Spelling Shakespeare Concordances, SB , 22:143-64.[2935]
- HOYT, PETER, Little Gidding Bindings, Amer. N & Q , 7:24-26.[2936]
- ISAAC, P. C. G., The History of the Book Trade in the North [of England]: A Preliminary Report on a Group of Research Project, Library , 5th ser., 23:248-52.[2937]
- JENKINS, CLAUSTON, The Ford Changes and the Text of Gulliver's Travels , PBSA , 62:1-23.[2938]
- JERNIGAN, JAY, The Forgotten Serial Version of George Moore's Esther Waters , Nineteenth Century Fiction , 23:99-103.[2939]
- JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Fine and Large-Paper Copies of S.T.C. Books, and Particularly of Drayton's Poems (1619) and The Battaile of Agincourt (1627), Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):226-30.[2940]
- JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Fine and Large-Paper Copies of STC Books. A Further Note [on Drayton's Poems (1619)], Library , 5th ser., 23:239-40.[2941]
- KALDOR, I. L., Slavic Paleography and Early Russian Printing: The Genesis of the Russian Book , Doctoral dissertation, Univ, of Chicago, 1967.[2942]
- KENDALL, L. H., Jr., The Not-So-Gentle Art of Puffing: William G. Kingsland and Thomas J. Wise, PBSA , 62:25-37.[2943]
- KEYNES, Geoffrey, Blake's Little Tom the Sailor , Book Collector , 17:421-27.[2944]
- KEYNES, The Hand of Thomas Thomas [1555-88], Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:4 (1967):291-92.[2945]
- KLINE, R. B., Matthew Prior and “Dear Will Nuttley”: An Addition to the Canon, PQ , 47:157-63.[2946]
- LAMBERT, SHEILA, Printing for the House of Commons in the Eighteenth Century, Library , 5th ser., 23:25-46.[2947]
- LAMONT, CLAIRE, William Collins's “Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the Highlands of Scotland” — a Newly Recovered Manuscript, R.E.S. , n.s., 19:137-47.[2948]
- LANDOW, G. P., Ruskin's Revisions of the Third Edition of Modern Painters, Volume I, Victorian Newsletter , No. 33:12-16.[2949]
- LAVIN, J. A., William Barley, Draper and Stationer, SB , 22:214-23.[2950]
- LIGHTFOOT, MARTIN, Scott's Self-Reviewal: Manuscript and Other Evidence, Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 23:150-60.[2951]
- MacCOLL, ALAN, A New Manuscript of Donne's Poems, R.E.S. , n.s., 19:293-95.[2952]
- McKENZIE, D. F., and ROSS, J. C., eds., A Ledger of Charles Ackers, Printer of the London Magazine, Oxford Univ. Press, for the Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1968. 331 p.[2953]
- McKENZIE, D. F., Printers of the Mind: Some Notes on Bibliographical Theories and Printing-House Practices, SB , 22:1-75.[2954]
- MARKS, J. L., Some Pamphlets Connected with the Early History of the Birmingham Library, Book Collector , 17:78-80.(Includes an Address by Joseph Priestley.)[2955]
- MARTZ, L. L., and SYLVESTER, R. S., Thomas More's Prayer Book, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 43:53-80.[2956]
- MASLEN, K. I. D., New Editions of Pope's Essay on Man , 1745-48, PBSA , 62:177-88.[2957]
- MASLEN, K. I. D., Point-Holes as Bibliographical Evidence, Library , 5th ser., 23:240-41.[2958]
- MITCHELL, W. S., The Earliest Newcastle Binder's Ticket, Book Collector 17:81-82.(That of Richard Randell and Peter Maplisden.)[2959]
- MONOD, SYLVÈRE, Dickens at Work on the Text of Hard Times , Dickensian , 44:86-99.[2960]
- MORAN, JAMES, Friedrich König and the Printing Machine: The Blades-Göbel Dispute, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1968):46-51.[2961]
- MORISON, STANLEY, Letter Forms: Typographic and Scriptorial , ed. by John Dryfus, London, Nattali and Maurice, 1968. 167 p.[2962]
- MORISON, STANLEY, Letter Forms: Typographic and Scriptorial , New York, The Typophiles, 1968. 192 p.(Chap Book XLV.)[2963]
- MORRIS, BRIAN, The Editions of Cleveland's Poems, 1647-1687, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):90-111.[2964]
- MORRIS, JOHN, Restrictive Practices in the Elizabethan Book Trade: The Stationers' Company v. Thomas Thomas, 1583-8, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:4 (1967):276-90.[2965]
- MORRIS, JOHN, Thomas Thomas, Printer to the University of Cambridge, 1583-8. Part II: Some Account of His Materials and Bookbindings with a Short-Title List of His Printings, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:5:339-62.(Continues the item above.)[2966]
- MORTENSON, ROBERT, Byroniana: “Remarks on Cain” Identified, HLB , 26:237-41.[2967]
- MORTENSON, ROBERT, Byron's Letter to Murray on Cain , Libr. Chronicle [Univ. of Pa.], 34:94-99.[2968]
- MOSLEY, JAMES, The Early Career of William Caslon, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 3 (1967):66-81.[2969]
- MOSLEY, JAMES, Nineteenth-century decorated Types at Oxford, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 2 (1966):81-88.[2970]
- MUIR, P. H., A Curious Dance Round a Curious Tree , Book Collector , 17:80-81.[2971]
- NETHERY, WALLACE, On the Origin of Species , 1859, Book Collector , 17:216.[2972]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding by Katharine Adams (English Bookbindings, LXVI), Book Collector , 17:331.[2973]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding by S. T. Prideaux, 1901 (English Bookbindings LXV), Book Collector , 17:190.[2974]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding by the Royal Heads Binder, c. 1665 (English Bookbindings LXIV), Book Collector , 17:44.[2975]
- NIXON, H. M., An Oxford Binding by Roger Bartlett, c. 1670 (English Bookbindings LXVII), Book Collector , 17:463.[2976]
- NOSWORTHY, J. M., A. E. Housman's Notebook B, TLS , Jan. 11, 1968, p. 45.[2977]
- NOWELL-SMITH, S. H., International Copyright Law and the Publisher in the Reign of Queen Victoria , Clarendon Press, 1968. xii, 109 p.(Lyell Lectures for 1965/66.)[2978]
- NOWELL-SMITH, S. H., Tennyson's In Memoriam 1850, Book Collector , 17:350-51.[2979]
- OAKESHOTT, WALTER, Sir Walter Ralegh's Library, Library , 5th ser., 23:285-327.[2980]
- O'HEHIR, BRENDAN, An Unnoticed Textual Crux in Ulysses , James Joyce Quart. , 5:297-98.[2981]
- OLDFIELD, E. L., Henry Carey (1687-1743) and Some Troublesome Attributions, BNYPL , 72:373-77.(A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling and other works attributed to Carey belong to Thomas Gordon.)[2982]
- OSBORN, J. M., Edmond Malone: Scholar-Collector, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):11-37.[2983]
- OXFORD. UNIVERSITY. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, Fine Bindings 1500-1700 from Oxford Libraries. Catalogue of an Exhibition , Oxford, Bodleian Library, 1968. x, 144 p. 111 plates.[2984]
- PADEN, W. D., The Tennysons' Poems by Two Brothers (1827), Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):147-61.[2985]
- PARKS, S. R., John Dunton (1659-1732) and the English Book Trade , Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Cambridge, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 328.)[2986]
- PARKS, S. R., John Dunton and The works of the learned , Library , 5th ser., 23:13-24.[2987]
- PATTERSON, L. R., Copyright and Author's Rights: A Look at History, HLB , 26:370-84.(Based on material in his book entered below.)[2988]
- PATTERSON, L. R., Copyright in Historical Perspective , Nashville, Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 1968. vii, 264 p.[2989]
- PETTI, A. G., Additions to the Richard Verstegan Canon, Recusant History , 8 (1966):288-93.(Richard Verstegan, earlier Rowlands.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 457.)[2990]
- POLLARD, A. W., Shakespeare's Fight with the Pirates and the Problems of the Transmission of His Text , 2d ed. rev., Cambridge Univ Press, 1967. xxviii, 110 p.[2991]
- POOLE, H. E., New Music Types: Invention in the Eighteenth Century, II, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 2 (1966):23-44.(Continues C2007.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 246.)[2992]
- POTTER, L. H., The Text of Scott's Edition of Swift, SB , 22:240-55.[2993]
- PRANCE, C. A., Gilbert White, 1720-1793 (Some Uncollected Authors, XLIII), Book Collector , 17:300-21.[2994]
- PRASHER, A. LaV., The Censorship of Landor's Imaginary Conversations , Bull. of the John Rylands Libr. , 49:427-63.[2995]
- REDLICH, F., Some English Stationers of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in the Light of Their Autobiographies, Business History , 8 (1966):1-12, 86-102.(J. Dunton, T. Gent, W. Hutton, J. Lackington.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 320.)[2996]
- RISDEN, W. S., New Ventures in Publishing between 1680 and 1700 , B. Litt. Thesis, Univ. of Oxford, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 321.)[2997]
- ROBSON, J. M., Principles and Methods in the Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, in Editorial Conf., 3d, Toronto, 1966 , Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 96-122.[2998]
- RODRIGUEZ, ANTONIO, First Printings of South America in the Harvard Library, HLB , 26:38-48.[2999]
- ROSCOE, S., Flora; or, The Deserted Child , Book Collector , 17:83.(Elizabeth Somerville and Elizabeth Helme, junr., one but were there two Helmes, E. Helme and E. Helme, junr.)[3000]
- ROSENHEIM, EDWARD, Jr., The Text and Context of Swift's Contests and Dissentions , MP , 66:59-74.(A review of Frank H. Ellis's edition, Clarendon Press, 1967.)[3001]
- ROUSSEAU, G. S., John Wesley's Primitive Physic (1747), HLB , 26:242-56.[3002]
- RYSKAMP, CHARLES, Samuel Richardson and William Cowper, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):234-38.[3003]
- SANDERS, C. R., Editing the Carlyle Letters: Problems and Opportunities, in Editorial Conf., 3d, Toronto, 1966 , Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 77-95.[3004]
- SCHMIDT-KÜNSEMÜLLER, R. A., T. J. Cobden-Sanderson as Bookbinder . Translated by I. Grafe, Esher, The Tabard Press, 1966. 31 p. 13 plates.[3004a]
- SCHWEIK, R. C., The Early Development of Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd , Texas Studies in Lit. and Lang. , 9:415-28.[3005]
- SELWYN, D. G., A Neglected Edition of Cranmer's Catechism [STC 5993-5], Jour. of Theological Studies , n.s., 15 (1964):76-91.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 136.)[3006]
- SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL. LIBRARIES AND ART COMMITTEE, Book Printing in Sheffield in the Eighteenth Century , Sheffield. The Author, 1967. 12 p.[3007]
- SHIPLEY, J. B., The Authorship of The Cornish Squire , PQ , 47:145-56.(Adapted from Molière by Sir John Vanbrugh, William Walsh, and William Congreve.)[3008]
- SHIPLEY, J. B., The Authorship of The Touch-Stone (1728), PBSA , 62:189-98.(Probably by James Ralph.)[3009]
- SHIPLEY, J. B., James Ralph's Pamphlets, 1741-1744, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):130-46.[3010]
- SIMPKINS, D. M., Early Editions of Euclid in England, Annals of Science , Dec. 1966, pp. 225-49.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 109.)[3011]
- SLYTHE, R. M., The Art of Illustration, 1750-1900 , Fellowship Thesis, Library Association, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 234.)[3012]
- SNYDER, H. L., The Circulation of Newspapers in the Reign of Queen Anne, Library , 5th ser., 23:206-35.[3013]
- STEEDMAN, J. W., R. S. Surtees: The Horseman's Manual 1831. Which Issue Was the Earlier, Book Collector , 17:492.[3014]
- STERN, V. F., A Second Set of John White Drawings? [For Theodor de Bry's America, Part I, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1590], Renaissance Quart. , 21:24-32.[3015]
- STILLINGER, JACK, The Text of Keats's “Ode on Indolence,” SB , 22:255-58.[3016]
- STONE, HARRY, Dickens “Conducts” Household Words , Dickensian , 44:71-85.[3017]
- STONE, R., The Albion Press, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 2 (1966):58-73.[3018]
- TANSELLE, G. T., A Proposal for Recording Additions to Bibliographies, PBSA , 62:227-36.[3019]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Three Unrecorded Issues of Masefield's Tragedy of Nan , Library , 5th ser., 23:145-47.[3020]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Tolerances in Bibliographical Description, Library , 5th ser., 23:1-12.[3021]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Use of Type Damage as Evidence in Bibliographical Description, Library , 5th ser., 23:328-51.[3022]
- TENNYSON, CHARLES, Tennyson's “Doubt and Prayer” Sonnet, Victorian Poetry , 6:1-3.[3023]
- THOMPSON, L. S., Some Reconsiderations of the Origin of Printing in Sixteenth-Century Mexico, in Homage to a Bookman . . . for Hans P. Kraus , ed. by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag [1967], pp. 183-86.[3024]
- THOMSON, A. G., The Paper Industry in Scotland, 1700-1861 , Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Edinburgh, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 183.)[3025]
- THOMSON, F. M., John Wilson, an Ayrshire Printer, Publisher and Bookseller, Bibliotheck , 5:41-61.[3026]
- THOMSON, F. M., A Newcastle Collection of Wood Blocks, Book Collector , 17:443-57.[3027]
- TODD, W. B., Some Wiseian Ascriptions in the Wrenn Catalogue, Library , 5th ser., 23:95-107.[3028]
- TREVANION, MICHAEL, Tennyson's Idylls and The Holy Grail , Book Collector , 17:490-91.[3029]
- TURNER, J. G., G. B. S. Edits [a Work about] Himself, Coranto: Jour. Friends of the Libraries Univ. of Southern California , 5:1:20-25.[3030]
- TWYMAN, M. L., Lithography, 1800-1850: A Study of the Techniques of Drawing on Stone in England and France and Their Application in Works of Topography , Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Reading, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 236.)[3031]
- U. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Papermaking, Art and Craft , Washington, Library of Congress, 1968. 96 p.[3032]
- VALGEMAE, MARDI, Auden's Collaboration with Isherwood on The Dog beneath the Skin , HLQ , 31:373-83.[3033]
- VERVLIET, H. D. L., Sixteenth-Century Printing Types of the Low Countries , Amsterdam, Van Gendt & Co., 1968. xxv, 376 p.[3034]
- VERVLIET, H. D. L., Type Specimens of the Vatican Press , Amsterdam, Van Gendt & Co., 1968. 122 p.[3035]
- VIEIRA, M. E., An Unrecorded Reissue of Fanshawe's Translation of the Lusiads (1664), Library , 5th ser., 23:352-56.[3036]
- WALLIS, P. J., William Oughtred's Circles of Proportion and Trigonometries , Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:5:372-82.[3037]
- WALTON, J., A Survey of the Printing Trade and Related Occupations of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to 1900 , Fellowship Thesis, Library Assocition, London, 1968.[3038]
- WEBER, WILHEIM, A History of Lithography , London, Thames & Hudson, 1966. 259 p.(Translated from the German.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 238.)[3039]
- WEINBERG, BERNARD, Editing Balzac: A Problem in Infinite Variation, in Editorial Conf, 3d, Toronto, 1966 , Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 60-76.[3040]
- WHALLEY, GEORGE, Coleridge Marginalia Lost, Book Collector , 17:428-42.[3041]
- WILES, R. M., Early Georgian Provincial Magazines, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):187-95.[3042]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., Five Lost Thomason Tracts Come Home, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):230-34.[3043]
- WILLIAMS, G. W., The Order of Stanzas in Cowley and Crashaw's “On Hope,” SB , 22:207-210.(Cf. C. H. Miller, The Order of Stanzas in Cowley and Crashaw's “On Hope,” SP, 61 (1964):64-73.)[3044]
- WILSON, R. H., Versions of Brave New World , Libr. Chron. of the Univ. of Texas , 8:28-41.[3045]
- WOLFF, MICHAEL, Charting the Golden Stream: Thoughts on a Directory of Victorian Periodicals, in Editorial Conf., 3d, Toronto, 1966 , Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 37-59.[3046]
- WOLPE, BERTHOLD, ed., Vincent Figgins Type Specimens 1801 and 1815 , reproduced . . . with an introduction and notes, London, Printing Historical Soc., 1967. 208 p.(Publns. No. 4.)[3047]
- ZILLMAN, L. J., ed.. Prometheus Unbound: The Text and the Drafts toward a Modern Definitive Edition , Yale Univ. Press, 1968. 275 p.[3048]

B. United States
- BERGMANN, FRANK, A Note on Two Nineteenth-Century German Editions of Theodore Winthrop's John Brent , BNYPL , 72:656-58.[3049]
- BLANCK, JACOB, Two Revisions in the Bibliography of Joseph Holt Ingraham, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz . 42:158-60.[3050]
- BOWDEN, E. T., The Thurber Carnival: Bibliography and Printing History, Texas Studies in Lit. & Lang. , 9:555-66.[3051]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Crane's Red Badge of Courage and Other ‘Advance Copies,’ SB , 22:273-77.[3052]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, ed., The University of Virginia Edition of the Works of Stephen Crane , Univ. Press of Virginia, 1968, and following.(Vol. I: Bowery Tales: Maggie and George's Mother.)[3053]
- BRODERICK, J. C., Not Quite Poetry: Analysis of a Robert Frost Manuscript [of “Not Quite Social”], Manuscripts , 20:28-31.[3054]
- BRUCCOLI, M. J., and KATZ, JOSEPH, Scholarship and Mere Artifacts: The British and Empire Publications of Stephen Crane, SB , 22:277-87.[3055]
- BUGBEE, B. W., Genesis of American Patent and Copyright Law , Washington, Public Affaris Press, 1967. vii, 208 p.[3056]
- CARY, RICHARD, Some Bibliographic Ghosts of Sarah Orne Jewett, Colby Libr. Quart. , 8:139-45.[3057]
- CHAMBERS, LENOIR, SHANK, J. E., and SUGG, HAROLD, Salt Water and Printer's Ink: Norfolk and Its Newspapers, 1865-1965 , Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1967. viii, 418 p.[3058]
- CHARVAT, WILLIAM, The Profession of Authorship in America, 1800-1870 , Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1968. 327 p.[3059]
- CUMMING, JOHN, Pokagon's Birch Bark Books, Amer. Book Collector , 18:8:14-17.[3060]
- DAVIS, O. L., Jr., Found: A “Lost” Confederate Schoolbook, Serif , 5:2:29-30.(H. Apel's Prose Specimens for Translation into German, London, Trübner and Co., 1862.)[3061]
- de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes IV [Robert Barclay, Agricultural Tour in the United States, London, 1842], Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:188-89.[3062]
- DeKAY, DRAKE, Encyclopedia Americana , First Edition, Jour. Libr. Hist., 3:201-220.[3063]
- DOYNO, V. A., Over Twain's Shoulder: The Composition and Structure of Huckleberry Finn , Modern Fiction Studies , 14:3-9.[3064]
- ENSOR, ALLISON, The Contributions of Charles Webster and Albert Bigelow Paine to Huckleberry Finn , AL , 40:222-27.[3065]
- FONE, B. R. S., A Note on the Jones Very Editions, Amer. N & Q , 6:67-69, 88-89.[3066]
- GAINES, P. W., William Cobbett's Account Book, Proc. Amer. Antiquarian Soc. , 78:299-309.(As bookseller in Philadelphia and New York, June, 1796 to June, 1800.)[3067]
- GALLUP, DONALD, The “Lost” Manuscripts of T. S. Eliot, BNYPL , 72: 641-52.(A reprinting, with slight revision, of his essay with the same title in the TLS, November 7, 1968, pp. 1237-40.)[3068]
- GARNER, STANTON, The Publishing History of Harold Frederic: A Correction, Books at Brown , 22:95-101.[3069]
- GOLDEN, ARTHUR, ed., Walt Whitman's Blue Book. The 1860-61 Leaves of Grass Containing His Manuscript Additions and Revisions , New York Public Libr., 1968. 2 vols.[3070]
- GORDON, DOUGLAS, Signed Maryland Bindings III [Walter Giles, 1847-1852], Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:311-13.[3071]
- GRIER, E. F., Walt Whitman's Earliest Known Notebook, PMLA , 83:1453-56.[3072]
- GUILDS, J. C., The “Lost” Number of the Southern Literary Gazette , SB , 22:266-73.[3073]
- HARDING, WALTER, ed., The Variorum “Civil Disobedience ,” New York, Twayne, 1967. 91 p.[3074]
- HIXSON, R. F., Isaac Collins: A Quaker Printer in 18th-Century America , New Brunswick, N. J., Rutgers Univ. Press, 1968. 241 p.[3075]
- HOWARD, E. G., A Footnote to Sevententh-Century Maryland, Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:314-15.(A variant of Baer 191, H. Curson's A Compendium of the Laws and Government . . . of England . . . and Dominions, London, 1699.)[3076]
- HOWARD, E. G., Signed Maryland Bindings I [Binding by Louis Bonsal, Baltimore, c. 1847], Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:438.[3077]
- HOWARD, E. G., A Footnote to Sevententh-Century Maryland, II [Binding by F. M. Wills & Co., 1809-1810], Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:68-70.[3078]
- HOWARD, E. G., A Footnote to Sevententh-Century Maryland, IV [Binding by Louis Bonsal], Maryland Historical Mag. , 63:313-14.[3079]
- KATZ, JOSEPH, and MANNING, J. J., Notes on Frank Norris's Revisions of Two Novels. I. McTeague. II A Man's Woman , PBSA , 62:256-59.[3080]
- KIME, W. R., Poe's Use of Irving's Astoria in “The Journal of Julius Rodman,” AL , 40:215-22.[3081]
- KRAUSE, S. J., Olivia Clemens's “Editing” Reviewed, AL , 39(1967-68):325-51.[3082]
- McCLARY, B. H., Addressed to Albemarle Street: The Letters of Washington Irving to the House of Murray, 1817-1856 , Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Sussex, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 331.)[3083]
- McCLARY, B. H., Irving's Literary Midwifery: Five Unpublished Letters from British Repositories [To William Godwin, Thomas Moore, John Gibson Lockhart, Robert Southey, and to a niece], PQ , 46 (1967):277-83.[3084]
- MANN, DAVID, and WOODS, S. H., Jr., John Crowe Ransom's Poetic Revisions, PMLA , 83:15-21.[3085]
- MAXSON, J. W., Jr., Papermaking in America: From Art to Industry, 1690-1860, Quart Jour. Libr. of Congress , 25:116-29.[3086]
- MILLER, HENRY, Collector's Quest: The Correspondence of Henry Miller and J. Rives Childs, 1947-1965 , Charlottesville, Pub. for Randolph-Macon College by the Univ. Press of Virginia, 1968. xv, 216 p.[3087]
- MUSSEY, BARROWS, Book Town: A Historical Sketch of Publishing and Printing in Brattleboro, Vermont History , 36:173-85.[3088]
- PILKINGTON, J. P., The Methodist Publishing House: A History , Nashville, Abingdon, 1968.(Vol. I of two volumes, beginnings to 1870. 585 p.)[3089]
- POLLIN, B. R., Poe as Probable Author of “Harper's Ferry” [Graham's, 20:73], AL , 40:164-78.[3090]
- RAY, G. N., In Memoriam: John D. Gordan, PBSA , 62:175-76.[3091]
- RAYWARD, W. B., Manufacture and Copyright: Past History Remaking, Jour. of Library Hist. , 3:7-31.(The United States and international copyright.)[3092]
- ROLLINS, C. P., Theodore Low De-Vinne , New York, The Typophiles, 1968. 2 vols. 280 p.(Chap Books XLVII and XLVIII.)[3093]
- RUSSELL, JACK, Israel Potter and “Song of Myself,” AL , 40:72-77.[3094]
- SIMMONS, D. C., Eugene Field's “Little Willie”: An Excursion in Bibliopaedoenurosis, Amer. Book Collector , 18:10:35-38.[3095]
- STEVENS, A. J., The Editions of Montaigne Read by Melville, PBSA , 62:130-34.[3096]
- STICKLE, W. E., State and Press in New Jersey during the American Revolution, I, New Jersey History , 86:158-70.[3097]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Copyright Records and the Bibliographer, SB , 22:77-124.[3098]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Millay's Renascence and Second April: A Bibliographical Study, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):175-86.[3099]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Royal Tyler, Judith Sargent Murry, and The Medium , NEQ , 41:115-17.(The Medium is by Mr. Murray; corrects C2511 on this point.)[3100]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Text of Stevens's “Le Monocle de Mon Oncle,” Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):246-48.[3101]
- TURFTE, V. J., Gertrude Stein's Prothalamium: A Unique Poem in a Classical Mode, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 43:17-23.[3102]
- VALGEMAE, MARDI, Eugene O'Neill's Preface to The Great God Brown , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 43:24-28.[3103]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, “Old Age Echoes” Proof Sheet, Walt Whitman Rev. , 14:180.[3104]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Thomas B. Mosher and A Shropshire Lad , Serif , 5:2:30-33.[3105]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Variants of R. M. Bucke's Walt Whitman , Serif , 5:4:25-29.[3106]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, The Very Earliest Whitman, Amer. Book Collector , 19:2:6.(A paragraph in The Long Islander of 1838.)[3107]

The abbreviations used here for periodicals are taken from the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The compilers gratefully acknowledge the kindness of members of the Society in suggesting items for inclusion. The compiler of Part I is indebted to Mr. J. S. G. Simmons for information about items published in Russia and Eastern Europe; and the compiler of Part II is similarly indebted to him and to the contributors to Bibliography in Britain, from which he has added entries, especially for dissertations and articles in magazines of local history, distinguished by references to that source. The compilers strongly urge bibliographers and interested persons to send information on titles which should be included to them, and would be grateful for authors' reprints or copies of publications to ensure their listing in this annual feature. However, books cannot be reviewed in Studies in Bibliography.

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