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Mr. Reynolds No 70 5th Av. Letter 9.

Dear Mr. Reynolds:

Of course I am greatly pleased that Mr. Heinemann will publish the book and I accept his terms, with thanks. I much prefer the royalty and agree with you that it will probably prove better in the long run. Please write Mr. Heinemann that I accept the 15% royalty. The Canadian rights belong to Harper, as I have signed a contract to that effect. I think Mr. Heinemann is incorrect in supposing that Harper intends to publish the book in the autumn. My impression is that they wish to bring it out at once. I have already corrected the proof of about one fourth of the book and they are sending them rapidly. I have written to them for a double set. Yes, please confer with them in regard to the copyrighting, etc.

Indeed, I think I am very much to be congratulated upon the placing of the book, and I feel very heartily that I owe it entirely to your management of my affairs. I wish to thank you again for the trouble you have taken. Of course all the business transactions between Mr. Heinemann and myself will take place through you, and you will deduct your commissions when it reaches you. Please return the manuscript and I will send the proofs as soon as I secure them.

Believe me,
Very sincerely,

Ellen Glasgow
Kindly send me Mr. Heinemann's London address. I wish to answer his letter.