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  • ALTICK, R.D., and WRIGHT, ANDREW, Selective Bibliography for the Study of English and American Literature , New York, Macmillan, 1960. xii,138 p.[2337]
  • BEATTY, ARTHUR, The Arthur Beatty Wordsworth Collection Given . . . to the University of Wisconsin , Univ. of Wisconsin Memorial Library, 1960. 16 p.[2338]
  • BENKOVITZ, M.J., Ronald Firbank in Periodicals, PBSA , 54:295-7.[2339]
  • BLISS, C.S., Further Notes for the Moxon Census, Printing & Graphic Arts (1959):7:110-11.(Supplements B1437.)[2340]
  • BRITISH MUSEUM, Dickens: An Excerpt from the General Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum , London, Trustees of the British Museum, 1960. 72 p.[2341]
  • BROWN UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, William Morris and the Kelmscott Press: An Exhibition . . . To Which Is Appended an Address by Philip C. Duschnes , Providence, Brown University Library, 1960. iii,48 p.[2342]
  • BÜRGIN, HANS, with REICHART, W.A., and NEUMANN, ERICH, Das Werk Thomas Manns. Eine Bibliographie , Frankfurt, S. Fischer Verlag, 1959. 320 p.[2343]
  • CAMERON, W.J., John Dryden in New Zealand: An Account of Early Editions . . . Found in Various Libraries throughout New Zealand. Together with a List of English Books in the University of Auckland Printed before 1700 and a List of Early Maori Publications in the Private Collection of Mr. G. C. Petersen , Wellington Library School, 1960. 32 p.(Libr. School Bull., No. 1.)[2344]
  • The CARLTON Shorthand Library, TLS , April 22, 1960, p. 264.[2345]
  • CARNIE, R.H., Scottish Printers and Booksellers, 1668-1775: A Second Supplement (I), SB , 14:81-96[2346]
  • CARR, Sister M.C., Catalogue of the Dickens Collection at the University of Texas Austin, Humanities Research Center, 1960. x,195 p.[2347]
  • [CARTER, H.G.] Proposals in the John Johnson Collection [at the University Press, Oxford]: Chronological List of Proposals for English Books up to 1800 , Oxford, Univ. Press, 1960. 21 p. Additions, Jan.1961, 5 p.[2348]
  • CARTER, JOHN, and SCOTT, J.W., A.E. Housman: Catalogue of an Exhibition on the Centenary of His Birth , Univ. College London, 1959. 35 p.[2349]
  • CHRIST, J.F., The Fiction of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , New York, Privately Printed, 1960. 34 p.[2350]
  • CRAIG, HARDIN, Jr., A Bibliography of Encyclopedias and Dictionaries Dealing with Military, Naval, and Maritime Affairs, 1626-1959 , Houston, Fondren Libr., Rice Univ., 1960. ii,40,v p.(Mimeographed)[2351]
  • DIAZ, DANIEL, Sean O'Casey: A Bibliography , Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America, 1960.[2352]

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  • DOBSON, A.T.A., University of London Library. Catalogue of the Collection of the Works of Austin Dobson (1840-1921) , Univ. of London, 1960. 62 p.[2353]
  • DONKIN, W.C., Catalogue of the Gertrude Bell Collection in the Library of King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne , The Univ. Libr. 1960. 64 p.(Publ. No. 1)[2354]
  • GARDNER, HELEN, Donne Mss. for the Bodleian [The “Dowden” manuscript of the poems and the “Dowden” and “Merton” manuscripts of the sermons], TLS , March 11, 1960, p. 168.[2355]
  • GEORGE, A.J., Books by Balzac , Syracuse Univ. Press, 1960. 90 p.[2356]
  • GILMOUR, J.S.L., Julian Hibbert, 1800-1834 (Some Uncollected Authors, XXVI), Book Collector , 9:446-51.[2357]
  • GIMBEL, RICHARD, Thomas Paine Fights for Freedom in Three Worlds: The New, the Old, the Next. Catalogue of an Exhibition Commemorating the One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of His Death. Yale Univ. Libr, October 1959 , Proceedings , American Antiquarian Society, 70:397-492.[2358]
  • GORDAN, J.D., Landmarks in English Literature , New York Public Libr., 1960. 25 p.(Brief list without comment published in BNYPL, 64:105-9.)[2359]
  • GOTLIEB, H.B., William Beckford of Fonthill . . . 1860-1844: A Brief Narrative and Catalogue of an Exhibition , Yale Univ. Libr., 1960. 100 p.[2360]
  • GUSTAFSON, M.T., Rosamond Lehmann: A Bibliography, Twentieth Century Literature , 4 (1959):143-7.[2361]
  • HANCOCK, P.D., “Books and Printing,” in Vol. 2, at pp. 91-101 of his Bibliography of Works relating to Scotland, 1916-1950, Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1959-60. 2 vols.[2362]
  • HANDLEY-TAYLOR, GEOFFREY, John Masefield, O.M. . . . A Bibliography and Eighty-first Birthday Tribute , London, Cranbrook Tower Press, 1960. 96 p.[2363]
  • HOUGHTON, W.E., The Prose Works of Arthur Hugh Clough: A Checklist and Calendar, with Some Unpublished Passages, BNYPL , 64:377-94.[2364]
  • HOWARD, A.K., Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau in Eighteenth-Century Scotland: A Check List of Editions and Translations of Their Works Published in Scotland before 1801, Bibliotheck , 2:40-63.[2365]
  • KAUFMAN, PAUL, Borrowings from the Bristol Library, 1773-1784 , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1960. 138 p.[2366]
  • KENNEDY, A.G., and SANDS, D.B., A Concise Bibliography for Students of English , Stanford Univ. Press, 1960. 467 p.[2367]
  • KEOUGH, L.C., George Bernard Shaw, 1946-1955: A Selected Bibliography, [Part I: Plays and Novels; Essays; Letters], Bull. of Bibl. , 22 (1959):224-6.[2368]
  • KEYNES, G.L., Addendum to “The Library of William Cowper” (Trans. 3:47-69), Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:167.[2369]
  • KEYNES, G.L., A Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1960. xxiv,116 p.[2370]
  • LASLETT, PETER, John Locke's Books and Papers for His Own University [Mr. Paul Mellon's gift to Oxford], TLS , March 11, 1960, p. 168.[2371]
  • LONG, PHILIP, A Summary Catalogue of the Lovelace Collection of the Library of John Locke in the Bodleian Library , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1959. xii, 64 p.(Publins., n.s., 8)[2372]
  • McBURNEY, W.H., A Check List of English Prose Fiction, 1700-1739 , Harvard Univ. Press, 1960. 154 p.[2373]
  • McKENZIE, D.F., The Writings of Sir Walter Greg, 1945-59, Library , 5th ser., 15:42-6.[2374]
  • MANCHESTER, Eng. PUBLIC FREE LIBRARIES. REFERENCE LIBRARY, Subject Catalogue, Section 094: Private Press Books. Part I — , Edited by Sidney Horrocks, Manchester Libraries Committee, 1959-.[2375]
  • MITCHELL, P.M., A Bibliography of English Imprints of Denmark through 1900 , Lawrence, Univ. of Kansas Libraries, 1960. vi,85 p.(Univ. of Kansas Publns. Libr. Series, No. 8[2376]
  • MOLINARO, J.A., PARKER, J.H., and RUGG, EVELYN, A Bibliography of Comedies Sueltas in the University of Toronto Library , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1959. x,149 p.[2377]

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  • MOORE, J.R., A Checklist of the Writings of Daniel Defoe , Indiana Univ. Press, 1960. xviii,254 p.(Indiana Univ. Humanities Ser., No. 47)[2378]
  • MUNTER, R.L., A Hand-List of Irish Newspapers, 1685-1750 , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1960. xiii,36 p.(Cambridge Bibl. Soc. Monograph No. 4)[2379]
  • PATTON, I.R., Rebecca West: A Biobibliography , Thesis, Florida State Univ., 1959.[2380]
  • PINTO, V.deS., D. H. Lawrence after Thirty Years, 1930-1960: Catalogue of an Exhibition Held in the Art Gallery of the University of Nottingham , [Curwen Press for the Univ., 1960] 56 p., 7 plates.[2381]
  • POLLARD, GRAHAM, John Meade Falkner, 1858-1932 (Some Uncollected Authors, XXV), Book Collector , 9:318-25.[2382]
  • ROTA, BERTRAM, The Printed Work of Arthur Rackham, pp. 164-81, in Arthur Rackham , by Derek Hudson, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1960.[2383]
  • SALLANDER, HANS, Die Bodoni-Samlung in der Kgl. Universitätsbibliothek, Libri , 10:271-91.[2384]
  • SLOOG, MAURICE, Checklist of the First French Editions of the Works of Jules Verne, Antiquarian Bookman , 25:1291.[2385]
  • STOTT, R.T., The Writings of W. Somerset Maugham. 1961 Supplement , London, Bertram Rota Ltd., 1960. 20 p.[2386]
  • TAYLOR, SAMUEL, and RAMAGE, DAVID, The Ancient Library in Cartmel Priory Church , 2d ed., Durham, Univ. Libr., 1959. 4o p.[2387]
  • TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES RESEARCH CENTER, An Exhibition on the Occasion of the Opening of the Ellery Queen Collection , [Austin], Univ. of Texas, 1959. 27 p.[2388]
  • TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES RESEARCH CENTER, An Exhibition on the Occasion of the Opening of the T. E. Hanley Library , [Austin], Univ. of Texas, 1958. 16 p.[2389]
  • TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES RESEARCH CENTER, The Glenn Hughes Drama and Imagist Poetry Collection , [Austin, Univ. of Texas], 1959. 14 p.[2390]
  • TEXAS. UNIVERSITY. HUMANITIES RESEARCH CENTER, A Splore in Honor of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns, 1759-1959 , [Austin, Univ. of Texas], 1959. 15 p.[2391]
  • THOMAS, A.G., and POWELL, L.C., Lawrence Durrell. Recollections of a Durrell Collector (Some Uncollected Authors, XXIII), Book Collector , 9:56-63.[2392]
  • TORONTO. PUBLIC LIBRARY, A Bibliography of Canadiana: First Supplement . . . Edited by Gertrude M. Boyle, Assisted by Marjorie Colbeck, Toronto, The Library, 1959. 333 p.[2393]
  • VULPIUS, WOLFGANG, Schiller Bibliographie, 1893-1958 , Weimar, Arion Verlag, 1959. 569 p.[2394]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Addenda to James Joyce Bibliography, 1954-1957. I. Miscellaneous Writings, James Joyce Rev. , 1:3:3-6.[2395]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, A Checklist of A. E. Housman's Writings in Latin, PBSA , 54:188-90.[2396]
  • WILLIAMS, F.B., Jr., Addendum to “The Library of Bryan Rowe” (Trans. II, 339-51), Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:167[2397]