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Textual Notes

The following notes provide a full sample of the more than six hundred substantive variants that occur among the editions of Joseph Andrews published by Andrew Millar during Fielding's lifetime. All of the major revisions are recorded, but only a selection of the more significant minor changes could be adduced. In each case, only the first instance of a substantive revision is transcribed; variants in the "accidentals" and sometimes in phrasing may occur in later editions. A complete history of the text must await the publication of the projected Wesleyan edition.

Included in each note are references (1) to the book and chapter of Joseph Andrews wherein the revision occurs, and (2) to the volume and page (or signature) of the edition in question. Chapter numbers are given according to the corrected third edition; minor typographical errors have been silently emended. The five editions are designated, respectively, by the letters A, B, C, D, and E. The following illustration will furnish a key:

113. III. 12:  [Signifies: Note 113; revision occurring in Joseph
, Book III, Chapter 12.] 
A (II, 162)  [Signifies: first edition, Volume II, page 162.] 


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B (II, 160-3)  [Signifies: second edition, Volume II, pages 160
through 163.] 
1. [Erratum]: 
A (I,A10v Among other Errors, the Reader is desired to excuse this: That in the Second Volume, Mr. Adams, is, by Mistake, mentioned to have sat up two subsequent Nights; when in reality, a Night of Rest intervened. 
2. I. 3: 
A (I,11)  to all which Mr. Adams said, he answer'd much better than Sir Thomas
D (I,8)  to all which Mr. Adams privately said, he answered much better than Sir Thomas
3. I. 3: 
A (I,11)  That he had ever since he was in Sir Thomas's Family, employed all his Hours of Leisure 
B (I,11)  He told him likewise, that ever since he was in Sir Thomas's Family, he had employed all his Hours of Leisure 
4. I. 3: 
A (I,12))  "I wish some who have read many more Books, had profited so much by them." 
B (I,12)  "I wish some who have read many more good Books, nay and some who have written good Books themselves, had profited so much by them." 
5. I. 3: 
A (I,13)  the Parson of the Parish, who was at this time at variance with the Knight on Suits, which he then had for Tithes with seven Tenants of his Manor, in order to set aside a Modus, by which the Parson proposed an Advantage of several Shillings per annum, and by these Suits had greatly impoverished himself, and utterly undone the poor Tenants. 
B (I,13)  the Parson of the Parish, who was at this time at variance with the Knight; for the Parson had for many Years lived in a constant State of Civil War, or, which is perhaps as bad, of Civil Law, with Sir Thomas himself and the Tenants of his Manor. The Foundation of this Quarrel was a Modus, by setting which aside, an Advantage of several Shillings per Annum would have accrued to the Rector: but he had not yet been able to accomplish his Purpose; and had reaped hitherto nothing better from the Suits than the Pleasure (which he used indeed frequently to say was no small one) of reflecting that he had utterly undone many of the poor Tenants, tho' he had at the same time greatly impoverish'd himself. 
6. I. 3: 
A (I,14)  To her therefore, Adams mentioned the Case of young Andrews, and desired her to recommend him 


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B (I,14)  Adams therefore took an Opportunity one day, after a pretty long Discourse with her on the Essence, (or, as she pleased to term it, the Incense) of Matter, to mention the Case of young Andrews; desiring her to recommend him 
7. I.8: 
A (I,41)  "Kissing!" said the Lady, "do you call that no Crime? 
B (I,41)  "Kissing!" said the Lady, with great Discomposure of Countenance, and more Redness in her Cheeks, than Anger in her Eyes, "do you call that no Crime? 
8. I.8: 
A (I,44)  Joseph was going to speak, when she refused to hear him, and ordered him instantly to leave the Room. 
B (I,44)  Joseph answered, he had only spoke out of Tenderness for his Virtue; at which Words she flew into a violent Passion, and refusing to hear more, ordered him instantly to leave the Room. 
9. I.9: 
A (I,51)  All her Comfort, as to Joey
B (I,51)  All her Comfort, as to Joseph  
10. I.11: 
A (I,57)  It is an Observation sometimes made, to indicate our Idea of a simple Fellow, That he is easily to be seen through
C (I,41)  It is an Observation sometimes made, that to indicate our Idea of a simple Fellow, we say, He is easily to be seen through
11. I.11: 
A (I,61)  this Inn, where he remembered Sir John had dined 
B (I,61)  this Inn, where he remembered Sir Thomas had dined 
12. I.12: 
A (I,68)  the Coachman, who had two spread under him, 
B (I,68)  the Coachman, who had two great Coats spread under him, 
13. I.13: 
A (I,81)  Barnabas then proceeded to Prayer with all the expedition he was master of: 
B (I,81)  Barnabas said that was enough, and then proceeded to Prayer with all the expedition he was master of: 
14. I.14: 
A (I,83)  Her Chin was pecked, 
C (I,59)  Her Chin was picked; 
E (I,59)  Her Chin was peeked; 
15. I.15: 
A (I,92-3)  Tow-wouse said, "If the Traveller be a Gentleman, tho' he hath no Money about him now, we shall most likely be paid hereafter; so you may begin to score whenever you will." Barnabas, and the Surgeon went up to Joseph, to satisfy themselves concerning the piece of Gold. 


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B (I,92-3)  Tow-wouse said, "If the Traveller be a Gentleman, tho' he hath no Money about him now, we shall most likely be paid hereafter; so you may begin to score whenever you will." Mrs. Tow-wouse answered, "Hold your simple Tongue, and don't instruct me in my Business. I am sure I am sorry for the Gentleman's Misfortune with all my heart, and I hope the Villain who hath used him so barbarously will be hanged. Betty, go, see what he wants. G— forbid he should want any thing in my House." Barnabas and the Surgeon went up to Joseph, to satisfy themselves concerning the piece of Gold. 
16. I.15: 
A (I,96)  I never could with any tolerable Certainty discover which; was by Mrs. Tow-wouse's order conveyed into a better Bed, 
D (I,68)  I never could with any tolerable Certainty discover which; after this he was by Mrs. Tow-wouse's Order conveyed into a better Bed, 
17. I.16: 
A (I,102)  by those who received their Informations from his own Mouth. All the Family were now up, 
B (I,102)  by those who received their Informations from his own Mouth; which, in the Opinion of some Moderns, is the best and indeed only Evidence.
All the Family were now up, 
18. I.16: 
A (I,105)  "Certainly he would not scruple to lend him three Guineas, on what was certainly worth at least ten." 
B (I,105)  "Certainly he would not scruple to lend him three Guineas, on what was undoubtedly worth at least ten." 
19. I.16: 
A (I,108n.)   * To blink is a Term used in Setting. 
B (I,108n.)   * To blink is a Term used to signify the Dog's passing by a Bird without pointing at it. 
20. I.16: 
A (I,109)  "if I had known it sooner, I should have desired his Company; but what say you, Doctor, 
B (I,109)  "if I had known it sooner, I should have desired his Company; I would always shew a proper Respect for the Cloth; but what say you, Doctor, 
21. I.16: 
A (I,110)  bringing the three Volumes of Sermons on the Carpet. 
D (I,78)  bringing the nine Volumes of Sermons on the Carpet. 
22. I.17: 
A (I,117)  and was in a most indigent Condition. As soon as he had seated himself, the Stranger 


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B (I,117)  and was in a most indigent Condition. "So that nothing," says he, "could be so opportune, for the supplying both our Necessities, as my making an immediate Bargain with you." As soon as he had seated himself, the Stranger 
23. I.17: 
A (I,124)  Which Term, we shall, to avoid Offence, use on this Occasion. Betty had borne all hitherto with Patience, 
B (I,124)  Which Term, we shall, to avoid Offence, use on this Occasion, tho' indeed both the Mistress and Maid uttered the above-mentioned B—, a Word extremely disgustful to Females of the lower sort. Betty had borne all hitherto with Patience, 
24. I.17: 
A (I,124)  "that's no Reason you should call me out of my Name."
"Huzzy, huzzy," says Mrs. Tow-wouse
B (I,124)  "that's no Reason you should call me out of my Name; my Be-Betters are wo—worse than me." "Huzzy, huzzy," says Mrs. Tow-wouse
25. I.17: 
A (I,125)  began to compose herself. We will therefore leave her in this Temper, to open to the Reader the Steps 
B (I,125)  began to compose herself, and at length recovered the usual Serenity of her Temper, in which we will leave her, to open to the Reader the Steps 
26. I.18: 
A (I,131)  and which it is not necessary at present to take any farther Notice of. As every Reader of any Speculation, or Experience, though not married himself, may easily conjecture, that 
B (I,131)  and which it is not necessary at present to take any farther Notice of: Since without the Assistance of a single Hint from us, every Reader of any Speculation, or Experience, though not married himself, may easily conjecture, that 
27. II. 1: 
A (I,135)  by any who are not initiated into the Science of Authoring. These have the Sanction of great Antiquity. 
B (I,135)  by any who are not initiated into the Science of Authoring. To mention therefore but one which is most obvious, it prevents spoiling the Beauty of a Book by turning down its Leaves, a Method otherwise necessary to those Readers, who, (tho' they read with great Improvement and Advantage) are apt, when they return to their Study, after half an Hour's Absence, to forget where they left off. These Divisions have the Sanction of great Antiquity. 
28. II.1: 
A (I,135)  but hawked them all separately, 


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B (I,135)  but, according to the Opinion of some very sagacious Critics, hawked them all separately, 
29. II.2: 
A (I,137)  Mr. Adams and Joseph were now ready to depart, when an Accident determined the former to return, 
B (I,137)  Mr. Adams and Joseph were now ready to depart different ways, when an Accident determined the former to return with his Friend, 
30. II.2: 
A (I,137)  This Accident was no other than the forgetting to put up the Sermons, which were indeed left behind; 
B (I,137)  This Accident was, that those Sermons, which the Parson was travelling to London to publish, were, O my good Reader, left behind; 
31. II.2: 
A (I,137)  who thought her Husband would want Shirts more than Sermons on his Journey, had carefully provided him. The Bill was now called for, and on Examination, amounted within a Shilling to the Sum which Mr. Adams had in his Pocket. 
B (I,137-9)  who thought her Husband would want Shirts more than Sermons on his Journey, had carefully provided him. This Discovery was now luckily owing to the Presence of Joseph at the opening the Saddle-Bags; who having heard his Friend say, he carried with him 9 Volumes of Sermons, and not being of that Sect of Philosophers, who can reduce all the Matter of the World into a Nut-shell, seeing there was no room for them in the Bags, where the Parson had said they were deposited, had the Curiosity to cry out, "Bless me, Sir, where are your Sermons?" The Parson answer'd, "There, there, Child, there they are, under my Shirts." Now it happened that he had taken forth his last Shirt, and the Vehicle remained visibly empty. "Sure, Sir," says Joseph, "there is nothing in the Bags." Upon which Adams starting, and testifying some Surprize, cry'd, "Hey! fie, fie upon it; they are not here sure enough. Ay, they are certainly left behind." Joseph was greatly concerned at the Uneasiness which he apprehended his Friend must feel from this Disappointment: he begged him to pursue his Journey, and promised he would himself return with the Books to him, with the utmost Expedition. "No, thank you, Child," answered Adams, "it shall not be so. What would it avail me, to tarry in the Great City, unless I had my Discourses with me, which are, ut ita dicam, the sole Cause, the Aitia monotate of my Peregrination. No, Child, as this Accident hath happened, I am resolved to return back to my Cure, together with you; which indeed my Inclination sufficiently leads me to. This Disappointment may, perhaps, be intended for my Good." He concluded with a Verse out of  


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Theocritus, which signifies no more than, that sometimes it rains and sometimes the Sun shines. Joseph bowed with Obedience, and Thankfulness for the Inclination which the Parson express'd of returning with him; and now the Bill was called for, which, on Examination, amounted within a Shilling to the Sum Mr. Adams had in his Pocket.  
32. II.2: 
A (I,140)  Adams who had borrowed the Beast, had ordered him to be fed 
B (I,141)  Adams who had borrowed the Beast of his Clerk, had ordered him to be fed 
33. II.2: 
A (I,140)  the less ready at an Expedient to extricate himself. Tow-wouse would probably have been willing to give him Credit 'till next time, had not Joseph, when he honestly discovered the Nakedness of his Pockets, pulled out that little Piece of Gold which we have mentioned before. This caused Mr. Tow-wouse's Eyes to water, and he told Joseph, he did not conceive a Man could want Money whilst he had Gold in his Pocket. 
B (I,141-2)  the less ready at an Expedient to extricate himself. Tow-wouse was willing to give him Credit 'till next time, to which Mrs. Tow-wouse would probably have consented (for such was Joseph's Beauty, that it had made some Impression even on that Piece of Flint which that good Woman wore in her Bosom by way of heart.) Joseph would have found therefore, very likely, the Passage free, had he not, when he honestly discovered the Nakedness of his Pockets, pulled out that little Piece of Gold which we have mentioned before. This caused Mrs. Tow-wouse's Eyes to water; she told Joseph, she did not conceive a Man could want Money whilst he had Gold in his Pocket. 
34. II.2: 
A (I,140-1)  A pretty Way indeed, said Mr. Tow-wouse, to run in debt, and then refuse to part with your Money, 
B (I,142)  "A pretty Way indeed," said Mrs. Tow-wouse, "to run in debt, and then refuse to part with your Money, 
35. II.2: 
A (I,141)  nor to redeem it from a Robber, would I part with this dear Piece, answered Joseph. Then I cannot part with the Horse, replied Tow-wouse
B (I,142)  "nor to redeem it from a Robber, would I part with this dear Piece," answered Joseph. "What (says Mrs. Tow-wouse) I suppose, it was given you by some vile Trollop, some Miss or other; if it had been the Present of a virtuous Woman, you would not have had such a Value for it. My Husband is a Fool if he parts with the Horse, without being paid for him." "No, no, I can't part with the Horse indeed, till I have the Money," cried Tow-wouse


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36. II.3: 
A (I,152)  he marched in a swinging great white Coat 
B (I,153  he marched in a swinging great, but short, white Coat 
37. II.3: 
A (I,153)  "strange Alteration in our Family, Mr. Adams, since Sir John's Death." 
B (I,153)  "strange Alteration in our Family, Mr. Adams, since Sir Thomas's Death." 
38. II.3: 
A (I,153)  "always remain a perfect Secret with me," cries the Parson; "he forced me to promise before he would communicate any thing." "They are no Secrets to me, I assure you," cries Slipslop; "and I believe, they will none any where shortly: for ever since his Departure 
B (I,154)  "always remain a perfect Secret with me," cries the Parson; "he forced me to promise before he would communicate any thing. I am indeed concerned to find her Ladyship behave in so unbecoming a manner. I always thought her in the main, a good Lady, and should never have suspected her of Thoughts so unworthy a Christian, and with a young Lad her own Servant." "These things are no Secrets to me, I assure you," cries Slipslop; "and I believe, they will be none any where shortly: for ever since the Boy's Departure 
39. II.4: 
A (I,162)  all the Tendernesses of a Passion which requires every human Virtue to exert itself in its full Extent. 
B (I,163)  all the Tendernesses of this delicate Passion. And surely we shall suspect there are few such, when we consider that it requires every human Virtue to exert itself in its full Extent. 
40. II.4: 
B (I,164n.  * This Letter was written by a young Lady on reading the former. 
41. II.4: 
A (I,166)  her Friend Howella  
B (I,167)  her Friend Florella  
42. II.4: 
A (I,168)  Many of them saying to her, "O Madam, 
B (I,169)  Many of them saying to Leonora, "O Madam, 
43. II.4: 
A (I,172)  "the Difference between being the Wife of a poor Counsellor, and the Wife of one of Bellarmine's Fortune! But can I suffer Horatio to die? 
B (I,173)  "the difference between being the Wife of a poor Counsellor, and the Wife of one of Bellarmine's Fortune! If I marry Horatio, I shall triumph over no more than one Rival: but by marrying Bellarmine, I shall be the Envy of all my Acquaintance. What Happiness! —But can I suffer Horatio to die? 


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44. II.4: 
A (I,175-6)  "All French," says he, "I assure you, except their Great Coats; I never trust any thing more than a Great Coat to an Englishman; you know one must encourage our own People what one can, he he, he! but for myself, I would see the dirty Island at the bottom of the Sea, rather than wear a single Rag of English Work about me, 
B (I,176)  "All French," says he, "I assure you, except the Great Coats; I never trust any thing more than a Great Coat to an Englishman; you know one must encourage our own People what one can, especially as, before I had a Place, I was in the Country Interest, he, he, he! but for myself, I would see the dirty Island at the bottom of the Sea, rather than wear a single Rag of English Work about me; 
45. II.4: 
A (I,176)  "Not at all," says Miss Grave-airs, "such Sluts can never be confounded." A Long Silence, continued the Lady, prevailed 
B (I,177)  "Not at all," says Miss Grave-Airs, "such Sluts can never be confounded." "She must have then more than Corinthian Assurance," said Adams; "ay, more than Lais herself." A Long Silence, continued the Lady, prevailed 
46. II.4: 
A (I,181)  "to think no more of Bellarmine, but to endeavour to reconcile herself to Horatio." 
C (I,130)  'to think no more of Bellarmine, but to endeavour to regain the Affections of Horatio.' 
47. II.4: 
A (I,181)  "Am I not the Murderess of the finest Gentleman?—" "Never think of Things passed," cries the Aunt, 
B (I,182)  "Am I not the Murderess of the finest Gentleman? No other Woman in the Town could have made any Impression on him." "Never think of Things past," cries the Aunt, 
48. II.5: 
A (I,186-7)  the Parson, who was accustomed to it, and threw himself forward on such Occasions 
B (I,187)  the Parson, who was accustomed to it, and as his Legs almost touched the Ground when he bestrode the Beast, had but a little way to fall, and threw himself forward on such Occasions 
49. II.5: 
A (I,188)  At which the Host scornfully repeating the word Betters, flew into a Rage, 
B (I,189)  At which the Host, (having first strictly surveyed Adams) scornfully repeating the word Betters, flew into a Rage, 


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50. II.5: 
A (I,190)  a Gentleman just returned from his Travels; 
B (I.191)  a Gentleman just returned from his Travels to Italy
51. II.5: 
A (I,192)  I find the bloody Gentleman is uno insipido del nullo senso. One of the Gentlemen having learnt 
B (I,192)  I find the bloody Gentleman is uno insipido del nullo senso. Damnata di me, if I have seen such a spectaculo in my way from Viterbo. One of the Gentlemen having learnt 
52. II.5: 
A (I,194)  some Awe of the Company, especially of the Italian Traveller, with-held his Rage. 
B (I,194)  some Awe of the Company, especially of the Italian Traveller, who was a Person of great Dignity, with-held his Rage. 
53. II.5: 
A (I,195)  the Traveller went to his Repast, crying: Tutta è Pace; so send in my Dinner, good Boniface. The Coachman began now to grow importunate 
B (I,195)  the Traveller went to his Repast, crying, as the Italian Poet says, "Je voi very well, que tutta e pace, So send up Dinner, good Boniface." The Coachman began now to grow importunate 
54. II.6: 
A (I,206)  he made his Escape in a Minute, 
B (I,206)  he made his Escape from that Subject in a Minute, 
55. II.10: 
A (I,229)  Whilst Adams was wisely weighing in his Mind the Objections which might be made to either of these two Methods of proceeding, his Judgment sometimes inclining to the one and sometimes to the other; 
B (I,229-30)  The Silence of Adams, added to the Darkness of the Night, and Loneliness of the Place, struck dreadful Apprehensions into the poor Woman's Mind: She began to fear as great an Enemy in her Deliverer, as he had delivered her from; and as she had not Light enough to discover the Age of Adams, and the Benevolence visible in his Countenance, she suspected he had used her as some very honest Men have used their Country; and had rescued her out of the hands of one Rifler, in order to rifle her himself. Such were the Suspicions she drew from his Silence: but indeed they were ill-grounded. He stood over his vanquished Enemy, wisely weighing in his Mind the Objections which might be made to either of the two Methods of proceeding mentioned in the last Chapter, his Judgment sometimes inclining to the one, and sometimes to the other; 


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56. II.10: 
A (I,230)  at which the Woman testified some Fear, but Adams said, "Be of good cheer, Damsel, 
B (I,230)  at which the Woman testified some Fear, (for she had concealed her Suspicions of the Parson himself,) but Adams said, "Be of good cheer, Damsel, 
57. II.11: 
A (I,243)  "—So make haste with his Mittimus." One of the Company having looked stedfastly at Adams, asked him, "if he did not know Lady Booby?" 
B (I,243-5)  "—So make haste with his Mittimus." The Clerk now acquainted the Justice, that among other suspicious things, as a Penknife, &c. found in Adams's Pocket, they had discovered a Book written, as he apprehended, in Ciphers: for no one could read a Word in it. "Ay," says the Justice, "this Fellow may be more than a common Robber, he may be in a Plot against the Government. —Produce the Book." Upon which the poor Manuscript of Æschylus, which Adams had transcribed with his own Hand, was brought forth; and the Justice looking at it, shook his Head, and turning to the Prisoner, asked the Meaning of those Ciphers. "Ciphers!" answer'd Adams, "it is a Manuscript of Æschylus." "Who? who?" said the Justice. Adams repeated, "Æschylus." "That is an outlandish Name," cried the Clerk. "A fictitious Name rather, I believe," said the Justice. One of the Company declared it looked very much like Greek. "Greek!" said the Justice, "why 'tis all Writing." "Nay," says the other, "I don't positively say it is so: for it is a very long time since I have seen any Greek. There's one," says he, turning to the Parson of the Parish, who was present, "will tell us immediately." The Parson taking up the Book, putting on his Spectacles and Gravity together, muttered some Words to himself, and then pronounced aloud—"Ay indeed it is a Greek Manuscript, a very fine piece of Antiquity. I make no doubt but it was stolen from the same Clergyman from whom the Rogue took the Cassock." "What did the Rascal mean by his Æschylus?" says the Justice. "Pooh!" answered the Doctor with a contemptuous Grin, "do you think that Fellow knows any thing of this Book? Æschylus! ho! ho! ho! I see now what it is. —A Manuscript of one of the Fathers. I know a Nobleman who would give a great deal of Money for such a Piece of Antiquity. —Ay, ay, Question and Answer. The Beginning is the Catechism in Greek. —Ay, —Ay, —Pollaki toi—What's your Name?"—"Ay, what's your Name?" says the Justice to Adams, who answered, "It is Æschylus, and I will maintain it."—"O it is," says the Justice, "make Mr. Æschylus his Mittimus. I will teach you to banter me with a false Name." One of the Company having looked stedfastly at Adams, asked him, "if he did not know Lady Booby?" 


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58. II.11: 
A (I,245)  Mr. Adams should sit down and take a Glass with him. As for Fanny
B (I,246-7)  Mr. Adams should sit down and take a Glass with him; and the Parson of the Parish delivered him back the Manuscript without saying a Word; nor would Adams, who plainly discerned his Ignorance, expose it. As for Fanny
59. II.11: 
A (I,246)  "each contending, they two only had been the Competitors on whom my Election would have fallen. 
B (I,248)  "each contending, on whom, had they two been the only Competitors, my Election would have fallen. 
60. II.12: 
A (I,254)  the Sheep-skin Covering of his dear Friend, who had been his inseparable Companion for upwards of thirty Years. 
B (I,256)  the Sheep-skin Covering of his dear Friend, which was the Work of his own Hands, and had been his inseparable Companion for upwards of thirty Years. 
61. II.13: 
A (I,259)  whether you would chuse to be a great Man at six in the Morning, or at twelve. 
B (I,260)  whether you would chuse to be a great Man at six in the Morning, or at two in the Afternoon. 
62. II.13: 
A (I,260)  "the excessive Violence of the Storm 
B (I,262)  "the excessive Virulence of the Storm 
63. II.14: 
A (I,267)  a Stateliness in his Gate, when he walked, not unlike that of a Goose, only slower. 
B (I,269)  a Stateliness in his Gait, when he walked, not unlike that of a Goose, only he stalked slower. 
64. II.14: 
A (I,270)  draw a little of the worst Cyder. 
B (I,271)  draw a little of the worst Ale. 
65. II.14: 
A (I,270)  "you have some Cassock; I will not venture to call it a whole one." 
B (I,271)  "you have some Cassock; I will not venture to caale it a whole one."[1]  
66. II.14: 
A (I,271)  she had resolved to receive the good things of this World together with the bad. 
C (I,199)  she had resolved to receive the bad Things of this World together with the good. 


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67. II.15: 
A (I,279)  Now Mr. Trulliber had by his Piety, Gravity, Austerity, Reserve, and the Opinion of his great Wealth, 
B (I,280)  Now Mr. Trulliber had by his Professions of Piety, by his Gravity, Austerity, Reserve, and the Opinion of his great Wealth, 
68. II.15: 
A (I,281)  but was reputed a Man of great Charity. Adams was no sooner returned the second time, 
B (I,282)  but was reputed a Man of great Charity: for tho' he never gave a Farthing, he had always that Word in his Mouth. Adams was no sooner returned the second time, 
69. II.17: 
A (I,299)  "the News of which broke the Mother's Heart. There was a Neighbour of mine, 
B (I,299)  "the News of which broke the Mother's Heart. I will tell you another true Story of him: There was a Neighbour of mine, 
70. II.17: 
A (I,300)  "fell into a Consumption and died. There was another, a young Woman, 
B (I,300-1)  "fell into a Consumption and died. Nay, I can tell you more still: There was another, a young Woman, 
71. II.17: 
A (I,301)  "carried off my Ship, a Brigantine of 150 Tons; and put me, a Man, and a Boy, 
B (I,301)  "carried off my Ship, a Brigantine of 150 Tons, a pretty Creature she was, and put me, a Man, and a Boy, 
72. III.1: 
A (II,2)  every Reader believes as he pleases, but all agree in the Scene, where it is supposed to have happen'd. Now with us Biographers the Case is different, 
B (II,2-3)  every Reader believes as he pleases, and indeed the more judicious and suspicious very justly esteem the whole as no other than a Romance, in which the Writer hath indulged a happy and fertile Invention. But tho' these widely differ in the Narrative of Facts; some ascribing Victory to the one, and others to the other Party: Some representing the same Man as a Rogue, while others give him a great and honest Character, yet all agree in the Scene where the Fact is supposed to have happened; and where the Person, who is both a Rogue, and an honest Man, lived. Now with us Biographers the Case is different, 
73. III.1: 
A (II,3)  the Country of Dr. Sanglardo
D (II,3)  the Country of Dr. Sangrado


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74. III.1: 
A (II,3)  by letting out their Blood, and filling them up with Water. The same Writer hath likewise erred 
B (II,3)  by letting out their Blood, and filling them up with Water. Doth not every one, who is the least versed in Physical History, know that Spain was not the Country in which this Doctor lived? The same Writer hath likewise erred 
75. III.1: 
A (II,4)  those Stilts, which the excellent Voltaire tells us in his Letters carry the Genius far off, but with an irregular Pace
D (II,4)  those Stilts, which the excellent Voltaire tells us in his Letters carry the Genius far off, but without any regular Pace
76. III.1: 
A (II,9)  to treat those with disregard, who have been equal to the Founders of their own Splendor. 
C (II,7)  to treat those with Disregard, who are at least equal to the Founders of their own Splendor. 
77. III.2: 
A (II,12)  he would have thought no danger too dear a Price for such Embraces. 
B (II,12)  he would have thought no danger which threatned only himself too dear a Price for such Embraces. 
78. III.2: 
A (II,23)  "the Poet had the worthiest and best Heart imaginable. As to his Sentiments and Diction, 
B (II,23)  "the Poet had the worthiest and best Heart imaginable. Nor can I help observing how short Sophocles falls of the Beauties of the Original, in that Imitation of the dissuasive Speech of Andromache, [which] he hath put into the Mouth of Tecmessa. And yet Sophocles was the greatest Genius who ever wrote Tragedy, nor have any of his Successors in that Art, that is to say, neither Euripides nor Seneca the Tragedian been able to come near him. As to his Sentiments and Diction, 
79. III.2: 
A (II,24-5)  "This is Poetry!" He then rapt out a hundred Greek Verses, 'till the Gentleman was so far from entertaining any further suspicion of Adams, that he now doubted whether he had not a Bishop in his House. The Goodness of his Heart began therefore to dilate without any further Restraint. He said he had 
B (II,24-5)  "This is Poetry!" Adams then rapt out a hundred Greek Verses, and with such a Voice, Emphasis and Action, that he almost frighten'd the Women; and as for the Gentleman, he was so far from entertaining any further suspicion of Adams, that he now doubted whether he had not a Bishop in his House. He ran into the most extravagant Encomiums on his Learning, and the Goodness of his Heart began to dilate to all the Strangers. He said he had 


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80. III.2: 
A (II,25)  Nor was she very difficultly prevailed on, Love itself being scarce able to keep her Eyes open 
B (II,25)  Nor was she very difficultly prevailed on; for she had slept little the last Night, and not at all the preceding, so that Love itself was scarce able to keep her Eyes open 
81. III.2: 
B (II,27n.  *The Author hath by some been represented to have made a Blunder here: For Adams had indeed shewn some Learning, (say they) perhaps all the Author had; but the Gentleman hath shewn none, unless his Approbation of Mr. Adams be such: But surely it would be preposterous in him to call it so. I have however, notwithstanding this Criticism which I am told came from the Mouth of a great Orator, in a public Coffee-House, left this Blunder as it stood in the first Edition. I will not have the Vanity to apply to any thing in this Work, the Observation which M. Dacier makes in her Preface to her Aristophanes: Je tiens pour une Maxime constante qu'une Beautè mediocre plaire plus generalement qu'une Beautè sans défaut. Mr. Congreve hath made such another Blunder in his Love for Love, where Tattle tells Miss Prue, She should admire him as much for the Beauty he commends in her, as if he himself was possest of it
82. III.3: 
A (II,35)  An honest elderly Man at last told me, 
B (II,35)  An honest elderly Man, with a great Hat and long Sword, at last told me, 
83. III.3: 
A (II,38)  I was now oblig'd to do Penance for some Weeks, 
C (II,28)  I was now forced to do Penance for some Weeks, 
84. III.3: 
A (II,45)  then burst into a ridiculous Laugh, and cry, I would not have you guess what I was thinking of for the World. 
B (II,45)  then burst into a ridiculous Laugh, and cry, La! I can't imagine what I was thinking of. 
85. III.3: 
A (II,46)  she carried my Passion higher by it than Youth or Vanity had been able: 
B (II,46)  she carried my Passion higher by it than Youth or Beauty had been able: 
86. III.3: 
A (II,47)  At length Death rid me of an Inconvenience, 
D (II,35)  At length Death delivered me from an Inconvenience, 
87. III.3: 
A (II,52)  "a greater Enemy to any Passion than that simple one of Vanity." 


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C (II,39)  'a greater Enemy to any Passion than that silly one of Vanity.' 
88. III.3: 
A (II,59)  during the Time I was in his Service, amassed a few Guineas, 
C (II,43)  during the Time I was in his Service, saved a few Guineas, 
89. III.3: 
A (II,65)  to afflict my Mind with more Agonies, than all the Miseries I had underwent, than Poverty, Distress, and Prisons 
B (II,65)  to afflict my Mind with more Agonies, than all the Miseries I had underwent; it affected me with severer Reflections than Poverty, Distress, and Prisons 
90. III.3: 
A (II,68)  "For your own must be included in it. 
B (II,68)  "For your own Happiness must be included in mine. 
91. III.3: 
A (II,71)  Poor Jacky! he had the sweetest Look, 
B (II,71)  Poor Child! he had the sweetest Look, 
92. III.4: 
A (II,76)  except my Beer, which falls to my Province. We formerly kept a Maid-Servant, 
B (II,76)  except my Beer, which falls to my Province. (And I assure you it is as excellent, quoth Adams, as ever I tasted.) We formerly kept a Maid-Servant, 
93. III.5: 
A (II,87)  they seemed to have been disposed by the most skillful Design of the Planter. 
C (II,63)  they seemed to have been disposed by the Design of the most skilful Planter. 
94. III.5: 
A (II,87)  which Adams imagining it had been put there by mistake, would have returned back, to deliver them; 
C (II,64)  which Adams imagining had been put there by Mistake would have returned back, to restore it; 
95. III.6: 
A (II,92)  if the Reader considers that two Nights had past since he had closed his Eyes, 
B (II,92)  if the Reader considers that so many Hours had past since he had closed his Eyes, 
96. III.6: 
A (II,93)  but the sensible and human part of the Creation 
C (II,68)  but the rational Part of the Creation 


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97. III.6: 
A (II,94)  the Throats of their Attendants who waited on them on horseback. 
B (II,94)  the Throats of their Retinue, who attended on them on horseback. 
98. III.6: 
A (II,99)  copied from the Face of a certain English Baronet of infinite Wit, Humour, and Gravity. 
B (II,99)  copied from the Face of a certain long English Baronet of infinite Wit, Humour, and Gravity. 
99. III.7: 
A (II,110)  Joke the third was performed by one of the Serving-men, 
B (II,110)  Joke the third was served up by one of the Waiting-men, 
100. III.7: 
A (II,114)  "I apprehend my Order is not the Object of Scorn, 
E (II,83)  'I apprehend my Order is not the Subject of Scorn, 
101. III.7: 
A (II,116)  "if he well thrashed him, as he deserved, he should be very much pleased to see it;" 
D (II,84)  "if he well threshed him, as he deserved, the Gentleman said he should be very much pleased to see it;' 
102. III.7: 
A (II,121)  was led up to his Place, and being seated between their Majesties, they immediately rose up, 
C (II,88)  was led up to his Place, and seated between their Majesties. They immediately rose up, 
103. III.9: 
A (II,138)  tied Adams to one of the Bed-posts, with his Hands behind him, as they did Joseph on the other side, 
C (II,99)  tied Adams to one of the Bed-posts, as they did Joseph on the other Side, 
104. III.10: 
A (II,145)  "No," said the Poet, "you and the whole Town know I had Enemies; 
B (II,143)  "No," said the Poet, "you and the whole Town had Enemies; 
C (II,104)  'No,' said the Poet, 'you and the whole Town were Enemies; 
D (II,104)  'No,' said the Poet, 'you and the whole Town were my Enemies; 
105. III.11: 
A (II,148-9)  it is the Duty of a Man and a Christian to submit. 


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D (II,107)  it is the Duty of a Man, much more of a Christian, to submit. 
106: III.11: 
A (II,150)  "Why perhaps you may, cries Adams; but I can't promise you what's to come. The Doctrine I teach you is a certain Security — nay, it is not your Interest only, but your Duty to abstain from immoderate Grief; 
B (II,148-9)  "Why perhaps you may, cries Adams; but I can't promise you what's to come. You must with perfect Resignation wait the Event; if she be restored to you again, it is your Duty to be thankful, and so it is if she be not: Joseph, if you are wise, and truly know your own Interest, you will peaceably and quietly submit to all the Dispensations of Providence; being thoroughly assured, that all the Misfortunes, how great soever, which happen to the Righteous, happen to them for their own Good.— Nay, it is not your Interest only, but your Duty to abstain from immoderate Grief; 
107. III.12: 
A (II,154)  that pitiful Fellow, whom her Ignorance only could make her fond of. She answered, the Riches of the World could not make her amends for the Loss of him; nor would she be persuaded to exchange him for the greatest Prince upon Earth—"I warrant ye," cries the Captain, "we shall find means to persuade you; 
B (II,152-3)  that pitiful Fellow, whom her Ignorance only could make her fond of. She answered, She knew not whom he meant, she never was fond of any pitiful Fellow. "Are you affronted, Madam," says he, "at my calling him so? but what better can be said of one in a Livery, notwithstanding your Fondness for him?" She returned, That she did not understand him, that the Man had been her Fellow-Servant, and she believed was as honest a Creature as any alive; but as for Fondness for Men—"I warrant ye," cries the Captain, "we shall find means to persuade you to be fond; 
108. III.12: 
A (II,156)  "O Thomas, I know you now— 
B (II,154)  "O John, I know you now— 
109. III.12: 
A (II,156)  this Gentleman (who was no other than Mr. Peter Pounce
B (II,155)  this Gentleman (who was no other than the celebrated Mr. Peter Pounce
110. III.12: 
A (II,157-8)  as Peter was an Hypocrite, a sort of People whom Mr. Adams never saw through, this paid that Respect to his Goodness which the other attributed to be paid to his Riches; and hence Mr. Adams was so much his Favourite, 


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C (II,114)  as Peter was an Hypocrite, a sort of People whom Mr. Adams never saw through, the one paid that Respect to his seeming Goodness which the other believed to be paid to his Riches; hence Mr. Adams was so much his Favourite. 
111. III.12: 
A (II,158)  he had risen in such a Hurry, that he had on neither Breeches, Garters, nor Stockings; nor had he taken from his Head a red spotted Handkerchief, which by Night bound his Wig, turned inside out, around his Head. 
D (II,114)  he had risen in such a violent Hurry, that he had on neither Breeches nor Stockings; nor had he taken from his Head a red spotted Handkerchief, which by Night bound his Wig, that was turned inside out, around his Head. 
112. III.12: 
A (II,158)  the several Colours which appeared on his Face, viz. a Piss-burnt Beard, which served to retain 
B (II,157)  the several Colours which appeared on his Face, where a long Piss-burnt Beard, served to retain 
113. III.12: 
A (II,162)  Mr. Pounce was desirous that Fanny should continue her Journey with him in the Chariot, and she absolutely refused, being determined to ride behind Joseph, on a Horse which one of Lady Booby's Servants had equipped him with. (This was indeed the same which Adams had left behind him at the Inn, and was by these honest Men who knew him, redeemed:) if any means could be contrived of conveying Mr. Adams with them; whose Company Pounce, when he found he had no longer hopes of satisfying his old Appetite with Fanny, desired in his Vehicle. So that all matters being settled to the Content of every one, Adams and Pounce mounting the Chariot, and Fanny being placed on a Pillion, which Joseph borrowed of the Host, they all set forwards for Booby-Hall
B (II,160-3)  Mr. Pounce was desirous that Fanny should continue her Journey with him in the Chariot, but she absolutely refused, saying she would ride behind Joseph, on a Horse which one of Lady Booby's Servants had equipped him with. But alas! when the Horse appeared, it was found to be no other than that identical Beast which Mr. Adams had left behind him at the Inn, and which these honest Fellows who knew him had redeemed. Indeed whatever Horse they had provided for Joseph, they would have prevailed with him to mount none, no not even to ride before his beloved Fanny, till the Parson was supplied; much less would he deprive his Friend of the Beast which belonged to him, and which he knew the moment he saw, tho' Adams did not: however, when he was reminded of the Affair, and told that they had brought the Horse with them which he left behind, he answered — Bless me! and so I did


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ADAMS was very desirous that Joseph and Fanny should mount this Horse, and declared he could very easily walk home. "If I walked alone," says he, "I would wage a Shilling, that the Pedestrian out-stripped the Equestrian Travellers: but as I intend to take the Company of a Pipe, peradventure I may be an Hour later." One of the Servants whispered Joseph to take him at his Word, and suffer the old Put to walk if he would: This Proposal was answered with an angry Look and a peremptory Refusal by Joseph, who catching Fanny up in his Arms, aver'd he would rather carry her home in that manner, than take away Mr. Adams's Horse, and permit him to walk on foot. Perhaps, Reader, thou hast seen a Contest between two Gentlemen, or two Ladies quickly decided, tho' they have both asserted they would not eat such a nice Morsel, and each insisted on the other's accepting it; but in reality both were very desirous to swallow it themselves. Do not therefore conclude hence, that this Dispute would have come to a speedy Decision: for here both Parties were heartily in earnest, and it is very probable, they would have remained in the Inn-yard to this day, had not the good Peter Pounce put a stop to it; for finding he had no longer hopes of satisfying his old Appetite with Fanny, and being desirous of having some one to whom he might communicate his Grandeur, he told the Parson he would convey him home in his Chariot. The Favour was by Adams, with many Bows and Acknowledgments, accepted, tho' he afterwards said, "he ascended the Chariot rather that he might not offend, than from any Desire of riding in it, for that in his heart he preferred the Pedestrian even to the Vehicular Expedition." All matters being now settled, the Chariot in which rode Adams and Pounce moved forwards; and Joseph having borrowed a Pillion from the Host, Fanny had just seated herself thereon, and had laid hold on the Girdle which her Lover wore for that purpose, when the wise Beast, who concluded that one at a time was sufficient, that two to one were odds, &c. discovered much Uneasiness at his double Load, and began to consider his hinder as his Fore-legs, moving the direct contrary way to that which is called forwards. Nor could Joseph with all his Horsemanship persuade him to advance: but without having any regard to the lovely Part of the lovely Girl which was on his Back, he used such Agitations, that had not one of the Men come immediately to her Assistance, she had in plain English tumbled backwards on the Ground. This Inconvenience was presently remedied by an Exchange of Horses, and then Fanny being again placed on her Pillion, on a better natured, and somewhat a better fed Beast, the Parson's Horse finding he had no longer Odds to contend with, agreed to march, and the whole Procession set forwards for Booby-Hall,  


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114. IV.1: 
A (II,175)  "(and to say truth, he was a lovely Figure) 
B (II,175)  "(and to say truth, he was an amorous Figure) 
115. IV.2: 
A (II,183)  "I shall give Orders that my Doors may no longer be open to you." "Madam," said Adams, "I shall enter into no Person's Doors against their Will: 
B (II,183)  "I shall give Orders that my Doors may no longer be open to you, I will suffer no Parsons who run about the Country with Beauties to be entertained here."—"Madam," said Adams, "I shall enter into no Person's Doors against their Will: 
116. IV.3: 
A (II,185-6)  "we ought to have an Act to hang or transport half of them." "Truly," said the Lady, "they are a grievous Load, and unless we had an Employment for them, it would be Charity to send them where they might have something to do. At least, I am sure we ought to prevent the farther Growth of the Evil, and not let such Beauties as these produce Children for us to keep."—"Beauties indeed! your Ladyship is pleased to be merry," 
B (II,185-6)  "we ought to have an Act to hang or transport half of them. If we can prove in Evidence, that he is not settled in Fact, it is another matter. What I said to Mr. Adams, was on a Supposition that he was settled in Fact; and indeed if that was the Case, I should doubt."—"Don't tell me your Facts and your ifs," said the Lady, "I don't understand your Gibberish: You take too much upon you, and are very impertinent in pretending to direct in this Parish, and you shall be taught better, I assure you, you shall. But as to the Wench, I am resolved she shall not settle here; I will not suffer such Beauties as these to produce Children for us to keep."—"Beauties indeed! your Ladyship is pleased to be merry," 
117. IV.3: 
A (II,187)  "carry him before Justice Trolick
C (II,137)  'carry him before Justice Frolick
118. IV.3: 
A (II,187)  "will commit him without any farther Questions."—"Take what Measures you please, good Mr. Scout," answered the Lady, 
B (II,187)  "will commit him without any farther Questions. As for the dirty Slut, we shall have nothing to do with her: for if we get rid of the Fellow, the ugly Jade will—" "Take what Measures you please, good Mr. Scout," answered the Lady, 
119. IV.5: 
A (II,201)  "as I have married a virtuous and worthy Woman, I am resolved to shew a proper Respect, and own her Relations, and I shall think myself infinitely obliged 


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B (II,201)  "as I have married a virtuous and worthy Woman, I am resolved to own her Relations, and shew them all a proper Respect; I shall think myself therefore infinitely obliged 
120. IV.6: 
A (II,204)  to whose Flame they were Fewel only; and being assisted by the Addition of Dress, 
D (II,149)  to whose Flame they were Fuel only; and this was increased by the Addition of Dress, 
121. IV.6: 
A (II,[214])  "no body should discommend what I had done; 
B (II,214)  "no body should deprecate what I had done; 
122. IV.7: 
A (II,223)  "I am no longer Pamela Andrews, I am now this Gentleman's Wife, 
C (II,162)  'I am no longer Pamela Andrews, I am now this Gentleman's Lady, 
123. IV.7: 
A (II,225)  Poor Fanny would have been able to resist his Rudeness a very short time, when the Deity 
C (II,164)  Poor Fanny would not have been able to resist his Rudeness a short time, but the Deity, 
D (II,164)  Poor Fanny would not have been able to resist his Rudeness any long time, but the Deity, 
124. IV.7: 
A (II,229)  which brought them to Mr. Adams
B (II,229)  which brought them to the Habitation of Mr. Adams
125. IV.8: 
A (II,233)  "Marriage was ordained for nobler Purposes, as you will learn when you hear the Service provided on that Occasion read to you. All such brutal Lusts and Affections are to be greatly subdued, 
B (II,232-3)  "Marriage was ordained for nobler Purposes, as you will learn when you hear the Service provided on that Occasion read to you. Nay perhaps, if you are a good Lad, I shall give you a Sermon gratis, wherein I shall demonstrate how little Regard ought to be had to the Flesh on such Occasions. The Text will be, Child, Matthew the 5th, and Part of the 28th Verse, Whosoever looketh on a Woman so as to lust after her. The latter Part I shall omit, as foreign to my Purpose. Indeed all such brutal Lusts and Affections are to be greatly subdued, 
126. IV.8: 
A (II,234)  "and set our Affections so much on nothing here that we cannot quit it without Reluctance. 


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D (II,171)  'and not set our Affections so much on any thing here, as not to be able to quit it without Reluctance. 
127. IV.11: 
A (II,264)  for that he had most probably ruined his Family with his Tricks: 
C (II,193)  for that he had probably ruined his Family with his Tricks almost: 
D (II,193)  for that he had probably ruined his Family with his foolish Tricks: 
128. IV.14: 
A (II,282)  both he and his Paramour presently discovered their mutual Deceit. 
C (II,206)  both he and his Paramour presently discovered their Error.