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A English and General

  • ALJURE-CHALELA, SIMON, Jose Eusebio Caro: Bibliografía , Charlottes-ville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 82 p.[2225]
  • ANDERSON, A. J., John Cowper Powys: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:73-78, 94.[2226]
  • BARNES, WARNER, The Browning Collection at the University of Texas , Univ. of Texas, Humanities Research Center, 1967. 120 p.(Bibl. Ser. 3.)[2227]

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  • BAUGHMAN, ROLAND, The Centenary of Arthur Rackham's Birth, September 19, 1867. An Appreciation of His Genius and a Catalogue of His Original Sketches, Drawings and Paintings in the Berol Collection , Columbia Univ. Libraries, 1967. 48 p. 8 p. colored plates.[2228]
  • CARTER, JOHN, and MUIR, P. H., Printing and the Mind of Man , London, Cassell & Co., 1967. xxxiii, 280 p.[2229]
  • COHEN, E. H., A Comprehensive Hopkins Bibliography, 1863-1918, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:79-81.[2230]
  • DAVIS, HERBERT, Review of Herman Teerink's Bibliography of the Writings of Jonathan Swift , 2d ed., edited by Arthur H. Scouten, Univ. of Pa. Press, 1963, Library, 5th ser., 22:75-79.[2231]
  • DOYLE, P. A., A Liam O'Flaherty Checklist, Twentieth Century Lit. , 13:49-51.[2232]
  • FLEEMAN, J. D., A Preliminary Handlist of Documents & Manuscripts of Samuel Johnson , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1967. iv, 51 p.(Occasional Publns. 2.)[2233]
  • GEMMETT, R. J., An Annotated Checklist of the Works of William Beckford, PBSA . 61:243-58.[2234]
  • GOLLIN, R. M., HOUGHTON, W. E., and TIMKO, MICHAEL, Arthur Hugh Clough: A Descriptive Catalogue , New York Public Libr., 1967. 117 p.(Repr. of B2364 and C1808, with addns. and corrs.)[2235]
  • GORDAN, J. D., Letters to an Editor [Edward Howard Marsh]: Georgian Poetry, 1912-1922. An Exhibition from the Berg Collection, BNYPL , 71:277-305, and separately in 36 p.[2236]
  • HAGELMAN, C. W., Jr., and BARNES, R. J., A Concordance to Byron's Don Juan, Cornell Univ. Pr., 1967. xii, 981 p.[2237]
  • HENRY, W. H., Jr., A French Bibliography of W. Somerset Maugham , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 133 p.[2238]
  • HUSS, R. E., A Chronological List of Type-setting Machines and Ancillary Equipment, 1822-1925, Jour. of Typographic Research , 1:245-74.[2239]
  • JOHN FELL , 1625-1686, Bishop, Printer & Typefounder. Catalogue [of an Exhibition], Oxford Univ. Press, 1967. 24 p.[2240]
  • KABLE, W. S., The Ewelme Collection of Robert Bridges: A Catalogue , Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina. 1967. 35 p.(Dept of English, Bibl. Ser., 2.)[2241]
  • KIRKPATRICK, B. J., A Bibliography of Virginia Woolf , rev. ed., London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1967. 212 p.(Soho Bibliographies, 9.) (Revision of B737.)[2242]
  • LANGRIDGE, DEREK, John Cowper Powys: A Record of Achievement , London, The Libr. Assn., 1966. xvi, 256 p.[2243]
  • MALAWSKY, B. Y., T. S. Eliot: A Check-List: 1952-1964 , Bull. of Bibl. , 25:59-61, 69.(Supplements A1508.)[2244]
  • MISH, C. E., English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700: A Chronological Checklist , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 110 p.[2245]
  • MORRIS, B. R., John Cleveland (1613-1658): A Bibliography of His Poems , London, Bibl. Soc., 1967. 54 p.[2246]
  • O'NEILL, P. H., Tobacco: A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Engravings Acquired Since 1942 in the Arents Tobacco Collection , Part VIII, 1673-1687, New York Public Libr., 1967. Pp. 385-475, pl. 177-200.[2247]
  • PARKER, JOHN, and URNESS, CAROL, The James Ford Bell Collection: A List of Additions, 1960-1964 , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1967. 208 p.[2248]
  • PAYNE, J. R., An Annotated List of Works on Fine Bindings, Amer. Book Collector , 18:1:11-22.[2249]
  • RILEY, PETER, A Bibliography of T. F. Powys , Hastings, R. A. Brimmell, 1967. 72 p.[2250]
  • ROGAL, S. J., A Checklist of Works by and about Isaac Watts (1674-1748), BNYPL , 71:207-15.[2251]
  • SMITH, T. d'A., Listing of some additions, in “Introduction,” to reprint of Stuart Mason's Bibliography of Oscar Wilde , London, Bertram Roat, [1914] 1967. 605 p.[2252]

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  • STAGG, L. C., Index to the Figurative Language of Ben Jonson's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 47 p.[2253]
  • STAGG, L. C., An Index to the Figurative Language of John Webster's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 58 p.[2254]
  • STAGG, L. C., An Index to the Figurative Language of Thomas Heywood's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 54 p.[2255]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., The Bibliographical Society's News Sheet, 1894-1920, Gutenb.-Jahrb. , 1967:297-307.[2256]
  • TENNYSON, CHARLES, and FALL, CHRISTINE, Alfred Tennyson: An Annotated Bibliography , Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1967. viii, 126 p.[2257]
  • TOLLEY, A. T., The Early Published Poems of Stephen Spender: A Chronology , Ottawa, Carleton Univ., 1967. 36 p.[2258]
  • VanDEVANTER, WILLIS, A Checklist of Books Illustrated by Henry Alken, in Homage to a Bookman , ed. by Hellmut Lehamann-Haupt, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 245-61.[2259]
  • WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., Photo-Facsimiles of STC Books: A Cautionary Check List, SB , 21:109-130.[2260]
  • WILLIAMS, R. C., A Concordance to the Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas , Lincoln, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1967. xiii, 579 p.[2261]