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Seefeldstrasse, (par terre), Zurich, Switzerland.
Dear Mr. Joyce,

I have just received your postcard of the 11th., and I will answer your questions in their order.

A form of contract was sent to Mr. Huebsch for your novel, but he wanted some alterations in it,[1] so that I was obliged to send him another form. I am now daily expecting to receive the amended form back from him with his signature.

The contract is between yourself and Mr. Huebsch, and as soon as I receive the signed form from him, I will send the agreement on to you for your approval and signature.

The royalties are 10% on the first 2,000 copies sold, and then 15%.

£10: is to be on account of royalties on signature of the contract.

The date of publication is to be fixed by mutual agreement.[2]

The text to be used is the copy you sent us from the Egoist.[3]


Huebsch has not yet made an agreement for this book, but no doubt he will take it up eventually.

The last account received from Grant Richards showed 536/495 copies sold,[4] and according to the agreement no royalty is due until after 500 copies have been sold. The next account is due next month.


This is still being considered by Drama, and I will let you know as soon as I have their decision.

The Stage Society made no comment when returning the MS.


Page 217

Mr. Archer[5] has not read it, neither has it been submitted to Mr. Knoblock.[6]


These are at the moment under consideration with Colour.