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The following list is intended as an appendix to Greg's Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration, showing the plays to be found in two Scottish libraries, the National Library of Scotland and Edinburgh University Library. Many of the National Library plays were acquired as recently as 1956 as part of the Bute Collection, of which the Shakespearean Quartos are described in the Bartlett and Pollard Census under the designation of Crichton Stuart. There were already, however, a considerable number of early plays in the library's general collections, many of them the gift of a member of Faculty, John Maitland Thomson, in 1912, when the National Library was still the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. Many of the University Library plays belong to the Shakespearean collection presented by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps in the seventies of last century, but some of the most interesting come from the library of the poet William Drummond of Hawthornden.

The information given in each entry is in six parts.

1. The Greg number with, where necessary, letters, numbers and symbols showing edition, issue and variant state, but omitting A (which indicates a single edition) except where it is followed by a number or symbol.

2. The author's last name. Double authorship is shown by the two surnames linked by a hyphen, and this form is used also for author and translator. Plays written in collaboration by more than two authors are entered under the name of the first author with etc. For a play published anonymously or under initials, the author has been supplied when possible, the name being followed by a question mark when the attribution is doubtful. Otherwise the play is entered under the title or initial.

3. The short title in the form used by Greg. Plays with alternative titles are under the title of the edition concerned.

4. The date of the edition described.


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5. The location of the copies. NLS indicates the general collections of the National Library, NLSB the Bute Collection, and EU the Edinburgh University Library.

6. A brief description, where necessary, of the condition of the copy, immediately following its location. All missing leaves are noted, including blank leaves, and all serious imperfections. Cropping has not been mentioned, except when it affects the text throughout; where only one or two leaves are cropped, they are noted as defective. Mounted leaves and inlaid copies have been mentioned. Leaves supplied in facsimile have been indicated by the abbreviation 'facs.' which should be understood as applying to all the missing leaves listed before it. The minus sign has been used for missing blank leaves, and 'wants' for all other missing leaves. The presence of blank leaves is noted, by the plus sign, only for blanks not in copies examined by Greg. Aberrations in binding are not invariably noted, but have been mentioned sometimes, when they seemed of special interest. When there are two copies in one collection, they have been shown as '1-2', unless they require different descriptions, when Greg has been followed in the use of a vertical dividing line, e.g. NLS (1,—A1|2, wants B4). The same principle has been followed for more than two copies.

The abbreviations used are mostly as in Greg. The following are the most common.

  • def. = defective
  • facs. = supplied in facsimile
  • impt. = imprint
  • mtd. = mounted
  • s.-n. = side-notes

I am grateful to the authorities of the Edinburgh University Library for giving me every facility to examine the plays there, and in particular to Dr. Robert Donaldson (now of Glasgow University Library) for his very generous co-operation, but for any errors and omissions in the descriptions of the Edinburgh Library plays, as in the National Library copies, I am solely responsible.

  • 66a* Churchyard, Entertainment in the City of Bristow, 1575. NLS
  • 67b Stevenson? Gammer Gurton's Needle, 1661. NLSB
  • 82b Lyly, Sappho & Phao, 1584. NLSB
  • 82c ___, Sappho & Phao, 1591. NLSB (A1 mtd.)
  • 84d Lyly, Campaspe, 1591. NLSB (A2 mtd.;—A1)
  • 97 Fraunce, Amyntas' Pastoral, 1591. NLSB (wants L3-M4)
  • 101c-102c I & 2 Troublesome Reign of King John, 1622. NLSB (wants A1), EU (wants A1, facs.)
  • 105a Lyly, Galathea, 1592. NLSB
  • 106a Lyly, Midas, 1592. NLSB (iA1 mtd.)
  • 107c* Arden of Feversham, 1633. NLSB (HT eArden; woodcut inverted), EU
  • 108b Garnier-Pembroke, Antony, 1595. EU (variant: Done into englishe; A2-3 def.;—G8)
  • 109bI Kyd? Soliman & Perseda, 1599. NLSB (A1 mtd.)
  • 110e Kyd, Spanish Tragedy, 1603. EU [note 1]
  • 110j __, Spanish Tragedy, 1633. NLS

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  • 112a Peele, Edward I, 1593. NLSB (L3 def.;—L4, wants A1,B2)
  • 114a Peele? Jack Straw, 1594. NLSB (—A1,F4, wants A2)
  • 114b ____, Jack Straw, 1604. NLSB (—E4, wants A1)
  • 116AI Garnier-Kyd, Cornelia, 1594. NLSB (L1 def.;—L4)
  • 117b Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, 1600. EU (C4 def.)
  • 117c ______, Titus Andronicus, 1611. NLSB (inlaid)
  • 120e Shakespeare, Taming of the Shrew, 1631. NLSB (A1 def.), EU (A1 def.)
  • 121b Greene, Friar Bacon & Friar Bongay, 1630. NLS
  • 121c ____, Friar Bacon & Friar Bongay, 1655. NLSB (A1 def.)
  • 124 Wilson, Cobler's Prophecy, 1594. NLS (—A1,G4)
  • 125b Lyly, Mother Bombie, 1598. NLSB (A1 mtd.)
  • 129b Marlowe, Edward II, 1598. NLS (A1,K2 def.)
  • 129cτ ____, Edward II, 1612. NLSB (wants I2,3)
  • 130AI Greene? 1 Selimus, 1594. NLSB (—A1,K4)
  • 130AII ____, 1 Selimus, 1638. NLS (—A1,+K4)
  • 141dτ Shakespeare, Richard II, 1608. NLSB (—K4, wants A1,facs.)
  • 141e ______, Richard II, 1615. NLSB (inlaid;—K4), EU (—K4)
  • 141h* _____, Richard II, 1634. NLSB (wants A1,K4), EU (wants A1,facs.)
  • 141hτ ______, Richard II, 1634. NLSB (wants B2,3)
  • 142d Shakespeare, Richard III, 1605. NLSB (wants A1,4,B,M1,2)
  • 142e ______, Richard III, 1612. NLSB (inlaid; A1 def.), EU (cropped; A2,3,B1, E1,G2,H4,I4,K1,4, in duplicate at end)
  • 142h ______, Richard III, 1629. NLSB, EU (wants L3-M2,facs.; I2 in duplicate at end)
  • 142j _____, Richard III, 1634. NLSB, EU
  • 143b Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet, 1599. EU
  • 143e* ______, Romeo & Juliet, n.d. EU (wants A1,C4,L2-4,facs.)
  • 143g ______, Romeo & Juliet, 1637. NLSB (inlaid), EU
  • 145d Shakespeare, 1 Henry IV, 1604. NLSB (wants A)
  • 145e ______, 1 Henry IV, 1608. NLSB
  • 145g ______, 1 Henry IV, 1622. NLSB, EU (wants A1,K4,facs.)
  • 145i ______, 1 Henry IV, 1632. EU (1-2)
  • 145k ______, 1 Henry IV, 1639. NLSB, EU
  • 146 Chapman, Blind Beggar of Alexandria, 1598. NLSB
  • 150a Shakespeare, Love's Labour's Lost, 1598. EU
  • 150c ______, Love's Labour's Lost, 1631. NLSB, EU
  • 1510 Mucedorus & Amadine, n.d. NLSB (—F4)
  • 153e-154e Heywood? 1 & 2 Edward IV, 1619. NLSB
  • 159A* Chapman, Humorous Day's Mirth, 1599. NLSB (sig G has press corrections)
  • 160 Peele, Love of King David & Fair Bethsabe, 1599. NLSB (—A1,I2)
  • 164 Maid's Metamorphosis, 1600. NLSB
  • 165c Shakespeare, Henry V, 1608[1619]. NLSB (—G4), EU (—G4)
  • 166b Drayton etc. 1 Sir John Oldcastle, 1600[1619]. NLSB
  • 167aI Shakespeare, 2 Henry IV, 1600. NLSB (—L2)
  • 168a Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing, 1600. EU (wants A1,I4,facs.)
  • 169 Wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll, 1600. NLSB (—A1,H4)
  • 170b Shakespeare, Midsummer-Night's Dream, 1600[1619]. NLSB, EU (wants C2-D4,facs.)
  • 171b Weakest Goeth to the Wall, 1618. NLSB (with the variants in the title; A2 mtd.;—A1)
  • 172a Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, 1600. NLSB (inlaid; wants C,D1)
  • 172b ______, Merchant of Venice, 1600[1619]. EU (wants C1-4,G1-4,K2-4,facs.)
  • 172eI ______, Merchant of Venice, 1637. NLSB, EU
  • 172eII ______, Merchant of Venice, 1652. NLSB, EU

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  • 173 Nash, Summer's Last Will & Testament, 1600. NLSB (—A1)
  • 174 Look about You, 1600. NLSB (K4,L4 def.; wants A1)
  • 175e Dekker, Shoemaker's Holiday, 1631. NLSB
  • 177a Marston, Jack Drum's Entertainment, 1601. NLSB (—I4)
  • 179 Munday, Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington, 1601. NLSB
  • 180 Munday-Chettle, Death of Robert Earl of Huntington, 1601. NLSB (A1 def.)
  • 183b Guarini-Dymock, Pastor Fido, 1633. NLS (—A1,H11,12)
  • 186a Jonson, Poetaster, 1602. NLSB (—N2)
  • 187b Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor, 1619. NLSB
  • 187d _______, Merry Wives of Windsor, 1630. NLSB (inlaid; A1 def.;—K4), EU (—K4)
  • 188 Middleton, Blurt Master-Constable, 1602. NLSB (—H4)
  • 189b S., W., Thomas Lord Cromwell, 1613. NLSB (—G4)
  • 191d How a Man may Choose a Good Wife from a Bad, 1614. NLSB
  • 191f How a Man may Choose a Good Wife from a Bad, 1630. NLSB
  • 193AIτ-194AIτ Lindsay, Satire of the Three Estates, 1602. NLS (V4 def.)
  • 195A* Dekker, Satiromastix, 1602, NLSB (—M4)
  • 196a Alexander, Darius, 1603. NLS
  • 197c Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1611. EU (—A1, wants A2,facs.)
  • 197g ______, Hamlet, 1637. NLSB (inlaid), EU (wants A1,facs.)
  • 197j ______, Hamlet, n.d. NLS, NLSB, EU
  • 197m* ______, Hamlet, 1695. NLSB (—M2, wants G3)
  • 199a Philotus, 1603. NLS (wants A1)
  • 202a Dekker, Entertainment through London, 1604. NLSB (—A1)
  • 204b Dekker, Converted Courtesan, 1604. NLSB (with A1,K3,4) [note 2]
  • 204d§ ____, 1 Honest Whore, 1616. EU
  • 204e ____, 1 Honest Whore, 1635. NLS, NLSB
  • 205i Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, 1631. NLS (+H4), NLSB (—H4)
  • 206 Wit of a Woman, 1604. NLSB (wants A1)
  • 215h Heywood, 1 If you Know not me you Know Nobody, 1639. NLSB
  • 216a Jonson, Sejanus his Fall, 1605. NLSB (a1 mtd.)
  • 217b Chapman etc., Eastward Ho, 1605. NLSB
  • 219 Chapman, All Fools, 1605. NLSB (—A1,K2), EU (variant: Comody;—A1,K2)
  • 220 Captain Thomas Stukeley, 1605. NLSB
  • 224d Heywood, 2 If you Know not Me you Know Nobody, 1633. NLSB (impt. cropped)
  • 226 Chapman, Gentleman Usher, 1606. NLSB
  • 227a Daniel, Queen's Arcadia, 1606. NLSB (variant: Trago-comedie;—L2)
  • 228bτ Chapman? Sir Giles Goosecap, 1636. NLS
  • 228b§ ____, Sir Giles Goosecap, 1636. NLS
  • 230b Marston, Parasitaster, 1606. EU (cropped)
  • 231aI Marston, Wonder of Women, 1606. NLSB (—G4)
  • 231aII ____, Sophonisba, 1606. NLS (—G4)
  • 234f Wily Beguiled, 1638. NLSB (wants I)
  • 235b Day, Isle of Gulls, 1633. NLS
  • 236A*1τ2 Chapman, Monsieur D'Olive, 1606. NLSB
  • 239b Tomkis, Lingua, n.d. NLS (cropped)
  • 239c ____, Lingua, 1617. NLSB
  • 239d ____, Lingua, 1622. NLSB
  • 239e ____, Lingua, 1632. NLSB, EU
  • 239fII ____, Lingua, 1657. NLS (wants i1)
  • 240Aτ Claudius Tiberius Nero, 1607. NLS (—A1,N4)
  • 241 Dekker, Whore of Babylon, 1607. NLSB (—L2)
  • 242a Heywood, Fair Maid of the Exchange, 1607. NLSB (wants A2)

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  • 242c ____, Fair Maid of the Exchange, 1637. NLS
  • 243b Middleton, Phoenix, 1630. NLS (A def.;—I4), NLSB (—I4)
  • 244b Middleton, Michaelmas Term, 1630. NLS, NLSB (1-2)
  • 245bI Beaumont-Fletcher, Woman Hater, 1648. NLSB
  • 246bI Chapman, Bussy D'Ambois, 1641. NLSB
  • 247d Sharpham, Cupid's Whirligig, 1630. NLS
  • 248AII Day etc., Travels of the Three English Brothers, 1607. NLS
  • 249a Wilkins, Miseries of Enforced Marriage, 1607. NLSB (wants A1)
  • 250 Dekker-Webster, Northward Ho, 1607. NLSB
  • 251a S., W., Puritan, 1607. NLSB (—A1)
  • 253A* Tourneur? Revenger's Tragedy, 1607. NLSB
  • 254AI Barnes, Devil's Charter, 1607. NLSB
  • 255c Sharpham, Fleer, 1615. NLSB (—A1,H4)
  • 255d ______, Fleer, 1631. NLS (1-2)
  • 256b Dekker-Webster, Sir Thomas Wyatt, 1612. NLSB (—G4)
  • 257 Dekker-Webster, Westward Ho, 1607. NLSB
  • 258b Heywood, Woman Killed with Kindness, 1617. NLS (A3,4,B1,2 def.), NLSB
  • 259aI Jonson, Volpone, 1607. EU (cropped;—i1,O2)
  • 262aII Middleton, Trick to Catch the Old One, 1608/9. NLSB
  • 262b ______, Trick to Catch the Old One, 1616. NLSB (A2 def.;—A1)
  • 264c Merry Devil of Edmonton, 1617. NLSB (—A1)
  • 264f Merry Devil of Edmonton, 1655. NLSB (A2 def.;—A1)
  • 265b Shakespeare, King Lear, 1608[1619]. NLSB, EU (wants F4 facs.)
  • 265e ______, King Lear, 1655. NLSB, EU
  • 266 Middleton, Your Five Gallants, n.d. NLS (A2-4,I4 def.; wants A1), NLSB (A1 def.)
  • 267 Day, Law Tricks, 1608. NLS
  • 268 Day, Humour out of Breath, 1608. NLSB (wants A,B1,F4)
  • 272b Yorkshire Tragedy, 1619. NLSB (—D3), EU
  • 273e Heywood, Rape of Lucrece, 1638. NLS (1-2), NLSB
  • 274b-275b Chapman, Conspiracy & Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron, 1625 NLSB (pt.ii only;—R4)
  • 276b Middleton, Mad World my Masters, 1640. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 277b Markham-Machin, Dumb Knight, 1633. NLSB
  • 279aII Shakespeare, Troilus & Cressida, 1609. NLSB (—M2)
  • 281aIIτ Jonson, Case is Altered, 1609. NLSB
  • 284e* Shakespeare, Pericles, 1630. EU
  • 284eτ ______, Pericles, 1630. NLS, EU
  • 284f ______, Pericles, 1635. NLSB, EU
  • 285 Armin, Two Maids of Moreclacke, 1609. NLSB
  • 286b Mason, Muleasses the Turk, 1632. NLS, NLSB
  • 287b Fletcher, Faithful Shepherdess, 1629. NLSB (A def.)
  • 287c ______, Faithful Shepherdess, 1634. NLSB (—K4)
  • 292a Barry, Ram Alley, 1611. NLSB (first five lines on C1 marked for deletion)
  • 293Aτ Tourneur, Atheist's Tragedy, 1612. NLSB (I2 def.)
  • 294 Heywood, Golden Age, 1611. NLSB
  • 297 Chapman, May Day, 1611. NLSB
  • 298 Middleton-Dekker, Roaring Girl, 1611. NLSB (—A1,M4)
  • 299 Field, Woman is a Weathercock, 1612. NLSB (A1 mtd.; I2 def.)
  • 300 Daborn, Christian Turned Turk, 1612. NLS (—A1), NLSB (A2 def.;—A1)
  • 301 Chapman, Widow's Tears, 1612. NLSB
  • 305 Dekker, If it be not Good the Devil is in it, 1612. NLSB (A2 def.;—A1)
  • 306a Webster, White Devil, 1612. NLSB
  • 306b ____, White Devil, 1631. NLS (s.-n. cropped)

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  • 306d ____, Vittoria Corombona, 1672. NLSB (A1 def.)
  • 307 Chapman, Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois, 1613. NLSB (—A1)
  • 308AII Cary, Mariam, 1613. NLS (1,—i1|2,—i1, wants i2 facs.), NLSB (—i1)
  • 311Aτ-312A Middleton, Triumphs of Truth, Entertainment on Michaelmas Day 1613, 1613. NLSB (—A4 of pt.ii)
  • 313 Heywood, Brazen Age, 1613. NLSB (—L4), EU
  • 315a Marston, Insatiate Countess, 1613. NLSB (—K2)
  • 315cI ____, Insatiate Countess, 1631. NLS (K1 def.;—K2)
  • 316c Beaumont-Fletcher, Knight of the Burning Pestle, n.d. NLSB (—A1)
  • 317 Heywood, Silver Age, 1613. NLSB (—L2), EU (—L2)
  • 321 Tailor, Hog hath Lost his Pearl, 1614. NLSB (—A1)
  • 323c Cooke, Greene's Tu Quoque, n.d. NLS (A1,2,H2 def.), NLSB
  • 327a A., R., Valiant Welshman, 1615. NLSB
  • 327b ____, Valiant Welshman, 1663. NLS
  • 328b Beaumont-Fletcher, Cupid's Revenge, 1630. NLSB (—A1,L4), EU (A2-F3 def.;—A1)
  • 329 Smith, Hector of Germany, 1615. NLS (with original title only), NLSB (with both titles)
  • 333b Heywood, Four Prentices of London, 1632. NLS (A1 def.;—L4), NLSB (F1 def.;—L4)
  • 334a Beaumont-Fletcher, Scornful Lady, 1616. NLSB (—A1)
  • 334b ______, Scornful Lady, 1625. NLSB (—A1)
  • 334g ______, Scornful Lady, n.d. NLSB
  • 336c Haughton, Woman will have her Will, 1631. NLSB (—K4)
  • 337A* S. S., Honest Lawyer, 1616. NLS (—A1,K4), NLSB (—A1,K4)
  • 351 Middleton, Triumphs of Honour & Industry, 1617. NLSB (—A1)
  • 352aI Middleton-Rowley, Fair Quarrel, 1617. NLS
  • 352b ______, Fair Quarrel, 1622. NLSB (with B3-4 cancelled; A1 mtd.)
  • 353b Holyday, Teχνογαμια, 1630. NLS, NLSB (A1 def.)
  • 356b Field, Amends for Ladies, 1639. NLS (—A1), NLSB
  • 357e Beaumont-Fletcher, Maid's Tragedy, 1641. NLSB
  • 358 Middleton, Inner-Temple Masque, 1619. NLSB (—A1,C4)
  • 359 Middleton, Triumphs of Love & Antiquity, 1619, NLSB (—A1,D2)
  • 360c Beaumont-Fletcher, King & No King, 1631. NLSB (—A1)
  • 360d ______, King & No King, 1639. NLS
  • 360i ______, King & No King, 1693. NLSB
  • 361 Two Wise Men & all the Rest Fools, 1619. NLSB, EU
  • 362 Swetnam Arraigned by Women, 1620. NLS (—i1,L2), NLSB (—i1,L2, wants i2)
  • 363d Beaumont-Fletcher, Philaster, 1634. NLSB (—L3,4)
  • 364a C., I., Two Merry Milkmaids, 1620. NLS
  • 364b ____, Two Merry Milkmaids, 1661. NLSB
  • 365Aτ Middleton-Rowley, World Tossed at Tennis, 1620. NLSB (A2 def.;—A1,F4, wants F3)
  • 367 Middleton, Sun in Aries, 1621. NLSB (—A1)
  • 368a Fletcher etc., Thierry & Theodoret, 1621. NLS (A2,K4 def.;—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 368bII ______, Thierry & Theodoret, 1649. NLSB
  • 379a Shakespeare, Othello, 1622. EU (wants A-D,I2,3,K1-N2,facs.)
  • 379c ______, Othello, 1630. NLSB (wants A4,C4,facs.), EU (B1 in duplicate)
  • 379e ______, Othello, 1655. NLSB, EU
  • 379i _______, Othello, 1687. EU
  • 379j ______, Othello, 1695. NLSB
  • 380b Massinger-Dekker, Virgin Martyr, 1631. NLSB (—A1)

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  • 382A* Markham-Sampson, Herod & Antipater, 1622. NLS
  • 383 Middleton, Triumphs of Honour & Virtue, 1622. NLSB (—C4)
  • 384b May, Heir, 1633. NLS (with original title only;—A1), NLSB (with original title only;—A1)
  • 386a Massinger, Duke of Milan, 1623. NLSB (—χ2)
  • 388 Webster, Devil's Law Case, 1623. NLS, NLSB
  • 389a Webster, Duchess of Malfy, 1623. NLS (—A1)
  • 389b1* ____, Duchess of Malfy, 1640. NLSB
  • 403d Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 1684. NLSB (1|2,—A1), EU (1-2,—A1)
  • 403f ______, Julius Caesar, n.d. EU
  • 403g ______, Julius Caesar, n.d. NLS
  • 408bτ Massinger, Bondman, 1638. NLS, NLSB
  • 410b Nero, 1633. NLS (—A1,I4)
  • 410c Piso's Conspiracy, 1676. NLS, NLSB
  • 412bI Middleton, Game at Chess, n.d. NLSB (A2 def.)
  • 412c ______, Game at Chess, n.d. NLS (wants A1), EU
  • 420A* Ford, Lover's Melancholy, 1629. NLS, NLSB (A1,M4 def.)
  • 421 Dekker, London's Tempe, n.d. NLSB (A1 def.)
  • 423a Carlell, Deserving Favourite, 1629. NLS (with original N3 only;—N4), NLSB (with original N3 only;—N4)
  • 424Aτ Massinger, Roman Actor, 1629. NLSB
  • 425a Shirley, Wedding, 1629. NLS, NLSB (—A1, wants F)
  • 425b ____, Wedding, 1633. NLS
  • 426c Wine, Beer, Ale, and Tobacco, 1658. NLSB
  • 427a Davenant, Cruel Brother, 1630. NLS (—A1)
  • 428a Davenant, Just Italian, 1630. NLS (—K2)
  • 429a Shirley, Grateful Servant, 1630. NLSB
  • 429b ____, Grateful Servant, 1637. NLS (—A1), NLSB (wants E2,3)
  • 429c ____, Grateful Servant, n.d. NLS
  • 430 Massinger, Renegado, 1630. NLSB (—A1)
  • 431f-432f Randolph, Aristippus, Conceited Pedlar, 1635. NLS (wants E,F)
  • 433 Middleton, Chaste Maid in Cheapside, 1630. NLS (A2,K4 def.;—A1), NLSB (1,—A1|2,A2 def.;—A1)
  • 434 Pathomachia, 1630. NLS (—A1,G4)
  • 435 Dekker, 2 Honest Whore, 1630. NLSB (—L4)
  • 436Aτ1*2 Massinger, Picture, 1630. NLSB (—A1)
  • 438 Chettle, Hoffman, 1631. NLS (wants A1,facs.), NLSB
  • 440 Dekker, Match me in London, 1631. NLSB
  • 441a Shirley, School of Compliment, 1631. NLS, NLSB
  • 441b ____, School of Compliment, 1637. NLS
  • 441c ____, Love Tricks, 1667. NLS
  • 443 Fletcher, Sicelides, 1631. NLS
  • 444A1* Chapman, Caesar & Pompey, 1631. NLSB (—A1, wants K2)
  • 445 Heywood, 1 Fair Maid of the West, 1631. NLS (A2-4 def.;—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 446 Heywood, 2 Fair Maid of the West, 1631. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 447a Goffe, Raging Turk, 1631. NLS (1, wants A2|2, with an additional leaf, unsigned, inserted before A2, containing on the recto, a different setting of the epistle, verso blank), NLSB
  • 449 Knevet, Rhodon & Iris, 1631. NLSB (—I4, wants A,a1-3)
  • 450 May, Antigone, 1631. NLS (A2 def.;—A1,8,E7,8)
  • 451 Drewe, Duchess of Suffolk, 1631. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 453Aτ Townshend, Albion's Triumph, 1631. NLS
  • 458a Goffe, Courageous Turk, 1632. NLS (1|2, wants I1,2), NLSB
  • 459 Massinger, Emperor of the East, 1632. NLSB (—M4)

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  • 460 Rowley, New Wonder, a Woman never Vexed, 1632. NLSB
  • 461 Marmion, Holland's Leaguer, 1632. NLS (variant: To the eader;—A1), NLSB (variant: To the eader;—A1, wants L)
  • 462 Shirley, Changes, 1632. NLSB
  • 463a Brome, Northern Lass, 1632. NLS (A1,M def.)
  • 463c ____, Northern Lass, 1684. NLS (1-2)
  • 465 Hausted, Rival Friends, 1632. NLS (—O4), NLSB (—O4)
  • 467AII Heywood, 1 Iron Age, 1632. NLS (A2 def.;—A1), NLSB (A2 def.;—A1, wants A4)
  • 468 Heywood, 2 Iron Age, 1632. NLS (1,A2 def.;—A1|2,A2,E4 def.;—A1), NLSB (A2 def.)
  • 469b Randolph, Jealous Lovers, 1634. NLSB (—a1,L4)
  • 470AII Massinger, Maid of Honour, 1632. NLSB
  • 471 Rowley, All's Lost by Lust, 1633. NLS (1,—I4|2,A1 def.;—I4), NLSB (A1 def.; —I4)
  • 472Aτ Costly Whore, 1633. NLS
  • 475 Marlowe, Jew of Malta, 1633. NLS, NLSB (—A1, wants A2)
  • 476 Rowley, Match at Midnight, 1633. NLS, NLSB
  • 477 Shirley, Witty Fair One, 1633. NLSB
  • 478 Ford, Love's Sacrifice, 1633. NLS, NLSB
  • 479 Shirley, Bird in a Cage, 1633. NLS, NLSB
  • 480 Ford, Broken Heart, 1633. NLS, NLSB (—A1)
  • 481 Marmion, Fine Companion, 1633. NLS (—K4), NLSB (—K4)
  • 482 Fisher, Fuimus Troes, 1633. NLSB
  • 484 Heywood, English Traveller, 1633. NLS (cropped), NLSB
  • 485a Goffe, Orestes, 1633. NLS (1-2)
  • 486A1 Ford, 'Tis Pity she's a Whore, 1633. NLS, NLSB
  • 487 Drummond, Entertainment into Edinburgh, 1633. NLS (—A1), EU (inlaid,—A1)
  • 488a,bτ Shirley, Triumph of Peace, 1633. NLS
  • 490 Dekker? Noble Soldier, 1634. NLS (—A1)
  • 491A* Ford, Perkin Warbeck, 1634. NLS (1-2), NLSB
  • 493 Heywood, Maidenhead well Lost, 1634. NLS (A2 def.;—A1,I4), NLSB (—A1, I4)
  • 494 Heywood-Brome, Late Lancashire Witches, 1634. NLSB (wants A1)
  • 498a Shirley, Traitor, 1635. NLS (1|2, wants B1), NLSB
  • 498b ______, Traitor, 1692. NLS
  • 501 Jones, Adrasta, 1635. NLS, NLSB
  • 503AI Kynaston, Corona Minervae, 1635. NLSB
  • 504b Heywood, Love's Mistress, 1640. NLS, NLSB
  • 505 Massinger, Great Duke of Florence, 1636. NLS, NLSB (A4 misbound)
  • 506a Davenant, Platonic Lovers, 1636. NLSB
  • 507aτ Davenant, Wits, 1636. NLS (—A1)
  • 508 Dekker, Wonder of a Kingdom, 1636. NLSB
  • 509 Heywood, Challenge for Beauty, 1636. NLS (1-2), NLSB
  • 510 Sampson, Vow Breaker, 1636. NLS, NLSB
  • 513 Nabbes, Hannibal & Scipio, 1637. NLS (B1,4 def.;—K4), NLSB (—K4)
  • 514 Nabbes, Microcosmus, 1637. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 515a Fletcher, Elder Brother, 1637. NLS, NLSB
  • 515d ______, Elder Brother, 1661. NLSB (wants G3)
  • 516 Heywood, Royal King and the Loyal Subject, 1637. NLS (1, with cancel;— A1|2, with cancel; H4 def.;—A1), NLSB (with cancel;—A1)
  • 517 Shirley, Hyde Park, 1637. NLS (A1 def.;—K2, wants K1,facs.), NLSB (—K2)
  • 518 Shirley, Lady of Pleasure, 1637. NLS (A1 def.), NLSB

  • 99

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  • 519 Shirley, Young Admiral, 1637. NLS (1|2,A1 def.;—K4), NLSB
  • 520 W., J., Valiant Scot, 1637. NLS (1-2)
  • 521 Shirley, Example, 1637. NLS (1, wants A1|2, wants I4), NLSB
  • 523 Shirley, Gamester, 1637. NLS, NLSB
  • 525b Corneille-Rutter, 1 Cid, 1650. NLS (wants C6,7)
  • 526 Davenant, Britannia Triumphans, 1637. NLS (+D4)
  • 531 Rowley, Shoemaker a Gentleman, 1638. NLS (—A1, wants L2)
  • 532 Ford, Fancies, 1638. NLS, NLSB (wants A2,3)
  • 533A* Shirley, Martyred Soldier, 1638. NLS (1-3,—K4|4,—K4, wants E4), NLSB (—K4)
  • 535 Heywood, Wise Woman of Hogsdon, 1638. NLS, NLSB
  • 536Aτ Shirley, Duke's Mistress, 1638. NLSB
  • 536A§ ----, Duke's Mistress, 1638. NLS
  • 537a Killigrew, Conspiracy, 1638. NLS (1,—N4|2,A1 def.;—N4), NLSB (—N4)
  • 538A* Shirley, Royal Master, 1638. NLS (—L4), NLSB (—L4)
  • 540A1 Nabbes, Tottenham Court, 1638. NLSB (—A1)
  • 540A11* ----, Tottenham Court, 1639. NLS (—A1, wants A3)
  • 540A11τ ----, Tottenham Court, 1639. NLSB (—A1)
  • 542A11* Nabbes, Covent Garden, 1638. NLS (—A1,L2, wants A3,4)
  • 542A (uncertain issue) ----, Covent Garden, 1638. NLS (—A1,L2, wants A2)
  • 543A1*-544A Nabbes, Spring's Glory, Presentation for the Prince, 1638. NLS (—G4)
  • 543A11-544A (uncertain variant) ----, Spring's Glory, Presentation for the Prince, 1639. NLS (—A1,G4, wants A3)
  • 546 Heywood, Porta Pietatis, 1638. NLSB
  • 549 Shirley, Ball, 1639. NLS, NLSB
  • 550 Chapman-Shirley, Chabot Admiral of France, 1639. NLSB (—I4)
  • 551-552 Carlell, 1 & 2 Arviragus & Philicia, 1639. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 553A1 May, Cleopatra, 1639. NLS
  • 554A1 May, Julia Agrippina, 1639. NLS
  • 555 Ford, Lady's Trial, 1639. NLS, NLSB (—A1)
  • 556 Zouche? Sophister, 1639. NLS (1-2,—A1)
  • 557A* Glapthorne, Argalus & Parthenia, 1639. NLS (1|2,B2 def.), NLSB
  • 558a1 Fletcher, Monsieur Thomas, 1639. NLSB
  • 559 Massinger, Unnatural Combat, 1639. NLS, NLSB
  • 560c Freeman, Imperiale, 1655. NLS, NLSB
  • 561A1 Davenport, New Trick to Cheat the Devil, 1639. NLS
  • 561A (uncertain issue) ----, New Trick to Cheat the Devil, 1639. NLSB (wants A1)
  • 562Aτ Shirley, Maid's Revenge, 1639. NLS, NLSB (A1,H2-4 def.)
  • 563b Fletcher, Wit without Money, 1661. NLSB
  • 564Aτ Glapthorne, Albertus Wallenstein, 1640. NLS, NLSB
  • 565a Fletcher, Bloody Brother, 1639. NLSB (—A1)
  • 565b ------, Rollo Duke of Normandy, 1640. NLSB, EU
  • 565d ------, Rollo Duke of Normandy, 1686. NLS
  • 567 D., T., Bloody Banquet, 1639. NLS (A1 def.), NLSB
  • 568b11 Mayne, City Match, 1659. NLS
  • 569 Lower, Phoenix in her Flames, 1639. NLS, NLSB
  • 570b Cartwright, Royal Slave, 1640. NLSB
  • 571 Davenant, Salmacida Spolia, 1639. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 572 Shirley, Coronation, 1640. NLS
  • 573 Shirley, Love's Cruelty, 1640. NLS (—I4, wants A,facs.), NLSB (cropped;—I4; stage directions added in ink)
  • 574b Fletcher, Night Walker, 1661. NLSB

  • 100

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  • 575A* Shirley, Opportunity, 1640. NLS, NLSB (cropped)
  • 576 Nabbes, Bride, 1640. NLSB (—A1)
  • 577 Shirley, Humorous Courtier, 1640. NLS (1-2), NLSB
  • 578 Richards, Messalina, 1640. NLS
  • 579b1 Sandys, Christ's Passion, 1687. NLS (—A1)
  • 580 D., J., Knave in Grain, 1640. NLS (A1 def.), NLSB (wants A1,2)
  • 581 Nabbes, Unfortunate Mother, 1640. NLS, NLSB
  • 582A1 Rawlins, Rebellion, 1640. NLS (G3 def.), NLSB
  • 583 Shirley, Arcadia, 1640. NLS (—A1), NLSB (cropped;—A1, wants A2)
  • 584A* Gough, Strange Discovery, 1640. NLS, NLSB
  • 586 Brome, Antipodes, 1640. NLS, NLSB (wants D3)
  • 587A* Brome, Sparagus Garden, 1640. NLS
  • 587Aτ ----, Sparagus Garden, 1640. NLS, NLSB
  • 589A1 Chamberlain, Swaggering Damsel, 1640. NLSB (A2 def.)
  • 589A11 ------, Swaggering Damsel, 1640. NLS
  • 590 Glapthorne, Ladies' Privilege, 1640. NLS, NLSB
  • 591 Glapthorne, Wit in a Constable, 1640. NLS (—A1), NLSB
  • 592a Shirley, Constant Maid, 1640. NLSB (—I4)
  • 592b1 ----, Love will Find out the Way, 1661. NLS, NLSB
  • 592b11 ----, Constant Maid, 1667. NLS
  • 593 Shirley, 1 St. Patrick for Ireland, 1640. NLS, NLSB
  • 594 Glapthorne, Hollander, 1640. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 596 Corneille-Rutter, 2 Cid, 1640. NLS
  • 597 Sharpe, Noble Stranger, 1640. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 598a Fletcher, Rule a Wife & Have a Wife, 1640. NLSB
  • 599 Harding, Sicily & Naples, 1640. NLS
  • 601 Marmion, Antiquary, 1640. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 602 Day, Parliament of Bees, 1641. NLS, EU
  • 605a Brathwait, Mercurius Britannicus, 1641. NLSB
  • 623 Buchanan, Tyrannical Government Anatomized, 1642. NLS
  • 629a1 Guarini-Fanshawe, Pastor Fido, 1647. NLS (A1,2 def.)
  • 629c1 ------, Pastor Fido, 1676. NLS, NLSB (—i1)
  • 631 Sheppard, 2 Committee-Man Curried, 1647. NLS
  • 632 B., T., Country Girl, 1647. NLSB
  • 633-634 (uncertain variant) Baron, Gripus & Hegio, Deorum Dona, 1647. NLS (—g4, wants i1,2,A1)
  • 636 Scottish Politic Presbyter, 1647. NLS
  • 671a1 Mayne, Amorous War, 1648. NLSB (—L4)
  • 671b111 ----, Amorous War, 1659. NLS
  • 675 Seneca-Sherburne, Medea, 1648. NLS
  • 683 Sophocles-Wase, Electra, 1649. NLS, EU (wants i1,2)
  • 684a Davenant, Love & Honour, 1649. NLS (wants E4)
  • 685 Peaps, Love in its Ecstasy, 1649. NLS
  • 688a 2 Newmarket Fair, 1649. NLSB (C2 def.)
  • 689 B., T., Rebellion of Naples, 1649. NLS (—F8, wants i1)
  • 690a Quarles, Virgin Widow, 1649. NLS, NLSB (1|2, wants A1,2 for which A1,2 of 690b have been substituted)
  • 693a1 Cowley, Guardian, 1650. NLS
  • 693a11 ----, Guardian, 1650. NLS (A1 def.), NLSB
  • 694 Tatham, Distracted State, 1651. NLS (—E4), NLSB (—E4)
  • 698 Marcus Tullius Cicero, 1651. NLS (cropped)
  • 699 Aristophanes-Randolph, IIλουΤοÔθαλμια 11λουΤογαμια Hey for Honesty, 1651. NLS
  • 705 Jonson etc. Widow, 1652. NLSB (—K2)

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  • 706a Fletcher, Wild-Goose Chase, 1652. (NLS (O, P1 def.; wants A, a, P2)
  • 708a Brome, Jovial Crew, 1652. NLS
  • 710 Grotius, Sophompaneas, 1652. NLS (1-2)
  • 711a Tatham, Scots Figgaries, 1652. NLS, NLSB
  • 712A1τ Middleton-Rowley, Changeling, 1653. NLS (A2,B1,2,I3 def.), NLSB
  • 714a11 Hemings, Fatal Contract, 1654. NLSB
  • 714b ------, Fatal Contract, 1661. NLS, NLSB
  • 715 Ghost, NLSB (—G4)
  • 716 Ford? Queen, 1653. NLS (A1 def.), NLSB
  • 717a Middleton-Rowley, Spanish Gipsy, 1653. NLS
  • 717bτ ------, Spanish Gipsy, 1661. NLS (K2 def.), NLSB
  • 729A* Alphonsus of Germany, 1654. NLS, NLSB (A1 def.)
  • 730A1* Glapthorne, Revenge for Honour, 1654. NLSB
  • 730A1τ ------, Revenge for Honour, 1654. NLS
  • 733A1 Webster, Appius & Virginia, 1654. NLSB
  • 733A11 ----, Appius & Virginia, 1654. NLS
  • 735 Mead, Combat of Love & Friendship, 1654. NLS, NLSB
  • 736 Brome, Cunning Lovers, 1654. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 739 Heywood-Rowley, Fortune by Land & Sea, 1655. NLS (1-2), NLSB
  • 740 Brewer, Lovesick King, 1655. NLS, NLSB
  • 741 Daborn, Poor Man's Comfort, 1655. NLS, NLSB
  • 742 Rider, Twins, 1655. NLS (—A1)
  • 743a1 Aristophanes-Stanley, Clouds, 1655. EU
  • 743b ------, Clouds, 1687. NLS, EU
  • 745A1 Bonarelli-Sidnam, Filli di Sciro, 1655. NLS
  • 746 Strode, Floating Island, 1655. NLS (1,A1 mtd.|2,A1 def.|3, variant title: The Floating Island: or, Passions Calm'd)
  • 747A11 Shirley, Gentleman of Venice, 1655. NLS
  • 749a Davenport, King John & Matilda, 1655. NLSB
  • 749b ------, King John & Matilda, 1662. NLS
  • 750A1-751A1 Carlell, 1 & 2 Passionate Lover, 1655. NLS (—A1,L8), NLSB (—A1, L8)
  • 752A11 Shirley, Politician, 1655. NLS
  • 753 Lower, Polyeuctes, 1655. NLS, NLSB (variant in RT)
  • 761 Goffe, Careless Shepherdess, 1656. NLS (wants M1-3)
  • 762 Hectors, 1656. NLSB (—K4)
  • 763b1 Davenant, 1 Siege of Rhodes, 1659. NLS
  • 765 Lower, Horatius, 1656. NLSB (A1 def.)
  • 767A1τ Ford-Dekker, Sun's Darling, 1656. NLSB
  • 767A11 ----, Sun's Darling, 1657. NLSB (title appears to be conjugate)
  • 767A111 ------, Sun's Darling, 1657. NLS
  • 771a Cokayne, Obstinate Lady, 1657. NLS, NLSB
  • 773A1* Jordan, Walks of Islington & Hogsdon, 1657. NLS, NLSB
  • 774A1 Gerbier D'Ouvilly, False Favourite Disgraced, 1657. NLS (—I4), NLSB (—I4)
  • 777A11 Lust's Dominion, 1657. NLS (inlaid; —G12)
  • 777A1v Lust's Dominion, 1661. NLSB (variant: TRAGEDY;—G12)
  • 784 May, Old Couple, 1658. NLS, NLSB
  • 785 Rowley etc., Witch of Edmonton, 1658. NLS, NLSB
  • 788Aτ1‡2 Massinger, City Madam, 1659. NLSB
  • 791 Meriton, Love & War, 1658. NLSB
  • 797Aτ Montagu, Shepherd's Paradise, 1659. NLS (—A1), NLSB (—A1)
  • 798a Davenant, 1 Sir Francis Drake, 1659. NLSB
  • 801 Day, Blind Beggar of Bednal Green, 1659. NLSB

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  • 802 Lady Alimony, 1659. NLS
  • 815A1 Middleton, Mayor of Queenborough, 1661. NLS.
  • 815A11 ------, Mayor of Queenborough, 1661. NLSB (title a cancel, not conjugate)
  • 816 Davenport, City Night-Cap, 1661. NLSB
  • 817A1 Webster-Rowley, Cure for a Cuckold, 1661. NLS, NLSB
  • 819 Thracian Wonder, 1661. NLS, NLSB
  • 820A11 Tom Tyler & his Wife, 1661. NLSB (wants catalogue)
  • 820A (issue uncertain) Tom Tyler & his Wife, 1661. NLS (wants A1 and catalogue)
  • 821 Middleton, Anything for a Quiet Life, 1662. NLS, NLSB
  • 822 Rowley? Birth of Merlin, 1662. NLS, NLSB
  • 835 Gesta Grayorum, 1688. NLS (I1,2 def.)
  • 836Aτ* Wild, Benefice, 1689. NLS (with both variants of I2)
  • L6 Gwinne, Vertumnus, 1607. EU (variant, imprint: Blount;—H4)
  • L8aτ Ruggle, Ignoramus, 1630. EU
  • L8b ----, Ignoramus, 1630. NLS (A1 def.;—I10-12, wants I2)
  • L8d ----, Ignoramus, 1659. NLS (—G6)
  • L9 Pedantius, 1631. NLS
  • L10 Stubbe, Fraus Honesta, 1632. EU (—A1,F11,12)
  • L11a Alabaster, Roxana, 1632. NLS (—A1)
  • L12 Hausted, Senile Odium, 1633. NLS (—G4)
  • L18A1 Brathwait, Mercurius Britannicus, n.d. NLSB
  • L19-20-21-22 Loyola, Stoicus Vapulans, Cancer, Paria, 1648. NLS (—2A11,12)
  • L23A1 Fletcher-Fanshawe, Fida Pastora, 1658. EU (wants *1,H)


  • ALEXANDER, Monarchic Tragedies, 1607, first issue. NLS (+A1,—2K4,3A1,32E2)
  • ------, Monarchic Tragedies, 1607, second issue. NLS (—A1,+2K4,3A1,32E2)
  • ------, Monarchic Tragedies, 1616. NLS (1,—A1,Y8, wants A8; no port.|2,—A1,Y8, wants A2,8; no port.)
  • ------, Recreations with the Muses, 1637. NLS (1,—A1; no port.|2,—A1,22E8; no port.), EU (—A1,22E8; no port.)
  • BEAUMONT-FLETCHER, Comedies & Tragedies, 1647. EU (Sea Voyage & Woman's Prize only)
  • ------, Fifty Comedies & Tragedies, 1679. NLS (—24A4) EU (wants 23X3-24A4)
  • BROME, Five New Plays, 1653. NLS (City Wit only)
  • ----, Five New Plays, 1659. NLS (wants iA1,2O8)
  • CARLELL, Two New Plays, 1657. NLS (—A1,2D8; followed by Humphrey Moseley's Separate List VIA)
  • CARTWRIGHT, Comedies, Tragi-comedies, etc., 1651. NLS (—f4, wants *8, b3-6, A1,8,B1), EU (wants port., ia1,M5)
  • COKAYNE, Chain of Golden Poems, 1658. NLS (—A1,T7,8; no port.)
  • COWLEY, Works, Part I, 1700. NLS
  • ----, Works, Part II, 1682. NLS (wants g-k)
  • ----, Works, Parts II & III, 1689. NLS (variantτ)
  • ----, Works, Parts II & III, 1700. EU
  • COX, Actaeon & Diana, etc. n.d. NLS
  • DANIEL, Works, 1602. EU (—T4)
  • ----, Whole Works, 1623. NLS (—A1,2N4), NLSB (Philotas only)
  • DAVENANT, Works, 1673. NLS (wants port.), EU (1, wants 2 i|2, wants 2A-3P)
  • FORD, Comedies, Tragi-Comedies & Tragedies, 1652. NLS [note 3]
  • GASCOIGNE, Hundred Sundry Flowers, 1573? NLS (Supposes only, B4 def.)
  • ------, Posies, 1575? NLS (Jocasta only)
  • ------, Whole Works, 1587. NLS (variantτ Pleasauntest Workes; wants 2a,4χD;


    Page 103
    the 'Steele-Glas'-'Philomene' section, except the title and preliminaries, belongs to the original edition of 1576, and is bound before 'Ferdinando Jeronimi'.)
  • ------, Whole Works, 1587. NLSB (variant uncertain; Supposes & Jocasta only, separate)
  • GOFFE, Three Excellent Tragedies, 1656. NLS (wants i1,M6,R5-7)
  • GOMERSALL, Poems, 1633. NLS (—A1)
  • GRATIAE THEATRALES, 1662. EU (Thorny Abbey only)
  • GREVILLE, Certain Learned & Elegant Works, 1633. NLS (—i1,2R6), EU (—i1,2R6)
  • HEYWOOD, Pleasant Dialogues & Dramas, 1637. NLS (A2 def.;—A1)
  • JONSON, Works, 1616. NLS (§ 2*3*4 † 5;—a 1, wants a2,3,A3,4), EU (2;τ3;τ4;;—a 1, wants a2-5,B3,4,2P3,4,2Y2,3G3,4,3Q2,5,4P3-4Q4)
  • ----, Works, Vol. II, 1631. EU (Devil is an Ass only, bound before Vol. III)
  • ----, Works, Vol. II, 1641. NLS (Devil is an Ass only, bound after Vol. III)
  • ----, [Works, Vol. III], 1641. NLS (misbound), EU (misbound)
  • KILLIGREW, Prisoners & Claracilla, 1641. NLS (A11 def.)
  • ------Comedies & Tragedies, 1664, reissue. NLS (no port., Claricilla & Prisoners at beginning)
  • LYLY, Six Court Comedies, 1632. NLS (variants: Witten . . . Witie . . . unparalleld: . . . Repetita;—A1)
  • MARSTON, Works, 1633. NLS (—A1,2D6-8, wants B1-3,7-8,E7,Z2-2D5; misbound)
  • MILTON, Poems, 1645. NLS
  • ----, Poems, 1673. NLS (variantτ)
  • NABBES, Plays, Masks, Epigrams, etc., 1639. NLS (This collection has five only of the plays found in the other three known collections. They are bound in the following order, Covent Garden [542AII*], Tottenham Court [540AII*], Hannibal and Scipio [513], Microcosmus [514] and Spring's Glory [543AII-544]. They are entered in the list of separate plays.)
  • RANDOLPH, Poems, 1664. NLS (wants A1)
  • ------, Poems, 1668. NLS, NLSB (Jealous Lovers only)
  • SHAKESPEARE, [Collection of 1619.] NLSB (1, Contention only | 2 Pericles only), EU (1, Contention only | 2, Pericles only, wants 2A3,4,2B1,facs.)
  • ------, Comedies, Histories & Tragedies, 1623. NLS (iA1,iA1+1,A2,H1,2f3,4, 2n6,2q2-5,3b3,4 def.; wants iA2,2e3,4,3b5,6), EU (Comedy of Errors & Midsummer Night's Dream only; playhouse copies, with acting cuts and notes)
  • ------, Comedies, Histories & Tragedies, 1632. EU (variantτ; wants iA1,facs.), NLS (uncertain issue; wants iA1,2,5,*1-3,E3,4,L1-4,2A4,E2,2Z1)
  • ------, Comedies, Histories & Tragedies, 1663. EU (Midsummer Night's Dream and Hamlet only; playhouse copies with acting cuts and notes)
  • ------, Comedies, Histories & Tragedies, 1685. NLS (wants i1)
  • SHIRLEY, Six New Plays, 1653. NLS (1,—A1,3A4,4A1,6F8, wants i1+1 | 2,—3A4, 4A1,6F8, wants i,A-F; misbound)
  • SIDNEY, Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, 1599. NLS
  • ----, Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, 1623. NLS
  • ----, Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, 1638. EU
  • SUCKLING, Works, 1676. NLSB (variant in title: Sr;—2G8; with the 1648 Fragmenta title following, and Suckling's portrait preceding, the general title)
  • ------, Works, 1696. EU (—A1)


Page 104
Note 1. (110e) This copy confirms Greg's suggestion that in the copy in the Huntington Library, the only one he had seen, the title has been supplied from the previous edition. The transcription of the title of this copy is as follows:—
THE | Spanish Tragedie: | Contayning the lamen- | table end of Don Horatio, and Bel-imperia: | with the pittifull death of olde | Hieronimo. | Newly corrected, amended, and enlarged with new | additions of the Painters part, and others: as it | hath of late been diuers times acted. | [device] | Imprinted at London by W.W. for | T.Pauier, and are to be solde at his | shoppe at the entrance | into the Exchange. | 1603.
The verso is blank and the title is conjugate.
Note 2. (204b) This copy is described by Greg in volume IV of the Bibliography, p.1647.
Note 3. The general title has been prefixed to a collection of separate editions of seven of Ford's plays, namely The Lover's Melancholy, 1629, [420A*], 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, 1633 [486A1], The Broken Heart, 1633 [480], Love's Sacrifice, 1633 [478], Perkin Warbeck, 1634 [491A*], The Fancies, 1638 [532] and The Lady's Trial, 1639 [555]. These are entered in the list of separate plays. There seems little doubt that this is a companion volume to the nonce collections of Marston and Chapman described by Greg and in the Pforzheimer Catalogue. The wording of the title corresponds exactly except for the author's name. The volume probably came to the Advocates' Library (as the National Library of Scotland then was) about the end of the 18th century, and it may be the volume sold at the Richard Wright Sale of 23rd April 1787. The contents correspond with those of a volume of Ford's plays described in the Wright sale catalogue, though the catalogue entry does not mention a general title. The only known copies of the Marston and Chapman collections, now broken up, are known to have been in the Wright sale. The Ford collection is in a brown leather binding, and has a coat of arms stamped in gold on the front and back covers. The arms, and the signature on the last page of Love's Sacrifice, are those of the 17th century antiquary Walter Chetwynd of Ingestre in Stafford-shire, and are perhaps a clue to the identity of the collector for whom all three volumes were bound.