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B. United States

  • ADNEY, J. R., Pioneer Journalism in Iowa, Annals of Iowa , 38:501-509, 612-25.[2471]
  • ALDRIDGE, A. O., The First Published Memoir of Franklin, William and Mary Quart. , 24:625-28.[2472]
  • BARBOUR, P. L., Two “Unknown” Poems by Captain John Smith, Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:157-58.[2473]

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  • BENNETT, SCOTT, A Concealed Printing in W. D. Howells, PBSA , 61:56-60.(A Traveler from Altruria.)[2474]
  • BERKELEY, EDMUND, and BERKELEY, D. S., “The Piece Left Behind”: Monroe's Authorship of a Political Pamphlet Revealed, Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:174-80. (Monroe and John Beckley authors of a pamphlet credited to John Taylor of Caroline.)
  • BLOOMFIELD, B. C., T. B. Mosher and the Guild of Women-Binders, Book Collector , 16:82.[2476]
  • BRODERICK, J. C., An Unpublished Whitman Letter and Other Manuscripts, AL , 37(1965-66):475-78.[2477]
  • BRONNER, E. B, Distributing the Printed Word: The Tract Association of Friends, 1816-1966 , Pa. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 91:342-54.[2478]
  • COHEN, HENNIG, Melville's Copy of Broughton's Popular Poetry of the Hindoos , PBSA , 61:266-67.(Supplements C1878.)[2479]
  • CRAWFORD, R. L., A Note on Robert Aitken, Printer of the “Bible of the Revolution,” Bibliotheck , 5:36-37.[2480]
  • DAVIS, O. L., Jr., Another Confederate Book: A Literary Ghost, But a Real Ghost from Texas, Serif , 4:4:28-29.(The Child's Scripture Question Book, 1865.)[2481]
  • DeGRUSON, GENE, An Unlocated Bret Harte-Joaquin Miller Book, PBSA , 61:60.(Thompson's Prodigal and Other Sketches, BAL, III, 469.)[2482]
  • DURNBAUGH, D. F., Henry Kurtz: Man of the Book, Ohio History , 76:114-31.(Includes an account of his printing for the Church of the Brethren.)[2483]
  • EDDY, S. L., Jr., The Northern Monthly and New Jersey Magazine: May 1867-June 1868, Jour. Rutgers Univ. Libr. , 30:40-52.[2484]
  • EMERSON, E. H., Captain John Smith as Editor: The Generall Historie , Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:143-56.[2485]
  • FISH, CHARLES, Form and Revision: The Example of Watch and Ward , Nineteenth Century Fiction , 22:173-90.[2486]
  • FRANKLIN, R. W., The Editing of Emily Dickinson, a Reconsideration , Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1967. xvii, 187 p.[2487]
  • GUILDS, J. C., William Gilmore Simms and the Southern Literary Gazette , SB , 21:59-92.[2488]
  • GUTHORN, P. J., American Maps and Map Makers of the Revolution , Monmouth Beach, N. J., Philip Freneau Press, 1966 [i.e. 1967]. 48 p.[2489]
  • HARDING, WALTER, Emerson's Library , Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Va., 1967. xi, 338 p.[2490]
  • HARLAN, R. D., David Hall and the Stamp Act, PBSA , 61:13-37.[2491]
  • HARLOW, T. R., Thomas Robbins, Clergyman, Book Collector, and Librarian, PBSA , 61:1-11.[2492]
  • HART, J. A., American Poetry of the First World War and the Book Trade, PBSA , 61:209-24.[2493]
  • HAYFORD, HARRISON, and PARKER, HERSHEL, eds., Moby Dick , New York, Norton, 1967. xviii, 728 p.[2494]
  • HOWARD E. G., Some Variations in Varle's Complete View of Baltimore (1833) Maryland Historical Mag. , 61 (1966):370-72, and correction 62:210.[2495]
  • HOWARD E. G., The States of [Alfred] Vail's Description [1845], Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:355.[2496]
  • KIRKHAM, E. B., The First English Editions of John Lawson's Voyage to Carolina: A Bibliographical Study, PBSA , 61:258-65.[2497]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, New Yorker illustrierte Bücher des 19. Jahrhunderts mit signierten Einbänden, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 221-29.[2498]
  • LADA-MOCARSKI, VALERIAN, Earliest Russian Printing in the United States, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 231-33.(At San Francisco at some time between October 4, 1867, and March 1, 1868.)[2499]

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  • LEHMANN-HAUPT, HELLMUT, FRENCH, H. D., and ROGERS, J. W., Bookbinding in America , New York, Bowker, 1967, 293 p.(repr. of ed. of 1941, with bibl. supplements to three essays covering literature of past twenty-five years.)[2500]
  • LOSCHKY, HELEN, The Columbiad Tradition: Joel Barlow and Others, Books at Brown , 21(1966):197-206[2501]
  • MABBOTT, T. O., Walt Whitman Edits the Sunday Times, July, 1842-June, 1843, AL , 39:99-102.[2502]
  • McCORISON, M. A., A Daybook from the Office of The Rutland Herald Kept by Samuel Williams, 1798-1802, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:293-395.[2503]
  • McLENDON, W. L., Misshelved Americana: The Post Boy [Cambridge (Mass.), 1850-1851], PBSA , 61:343-47.[2504]
  • MADISON, C. A., Book Publishing in America , New York, McGraw-Hill, 1966. xiv, 628 p. Critical rev. by Rollo G. Silver, AL, 39:255-56.[2505]
  • MAXWELL, J. C., The Revision of “Roderick Hudson,” English Studies , 45(1964): 239.(Correction of C1064.)[2506]
  • MORISON, S. E., Commodore Perry's Japan Expedition Press and Shipboard Theatre, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:35-43.(Supplements B 1547.)[2507]
  • PARKER, JOHN, Jonathan Carver's Map of His Travels, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 197-208.[2508]
  • PECK, R. E., Two Lost Bryant Poems: Evidence of Thomson's Influence, AL , 39:88-94.[2509]
  • PECK, R. E., An Unpublished Poem by Washington Irving, AL , 39:204-207.[2510]
  • PELADEAU, M. B., Some Additional Facts about Royall Tyler, Book Collector , 16:511-12.(Supplements C1882.)[2511]
  • PRICE, C. E., John Israel: Printer and Politician on the Pennsylvania Frontier, 1798-1805, Pa. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 91:46-55.[2512]
  • REINKE, E. C., A Classical Debate of the Charleston, South Carolina, Library Society, PBSA , 61:83-99.[2513]
  • RICHARD, CLAUDE, Poe and “Young America,” SB , 21:25-58.[2514]
  • SALZMAN, JACK, The Publication of Sister Carrie: Fact and Fiction, Libr. Chron. [Univ. of Pa.], 33:119-33.[2515]
  • SILVER, R. G., The American Printer, 1787-1825 , Charlottesville, For the Bibl. Soc. by the Univ. Press of Va., 1967. xii, 189 p.[2516]
  • SILVERMAN, KENNETH, Two Unpublished Colonial Verses, BNYPL , 71:61-63.(By Joseph Breintnall and Captain Martin.)[2517]
  • STALLMAN, R. W., Stephen Crane: Some New Sketches, BNYPL , 71:554-62.(Introductory note and first publication of text.)[2518]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., Author and Publisher in 1800: Letters of Royall Tyler and Joseph Nancrede, HLB , 25:129-39.[2519]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., The Descriptive Bibliography of American Authors, SB , 21:1-24.[2520]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., The Laurence Gomme Imprint, PBSA , 61:225-40.[2521]
  • TAYLOR, E. W., Analysis and Comparison of the 1855 and 1891 Versions of Whitman's “To Think of Time,” Walt Whitman Rev. , 13:107-122.[2522]
  • VANDERSEE, CHARLES, James's “Pandora”: The Mixed Consequences of Revision, SB , 21:93-108.[2523]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Collected Hemingway: A Japanese Translation, Serif , 4:1:30-32.[2524]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Robinson Jeffers' The Beginning and the End: Another Error, PBSA , 61:126.(Supplements C2075.)[2525]
  • WILLIAMS, W. C., I Wanted to Write a Poem: Autobiography of the Works of a Poet , reported and ed. by Edith Heal, Boston, Beacon Press, 1967. 100 p.[2526]