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Poe and "Young America"
Claude Richard
When Edgar Allan Poe moved to New York in April 1844, there is no doubt that he was pursuing his life-long dream of launching a first-class magazine — one which would, at last, be under his sole control. His many frantic attempts to bring this recurrent dream to life bear testimony to his dissatisfaction with his previous activities as a critic whether in Richmond under the authority of Thomas W. White, or in Philadelphia where William Burton's expediency and George Graham's namby-pambiness had come to "disgust" him. In Philadelphia, however, competition was tough and though the "Stylus," as he had decided to call the magazine he was planning, was to strike a radically different note, the odds were against success in a contest with the popular Godey's Lady's Book cleverly edited by Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale and Graham's Magazine which had succeded in appealing, thanks largely to Poe's own contributions, both to a sentimental female audience and to the more exacting patronage of lawyers and wealthy gentlemen. New York offered better opportunities than the conservative old capital for a thoroughly original magazine with high intellectual ambitions.
Poe also realised that money was more likely to turn up in New York than in Philadephia. He needed a backer but failed to find one: instead he found a friend, Evert A. Duyckinck, the head of the so-called "Young Americans," who in Arthur H. Quinn's words "provided what Poe needed, an adviser and a manager."[1] The best known result of the friendship with Duyckinck was the publication as No. 2 of Wiley and Putnam's "Library of American Books" of Poe's Tales in June 1845 and his The Raven and Other Poems in November 1845. While commentators, influenced by Poe's objections to the selection[2] have
Here in fact lies the core of the matter. Duyckinck was the enthusiastic proponent of a truly national literature with a democratic appeal, and he had preached his gospel with unmistakable fervor for more than five years. He had created the Tetractys Club whose program was to serve the promotion of a truly American literature; he had projected the establishment of the Home Critic — the name speaks for itself —; he had launched, with his friend Cornelius Mathews, the devoutly national Arcturus and even after its failure had risen to prominence in New York as the defender of a new, independent literature — a literature which, in contrast with the more aristocratic and European works of such writers as Longfellow and Washington Irving, would strike a truly national note likely to win the average uncultured American to the habit of reading and initiate him to the moral profits of art. So far he shared nothing in common with Poe, except his scorn or rather utter misunderstanding of transcendentalism. But for a rather florid paragraph written ten years before at the outset of his career as a critic,[5] Poe was anything but a champion of a national literature. He had handled Duyckinck's nearest allies, Cornelius Mathews and William A. Jones,[6] rather roughly and he was nothing of a Democrat: he had "battled with right good will for Harrison" and he considered his "principles" to "have always been as nearly as may be, with the existing administration" (Tyler's) (Letters, I, 170). He had steadily denounced the degrading influence of the idea of nationality on American criticism[7] and American taste.[8] Finally, no casuistry could so misrepresent the truth of Poe's tales as to regard them as specifically American, redolent of native life and expressing the genius of the American people, in the manner of Simms's The Wigwam and the Cabin or Mathews' Big Abel and the Little Manhattan.[9] Some other link must exist between Poe and the Young Americans, some alliance which
The proof of Poe's allegiance to "Young America" is glaringly written in an article in the Broadway Journal (July 19, 1845) that has somehow escaped previous notice.[10] The brief paragraph is entitled "Young America" and runs thus: "Regretting the necessity of employing the phrase which is not only borrowed, but redolent of affectation, we still have the most earnest sympathy in all the hopes, and the firmest faith in the capabilities of 'Young America.' We look upon its interests as our own, and shall uniformly uphold them in this Journal. What these interests are — what should be the aspirations of the new men in the country, and of the country through them in particular, it has been our intention to express fully in our own words, at the first convenient opportunity — but we have now lying before us an address which embodies all that there is any necessity for saying.
"We allude to a paper read by Mr. Cornelius Mathews at the late annual meeting of the Eucleian Society of the University of New York. We shall be pardoned for making some extracts."[11] The excerpts from Mathews' highflown address cover two columns in small type and contain such frantically nationalistic statements as the following: "I therefore, in behalf of this Young America of ours, insist on nationality and true Americanism in the books this country furnishes to itself and to the world: nationality in its purest, highest, broadest sense" (pp. 26-27). The printing of large extracts from Mathews' address is enough to prove Poe's goodwill towards "Young America" and his gratitude towards Duyckinck. The tenor of the introductory passage is complex: it is both a profession of faith ("we look upon its interests as our own") and, as Poe's New York audience must have at once perceived, a declaration of war. In pledging that his magazine would serve the interests of Young Americans, Poe was renouncing the middle-of-the-road policy he and his co-editor Charles Frederick Briggs, who was sympathetic to the Knickerbocker group, had maintained at the Broadway Journal. By the end of June, Poe, after "a series of manoeuvres almost incomprehensible to [himself]" (Letters, I, 299), had managed to get rid of Briggs who would soon find refuge in the Sanctum; Poe wastes no time in proclaiming to which side he belongs: the statement, under the editorial "we," coming not long after the announcement that he is now sole literary editor, is clear enough. The ousting of Briggs and Poe's
Thus if we find Poe advocating the Young American movement in his first period of critical independence, would it not be logical to expect to find covert or overt advocacy of that movement in his earlier critical writings? His advocacies of these ideas will date from a period after his initial contact with the conspicuous members of the Democratic set. Poe had much to win, for Duyckinck's protection was as effective as the protection of an eighteenth century patron. Who could reproach any half-starving young critic with a dying wife for forcing and somewhat colouring in brighter hues some of his opinions? Who would doubt Poe might yield to such temptation?
The first indication of relationship between Poe and any member of "Young America" is the arresting letter he sent to Cornelius Mathews on March 15, 1844. Surprisingly enough Poe accuses himself of flippancy, a reproach he often chafted under and makes light of the matter: "Could I imagine that, at any moment, you regarded a certain impudent and flippant critique as more than a matter to be laughed at, I would proffer an apology on the spot." The touchy and haughty pride which was his customary attitude is stifled under the painfully elaborate
Poe, however, was no longer the editor of Graham's Magazine and contributed only occasional reviews. It may thus be assumed either that he received the book for review from Mathews, or that Graham handed it over to him along with the letter. In both cases Poe must have known that Mathews was the "importer" and sponsor of the poem which he planned to publish in America. Poe wastes no time in advertising it, inserting a brief but highly commendatory paragraph even before having perused it attentively: ". . . as yet . . . we . . . have had opportunity to glance at individual passages," letting naïvely slip the confession that: "We must read and review 'Orion.'" In spite of that "the work . . . is, beyond doubt, that of a man of genius."[20] Two months later — Poe seems to be waiting for something as he seldom delayed so long between the announcement of a review and the review itself — appears the glowing tribute to Horne's poem.[21] This enthusiastic review is generally considered as one of the most conspicuous lapses
Although Poe acknowledges that "Mr. Horne, . . . is, in some measure, infected" (p. 254) by the "cant of the day" (p. 253), transcendentalism, an element the critic could never force himself to commend, although he acknowledges that Horne "has been badgered into the attempt at commingling the obstinate oils and waters of Poetry and Truth" and "has weakly yielded his own poetic sentiment of the poetic — yielded it, in some degree, to the pertinacious opinion, and talk, of a certain junto by which he is surrounded," yet, he opines that Horne is ". . . unquestionably . . . a man of high, of the highest genius . . ." (p. 254). One must note at once that Emerson had so far been simply ignored by Poe, precisely because he indulged in the "cant of the day" and Longfellow fails to elicit from Poe the label of genius for one sole reason: he insists on commingling "the obstinate oils and waters of Poetry and Truth." Overlooking these disparities between Horne's practise and his own critical tenets, Poe proceeds to define once again what he now calls "pure poetry" (p. 256). Leaning on his usual examples — Coleridge's theory of passion and poetry, Tennyson's "Locksley Hall," "Oenone" and "Morte d'Arthur," Cousin's ideality — he evolves one of his most fruitful definitions of the origins of poetry as "the thirst for a wilder beauty than earth supplies" and of poetry as "the imperfect effort to quench this immortal thirst by novel combinations of beautiful forms . . ."; concluding after an approval of Coleridge's rejection of even love from poetry that "Truth is, in its own essence, sublime — but her loftiest sublimity, as derived from man's clouded and erratic reason, is valueless — is pulseless — is utterly ineffective when brought into comparison with the unerring sense of which we speak" (pp. 256-57). This is Poe at his best, but the definition has nothing to do with Horne's work which is confessedly a poem with a moral, that is to say, in Poe's special vocabulary, concerned with Truth.
The next paragraph shows Poe at his worst. He now dedicates all his logical powers to the vindication of Horne's shortcomings so that
The water's course, enjoy, if so he wished,
Midnight tremendous, silence, and iron sleep.[25]
Now if we recall the date of the letter sent to Mathews we cannot but be struck by a coincidence and we may perhaps re-read the first paragraph: the "small parcel for Mr. Horne" is evidently the review, with Poe's tale, "The Spectacles" he hopes to publish in England through Horne. Under the pretence of asking for Horne's address, Poe lets Mathews know that the mission he has been entrusted with — the writing of a favorable review of "Orion" — has been carried out, that he himself Poe has done the job[26] and the apologies that follow are consequently less bluntly humble than we might at first have thought. They are not the words of a poor artist begging for protection but the last concession of one of the parties towards a compromise. To Poe it was important that Mathews should know the review was his, because Poe, it would appear, had contracted to review the poem, perhaps for payment, perhaps in return for some good offices he expected from Mathews who had written to Horne that "there would be a review,"[27] perhaps because he was Mathews' "debtor for many little attentions" as he acknowledged in his letter of March 15, 1844 (I, 245). Thus Poe seems to have striven to show his good will towards Young America
On August 23, 1843, Duyckinck, Mathews, William Cullen Bryant and other less conspicuous figures had founded a club whose program was "to procure the enactment of such law or laws as shall place the literary relations of the United States and foreign countries, in reference to copyright, on just, proper, and equitable grounds."[29] Poe's interest in the issue of international copyrights is well-known and any American author, particularly a professional one, must have followed closely the evolution of the enterprise and read the statement, signed by Bryant, Francis L. Hawks and Mathews, of October 18, 1843. It stressed the necessity of a collection "at a price which will satisfy the just demands of the author, and the rightful expectations of the reader."[30] In the winter of 1843-44 Poe could not but be cognizant of the activities of Duyckinck, Bryant and Mathews that would lead to the publication of a prospectus of the Home Library in the New York Tribune dated March 30, 1844.
This new publishing venture had been widely advertised and must have been known to Poe on March 15, when he wrote to Mathews since the prospectus advertised the first volume of the series as ". . . now ready at all the book stores and periodical agencies . . ." Friendship with Mathews and Duyckinck would be particularly helpful since they were in charge of a collection whose plan was to include "COPYRIGHT WORK OF AMERICAN AUTHORS, and new works of English writers, to be published by mutual arrangement with them and for their benefit."[31] The Home Library was a failure and only two
As significant as both Poe's insistence on those themes and his attacks on Aldrich and Longfellow are the many favorable allusions to once despised Young Americans with which he sprinkled many of his articles. His treatment of William Gilmore Simms is particularly illuminating: in November 1844, Poe is given access to the columns of the fortress of the Democrats, the Democratic Review. He is probably short of matter, for these first two Marginalia are largely made up of reprints and adaptations of his earlier reviews. These reprints however are not selected at random: one of the adaptations is particularly interesting. It concerns William G. Simms, the latest recruit of the Young Americans. Poe had had frequent opportunities to express his
The whole tone is transcendental and ". . . in nine cases out of ten, the thought, when dug out, will be found very poorly to repay the labor of the digging" (p. 5); which allows Poe to insert a contrastingly vigorous, though unconnected paragraph about the justified use of obscurity in the creation of the fantastic.
The "Drama of Exile" "opens with a very palpable bull" (p. 6) — a long, turgid, self-contradictory stage direction — whose obvious awkwardness Poe minutely discusses in thirty lines. His apologies for "alluding to these niaiseries at all" is that they allow him to put "in the clearest light the mass of inconsistency and antagonism in which her subject has inextricably involved her" (p. 7). The plot receives no better treatment: ". . . it is something even worse than incongruity which affronts: — a continuous mystical train of ill-fitting and exaggerated allegory — if, indeed, allegory is not much too respectable a term for it" (p. 8). Poe's delightful satirical verve here betrays his sincerity: "Innumerable other spirits discourse successively after the same fashion, each ending every stanza of his lamentation with the 'yet I wail!' When at length they have fairly made an end, Eve touches Adam upon the elbow, and hazards, also, the profound and pathetic observation — 'Lo, Adam, they wail!' — which is nothing more than the simple truth — for they do — and God deliver us from such wailing again!" (p. 9).
The "Drama of Exile" is then merely dismissed in strong plain words: "It is our purpose, however, to demonstrate what every reader of these volumes will have readily seen self-demonstrated — the utter indefensibility of the 'Drama of Exile', considered uniquely as a work of art" (p. 9). After quoting one eighteen-line extract for commendation, Poe insists that it is ". . . the longest quotable passage in the drama, not disfigured with blemishes of importance," which leads him to the conclusion that ". . . neither are there, in any of her poems, any long commendable paragraphs nor are there any individual compositions which will bear the slightest examination as consistent art-products" (p. 10), for Poe, the most damning of all judgments; yet, he follows immediately with an utter non sequitur, the observation that she is ". . . unhesitatingly, the greatest — the most glorious of her sex" (p. 11).
To the didacticism of the "Vision of Poets," he, of course, objects, but grants the poem to be "thoughtful, vivid, epigrammatic and abundant in just observation" (p. 12). He had always counted one of these, epigrammaticism, the most perilous pitfall of short poems. Thoughtfulness, vividness and justness of observation are critical clichés he had always been wary to avoid. With obvious relief he now turns to the opinions of a "reviewer in Blackwood's Magazine" and devotes two full pages to the minute and tedious corrections of Christopher North's misconstruing of three unimportant quotations. Then he gets rid of the twenty sonnets and nineteen remaining poems in two or three sentences containing such statements as: "In general, the themes are obtrusively metaphysical, or didactic" (p. 14).
A week later he continues in the same vein: after a brief favorable analysis of "The Cry of the Human" and "Lady Geraldine's Courtship," ending with a delicate hint — for Poe, a very delicate hint — that the latter contains borrowings from Tennyson's "Locksley Hall," Poe manages a noncommittal defense of Miss Barrett by a schoolmaster analysis of what he knows best: Professor Wilson's blunders in his review of the collection of poems. Having picked out a line Wilson had selected "for special animadversion" he studies it exhaustively to show that ". . . from the entire range of poetical literature there shall not, in a century, be produced a more sonorous — a more vigorous verse — a juster — a nobler — a more ideal — a more magnificent — . . ." (pp. 18-19) and passes on to a surprisingly long, accurate and justified listing of all her shortcomings: the language is affected, though the quaintness of some phrases is duly commended and worked into a defense of Poe's own belief in the virtues of old-fashioned oddity; the imagery is occasionally farfetched "which is reprehensible in the extreme" (p. 21), sometimes verging on ". . . nonsense, and nothing more," sometimes "repulsive" (p. 22); knotty paradoxes, platitudes, synecdoches, inartistical and undecorous conceptions are duly listed; repetitions, mannerisms are "multitudinous" (p. 25), and we are given a complete list of the "pet-words," "down" and "to lean," though her grammar is unexceptionable and her style, in Poe's limited meaning, ". . . exceedingly chaste, vigorous and comprehensive . . ." (p. 27). In his strictures upon her inattention to rhythm he does not mean "the multiplicity of inadmissible rhymes," though he gives twenty-seven examples, so much as the metrical deficiencies that make the ". . . metre . . . intended . . . nearly impossible to determine . . . in some cases . . ." (p. 27). The double rhymes have no special value; breaks are forced after the fourth trochee, the division of the poem into quatrains serves no prosodic purpose. Poe obviously enjoys himself, indulges gleefully in metrical games, printing a quatrain in a new typographical disposition to bring out in relief the artificiality of the seven-foot line, then printing another one in prose to call attention to the deficiency of the foot pattern. He had never been more accurate, more thorough and more convincing.
But he now "make[s] an end of [his] fault-finding" and turns to the "beauties" of the book (p. 29). As he puts it: "Alas! here, indeed, we feel the impotence of the pen" (p. 29). His clear-cut sentences dwindle into blurred rhetoric: "We have already said that the supreme excellence of the poetess whose work we review, is made up of the multitudinous sums of lofty merits" (p. 29). He painfully succeeds in quoting four isolated specimens worthy of admiration:
Thus, out of thirty-two pages, Poe is able to devote only two, largely made up of extracts, to the analysis of the truly poetic essence of the work under review and his praise has been shown to be clumsy, patently half-hearted and unnaturally high-flown, at times even bombastic. And when he undertakes, in the concluding paragraph, to trace Miss Barrett's affiliation to her English predecessors, the contrast between the deep insight into Shelley's and Tennyson's creative processes and the flat unsupported statements of Miss Barrett's genius leaves a durable impression of unconvincing exaggeration of the merits of the poetess, the more so as close examination of the final arguments reveals they contain a contradiction and are partly adapted from Horne's paragraph on Miss Barrett in the New Spirit of the Age.[51]
The sincere admiration Poe shows for some of E. B. Barrett's poetic qualities in the body of the article would hardly lead us to expect the unbridled enthusiasm of the last paragraph. He is manifestly puzzled by this "mystic" poetry, at a loss to express his complex feelings. He resorts to easy schoolmaster's criticism, betraying as he goes along, his utter powerlessness at accounting for the enthusiasm he professes to show. In spite of what is generally assumed, he had never so far taken interest in E. B. Barrett's poetry, though it was already widely circulated. He had mentioned her once only[52] as a contributer to R. H. Horne's Chaucer Modernized (Works, XI, 250). Besides why should he write a review, so long after the publication of the work[53] that he feels compelled to apologize for the delay (Works, XII, 3)? In January 1845, he badly wanted money and may have swelled the article to get an extra dollar a page (Quinn, p. 452). He may have wanted to please Graham, in whose magazine most of Miss Barrett's poetry had appeared and was still appearing and whose editor, Griswold, was begging for reviews of The Drama of Exile and Other Poems.[54] He may have tried, as he did with Horne, to gain Miss Barrett's gratitude with a view to her helping to introduce his tales in England. Both, however, the circumstances of the American publication of The Drama of Exile and Other Poems, and some obscure allusions in the review, suggest Poe's desire to please the Young Americans. It is not perhaps uninteresting to recall that the fame of Miss Barrett in the United States had been the result of the "wonderful"[55] exertions of Cornelius Mathews.
The prospectus of the Home Library issued on March 30, 1844,[56] mentioned among the works intended for publication in the poetical series, "A new Volume of poems by E. B. Barrett of England" (Good-speed, p. 113) that "of course" was "to be secured through the good offices of Mathews" (p. 116). Mathews' correspondence with Miss Barrett had already put them on a friendly footing. The first criticism of her works ever to appear in the United States appeared in Arcturus
Thus Poe, who still lived in Philadelphia and occasionally contributed to Graham's Magazine, was very likely to have read this notice, to have learned that Miss Barrett was the protegée of the Young Americans and to have gathered from the raving tone of the puff that the literary man who wanted to curry the favor of Young Americans would be well advised to treat Miss Barrett with cordiality.[60] Moved by Mathews' tokens of kindness, Miss Barrett promised a volume of her poems: "Whenever I print another volume you shall have it, if
Miss Barrett's instant popularity constituted a demonstration of the critical acuity of the Young Americans who had discovered her. She had been hailed in England, accepted by the North American Review, but now her name was inextricably linked to Young America: prepublication of the "Drama of Exile" appeared in the Democratic Review for July and August 1844 together with two sonnets in August and September[69] and two highly laudatory articles in July and October 1844.[70]
Again and again, in her letters, she dwells on that "wonderful" kindness and urges Mathews not to sacrifice his "critical faculty" to his "interest in [her] (proved in so many ways)."[71] By the end of the year the Poems, 1844 had received almost unanimous praise in England and America. By that time, since Miss Barrett acknowledged her association with Young America in the preface to the American edition of her book where she speaks kindly of her American editor, Mathews, Young Americans were able to use her fame as the most incontestable proof of their critical acumen. They cleverly organised her publicity,[72] for her fame bore such indisputable testimony of the superiority of their critical insight over any other critical school — the Knickerbocker's in particular. To Poe, the newcomer, this was a convenient occasion to show his sympathy at a particularly opportune period when the plan for the "Library of American Books" was under way. Prudence was required, however, for the gossiping busybody of the world of literati, Poe's old enemy, Lewis Gaylord Clark, lay in wait, hoping to catch Poe contradicting himself. Briggs, however, was at this time not
First, Poe did not fail to remark that the edition was an "American edition," emphasizing the phrase by quotation marks though he had already noticed that the American edition of Miss Barrett's works is "published under the superintendence of an American author" (Works, XII, 2), a sentence that had been made conspicuous by Duyckinck's note in his article in the American Review (I [January 1845], 38); the allusion in Poe's review is an obvious commendation of the achievements of the gentlemen of the Copyright Club and of their secretary, Cornelius Mathews, the self-same "American author." In examining American opinions of Miss Barrett, Poe mentions that the only critique evincing any degree of objectivity — this can hardly be a coincidence — is that of the Democratic Review, Mathews', of course. On the contrary, the most flattering article to appear, one which is so dithyrambic that it is "an insult well intended" (Works, XII, 2), had been published in the Journal of the foes: the newly born American Review. This, however, may have been a blunder which, I believe, suggests that Poe was not yet an acknowledged member of the group let into all the secrets, that he was a newcomer not yet quite cognizant of the subtle intricacies in the pattern of alliances on New York stage: as we have seen, the unsigned article he disparaged was by Duyckinck. Who on earth, familiar with Duyckinck's "true blue" Democratic trends, would expect the leader of Young America to be given access to the first number of a magazine that contained in its announcement to the public a violent diatribe against the Democratic Party, that "other great political division . . . essentially anarchical in its principles and tendencies."[74] The announcement flatly stated the aim of the new review was to ". . . support freely and openly the principles and measures of the Whig Party . . ." (p. 3) and exploded Duyckinck's pet idea, a truly new national literature, in these words: "we are a people eager for novelty: we care more for the newness of a thing than for its authority. This is a trait which . . . has an unfavorable influence upon us in many respects . . . It especially affects, what must
The paragraph amounted to a manifesto meant to counterbalance the pernicious influence of all Young America's jabbering about the rejection of models as the first step toward attaining a national literature. There were some facts that Poe, still rather green for the "literary butcher-shop" was unaware of: Colton's personal friendship with Duyckinck, their tacit agreement that an anonymous article of a different trend in a professedly partisan journal could not fail to brighten up the reputation for fairness of the magazine and attract uncommitted readers. More precisely still, Poe was too much of an outsider both to New York and to the Young Americans to realize how fast political commitments may shift and that a temporary truce has just been made between such broadminded Whigs as Colton (who naïvely hoped to keep politics apart from literature) and such undoctrinaire Democrats as Duyckinck because they both disapproved of the annexation of Texas and of the war with Mexico, and both supported the notion of protection by an international copyright. "Hence," in Perry Miller's words, "in New York many Whigs found that they could be friendly with 'loco-foco' Democrats like Duyckinck. . .."[75]
This typical New York rapprochement, Poe, the provincial American in New York, grasped after some delay. There were however in Poe's review enough tokens of good will to atone for the blunders: the typographical errors were charged to the English edition, Poe assimilated himself to the "friends" of Miss Barrett; the exposition of the pernicious influence of the imitation of the ancient drama was a faithful echo of Mathews' campaign for a truly American Drama rejecting models of any kind. The assertion that the modern public at large was able to think and judge, an idea quite unlike Poe's conception of a pyramid-shaped society in which adequate judgement is transmitted down the scales to the "rabble" (one of his favorite words that had strangely disappeared from his vocabulary at the time) must ring pleasantly in Duyckinck's ears. Winding up the whole with another allusion to the critic in the Democratic Review (Works, XII, 16), regular insertions of flat statements of Miss Barrett's supreme, though
Of course, Poe's article was unsigned. How did then Poe manage to let Young Americans know of his authorship? First, we must note that in style it was unmistakably his and that Lowell identified the author at first glance.[76] Then one must recall that January and February 1845 were precisely the two months when Duyckinck and Briggs were on most friendly terms.[77] Moreover, on January 11, again, the very date of the second instalment of Poe's review of Miss Barrett, the New York Weekly News published an estimate of the Broadway Journal indicating Poe as the author of the review: ". . . Miss Barrett (rather painfully to us) is put to the question by Mr. Poe with his usual critical acumen and force of style."[78] The editor of the New York Weekly News was O'Sullivan, Duyckinck's old friend and ally, and Duyckinck held an unofficial position on the board of editors of the New York Weekly News. Finally, on February 1, 1845 came Duyckinck's recognition of Poe in terms of the warmest commendation:
The other person involved, Miss Barrett herself, was astonished and provided the best commentaries. Her official answer, sent to Poe through Horne, is generally quoted: it is interesting to notice that the ordinarily glib and easy letter writer is unsettled to the point of writing twice to Horne on the same day: "You will certainly think me mad, dear Mr. Horne, for treading upon my own heels [illegible] in another letter. But I am uncomfortable about my message to Mr. Poe, lest it should not be grateful enough in the sound of it."[80] Her first reaction had been to consider the review unfavorable — which it was — her sure instinct having told her that the strictures ring far truer than the praises. But her commentaries to her personal friends, in her more natural mischievous manner are more revealing. To Horne a few hours before the letter quoted above she had written: "Your friend, Mr. Poe, is a speaker of strong words 'in both kinds' . . . But Mr. Poe seems to me in a great mist on the subject of meter."[81] To Robert Browning she wrote on December 1, 1845: "He [Poe] wrote a review of me — the two extremes of laudation and reprehension, folded in on one another. You would have thought that it had been written by a friend and foe, each stark mad with love and hate, and writing the alternate paragraphs — a most curious production indeed." Of course she felt something odd in this rabid admiration so clumsily supported by such harsh strictures. But when she heard of the dedication of The Raven and Other Poems, she was utterly bewildered. Because Poe's attitude was more ambiguous than ever: "And think of Mr. Poe, with that great Roman justice of his (if not rather American!) dedicating a book to one and abusing one in the preface of the same."[82]
It seems as if he had, for some reason or other, to give public testimony of his esteem for her but tried at the same time to convey his real meaning. The surprise is that when we turn to the preface of The Raven and Other Poems, we find no derogatory opinion of Miss Barrett, not a word about her or anybody else. She too was surprised when she received the book — so much so that she considered the
There are only two possibilities: either Mathews had lied, or he or someone else had prevailed upon Poe to cut out the unfavorable remarks on Miss Barrett. In this literary milieu where the value of puffery was unquestioned, it was obviously in Mathews' interest to try and erase those unfavorable sentences, since he was planning to reprint Miss Barrett's Prose Miscellanies [85] and looked to Poe for help in promoting them. Thus if Mathews' hint is no downright lie (and what possible reason for lying could be he have had?), there may exist an unknown draft of Poe's preface to his The Raven and Other Poems and the very publication of the book may be the result of an arrangement with the Young Americans. May we venture to surmise that Duyckinck, though willing to publish Poe's poems,[86] imposed or suggested the dedication as a condition; that Poe half-heartedly accepted but attempted to make his opinion clear in the preface; and that he was finally prevailed upon by Mathews to cross out any allusions to Miss Barrett with the idea they might harm the sale of his forthcoming reprint of the Prose Miscellanies? Two facts support this surmise: as everyone knows Poe argues in a note prefixed to the "Poems Written in Youth" included in the same edition that "Private reasons — some of which have reference to the sin of plagiarism, and others to the date of Tennyson's first poems — have induced me to re-publish
Moreover, close examination of Poe's later criticism reveals that, once his poems were published, with their most humble and enthusiastic dedication, Poe lost all interest in Miss Barrett.[89] Her name often appeared in Poe's later criticism but not once does he qualify or reconsider his previous opinions. He plunders his own article and either reprints verbatim or "edits" his excerpts from his own review to fit them into a new reasoning but never further than replacing the editorial "we" by "I," changing a few conjunctions or omitting a word or phrase.[90] Again his glowing respect for her does not prevent him from "editing" her letter of thanks in a much more significant manner and of using it as a puff. She wrote: "After which [the foregoing] imperfect acknowledgement of my personal obligation may I thank you as another reader would thank you for this vivid writing, this power which is felt! Your 'Raven' has produced a sensation, a 'fit horror,' here in England. Some of my friends are taken by the fear of it and some by the music. I hear of persons haunted by the nevermore . . . I think you will like to be told that our great poet, Mr. Browning, the author of 'Paracelsus' and the 'Bells and Pomegranates' was much
The first reaction of the Democratic papers to the Barrett review was dubious; as we have seen, O'Sullivan in the New York Weekly News deemed it "rather painful" for his taste and the New York Morning News for January 14, 1845 carried a lukewarm estimate of Poe's review. Poe believed the notice to have been by Duyckinck and was scared. He hurried to print a corrective note for the enlightenment of Duyckinck which brings additional proof that the latter's opinion was what Poe really cared for: "We observe, in a notice of the Broadway Journal, a new aspirant for public favor, that Mr. D. speaks of a review of Miss Barrett's Poems as if it were condemnatory. We should be sorry indeed, if any general disparagement were intended of the most extraordinary woman of her age — perhaps of any age. Our impression, however, is that the critic of the Broadway Journal meant only, by a few unimportant objections, to place her pre-eminent merits in the best light. But perhaps this is Mr. D's impression also, and we have misconceived him."[93] Evert A. Duyckinck loathed puffery as much as Poe himself (though he made an exception for his bosom-friend, Mathews) and admired above all the dignity of the dauntless critic who was not afraid of speaking out the truth however harmful to himself. To him, the review, apparently by a great admirer of Miss Barrett lucid enough to point out her weaknesses, must have appeared as the archetype of critical honesty. He may have said so to his obedient troops
By March 15, 1845, W. G. Simms, having come to understand that Poe had been adopted, hastened to congratulate Duyckinck.[98] In February
In the New York and Boston magazines for 1845 and 1846, there is ample proof that Poe was universally considered as a staunch Young American: Lewis Gaylord Clark often referred to him as a member of the "Mutual Admiration Society";[103] in a review of "Simms's Stories and Reviews" printed in the North American Review for October 1846, C. C. Felton disposed of Poe in one sentence along with Cornelius Mathews, J. T. Headley and other Young Americans: "The Tales by Edgar A. Poe and the lucubrations of Mr. J. T. Headly, the former belonging to the forcible-feeble and the shallow-profound school . . ., are poor enough materials for an American Library."[104] Another proof of Poe's association with Young America is provided by Charles F. Briggs in his hilarious description of the literary party he included in his satire on New York life: The Trippings of Tom Pepper (1847-50). It is interesting to note that Austin Wicks (Edgar A. Poe) arrives at the party in the company of Mr. Ferocious (Cornelius Mathews) and Mr. Tribbings (Evert A. Duyckinck): they are the best friends in the world. Poe is then presented as the mouthpiece of Young America and the hero of Mr. Tribbings until he drinks one glass of wine and quarrels with Ferocious whom he calls an ass (I, 162). Since the instalment including the literary party appeared in the New York Mirror on February 27, 1847, it is reasonable to conclude that the final break between Poe and the Young Americans took place towards the fall of 1846. This dating is confirmed by Poe's strictures on Young Americans in his unpublished manuscript on 'The living writers of America' which can be safely dated to the second half of 1846. In fact from the end of 1846 onward, Poe was to deny all those favorable opinions of Young Americans and to deal frankly and devastatingly
Thus most of the glaring contradictions or erratic judgements in Poe's critical work belong to the period when he strove to please Duyckinck, the final outcome being that those contradictory statements are not so much the proof of a muddled mind as a reflection of the hardships of an artist's life in the 1840's when literature and criticism were still for so many Americans, the domain of "gentlemen of elegant leisure." The explanation of such contradictions or erratic reviews will finally illuminate the great consistency of Poe's critical output, which is not necessarily a point in his favor; such explanations may help to show that the precepts laid down by the very young poet in 1831 in the "Letter to Mr. ____ ____" continued to dominate the critical thought of the mature writer. That writer applied those precepts with more unswerving and unqualified rigor than is generally thought.
The complexity of motives, aesthetic, economic and personal which lay behind Poe's critical pronouncements throughout his career are nowhere better exemplified than in the record of his years in New York. His years in Baltimore, Richmond and Philadelphia, however,
Cf. Poe's letter to Philip P. Cooke (August 9, 1846) and Poe's letter to George Eveleth (December 15, 1846) in The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, ed. John W. Ostrom (1948), II, 328, 332. (Hereafter referred to as Letters). Perry Miller (The Raven and the Whale 1956) states that Poe ". . . circulated reports that the selection was made 'by a gentleman whose taste does not coincide with mine.'" (p. 135). The words "circulated reports" are not quite accurate as Poe's unfavorable comments on Duyckinck's selection — which the latter was to hear of only after Poe's death — appear in two private letters addressed to correspondents foreign to the world of the literati. Miller's remark that ". . . again in character, Poe had given Duyckinck carte blanche to select the poems" (p. 135), misses the mark since Poe's comments had not been written until August 9, 1846, more than six months after the publication of The Raven and Other Poems. (Poe's published opinion of the selection, a short anonymous paragraph in the Broadway Journal for July 12, 1845 [II, 10], is non-committal). There is moreover proof that Poe himself was responsible for the selection of the poems (cf. Poe's letter to Duyckinck, September 10, 1845. Letters, I, 297). Thus, there is no indication of a quarrel between Poe and Duyckinck prior to August 9, 1846.
For a list of the first publication of the twelve tales, see: Charles F. Heartman and James R. Canny, A Bibliography of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe (Hattiesburg, Miss. 1940), p. 63. For the complete list of the previous publications of each tale, see: John C. Wyllie, "A List of the Texts of Poe's Tales" in Humanistic Studies in Honor of John Calvin Metcalf, (University of Virginia Studies I) (1941), 322-338.
Letter from Carey to John P. Kennedy, November 21, 1834: ". . . writing is a very poor business unless a man can find a way of taking the public attention, and that is not often done by short stories. People want something larger and longer," in Killis Campbell, "The Kennedy Papers," Sewanee Review, XXV (April 1917), 197-198. See also, Wiley Harper's letter to Poe: "Readers in this country have a decided and strong preference for works (especially fiction) in which a single and connected story occupies the whole volume, or number of volumes, as the case may be . . ." Quoted in Eugene Exman, The Brothers Harper (1965), p. 80.
A review of Robert M. Bird's Calavar in The Southern Literary Messenger, I (February 1835), 315, Poe's first review in which he tries to answer Sidney Smith's ironical question: "Who reads an American book?"
Cf. Poe's review of Mathews' "Wakondah" in The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, ed. James A. Harrison (1902), XI, 25-38. (Hereafter referred to as Works) and see below p. 30.
In The Raven and the Whale (p. 135), Perry Miller, who assumes that Poe is a Young American, quotes a sentence from the article without identifying the passage.
Cf. the following articles in which he puffs authors published in Duyckinck's "Library of Choice Reading": "The Age of Elisabeth" by William Hazlitt, II, 27-28; "Prose and Verse" by Thomas Hood, ibid., p. 57, 71-74 and 104; "Editorial Miscellany," ibid., pp. 60-61; "Letters from Italy" by J. T. Headley, ibid., p. 75; "The Characters of Shakespeare," by William Hazlitt, ibid., p. 89; "The Indicator and Companion," by Leigh Hunt, ibid., p. 120; "Genius and Character of Burns," by Professor Wilson, ibid., p. 136; "Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau, by an Old Man," ibid., pp. 191-192; untitled paragraph about "The Library of American Books," ibid., p. 218; "Big Abel and the Little Manhattan," by Cornelius Mathews, ibid., p. 227; "The Country Papers on American Books," ibid., p. 278; "Editorial Miscellany," ibid., p. 325.
"Simms's Magazine," ibid., p. 121; "The Wigwam and the Cabin," by William G. Simms, ibid., pp. 190-191.
See his many letters to Duyckinck in Mary Simms Oliphant et al., eds., The Letters of William Gilmore Simms, vol. II, passim.
"Orion. An Epic Poem, in Three Books, by R. H. Horne," Graham's Magazine, XXIV (January 1844), 46.
Such opinions as the following are perhaps not so sincere as their enthusiastic tone suggests: "The description of the Hell in 'Paradise Lost' is altogether inferior in graphic effect, in originality, in expression, in the true imagination — to these magnificent, to these unparalleled passages" (Works, XI, 271).
"It was our design to give 'Orion' a careful and methodical analysis — thus to bring clearly forth its multitudinous beauties to the eye of the American public. Our limits have constrained us to treat it in an imperfect and cursory manner. We have had to content ourselves chiefly with assertion, when our original purpose was to demonstrate." (Works, XI, 274-275).
Works, XI, 271. The three lines quoted above are the concluding lines of the passage Poe considers to be superior to the description of the Hell in Paradise Lost.
Cf. Horne to Poe (April 27, 1844): "Mr. Mathews, of New York, had been so good as to inform me there would be a review;" George E. Woodberry, "Poe in New York," Century Magazine, XLVII (n.s. xxvi) (May-October 1894), 858.
See his letter to Charles Anthon (ante November 2, 1844, Letters, I, 266-271; and Anthon to Poe (November 2, 1844), Works, XVII, 193.
An Address to the People of the United States in Behalf of the American Copyright Club (1843), quoted in George T. Goodspeed, "The Home Library," The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, XLII, 110.
Cf. "Authors' Pay in America," New York Weekly Mirror, I (October 12, 1844), 15; "The Pay for Periodical Writing," ibid., I (October 19, 1844), 28; "Pay of American Authors," ibid., I (February 8, 1845), 280; "Pay of Authors in America," ibid., I (February 8, 1845), 288.
Cf. "Subserviency to British Criticism," ibid., I (January 11, 1845), 219. This short paragraph, not previously included in the Poe canon, is evidently his: Poe denounces Christopher North's blunders about Miss Barrett's poetry in the same words he used in his Broadway Journal review of the same date (cf. below pp. 40-41).
"Does the Drama of the Day Deserve Support?", ibid., I (January 18, 1845), 229; "Prospects of the Drama" and "Antigone," Broadway Journal, I (April 5 and 12, 1845), 219-220 and 236-237.
Cf. "Magazine Literature," New York Weekly Mirror, I (February 15, 1845), 299; "Magazine Writing," Broadway Journal, I (June 7, 1845), 354-357.
For a detailed study of the literary theories of the Young Americans, see John Stafford, The Literary Criticism of "Young America" (1952), pp. 54-95 and passim.
New York Weekly Mirror, I (January 25, 1845), 251. On February 8, 1845, Poe bluntly accused the "gentlemen of elegant leisure" of jeopardizing the future of American Democracy among "the people" by disseminating "the monarchical and aristocratical sentiment" of foreign books. ("Pay of American Authors," New York Weekly Mirror, I, 280). It is the most puzzling opinion ever expressed by the author of "Some Words of a Mummy" and other bitter diatribes against democracy.
Longfellow's friend remarked in his letter to the Editor of the New York Mirror: "It has been asked why Lowell was neglected in this collection" (quoted in Works, XII, 42).
See, in particular: "Headley's Letters from Italy," Broadway Journal, II (August 9, 1845), 75; "Mathews' Big Abel and the Little Manhattan," ibid., II (September 27 and October 18, 1845), 177-178 and 227, revised and expanded in Godey's Lady's Book, XXXI (November 1845), 218-219 (Works, XIII, 73-78); "Simms's The Wigwam and the Cabin," Broadway Journal, II (October 4, 1845), 190-191, revised and expanded in Godey's Lady's Book, XXXI (December 1845), 41-43, (Works, XIII, 93-97); "Mathews' Americanism," Broadway Journal, II (November 29, 1845), 322.
Broadway Journal, I (January 4 and 11, 1845), 4-8 and 17-20. (Works, XII, 1-35, from which I quote.)
See, e.g. Louise Greer, Browning and America (1952): (". . . he [Poe] praised her extravagantly in reviews . . ." p. 2). In an article that is not easily available, J.G. Varner offers a more precise story of their relationship. He is, however, more concerned with Miss Barrett's reactions than with Poe's ambiguous attitude. (Four Arts, [Richmond], January-February 1935, pp. 4-5, 14-15 and 17.)
Both Mathews and Duyckinck had compared some passages in Miss Barrett's poems to Dante. See Democratic Review, new series, XV (October 1844), 375, and American Review, I (January 1845), 47.
The two enthusiastic paragraphs in the New York Evening Mirror (October 8 and November 7, 1844) often quoted by Poe's biographers have been proved to be by N. P. Willis (William D. Hull, "A Canon of the Critical Works of Edgar Allan Poe," University of Virginia, unpublished dissertation, pp. 414 and 434.
The collection had been extensively reviewed and even Mathews refused to review once again the poems of his protégée. Cf. letter to R. W. Griswold, Passages from the Correspondence of Rufus W. Griswold, ed. W. M. Griswold (1898), p. 161.
Miss Barrett to Mathews, The Letters of Elizabeth B. Barrett, ed. Frederic G. Kenyon (1897), I, 198.
One may easily surmise the reasons for Mathews' "wonderful kindness" for Miss Barrett. There was first genuine mutual admiration and almost immediate sympathy between them; but, from the very outset it is evident that Mathews expected Miss Barrett to promote his own poems in England (MS. letters of Cornelius Mathews to Elisabeth Barrett Barrett in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York).
Cf. ibid., p. 76. Miss Barrett to Mathews (March 1844). The title of the English edition was merely Poems, 1844, whereas the American edition bore the title of The Drama of Exile and Other Poems.
Mathews to Elizabeth B. Barrett, June 27, 1844. (MS. letter in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, quoted by permission of the trustees).
". . . & I felt it to be a kind as well as honorable concession when a New York bookseller agreed to print in the best type and paper (paying for the privilege) a work which might be snatched out of his hands by the bookseller next door and printed as a tract." David Bonnell Green, "Elizabeth Barrett and R. Shelton Mackenzie," Studies in Bibliography, XIV (1961), 247.
Carey, the Philadelphia publisher who planned to reprint The Drama of Exile and Other Poems after the usual fashion, gave up his project when he learned that ". . . the New York publisher had proof sheets direct from the author" (Letters, ed. Kenyon, I, 177). Of course he had been persuaded to abandon his project by Mathews himself: "Carey and Hart, bookseller, at Philadelphia, had announced to publish your Poems, but on my writing, they relinquish the purpose in favor of a publisher who allows you copy money." (MS. letter from Cornelius Mathews to Elisabeth B. Barrett, June 27, 1844, in the Pierpont Morgan Library, quoted by permission of the trustees).
The following poems by Miss Barrett appeared in the Democratic Review: "A Drama of Exile," New Series XV (July 1844), 74-88, and (August 1844), 142-152; "Work," (September 1844), 249; "Insufficiency," (August 1844), 194.
An announcement followed by a long quotation from Richard H. Horne, Democratic Review, New Series XV (July 1844), 72-73; a long review by Mathews (October 1844), 370-377. That Mathews is the author of the review is proved by his statement in a letter to Griswold that: "I have already said my 'say' of Miss Barrett's poems in the Democratic Review for October . . ." (October 28, 1844, in Griswold's Letters, p. 161).
Duyckinck wrote a laudatory review of the collection for the first number of the apparently hostile American Review, I (January 1845), 38-48. He is identified as the author by Mathews' letter to Griswold of October 28, 1844 from which I have already quoted (cf. Note 70): ". . . and Duyckinck has said his ['say' of Miss Barrett's poems] in the New [American] Whig Review." Though the first number of the American Review bore the date of January 1845, it was advertised to be issued in September 1844, was delayed and was finally published late in October (American Review, I, fly-leaf). Thus Poe who had read the article, which he mentioned twice in his review of Miss Barrett's poems, had learned, if he did not know before, that Mathews was the American editor of the book. To the statement that Miss Barrett's work had been published "under the care of an American author," Duyckinck had convinced the editor, Colton, to append the following note: "Mr. Mathews, to whom Miss Barrett pays a delicate compliment in her preface, and whose volume of Poems she pronounces in another part of her volume as remarkable in thought and manner, for a vital sinewy vigor, as the right arm of the Pathfinder." American Review, I (January 1845), 38. The Democratic papers carry, of course, favorable reviews of Miss Barrett's poems and reprint some of her poems; see, e.g., the New York Morning News, "Poems by Elizabeth B. Barrett — From the Last Westminster Review," (January 25 and 30, 1845); "Opinions of the Press on the Drama of Exile," (January 30 and February 1, 1845); the New York Weekly News, "The Lady's Yes," and "Sleeping and Watching" (January 11 and 25, 1845).
Perry Miller (The Raven and the Whale, p. 127) identifies Duyckinck as the author of this biographical sketch of Jones (signed D.) that appeared in the Broadway Journal, I (January 11, 1845), 26-28.
"The article about Miss Barrett is extremely well written, I suppose by Poe." Letter to Charles F. Briggs, January 16, 1845, in Woodberry, The Life of Edgar Allan Poe (1909), II, 368.
In his Broadway Journal article on William Jones (see note 73), Duyckinck proves that he reads Poe's criticism with interest by inserting the following sentence: "But with all this there was . . . no trace of what Mr. Poe calls American cribbage." Additional proof that Duyckinck had seen Poe's article and, perhaps, censured some of his opinions is to be found in a letter from Briggs to Duyckinck (December 27, 1844): "I enclose you a few lines of a review of your Miss Barrett, which will appear in the first number of my journal [The Broadway Journal, of course] in which I find an Expression that may seem harsh to you. . . . It is meant well I know, from the writer's feelings towards you, but I cannot find him to ask him to substitute something in the place of it which will Express his meaning as well. If you don't approve of the sentence, have the goodness to say so and I will erase it altogether." (Duyckinck Collection, New York Public Library. Quoted by permission.)
Edgar Allan Poe, A Criticism, with Remarks on the Morals and Religion of Shelley and Leigh Hunt (1919), p. 6.
On December 30, 1845, Miss Barrett wrote to Mathews: "As to the proposition about the prose miscellanies, I could not but be gratified by it, but I wish you to understand that I should be averse from the re-issue of the Athaeneum papers without a complete course of rewriting." (Collector, V [March 1892], 107). Considering that she apologised at great length for having failed to answer Mathews' letter earlier and as she explained in the same letter that the delay was due to her many activities permitted by the fair weather of the summer, it is quite safe to conclude that Mathews' proposition had been made long before the publication of The Raven and Other Poems (November 19, 1845), in fact probably while the project, that was mysteriously delayed (see, Works, XIII, 31), was under way.
The accusation can be found in an article entitled "The Poets of America" in the Foreign Quarterly Review for January 1844 (XXXII, 291-324) which Poe believed to be by Dickens though it was probably by John Foster. (See Sidney P. Moss, Poe's Literary Battles [1963], pp. 157-158).
These rumors were voiced by his friend Thomas Dunn English in his Aristidean, I (November 1845), 400.
Chivers' testimony of Poe's admiration for Elizabeth B. Barrett is unreliable, as are most of Chivers' co-called "Conversations": he only sums up, in Poe's own words, the last paragraph of Poe's review. (See Richard Beale Davis, ed., Chivers' Life of Poe [1952], p. 40.)
Compare: Works, XII, 10 and XVI, 135-136 (Southern Literary Messenger, XV [April 1849], 218); Works, XII, 20-21 and XVI, 159-160 (Southern Literary Messenger, XV [May 1848], 246); Works, XII, 16 and XIV, 182 (Graham's Magazine, XXXIV [June 1849], 363); Works, XII, 23-24 and XIII, 200-202 (Graham's Magazine, XXXVI [January 1850], 50-51). The two short incidental remarks on Miss Barrett in the Broadway Journal, I, 235 and II, 392 go no farther than repeating that she is "unquestionably, in spite of her numerous faults, the most glorious woman of her age" (Broadway Journal, I, 235).
Letters, II, 329 (omitting only the sentence, "but all are taken"). To Duyckinck, however, who was likely to remember Miss Barrett's letter, Poe sent the original MS. on December 30, 1846, no doubt as a reminder of his past services (Letters, II, 336).
Duyckinck's paragraph about Poe, in the New York Weekly News for February 1, 1845, is not mere puffery (it was apparently written before he intended to publish Poe's Tales). In two or three sentences Duyckinck attempts to give some accurate analysis of Poe's genius. After February 1, the New York Weekly News is peppered with favorable allusions to Poe (I, [May 31], 2; I [May 17], 1; I [July 5], 2), announcements of his forthcoming books (I [February 15], 2; I [March 15], 4; I [March 22], 2; II [December 6], 1); the New York Morning News carried a very favorable review of the Tales on June 28, 1845 (reprinted in the Weekly News for July 5) and friendly comments on the Broadway Journal on June 24. (The Morning and Weekly News also occasionally reprinted some of Poe's critiques from the Broadway Journal.) Briggs must have been horrified when he read in the New York Weekly News for May 17 (p. 1) this judgment on the Broadway Journal reprinted from the London Critic: "The aim of the Broadway Journal is to encourage a Home Literature to the utmost extent. . . ." From his strategic hideout at the American Review, Duyckinck contributed a highly commendatory review of the Tales in September 1845 (II, 306-309).
"The Raven" was published anonymously, though it seems that George Hooker Colton, the editor of the American Review, knew who was the author. In the same February issue of the American Review, Duyckinck published his moving appeal to union among American writers under the title of "The Literary Prospects of 1845." The publication of "The Raven," recommended by Colton's friend, Augustus Shea, may be the first indication of Colton's wish for union (for the sake of American literature) between Whigs and Democrats. It appears that Colton was far less hostile to Poe than the legend will have it and his friendliness may be the result of Duyckinck's influence. (See Cullen B. Colton, "George Hooker Colton and the Publication of the Raven," American Literature, X, 319-330.)
These three publications had not been previously noticed. The text of "The Raven" follows the Evening Mirror printing except for minor variations in punctuation and three obvious misprints, repeated in the Weekly News version. (see Floyd Stovall's definitive edition of The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe [1965], pp. 261-266.)
See G. Thomas Tanselle, "An Unknown Early Appearance of the 'Raven'," Studies in Bibliography, XVI (1963), 220-223. See also, G. Thomas Tanselle, "Unrecorded Early Reprintings of Two Poe Tales," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, LVI (1962), 252.
See his letter to Evert A. Duyckinck of March 15, 1845. It is interesting to note that in this letter Simms does his best to present himself as a friend of Poe, which he is not. Moreover, he unearths a very old story about Poe's blasting review of his Partisan, obviously to exculpate himself from Poe's accusation (held ten years before) that he had been a member of the Knickerbocker clique: "He [Poe] knew, or he might have known, that I was none of that miserable gang about town, who begged in the literary highways. I had no clique, mingled with none, begged no praise from anybody, and made no condition with the herd." The Letters of William G. Simms (ed. Oliphant et al.) II, 43. Simms, who spent part of the year in New York, had been in fact very close to the Knickerbocker group, had been praised in the columns of the Knickerbocker and now attempts to remove the blot on his scutcheon for he, too, expects to have his works published in the "Library of American Books."
See Poe to Duyckinck: "I have already drawn . . . $50 (on account of the 'Parnassus')" (Letters, I, 301).
The articles he published in other magazines were also favorable to the Young Americans. See, e.g.: "Big Abel and the Little Manhattan," Godey's Lady's Book, XXXI (November 1845), 218-219; "The Wigwam and the Cabin," ibid., XXXII (January 1846), 41-42; the "Literati" sketches of Duyckinck and Caroline M. Kirkland (her Western Clearings had appeared as no. VII of "The Library of American Books"), (Works, XV, 58-61 and 84-88); "Our Book Shelves," Aristidean, I (September and October 1845), 234-242 and 320-322.
See e.g. "Society for the Promotion of Mutual Admiration," Knickerbocker, XXVI (March 1845), 259-260; or Knickerbocker, XXVI (December 1895), 581 (". . . the personal friend of Mr. Matthews [sic], his admirer and reviewer, the Aristarchus of the Ladies' Magazines").
North American Review, LXIII (October 1846), 359. The Catalogue of the American Art Association, Anderson Galleries, Inc. (1929), offered for sale "The original Manuscript of a critical review of the 'Works of William Gilmore Simms' by Edgar Allan Poe" (Sale Number 3800, article 286, p. 70). The few sentences from this article reproduced in photostat and printed in the catalogue coincide exactly with the first paragraph of Felton's review of Simms quoted above. As they are obviously in Poe's handwriting, it seems safe to assume that Poe had been taking notes either to answer Felton or to quote his review in his projected book on literary America.
See, e.g., "A Fable for Critics," Southern Literary Messenger (March 1849) and Works, XIII, 165-175. ("To speak algebraically: Mr. M[athews] is execrable, but Mr. C[hanning] is X plus 1 — ecrable.") (Works, XIII, 170); or "Poe on Headley and Channing," Southern Literary Messenger (October 1850), and Works, XIII, 202-209.
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