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B. United States
- ADERMAN, R.M., James Kirke Paulding's Literary Income, BNYPL , 64:117-29.[2702]
- BALLOU, E.B., Horace Elisha Scudder and the Riverside Magazine , HLB , 14:426-52.[2703]
- BELL, E.L., and CRABBE, K.C., The Augusta Chronicle, Indomitable Voice of Dixie, 1785-1960 , Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1960. xii,273 p.[2704]
- BENNET, P.A., ed., Postscripts on Dwiggins, Essays & Recollections . . . with a Selective Check List Compiled by Dorothy Abbe & Rollo G. Silver , New York, The Typophiles, 1960. 2 vols. Check List, Vol. 2, p. 255-68.[2705]
- BISSELL, C.H., The French Language Press in California, Cal. Hist. Soc. Quart. , 39:1-18, 141-173, 219-262, 311-353.[2706]
- BLAIR, WALTER, Mark Twain & Huck Finn , Univ. of California Press, 1960. xvi,436 p.(Rev. by Jacob Blanck, Antiquarian Bookman, 26:1931-35.)[2707]
- BROWN, E.R., Michigan's Pioneer Newspapers, a Sketch, Mich. Hist. , 41 (1957):413-25.[2708]
- BURT, F.A., Printing Among the Clouds [atop Mount Washington], Printing & Graphic Arts , 8:1-11.[2709]
- CHEAPE, K.S.H., Confederate Book Publishing, with Emphasis on Richmond, Virginia , Thesis, Univ. of North Carolina, 1960.[2710]
- CHINARD, GILBERT, Random Notes on Two “Bagatelles” [of Benjamin Franklin, The Ephemera and Lettre à Madame Helvétius], Proc. Amer. Philosophical Soc., 103:727-60 (Dec. 1959).[2711]
- COLEMAN, E.E., The Exhibition in the Palace and Bryant's Crystal Palace Choral [by Coleman and D. V. Erdman], BNYPL , 64:459-77.[2712]
- COLEMAN, J.W., Jr., John Bradford and the Kentucky Gazette, Filson Club Hist. Quart. , 34:24-34.[2713]
- COLVERT, J.B., Agent and Author: Ellen Glasgow's Letters to Paul Revere Reynolds, SB , 14:177-96.[2714]
- COOKE, J.E., Alexander Hamilton's Authorship of the “Caesar” Letters [open to question], William and Mary Quart. , 3d ser., 17:78-85.[2715]
- DANIEL, W.H., Bible Publication and Procurement in the Confederacy, Journ. of Southern Hist. , 24:190-201(May, 1958).[2716]
- DANKLEFF, RICHARD, The Composition, Revisions, Reception and Reputation of Henry James's The Spoils of Poynton , Thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1959 .[2717]
- DAVIS, R.B., Jefferson as Collector of Virginiana, SB , 14:117-44.[2718]
- ECKMAN, JAMES, The Chicago Type Foundry of Marder, Luse & Company, 1863-1892, Printing and Graphic Arts , 7(1959):69-83, 112-24.[2719]
- ECKMAN, JAMES, The Inland Type Foundry, 1894-1911, Printing & Graphic Arts , 8:31-46.[2720]
- EDEL, LEON, The Text of The Ambassadors , HLB , 14:453-60.[2721]
- ELLEN, J.C., Jr., Newspaper Finance in North Carolina's Piedmont and Mountain Sections during the 1850's, North Carolina Hist. Rev. , 37:488-505.[2722]
- FIELDS, J.E., A Signer and His Signatures, or The Library of Thomas Lynch, Jr., HLB , 14:210-52.[2723]
- FRENCH, B.M., The Gilded Age Manuscript, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 35:35-41.[2724]
- FRENCH, H.D., The Amazing Career of Andrew Barclay, Scottish Bookbinder, of Boston, SB , 14:145-62.[2725]
- FRICK, G.F., Mark Catesby: The Discovery of a Naturalist [and His Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands], PBSA , 54:163-75.[2726]
- GALLUP, DONALD, Eugene O'Neill's “The Ancient Mariner” [a dramatic adaptation], Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 35:61-86.[2727]
- GOFF, F.R., Introductory study in The Primordia of Bishop White Kennett, the First English Bibliography of America , Washington, Pan American Union, 1959. xliv, iii, xvi, 275, [222] p.[2728]
- GOLDEN, ARTHUR, An Uncollected Whitman Article “An Old Landmark Gone,” BNYPL , 64:353-60.[2729]
- GRIFFIN, GILLETT, John Foster's Woodcut of Richard Mather, Printing & Graphic Arts , 7(1959):1-19.[2730]
- GROSS, S.L., and LEVY, A.J., Some Remarks on the Extant Manuscripts of Hawthorne's Short Stories, SB , 14:254-7.[2731]
- HARMSEN, T.G., The Plantin Press of Saul and Lillian Marks , Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1960. 21 p.[2732]
- HART, J.A., An Historical Study of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 1852-1958 , Thesis, Univ. of Missouri, 1959.[2733]
- HITCHINGS, S.H., List of Printing by Joseph Belknap and Associates, Printing & Graphic Arts , 7(1959):23-6.[2734]
- HITCHINGS, S.H., Samuel Hill's Relief Engraving, Printing & Graphic Arts , 8:12-17.[2735]
- HOFFMAN, D.G., Stephen Crane's First Story [“Sketches from Life. Uncle Jake and the Bell-Handle”], BNYPL , 64:273-8.[2736]
- HOFFMAN, D.G., Stephen Crane's Last Novel [a projected romance on the American Revolution], BNYPL , 64:337-43.[2737]
- HOLMAN, C.H., Thomas Wolfe: A Bibliographical Study, Texas Studies in Lit. and Lang. , 1:427-45(Autumn 1959).[2738]
- HOLMAN, R.B., John Foster's Woodcut Map of New England, Printing & Graphic Arts , 8:53-93.[2739]
- HOLMAN, R.B., Some Remarks on “Mr. Richard Mather” [John Foster's woodcut], Printing & Graphic Arts , 7:(1959):57-63.[2740]
- HOLMES, J.D.L., The Two Series of the Moniteur de la Louisiane , BNYPL , 64:323-8.[2741]
- HUNTER, W.B., Jr., The Bay Psalm Book: Reflection of Puritan Textual Tradition, News Bul. of the Rocky Mountain Mod. Lang. Assn. , 13 (August 1960):5-8.[2742]
- KEPHART, J.E., A Voice for Freedom: The Signal of Liberty, 1841-48 , Thesis (Ph.D.), Univ. of Mich., 1960.[2743]
- KERN, A.C., A Note on Hawthorne's Juveniles, PQ , 39:242-46.[2744]
- KIDDER, R.W., The Contribution of Daniel Fowle to Colonial New Hampshire Printing , Thesis (Ph.D.), Univ. of Illinois, 1959.[2745]
- KLINGELHOFER, H.E., Mark Twain, Edited and Bowdlerized, Manuscripts , 11(1959):2-12.[2746]
- LEARY, LEWIS, Bibliographical and Textual Studies and American Literary History, Texas Quart. , 3:1:160-6.[2747]
- LEVY, L.W., Did the Zenger Case Really Matter? Freedom of the Press in Colonial New York, William and Mary Quart. , 3d ser., 17:35-50.[2748]
- LINDER, LeR.H., Norton's Literary Register: A View of American Publishing in 1855, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , 6:22-8(Spring 1958).[2749]
- LOWRY, EDWARD, “The Writer as Technician”: The Method of John Dos Passos, 1925-1936 , Thesis, New York Univ., 1959.[2750]
- MAXON, J.W., Jr., Nathan Sellers, America's First Large-Scale Maker of Paper Moulds, Paper Maker , 29:1:1-16.[2751]
- MAYFIELD, J.S., Lanier in the Florae [with a bibliographical note on his Tiger-Lilies], Amer. Book Collector , 10:6:7-10.[2752]
- MAYFIELD, J.S., Sidney Lanier's Tiger-Lilies: A Bibliographical Mystery, PBSA , 54:265-72.[2753]
- MEINE, F.J., Some Notes on the First Editions of “Huck Finn,” Amer. Book Collector , 10:10:31-34.[2754]
- MILLARES, AGUSTÍN, ed., El Epitome de Pinelo, Primera Bibliografia del Nuevo Mundo [with an introduction and brief bibliography], Washington, Pan American Union, 1958, xlii, [92], 186, xii p.[2755]
- MILLER, C.W., Franklin's Poor Richard Almanacs: Their Printing and Publication, SB , 14:97-115.[2756]
- MUNBY, A.N.L., Elias Burling, A Call to Back-Sliding Israel, New York, 1694: An Unrecorded Tract Printed by William Bradford, SB , 14:251-3.[2757]
- NASH, RAY, A Colonial Writing Master's Collection of English Copybooks, HLB , 14:12-19.[2758]
- NASH, RAY, Notes on the Riverside Press and D. B. Updike, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1960):329-333.[2759]
- NEW YORK. PUBLIC LIBRARY, Old Fashioned [American] Type Specimens, in the Robinson-Pforzheimer Collection , New York Public Libr., 1960. Unpaged. 28 x 22 cm., opens to 86 x 56 cm.[2760]
- PARSONAGE, D.G., An Unrecorded German Translation [Die Brittische Apocalypse, “London” 1784, from L'Apocalypse Britannique, “Londres” 1782; on the American Revolution], PBSA , 54:69.[2761]
- RANDALL, D.A., Two States of Two Lives [by William Ellery Leonard], PBSA , 54:295.[2762]
- RISTOW, W.W., Augustine Herrman's Map of Virginia and Maryland, 1673, LCQJCA , 17:221-6.[2763]
- ROGERS, J.W., U.S. National Bibliography and the Copyright Law: An Historical Study , New York, Bowker, 1960. xii, 115 p.[2764]
- ROPER, GORDON, Mark Twain and His Canadian Publishers, Amer. Book Collector , 10:10:13-29.[2765]
- SILVER, R.G., Grub Street in Philadelphia, 1794-1795: More about James Hardie, BNYPL , 64:130-42.[2766]
- SMEALE, J.F.S., “Miss Polly Baker's Speech”: An American Text, North Dakota Quart. , 27:78-80(Summer 1959).(Questions Franklin's authorship.)[2767]
- STERN, M.B., Ann E. Stephens: Author of the First Beadle Dime Novel, 1860, BNYPL , 64:303-22.[2768]
- SUTTON, WALTER, Cincinnati as a General Publishing Center: The Middle Years, 1830-1860, Bull. of the Historical & Philosophical Soc. of Ohio , 16:311-23(October 1958)[2769]
- TAGUE, J.A., William D. Gallagher, Champion of Western Literary Periodicals [the Cincinnati Mirror, the Western Monthly, and the Hesperian], Ohio Hist. Quart. , 69:257-71.[2770]
- TARTELLA, VINCENT, James's “Four Meetings”: Two Texts Compared, Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 15:17-28.[2771]
- TOWNE, J.E., Printing in New Mexico beyond Santa Fe and Taos, 1848-1875, New Mexico Hist. Rev. , 35:109-17.[2772]
- TWO Letters Solve a Bitter Dispute [over the publication of Huckleberry Finn], Manuscripts , 11:13(Fall, 1959.)[2773]
- VERNER, COOLIE, A Carto-Bibliographical Study of The English Pilot. The Fourth Book. With Special Reference to the Charts of Virginia , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1960. viii, 87, [1] p.(Reproduced from typescript.)[2774]
- VERNER, COOLIE, Mark Tiddeman's Chart of New York Harbour, American Neptune , 19(1959):44-50.[2775]
- VERNER, COOLIE, Mr. Jefferson Makes a Map [of Virginia, 1786], Imago Mundi , 14(1959):96-108.[2776]
- WEBSTER, LYNNE, The History of the Burlington Free Press [1827-1959], Vermont History , 28:143-7.[2777]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, “I Am a Born Democrat”: An Unpublished Whitman Fragment, N.&Q. , 204(1959):254-5.[2778]
- WOLF, EDWIN, 2d, and FLEMING, J.F., Rosenbach: A Biography , Cleveland, The World Publishing Company, 1960. 616 p.[2779]
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