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Recurring Types in the Tercera Parte.

The number in brackets is the forme number; 1v, 1, 25 means folio 1 verso, column 1, line 25. If the middle number is lacking it means there is only one column on the page or part of page where the type is.

  • a I: gap in stem just above spot where lower part of bulb joins it. 1r, 2, 15 (4); 16r, 1, 41 (7); 22v, 2, 37 (10); 27v, 1, 7 (13); 26v, 1, 3 (16).
  • a II: notch in right of stem just above spot where lower part of bulb joins it. 14r, 1, 25 (5); 9r, 2, 15 (8); 17v, 1, 1 (11); 28v, 2, 3 (14).
  • a III: lacks lower part of loop. 12r, 26 (5); 16r, 2, 12 (7); 19r, 2, 26 (10); 29v, 2, 22 (13); 25r, 1, 6 (16).
  • a IV: small mark between end of hook and bulb. 21r, 2, 6 (10); 27v, 2, 19 (13); 32v, 2, 42 (16).
  • b: nick in left of stem, one-third up. 11v, 33 (5); 15v, 2, 8 (7); 20v, 1, 30 (10).
  • C: top arm slightly flattened. 2r, 1, 12 (3); 13r, 2, 33 (6); 19v, 1, 34 (9); 24v, 2, 28 (12); 32r, 1, 7 (15).
  • c: flattened at top. 4r, 2, 34 (1); 1v, 1, 25 (3).
  • ct: mark half-way up RH side of t's stem. 4v, 2, 5 (2); 11v, 7 (5); 15v, 1, 7 (7); 19r, 1, 33 (10).
  • ç: two nicks at top. 4r, 1, 28 (1); 1v, 1, 16 (3); 12v, 12 (6); 20r, 2, 33 (9); 18v, 2, 16 (12).
  • D: piece missing from top left corner: 16r, 2, 19 (7); 19r, 1, 16 (10); 28r, 2, 5 (13); 31r, 2, 8 (16); seen as late as forme 37.
  • d I: large nick in middle left of bulb. 3v, 1, 22 (1); 2v, 2, 42 (4); 10r, 29 (7); 19r, 1, 21 (10); 27v, 1, 13 (13); 26v, 2, 30 (16); seen as late as forme 120.
  • d II: dent in middle left of bulb. 3r, 2, 34 (2); 11v, 21 (5); 16r, 1, 1 (7); 19r, 1, 32 (10); 27r, 2, 1 (14); seen as late as forme 135.

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  • d III: two nicks in bulb, another in stem. 3v, 1, 22 (1); 2r, 1, 40 (3); 14v, 2, 22 (6); 22r, 1, 12 (9).
  • d IV: dent at foot of leg. 21r, 2, 7 (10); 29v, 1, 4 (13).
  • E I: end of centre-piece bent down. 6r, 1, 34 (1); 2r, 2, 12 (3); 11r, 16 (6); 20r, 2, 1 (9); 18v, 2, 40 (12); 26r, 2, 32 (15).
  • E II: bottom leg bent upwards. 29v, 1, 39 (13); 32v, 2, 19 (16).
  • e I: small nick just below centre left. 3v, 1, 24 (1); 2v, 2, 25 (4); 10r, 20 (7); 19r, 1, 21 (10); 27v, 2, 6 (13).
  • e II: large dent in middle left. 5v, 1, 16 (1); 2v, 1, 12 (4); 10r, 28 (7); 19r, 1, 9 (10).
  • e III: double bend at end of tail. 16r, 2, 37 (7); 21r, 1, 30 (10); 29v, 1, 10 (13).
  • F I: small crack bottom left of stem. 3r, 2, 37 (2); 13v, 1, 28 (5); 10v, 29 (8).
  • F II: notch in left of stem just above cross-piece. 13v, 2, 21 (5); 9r, 1, 7 (8); 23r, 1, 1 (12); 25v, 1, 16 (15).
  • f: end of cross-piece bent up. 6v, 1, 38 (2); 13v, 1, 30 (5); 9r, 1, 21 (8); 18r, 1, 31 (11); 30v, 2, 32 (14).
  • g I: piece missing from top right of upper bulb. 4r, 1, 40 (1); 1v, 1, 20 (3); 12v, 1, 18 (6); 20r, 1, 30 (9); 18v, 1, 11 (12).
  • g II: two small nicks close together in top of bottom loop. 6r, 1, 39 (1); 2r, 1, 21 (3); 14v, 2, 8 (6); 19v, 1, 16 (9); 24v, 2, 32 (12); 31v, 1, 11 (15); seen as late as forme 134.
  • g III: bottom loop broken upwards. 7v, 1, 17 (3); 12v, 2, 15 (6); 20r, 2, 24 (9); 26v, 1, 9 (16); seen as late as forme 65.
  • g IV: notch and dent in top left of upper bulb. 12r, 16 (5); 15v, 1, 12 (7); 22v, 1, 30 (10); 29v, 2, 35 (13); 31r, 2, 4 (16).
  • H: upturned serifs at tops of legs. 1r, 2, 12 (4); 15v, 2, 23 (7); 19r, 1, 25 (10); 30r, 2, 12 (13); also in forme 17 and up to forme 44.
  • h: left leg bent in. 19r, 2, 23 (10); 27v, 2, 14 (13); 25r, 1, 14 (16).
  • l I: horizontal nick about one-third up. 20r, 1, 38 (9); 17r, 2, 14 (12); 31v, 1, 32 (15).
  • l II: slanting nick about one-third up. 16r, 1, 35 (7); 21r, 2, 14 (10); 28r, 2, 24 (13); 32v, 2, 11 (16).
  • m I: left leg bent to right. 6r, 2, 33 (1); 1v, 2, 40 (3); 14r, 2, 21 (5); 9r, 2, 7 (8); 18r, 2, 15 (11); 28v, 1, 41 (14); seen as late as forme 28.
  • m II: only the three legs left. 6r, 2, 15 (1); 2r, 1, 39 (3); 14v, 1, 3 (6); 19v, 2, 12 (9); 23r, 1, 3 (12); 25v, 1, 7 (15); seen as late as forme 43.
  • m III: no connection between 1st and 2nd legs. 24r, 1, 18 (11); 27r, 2, 3 (14).
  • N I: bent left leg. 7v, 1, 8 (3); 15r, 1, 7 (8); 18r, 2, 38 (11); 29r, 2, 22 (14); seen as late as forme 58, but also prelims., ¶ 5r, 30.
  • N II: left leg broken inwards. 7v, 1, 38 (3); 11r, 33 (6); 22r, 2, 36 (9); 23r, 1, 26 (12); 31v, 2, 23 (15); seen as late as forme 117.
  • N III: left leg broken outwards. 19r, 2, 5 (10); 23r, 2, 29 (12); 31v, 2, 3 (15); seen as late as forme 73.
  • n: large dent in left leg. 8r, 2, 7 (3); 14r, 2, 6 (5); 22r, 2, 13 (9); 24v, 1, 26 (12); 31v, 1, 8 (15); seen as late as forme 90.
  • O I: projection, inside, bottom left. 20v, 1, 32 (10); 29v, 2, 1 (13).
  • O II: projection, inside, bottom left, slightly higher than in O I. 9r, 1, 40 (8); 17v, 1, 7 (11); 30r, 2, 9 (13); seen as late as forme 65.
  • P: two nicks on left side of stem; lower part of loop does not meet stem. 9v, 23 (7); 21r, 1, 19 (10).
  • p I: cone-shaped nick in top third of stem. 5v, 2, 24 (1); 1v, 1, 20 (3); 12v, 12 (6); 21v, 2, 32 (9); 18v, 1, 11 (12); 26r, 2, 40 (15); very distinctive, also found in 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and as late as 100.
  • p II: piece missing from stem inside bulb. 6r, 1, 21 (1); 2v, 2, 26 (4); 9v, 18 (7); 20v, 1, 19 (10); 29v, 2, 30 (13); found as late as forme 95.
  • p III: damaged where bottom of bulb meets stem. 11v, 24 (5); 15v, 1, 18 (7); 20v, 1, 6 (10).
  • p IV: nick on top right outside of bulb. 3r, 2, 29 (2); 13v, 2, 26 (5); 10v, 11 (8); 23v, 2, 16 (11).
  • Q I: nick just to left of where tail joins circle. 6r, 1, 6 (1); 8v, 1, 29 (4); 16r, 2, 25 (7); 19r, 1, 36 (10); 32r, 2, 25 (15).
  • Q II: tail slightly bent in two places. 4v, 2, 8 (2); 12r, 24 (5).

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  • q I: nick in stem just above meeting-point with bottom part of loop. 4v, 1, 42 (2); 16v, 1, 26 (8); 23v, 2, 35 (11); 29r, 1, 4 (14); seen as late as forme 66.
  • q II: foot of stem bent well to left. 8r, 2, 9 (3); 14r, 1, 41 (5); 9r, 1, 40 (8); 18r, 2, 24 (11); 28v, 2, 33 (14); seen as late as forme 71, also in prelims., ¶ 4v, catchword.
  • q III: kink in serif at bottom of stem. 7v, 2, 32 (3); 14v, 2, 14 (6); 19v, 1, 29 (9); 23r, 1, 5 (12); 26r, 1, 34 (15).
  • r: small piece missing in angle between stem and horizontal part. 8r, 2, 18 (3); 14r, 1, 22 (5); 9r, 1, 8 (8); 18r, 1, 13 (11); 29r, 2, 18 (14).
  • ſ: large slanting nick just above cross-piece. 15r, 2, 29 (8); 23v, 1, 22 (11); 29r, 2, 25 (14); seen as late as forme 123.
  • ſſ: top end of second letter bent up. 29v, 2, 27 (13); 31r, 1, 30 (16).
  • ſt I: stem of ſ damaged between foot and cross-piece. 14r, 1, 8 (5); 16v, 1, 5 (8); 17v, 2, 7 (11); 30r, 2, 42 (13); 31r, 1, 20 (16); seen as late as forme 52.
  • ſt II: ligature broken and bent to left. 18v, 2, 8 (12); 26r, 2, 28 (15); seen as late as forme 68.
  • ſt III: mark above left-hand stroke of t. 1r, 2, 11 (4); 15v, 2, 31 (7); 21r, 2, 23 (10); 27v, 1, 27 (13).
  • st: s cracked and bent at bottom. 8r, 2, 14 (3); 11r, 24 (6).
  • t: bottom of tail bent down. 3r, 2, 32 (2); 13v, 2, 41 (5); 15r, 2, 20 (8); 17v, 2, 17 (11); 29r, 2, 7 (14).
  • u I: dent in left-hand leg. 4r, 1, 22 (1); 2v, 1, 28 (4); 15r, 2, 17 (8).
  • u II: nick near top of left-hand leg. 3v, 1, 9 (1); 7r, 1, 5 (4); 9v, 17 (7); 19r, 2, 17 (10); 28r, 2, 5 (13).
  • v I: piece of serif missing from left leg. 3v, 1, 10 (1); 2v, 1, 26 (4); 16v, 1, 38 (8); 23r, 2, 14 (12); 31v, 2, 11 (15); seen as late as forme 47.
  • v II: only serif remains of right leg. 4r, 1, 29 (1); 2r, 2, 36 (3); 14v, 2, 14 (6); 19v, 2, 23 (9); 24v, 2, 12 (12); seen as late as forme 43.
  • v III: an italic V with serif of right leg bent into a loop. 3r, 2, 38 (2); 13v, catchword (5); 9r, 1, 39 (8).
  • z I: serif of top horizontal touches middle of diagonal. 1r, 1, 9 (4); 15v, 2, 35 (7); 22v, 1, 20 (10); 27v, 2, 31 (13); 26v, 1, 2 (16);.
  • z II: notch at bottom right of lower horizontal. 5r, 1, 8 (2); 13v, 2, 36 (5); 15r, 1, 17 (8); 24r, 1, 35 (11); 30v, 1, 4 (14); seen as late as forme 80.
These descriptions are not intended to be minute, but they should be enough to help the reader pick out each letter in the line in which it occurs; anyone checking the list would be well advised to use more than one copy of the book. A list of running-heads follows.

  • Recto-head I has a B with a dot in the lower bulb: 2r, 4r, 11r, 22r, 23r, 26r.
  • Recto-head II has a damaged o in Don: 3r, 9r, 12r, 24r. 25r, 30r.
  • Recto-head III also has a damaged o in Don, but is different from II: 15r, 18r.
  • Recto-head IV: small nick in e of Pedro: 5r, 14r, 16r, 19r.
  • Verso-head I: s of ligature st nicked near bottom: 5v, 7v, 14v, 19v, 23v.
  • Verso-head II: E has dot in middle of lower half: 6v, 10v, 11v, 18v, 20v.
  • Verso-head III has a distinctive st ligature: 1v, 3v, 12v, 16v, 17v.
  • Verso-head IV has a small a in verdad: 4v, 9v, 13v, 21v.