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B. United States
- ADERMAN, R.M., Contributors to the American Quarterly Review, 1827-1833, SB , 14:163-76.[2398]
- BALLENTINE, NELLE, A Bibliographical Checklist of Knoxville and Memphis Imprints, 1867-1876, with an Introductory Essay on the Knoxville and Memphis Press , Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1960. 117 p.(Kentucky Microcards. Series A, No. 47)[2399]
- BARLOW, W.P., Jr., The Allen Press — A Bibliography, Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 25:34-41.[2400]
- BELLIS, GENEVIEVE, A Preliminary Checklist of Non-official Imprints in Indiana, 1854-1863, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2401]
- BENDER, J.T., Of the Making of Many Books—Taylor & Taylor Since 1933 [with a Selected Checklist], Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 25:75-83.[2402]
- BENDER, J.T., The Publications of the Westgate Press [of Oscar Lewis], 1929-32, Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 25:54-60.[2403]
- BLANCK, JACOB, Artemus Ward His Book, 1862 [by Charles Farrar Browne. Additions to Bibl. of American Literature, No. 1524], PBSA , 54:121-5.[2404]
- BODE, CARL, Thoreau's Manuscript Poems in Private Hands, Emerson Soc. Quart. , No. 14(1st quart. 1959):17-8.[2405]
- BURTON, A.G., A Catalogue of the Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana in the Library of Congress , Libr. of Congress, 1960. 498 p.[2406]
- CASPER, LEONARD, Checklist of Warren's writings, p. 201-8, in his Robert Penn Warren , Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 1960.[2407]
- CHAFEY, S.J., A Checklist of Taunton, Massachusetts, Imprints for the Years 1810-1880, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2408]
- CONNOLLY, T.L., A Revised Essay toward a Bibliography of Francis Thompson's Book Reviews and Literary Criticisms Contributed to Periodicals, pp. 353-98 in The Real Robert Louis Stevenson, and Other Critical Essays , by Francis Thompson, New York, for Boston College by University Publishers, 1959.[2409]
- COWDEN, LAURA, A Checklist of Non-official Imprints for Davenport, Iowa, for the Years 1860-70, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2410]
- CRAWFORD, LEILA, A Checklist of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Imprints for the Years 1801-76, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2411]
- DAVIS, C.C., Wise Words from Virginia: The Published Writings of John S. Wise, of the Eastern Shore and New York City, PBSA , 54:273-85.[2412]
- DeBELLIS, JACK, An Andrew Nelson Lytle Check List, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. of the Univ. of Va., No. 46. 15 p.[2413]
- DURHAM, PHILIP, and MASTANOJA, T.F., American Fiction in Finland: An Essay and Bibliography , Helsinki, Société Néophilologique, 1960. 202 p.(Mémoires, XXIV)[2414]
- FIRMAGE, G.J., E. E. Cummings: A Bibliography , Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1960. ix,129 p.[2415]
- GARDINER, C.H., William Hickling Prescott: An Annotated Bibliography of Published Works , Washington, Libr. of Congress, 1958[i.e. 1959], xvi,275 p.(Hispanic Foundation Bibl. Ser. No. 4)[2416]
- GRISCOM, JOAN, Bibliography of Caroline Gordon, Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction , 1(1956):1:74-8.[2417]
- HAGEMANN, E.R., and DURHAM, P.C., James M. Cain, 1922-1958: A Selected Checklist, Bull.of Bibl. , 23:57-61.[2418]
- HANCOCK, EVA, A Checklist of Providence, Rhode Island, Imprints for the Years 1842-53, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2419]
- HEARD, J.N., Bookman's Guide to Americana , New York Scarecrow Press, 1960. 407 p.[2420]
- HOLLOWAY, JEAN, Chronology of Major Garland Publications, pp. 314-32, in her Hamlin Garland, A Biography , Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1960.[2421]
- HORINE, E.F., Biographical Sketch and Guide to the Writings of Charles Caldwell, M.D. (1772-1853) , Brooks, Ky., High Acres Press, 1960. viii,155 p.[2422]
- HUTCHINSON, W.H., A Bar Cross Liar, Bibliography of Eugene Manlove Rhodes , Stillwater, Oklahoma, Redlands Press, 1959. xiv,95 p.[2423]
- JOHNSON, E.D., Of Time and Thomas Wolfe: A Bibliography with a Character Index of His Works , New York, Scarecrow Press, 1959. 226 p.[2424]
- KAPLAN, LOUIS, with COOK, J.T., COLBY, C.E., Jr., and HASKELL, D.C., A Bibliography of American Autobiographies [through 1944], Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1960. 372 p.[2425]
- KASER, DAVID, Arthur L. Kaser [1890-1956]: Gag Man for the Amateur [With a Checklist of His Published Works, Books at Brown , 18:94-115.[2426]
- KORN, B.W., Benjamin Levy: New Orleans Printer and Publisher [with a bibliography of his imprints, 1817-1841, and of those of Alexander Levy, 1840-186?], PBSA , 54:221-64.[2427]
- LAURENCE, D.H., Robert Nathan, a Bibliography , Yale Univ. Libr., 1960. xi,97 p.[2428]
- LEE, R.E., The Easy Chair Essays of Bernard DeVoto, Bull of Bibl. 23:64-9.[2429]
- LO, ANNA, A Checklist of Maine Imprints for the Years 1836-37, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2430]
- LOWENS, IRVING, The American Songster before 1821: A List of Incomplete and Unlocated Titles, PBSA , 54:61-9.[2431]
- MERIWETHER, J.B., A James Gould Cozzens Check List, Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction , 1(1958):3:57-63.[2432]
- MERIWETHER, J.B., The Literary Career of William Faulkner. Catalogue of an Exhibition in the Princeton University Library, PULC , 21:111-64.[2433]
- MISSAR, CHARLES, A Checklist of Ohio Imprints for the Years 1821-25, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2434]
- OLMSTED, D.H., Windsor Press Checklist, San Francisco, 1924-1943, Quart. News Letter , Book Club of California, 26:7-16, 33-6.[2435]
- PARKER, JOHN, The James Ford Bell Collection: A List of Additions, 1955-1959 , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1960. 217 p.[2436]
- PAYNE, M.H., Dorothy Canfield Fisher: Bio-bibliography , Thesis, Florida State Univ., 1959.[2437]
- PEQUOT LIBRARY, Southport, Conn., Catalogue of the Monroe, Wakeman, and Holman Collection . . . Deposited in the Yale University Library , Yale Univ. Press, 1960. 522 p.[2438]
- PORTER, B.H., The First Publications of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Twentieth Century Literature , 5:176-82.[2439]
- PORTER, B.H., H. L. Mencken: A Bibliography, Twentieth Century Literature , 4(1958):100-7.[2440]
- PULLIAM, MARJORIE, A Checklist of California Imprints for the Years 1861 and 1862, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2441]
- QUESENBERY, W.D., Jr., Ellen Glasgow: a Critical Bibliography — Part II, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:230-6.[2442]
- RANDALL, D.A., The J. K. Lilly Collection of Edgar Allan Poe, Indiana Univ. Bookman , No. 4:46-58.[2443]
- SCHNEIDER, H.W., Two Bibliographies: Saul Bellow; William Styron, Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction , 3:3:71-91.[2444]
- SCHWEINFURTH, EDNA, A Checklist of Cleveland, Ohio, Imprints for 1861 through 1865, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2445]
- SHEEHY, E.P., and LOHF, K.A., Sherwood Anderson: A Bibliography , Los Gatos, Calif., Talisman Press, 1960. 125 p.[2446]
- SPEAR, D.N., Bibliography of American Directories through 1860 , Worcester, American Antiquarian Society, 1960. 389 p.[2447]
- STARK, L.M., and COLE, M.D., Checklist of Additions to Evans' American Bibliography in the Rare Book Division of The New York Public Library , New York Public Libr., 1960. xii,110 p.[2448]
- STEMPLE, RUTH, Kenneth Roberts: A Supplementary Check-List [to that of George Albert in Bull. of Bibl., 17:9 & 10, 18:1 & 2, 1942 and 1943], Bull. of Bibl. , 22(1959):228-30.[2449]
- STREETER, T.W., Bibliography of Texas, 1795-1845. Part III: United States and European Imprints , Harvard Univ. Press, 1960. 2 vols.[2450]
- TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES CENTER, Sinclair Lewis: An Exhibition from the Grace Hegger Lewis — Sinclair Lewis Collection , [Austin, Univ. of Texas], 1960. 28 p.[2451]
- TOWNSEND, DOROTHEA, A Checklist of Official and Non-official Imprints of the District of Columbia for the Years 1800 and 1801, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2452]
- VAMBERY, JOSEPH, A Checklist of Rhode Island Imprints from 1846 through 1847, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2453]
- VERNER, MATHILDA, A Checklist of Vermont Imprints from 1869 through 1872, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2454]
- VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Barrett Library: Oliver Wendell Holmes; a Checklist of Printed and Manuscript Works, . . . in the Library of the University of Virginia . Compiled by Anita Rutman and Lucy Clark, the Manuscripts by Marjorie Carver, Univ. of Va. Press, 1960. 109 p.[2455]
- VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Barrett Library: Robinson Jeffers; a Checklist of Printed and Manuscript Works . . . in the Library of the University of Virginia . Compiled by Anita Rutman and Lucy Clark, the Manuscripts by Marjorie Carver, Charlottesville, Univ. of Va. Press, 1960. 109 p.[2456]
- VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Barrett Library: W. D. Howells; a Checklist of Printed and Manuscript Works . . . in the Library of the University of Virginia . Compiled by Fannie Mae Elliott and Lucy Clark, Charlottesville, Univ. of Va. Press, 1959. 68 p.[2457]
- VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, John Henry Ingram's Poe Collection at the University of Virginia . By John Carl Miller, Univ. of Va. Press, 1960. xlix,397 p.[2458]
- WEDGE, G.F., Two Bibliographies: Flannery O'Connor; J. F. Powers, Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction , 2:2:59-70.[2459]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Frank Norris: Bibliographical Addenda, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:227-8(Sept.-Dec. 1959) (Additions to Lohf and Sheehy, B1855.)[2460]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Karl Shapiro: A Bibliography , Detroit, Wayne State Univ. Press, 1960. 113 p.[2461]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, W. D. Snodgrass: A Bibliography , Detroit, Wayne State Univ. Press, 1960. 32 p.[2462]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Walt Whitman's Short Stories: Two Addenda, PBSA , 54:126(Adds to B1572)[2463]
- WILKINS, OTTO, A Checklist of Maine Imprints from 1844 through 1846, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2464]
- WILKINSON, B.R., The Thomas Wolfe Collection of the University of North Carolina Library , Thesis, Univ. of North Carolina, 1960.[2465]
- WILLGING, E.P., and HATZFELD, HERTA, Catholic Serials of the Nineteenth Century in Tennessee, Records of the American Catholic Hist. Soc. of Philadelphia , 70:18-31(March, June, 1959)[2466]
- WILLGING, E.P., Catholic Serials of the Nineteenth Century in the United States; a Descriptive Bibliography and Union List. Second Series , Washington, Catholic Univ. of America Press, 1959 — Part One —(Earlier lists in the Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia.)[2467]
- WOODALL, NANCY, A Checklist of New Haven, Connecticut, Imprints for the Years 1817 through 1819, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2468]
- WOODBRIDGE, H.C., Jesse Stuart: A Bibliography , Lincoln Memorial Univ. Press, 1960. xxviii,74 p.[2469]
- WU, JOAN, A Checklist of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Imprints for the Years 1857 through 1861, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2470]
- ZEKE, ZOLTAN, A Checklist of Vermont Imprints for the Years 1860 through 1862, with a Historical Introduction , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2471]
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