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It was with a great deal of pride that Robert Walsh, who edited simultaneously the Philadelphia National Gazette and Literary Register and the American Quarterly Review between 1827 and 1836, revealed in his newspaper the following distinguished writers who had contributed to his quarterly prior to 1835:

Messrs. John Q. Adams, P. S. Duponceau, Albert Gallatin, Timothy Pitkin, William Rawle, Henry Wheaton, J. K. Paulding, George Ticknor, John Pickering, George Bancroft, Charles J. Ingersoll, T. I. Wharton, T. A. Budd, H.[enry S.] Tanner, G. W. Erving, J. R. Poinsett, Achille Murat, Wm. B. Reed, L.[orenzo] da Ponte, I.[saac] Lea, Jas. Bayard, William M. Meredith, G. W. Featherstonhaugh, [Jesse Burton] Harrison of New Orleans, Wm. B. Lawrence, T.[imothy] Walker of Cincinnati, the late Mr. [P. H.] Cruse of Baltimore, the late Senator Josiah Johnston, S.[amuel] Ward, the Eckhards [James R. and possibly his wife], David P. Brown, H. D. Gilpin, G. M. Wharton, Jules de Wallenstein, H.[enry] Brevoort of New York, F.[rancis] Markoe, Jr., Anthony Laussat, Robert Hare, Jr., Sidney G. Fisher, R. Walsh, R. M. Walsh, Major William Ware — Judges [Joseph] Hopkinson and James Hall — the Messrs. Alexanders [Archibald and James W.] of New Jersey, the Rev. Dr. [Frederick] Beasley, Rev. President [Francis] Wayland, the Rev. Dr. G.[regory T.] Bedell — Professors J.[ames] Renwick, A. McVickar, Robert Patterson, [Robert] Hare, William H. Keating, [George] Tucker of Virginia, [Charles] Follen of Cambridge, [Thomas R.] Dew of Virginia, [Charles] Caldwell of Lexington — Doctors [Robley] Dunglinson, [Thomas] James, [John D.] Godman, [Thomas] Cooper, [Francis] Leiber, J. K. Mitchell, [Charles D.] Meigs, [A. L.] Elwyn, [René] La Roche, [James] McHenry.[1]
Because these contributors, as was customary at the time, did not sign their


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reviews and Walsh did not identify their contributions, their essays long remained anonymous. The first successful attempt to match a great many of the names of contributors with their articles was made by Sr. Mary Frederick Lochemes in her biography of Walsh in 1941.[2] Later, Professor Ralph M. Aderman revealed the names of many more contributors in his very useful "Contributors to the American Quarterly Review, 1827-1833," Studies in Bibliography, XIV (1961), 163-176. Despite Lochemes' and Aderman's extensive identifications, many authors were left in anonymity, and especially those who wrote for the journal after June, 1833. This was the date after which no other entries were made about the American Quarterly Review in the cost book of Carey & Lea, the Philadelphia publishers. All of the authors which Aderman identified were based upon holographic entries in the cost book. As a bibliographical tool, Aderman's article has been augmented greatly by David Kaser's edition of The Cost Book of Carey & Lea: 1825-1838 (Philadelphia, 1963), although Kaser made no attempt to identify specifically the names (mostly last names and often inconsistently spelled and illegibly written) of authors in the cost book.

Since the publication of the works of Lochemes, Aderman, and Kaser, I have been able to assign the names of a good many more authors, heretofore anonymous, to their reviews in the American Quarterly Review. I have also been able to confirm some probable or supposed identifications made by Lochemes and Aderman and to give new meaning to certain names which appeared in Kaser's edition of the cost book. In a few cases I have been able to make some corrections of identities offered by Lochemes and Aderman. Much of the information which follows has been gleaned from Walsh's editorial column in the National Gazette and Literary Register, from edited and unedited letters, and from direct internal evidence in the articles themselves. The following list of contributors is offered as a brief but, it is hoped, useful postscript to the earlier inventories of Lochemes, Aderman, and Kaser:

  • William B. Reed, "Mexico," II, no. 4 (December, 1827), 338-362.[3]

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  • Jules de Wallenstein, "Life of Bernadin de St. Pierre," II, no. 4 (December, 1827), 362-395.[4]
  • Jules de Wallenstein, "Russian Mission to China," III, no. 5 (March, 1828), 255-286.[5]
  • William B. Reed, "Ward's Mexico," IV, no. 7 (September, 1828), 85-115.[6]
  • Charles Follen, "History," V, no. 9 (March, 1829), 85-99.[7]
  • Major William Ware, Darby's View of the United States," V, no. 9 (March, 1829), 143-190.[8]
  • George M. Wharton, "History of Pennsylvania," V, no. 10 (June, 1829), 408-437.[9]
  • Jules de Wallenstein, "Spain," VI, no. 11 (September, 1829), 116-144.[10]

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  • Henry D. Gilpin, "Sketches of Naval Life," VI, no. 11 (September, 1829), 216-239.[11]
  • James Hall, "The Public Domain of the United States," VI, no. 12 (December, 1829), 263-283.[12]
  • Robert Walsh and George Washington Erving, "History of the Republic of San Marino," VI, no. 12 (December, 1829), 455-467.[13]
  • Robert Walsh, "Jefferson's Posthumous Works," VI, no. 12 (December, 1829), 494-524.[14]
  • William H. Keating, "Geology," VII, no. 14 (June, 1830), 361-409.[15]
  • William B. Reed, "Cuba," VII, no. 14 (June, 1830), 475-513.[16]
  • Joseph Ripley Chandler, "Fanatical Guides," VIII, no. 15 (September, 1830), 227-248.[17]
  • Albert Gallatin, "Banks and Currency," VIII, no. 16 (December, 1830), 441-528.[18]

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  • P. H. Cruse, "History of Maryland," IX, no. 18 (June, 1831), 483-511.[19]
  • Timothy Walker, "Criminal Jurisprudence of Ohio," X, no. 19 (September, 1831), 29-47.[20]
  • Joseph Ripley Chandler, "Society Tracts," X, no. 19 (September, 1831), 68-93.[21]
  • William B. Reed, "History of Cuba," X, no. 19 (September, 1831), 230-243.[22]
  • Joseph Ripley Chandler, "Ornithological Biography," X, no. 20 (December, 1831), 245-258.[23]
  • William B. Reed, "Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution," X, no. 20 (December, 1831), 417-443.[24]
  • Josiah Johnston, "Free Trade and the Tariff," X, no. 20 (December 1831), 444-474.[25]
  • Samuel Ward, "Renwick's Mechanics," XI, no. 21 (March, 1832), 120-153.[26]

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  • Samuel Ward, "Renwick's Mechanics," XI, no. 21 (March, 1832), 120-153.[27]
  • Joseph Ripley Chandler, "Travels of Tyerman and Bennet," XII, no. 23 (September, 1832), 1-24.[28]
  • Robert Hare or Robert Hare, Jr., "Chenevix on National Character," XII, no. 23 (September, 1832), 24-56.[29]
  • William Gilmore Simms, "Mrs. Trollope and the Americans," XII, no. 23 (September, 1832), 109-133.[30]
  • Achille Murat, "Mackintosh on Ethical Philosophy," XII, no. 23 (September, 1832), 133-153.[31]
  • Samuel Ward, "Locke," XII, no. 24 (December, 1832), 354-379.[32]

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  • Jesse Burton Harrison, "Slavery Question in Virginia," XII, no. 24 (December, 1832), 379-426.[33]
  • Timothy Walker, "View of Ohio," XIII, no. 25 (March, 1833), 94-126.[34]
  • Anthony Laussat, "Memoirs of the Dutchess of St. Leu," XIII, no. 25 (March, 1833), 127-143.[35]
  • Joseph Ripley Chandler, "New Zealand and Tristran d'Acunha," XIII, no. 25 (March, 1833), 167-187.[36]
  • Joseph Ripley Chandler, "Morrell's Voyages," XIII, no. 26 (June, 1833), 314-336.[37]
  • William M. Meredith, "Poor Laws," XIV, no. 27 (September, 1833), 66-101.[38]
  • Samuel Ward, "Letters of Euler," XIV, no. 28 (December, 1833), 255-273.[39]
  • Thomas I. Wharton, "The Life and Opinions of John Jay," XIV, no. 28 (December, 1833), 273-308.[40]

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  • Thomas I. Wharton, "Washington and his Writings," XV, no. 30 (June, 1834), 275-310.[41]
  • John W. Williams, "Life and Policy of Canning," XVI, no. 31 (September, 1834), 1-41.[42]
  • Thomas I. Wharton, "The Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution," XVI, no. 31 (September, 1834), 166-200.[43]
  • James Renwick, "Egypt and Mohammed Ali," XVI, no. 31 (September, 1834), 212-240.[44]
  • John W. Williams, "Classical Learning," XVII, no. 33 (March, 1835), 1-31.[45]
  • Thomas I. Wharton, "Writings of George Washington," XVII, no. 33 (March, 1835), 74-100.[46]
  • Willis Gaylord Clark, "American Lyric Poetry," XIX, no. 37 (March, 1836), 103-123.[47]
  • Willis Gaylord Clark, "Halleck's Poems," XXI, no. 42 (June, 1837), 399-415.[48]
  • Willis Gaylord Clark, "Lockhart's Life of Scott," XXII, no. 44 (December, 1837), 202-250.[49]
  • Willis Gaylord Clark, "Life and Writings of Lamb," XXII, no. 44 (December, 1837), 473-484.[49]


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Despite what has been written to date on contributors to the American Quarterly Review much remains to be said. For example, in Walsh's list of contributors, and obviously a partial list, which appears at the head of this article, the following writers have not been associated with their essays: David P. Brown, G. W. Featherstonhaugh, A. McVicker, and Joel R. Poinsett. The problem of associating these known contributors with their works is compounded by the fact that after the revelation of contributors and their articles in the Carey & Lea cost book, which ended in 1833, and after the publication of contributors in Walsh's National Gazette and Literary Register in 1835, no other single list of reviewers was made. Since the American Quarterly Review continued until the end of 1837, the writers in the late years of the journal, mainly from 1834-1837, still remained largely unknown. Perhaps yet from some manuscript source or from some reliable newspaper contemporaneous with the American Quarterly Review will come the final word on contributors and authors.