| ||
1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
A. English and General
- ALLISON, A. F., and ROGERS, D. M., A Catalogue of Catholic Books in English Printed Abroad or Secretly in England, 1558-1640 , Bognor Regis, The Arundel Press, 1956. 2 vols.(Biographical Studies, Vol. III, nos. 3 and 4.)[213]
- BOLD, F. A., A Bibliographical Study of “Scots Wha Hae” by Robert Burns , University of North Carolina. Thesis, 1956 [214]
- BONNARD, G. A., Shakespeare in the Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Shakespeare Survey , 9:81-5[215]
- BRIGGS, G. M., The William W. Clary Oxford Collection: A Descriptive Catalogue , Oxford Univ. Press, 1956. xxv, 234 p.[216]
- BRIGHAM, C. S., Check List of Newspapers of the British Isles, 1665-1800, in the American Antiquarian Society, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 65 (1955):237-51[217]
- CHAPPLE, A. J. V., Some Unpublished Poetical Manuscripts of John Clare, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 31:34-48[218]
- CHILDS, J. R., Casanoviana: An Annotated World Bibliography of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt and of Works Concerning Him , Vienna, Christian M. Nebehay for the Casanova Society of Virginia, 1956. 396 p.[219]
- CRANFIELD, G. A., Handlist of English Provincial Newspapers and Periodicals, 1700-1760. Additions and Corrections, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:269-274.(Revises No. 1500, “Check List for 1952”)[220]
- DOUGAN, R. O., W. B. Yeats: Manuscripts and Printed Books Exhibited in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin , Dublin, For the Friends of the Library of Trinity College, 1956. 50 p.[221]
- DUBAY, MARTHA, A Bibliography and Index to the Literary Criticism of Francis Thompson, 1889-1907 , Simmons College. Thesis, 1956 [222]
- DYSINGER, R. E., The John Millington Synge Collection at Colby College: A Check List, Colby Libr. Quart. , ser. 4, no. 9:166-72[223]
- FERN, A. M., Typographical Specimen Books: A Check-List of the Broxbourne Collection, with an Introduction by W. Turner Berry, Book Collector , 5:256-72.[224]
- GERBER, H. E., J. D. Beresford: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 21:201-4[225]
- GORDAN, J. D., Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950; An Exhibition from the Berg Collection , New York Public Libr., 1956. 51 p.(Also printed in BNYPL, 61 (1957):117-138, 192-207, 250-9)[226]
- HAYWARD, JOHN, The Location of Copies of the First Editions of Giordano Bruno, Book Collector , 5:152-157.(Location of additional copies, ibid.:381-2)[227]
- HISCOCK, W. G., The Christ Church Supplement to Wing's Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700 , Oxford, 1956. 47 p.[228]
- JAYNE, S. R., See Part I: no. 86
- JAYNE, S. R., and JOHNSON, F. R., The Lumley Library. The Catalogue of 1609 , London, British Museum, 1956. 372 p.[229]
- KENNEDY, R. S., Bibliography of G. A. Henty and Hentyana , London, Bernard J. Farmer, 1956. 93 p.(Mimeographed)[230]
- KINDILIEN, C. T., The George Russell Collection at Colby College: A Check List, Colby Libr. Quart. , ser. 4, no. 2:31-55[231]
- LUTTRELL, NARCISSUS, Narcissus Luttrell's Popish Plot Catalogues . Introduction by F. C. Francis, Oxford, Blackwell, 1956. 91 p.(Luttrell Society Reprints, No. 15)[232]
- McKAY, G. L., A Stevenson Library , Yale Univ. Press, 1956. 351 p.(Continues Nos. 1015 and 2046, Check Lists for 1951 and 1953)[233]
- METZDORF, R. F., Southey Manuscripts at Yale, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 30:157-62[234]
- MORGAN, PAUL, George Skyppe's Catalogue of Books: The Library of a 17th Century Herefordshire Squire, Trans. of the Woolhope Club , 35:Part I:24-46[235]
- NATIONAL BOOK LEAGUE. Walter De La Mare: A Checklist , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1956. xvi, 56 p.[236]
- O'SULLIVAN, WILLIAM, Archbishop Whitgift's Library Catalogue, TLS , August 3, 1956, p. 468[237]
- PENDRED, JOHN, The Earliest Directory of the Book Trade [1785]. Edited by Graham Pollard, London, The Bibliographical Society, 1955. xxiii, 90 p.(Review, with addenda, by W. S. Todd, PBSA, 50:398-402)[238]
- PYRITZ, HANS, Goethe-Bibliographie , Heidelberg, Carl Winter, 1955. 2 v.[239]
- RAMSDEN, CHARLES, London Bookbinders, 1780-1840 , London, Batsford, 1956. xiv, 162 p., 40 pl.[240]
- ROLPH, J. A., Dylan Thomas: A Bibliography , London, Dent, 1956. xix, 108 p.[241]
- ROTA, BERTRAM, Constance Holme (Some Uncollected Authors, XI), Book Collector , 5:250-5[242]
- RUBEL, MAXMILIEN, Bibliographie des oeuvres de Karl Marx avec en appendice un répertoire des oeuvres de Friedrich Engels , Paris, Librairie Marcel Rivière et Cie, 1956. 273 p.[243]
- SADLEIR, MICHAEL, William Ernest Henley (Some Uncollected Authors, X), Book Collector , 5:162-8[244]
- SHANNON, E. F., Jr., and BOND, W. H., Literary Manuscripts of Alfred Tennyson in the Harvard College Library, HLB , 10:254-74[245]
- SITWELL, SACHEVERELL, and BLUNT, WILFRID, Great Flower Books, 1700-1900 . Bibliography by W. T. Stearn, H. Buchanan, and S. Wilson. Ed. P. M. Synge, London, Collins, 1956. 94 p.[246]
- SPARROW, JOHN, Samuel Parr (1747-1825), (Some Uncollected Authors, IX), Book Collector , 5:63-72[247]
- STOTT, R. T., The Writings of William Somerset Maugham , London, Bertram Rota, 1956. 136 p.[248]
- SWAN, B. F., A Checklist of Early Printing on the Island of Antigua (1748-1800), PBSA , 50:285-92[249]
- UPPSALA. UNIVERSITET. BIBLIOTEK, Bibliotheca Walleriana: Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science , Stockholm, Almquist and Wiksell, 1955. 2 v.[250]
- WADDELL, DAVID, The Writings of Charles Davenant (1656-1714), Library , 5th ser., 11:206-12[251]
- WAGNER, GEOFFREY, James Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon [with] A Chronological Checklist of His Writings, Bibliotheck , I:3-21[252]
- WAINWRIGHT, A. D., The Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists: A Summary Report and an Introduction, PULC , 17:59-67.(Followed by reports by others on Thackeray, Lady Novelists, Reade, Wilkie Collins, Carrolliana, Stevenson, and Barrie, at pp. 68-98)[253]
- WALBRIDGE, E. F., Drames à Clef: A List of Plays with Characters Based on Real People, BNYPL , 60:159-174, 235-247, 289-297.(Also published separately)[254]
- WELLAND, D. S. R., Wilfred Owen's Manuscripts, TLS , June 15 and June 22, 1956. Comment and corrections by Edith Sitwell, TLS, June 22, 1956, p. 377, and by Joseph Cohen, TLS, August 10, 1956, p. 475[255]
- WILSON, E. M., Samuel Pepys' Spanish Chap-Books, Part II, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:229-268.(A continuation of No. 3134, “Check List for 1955”)[256]
- WOODRING, C. R., Charles Lamb in the Harvard Library, HLB , 10:208-239, 367-402[257]
- WOOLF, CECIL, A Bibliography of Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo , London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1956. 136 p.[258]
- WOOLF, CECIL, Sir William Watson (Some Uncollected Authors, XII), Book Collector , 5:375-80[259]
B. United States
- BAUM, J. H., and BAUGHMAN, ROLAND, L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; An Exhibition of His Published Writings , Columbia Univ. Libraries, 1956. 49 p.[260]
- BAUM, J. H., Stephen Crane (1871-1900): An Exhibition , Columbia Univ. Libraries, 1956. 61 p.[261]
- BLANCK, J. N., Peter Parley to Penrod , 2d printing, N. Y., R. R. Bowker, 1956. 159p.[262]
- BLUMENTHAL, W. H., Lincoln's World Wide Fame: Lincoln Biographies in Foreign Languages, American Book Collector , 6:No. 9:8-10[263]
- CAMERON, K. W., Some Collections of Emerson Manuscripts, Emerson Soc. Quart. , No. 3(Second Quart. 1956):1-3; No. 5 (Fourth Quart.):20-1[264]
- CAMERON, K. W., Three Ungathered Whitman Manuscripts, Emerson Soc. Quart. , No. 1(Fourth Quart, 1955):8-9[265]
- CLARK, T. D., Travels in the Old South: A Bibliography [1527-1825], Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1956. 2 v.[266]
- CLARY, A. R., A Checklist of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints from 1821 through 1830, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [267]
- COUFAL, EVELYN, A Checklist of Washington, D. C., Non-official Imprints; 1843-1844, with a Historical Introduction, Catholic Univ. of America . Thesis, 1955 [268]
- DAVIS, K. N., A Checklist of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints from 1781 to 1805, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [269]
- DAY, B. M., Edgar Rice Burroughs Biblio. , South Ozone Park, N. Y., Science-Fiction & Fantasy Publications, 1956 [270]
- DAY, B. M., Talbot Mundy Biblio. , South Ozone Park, N. Y., Science-Fiction & Fantasy Publications, 1956. 30 p.[271]
- DELL'ISOLA, FRANK, Thomas Merton: A Bibliography , N. Y., Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1956. 116 p.[272]
- DOYLE, JOSEPH, George Edward Woodberry: A Bibliography. Part IV, Bull. of Bibl. , 21:209-214.(Completes No. 3153, “Check List for 1955”)[273]
- FISH, A. M., The Clarke Historical Collection. With a List of Michigan Imprints , Mount Pleasant, Michigan, Central Michigan College Press, 1956. 46 p.[274]
- GALVIN, THOMAS, Directory of Individuals and Firms Engaged in Activities Related to the Boston Book Trade, 1760-1790 , Simmons College. Thesis, 1956 [275]
- GIBBONS, Mother M. R., A Checklist of Delaware Imprints from 1801 through 1815, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1955 [276]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, Thomas Paine: A Bibliographical Check List of “Common Sense ,” Yale Univ. Press, 1956. 124 p.[277]
- GREENLY, A. H., A Bibliography of Father Richard's Press in Detroit , Ann Arbor, William L. Clements Library, 1955. x, 48 p.[278]
- HEANEY, H. J., The Americana Collection of William M. Elkins—A Check-List: 1493-1869, PBSA , 50:129-168.(Also published with No. 516 here as a separate, Philadelphia, The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1956. 56 p.)[279]
- HEARD, J. N., Bookman's Guide to Americana. Part II-Literature , New Brunswick, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1956. 254 p.[280]
- HOPKINS, E. A., A Checklist of Unofficial Washington, District of Columbia, Imprints, 1854-1855, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1955 [281]
- HUTCHINSON, P. M., Reminiscences of Willa Cather as a Teacher, with a Contribution toward a Bibliography of Her Writings, BNYPL , 60:263-288; 338-356; 378-400[282]
- KERN, ALEXANDER, Thoreau Manuscripts at Harvard, Thoreau Soc. Bull. , 53 (Fall, 1955):1-2[283]
- KUEHL, J. R., Walter Van Tilburg Clark: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:18-20[284]
- LaHOOD, C. G., Jr., A Survey of Regional Bibliographies and Checklist of Early American Imprints , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [285]
- LARWOOD, JAMES, Georgia, 1800-1900. A Series of Selections from the Georgiana Library of James Larwood [Arranged and described by John C. Settelmayer], Atlanta Public Libr., 1956. xv, 295 p.(A cumulation of the series begun with No. 2593, “Check List for 1954”)[286]
- LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Catalogue of the Library Company of Philadelphia. 1741 . A Facsimile, with an introduction by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, Philadelphia, The Library Company, 1956. 55 p.[287]
- McKINNELL, BETTINA, A Checklist of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints from 1841 through 1852, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [288]
- MEEKS, L. F., A Checklist of Non-official Imprints for the District of Columbia, 1853, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [289]
- MILES, J. W., Catalogue of the Library of the Reverend James Warley Miles ; Reprinted from the only Surviving Copy of the Charleston Edition of 1854, with Introductory and Biographical Notes by George Walton Williams, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. 39 p.[290]
- MOLL, WILHELM, A Checklist of Non-official Imprints for the District of Columbia for the Year 1856, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [291]
- PORTER, B. H., H. L. Mencken: A Bibliography , San Francisco, Bern Porter, 1956. 26 p.[292]
- RAYMOND, A. L. M., Publications of the Mississippii Legislature, 1789-1952 , Atlanta Univ. Thesis, 1956 [293]
- SHUFELT, MARCIA, A Checklist of Atlanta, Georgia, Imprints from 1846 to 1876, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [294]
- SMYTHE, K. H., Eudora Welty: A Checklist, Bull. of Bibl. , 21:207-8[295]
- SOWERBY, E. M., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson , Washington, The Library of Congress, 1955. 568 p.(The earlier volumes are Nos. 1580 and 2110 in the Check Lists for 1952 and 1953)[296]
- STARKEY, L. G., A Descriptive and Analytical Bibliography of the Cambridge, Massachusetts, Press: From Its Beginnings to the Publication of Eliot's Indian Bible in 1663 , Lexington, Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1956. 10 microcards[297]
- STREETER, T. W., Bibliography of Texas, 1795-1848. Part II. Mexican Imprints Relating to Texas, 1803-1845 , Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1956. xxiv, 283 p.(Part I. Texas Imprints, 2 vols., was No. 3184, “Check List for 1955”)[298]
- STROUPE, H. S., The Religious Press in the South Atlantic States, 1802-1865: An Annotated Bibliography with Historical Introduction and Notes , Durham, N. C., Duke Univ. Press, 1956. 172 p.[299]
- TURNBULL, R. J., Bibliography of South Carolina, 1563-1950 , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. Vols. 1-4, 1563-1906.(To be completed)[300]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, John P. Marqu-and Since 1950 , Bull. of Bibl. , 21:230-234.(Continuation of No. 584, “Check List for 1950”)[301]
- WILLIAMS, D. T., A Checklist of Nonofficial Imprints for the District of Columbia, 1936-1937, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [302]
2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliographical and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ALSPACH, R. K., Some Textual Problems in Yeats, SB , 9:51-67[303]
- ARDAGH, PHILIP, St. Andrews University Library and the Copyright Acts, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3:183-211[304]
- BARNETT, G. L., An Unpublished Review by Charles Lamb, MLQ , 17:352-6[305]
- BEARE, R. L., Notes on the Text of T. S. Eliot: Variants from Russell Square, SB , 9:21-49[306]
- BEATY, F. L., Two Manuscript Poems of Coleridge, R.E.S. , n.s. 7:185-7[307]
- BECERRA DE LEON, BERTA, La imprints en Cuba en el sieglo XVIII, Boletín , Asociacion Cubana de Bibliotecarios, 3(1951):79-87[308]
- BENTLEY, G. E., The Jacobean and Caroline Stage. Plays and Playwrights , Vols. III-V, Oxford, Claredon Press, 1956.(Vols. I and II published in 1941)[309]
- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Notes and Queries, Book Collector , 5:75-79, 171-175, 276-282, 383-385. Including: D. F. Foxon, “The Golden Treasury 1861;” S. Roscoe, “Children's Books in Boxes;” D. F. Foxon, “Fielding's The Modern Husband, 1732;” D. F. Foxon, “Akenside's The Pleasures of Imagination;” W. B. Todd, Sheridan's The Critic; Robert Birley, “Press-Marks of the de Thou Library;” D. F. Foxon, “Concealed Pope Editions;” T. R. Francis, “A Variant Issue of Thomson's Summer, 1727”[310]
- BIRLEY, ROBERT. See Part I, no. 20
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Accounts of the Wardens of the Stationers' Company, SB , 9:69-93[311]
- BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN. Henry Rhodes and the “Monthly Mercury,” 1702 to 1720, Book Collector , 5:343-53[312]
- BLAYNEY, G. H., Variants in Q1 of A Yorkshire Tragedy , Library , 5th ser., 11:262-7[313]
- BOFARULL Y SANS, FRANCISCO DE, Heraldic Watermarks or La Heráldica en la Filigrana del Papel , translated by A. J. Henschel, Hilversum, Holland, The Paper Publications Society, 1956. 22 p., 16 pl.[214]
- BOLTON, J. S. G., Worn Pages in Shakespearian Manuscripts, SQ , 7:177-82[315]
- BOND, W. H., The Publication of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland , HLB , 10:306-24[316]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Hamlet's “Sullied” or “Solid” Flesh: A Bibliographical Case History, Shakespeare Survey , 9:44-8[317]
- BOWYER, T. H., The Published Forms of Sir Josiah Child's A New Discourse of Trade , Library , 5th ser., 11:95-102[318]
- BRADNER, LEICESTER, Some Unpublished Poems by John Leland, PMLA , 71:827-36[319]
- BROWN, J. R., and COTTIER, MARGARET, A Note on the Date of Lyly's “Galathea,” M.L.R. , 51:220-2[320]
- BROWN, T. J., The Brontës (English Literary Autographs: XVII), Book Collector , 5:55-6[321]
- BROWN, T. J., Robert Bridges, 1844-1930 (English Literary Autographs: XX), Book Collector , 5:369[322]
- BROWN, T. J., Thomas Hardy, 1840-1928 (English Literary Autographs: XIX), Book Collector , 5:249[323]
- BROWN, T. J., William Morris, 1834-1896 (English Literary Autographs: XVIII), Book Collector , 5:151[324]
- BUCHER, OTTO, Adam Meltzer (1603-1610) und Gregor Hänlin (1610-1617) als Musikalien Drucker in Dillingen/Donau, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1956):216-26[325]
- BYRNS, R. H., De Quincey's First Article in Blackwood's Magazine, BNYPL , 60:333-7[326]
- BYRNS, R. H., Some Unpublished Works of De Quincey, PMLA , 71:990-1003:[327]
- CANTRELL, P. L., and WILLIAMS, G. W., The Printing of the Second Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (1599), SB , 9:107-28[328]
- CARNIE, R. H., Lord Hailes' Contributions to Contemporary Magazines, SB , 9:233-44[329]
- CARTER, HARRY, The Types of Christopher Plantin, Library , 5th ser., 11:170-9[330]
- CARTER, JOHN, The Text of Housman's Poems, TLS , June 15, 1956, p. 361[331]
- CASTRO, MANUEL DE, La Imprenta en Galicia [1620-1792], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1956):227-35[332]
- CHILDS, J. R., An Unknown Work of Casanova Identified [Lettera ai Signori Giovanni e Stafano Luzac], PBSA , 50:264-78[333]
- CLAIR, COLIN, Clément Perrett, Calligrapher, Library , 5th ser., 11:50-2, 286[334]
- CORSON, J. C., The “Border Antiquities,” Bibliotheck , 1:23-6[335]
- CUNNINGHAM, J. S., editor, William Collins: Drafts and Fragments of Verse , Oxford Univ. Press, 1956. xii, 49 p.[336]
- DAIN, N. E., Notes on Editing and Collecting of Shakespeareana, Librarian , 8:149-53[337]
- DAVIS, R. B., Sandy's Song of Solomon: Its Manuscripts Versions and Their Circulation, PBSA , 50:328-41[338]
- DICKSON, S. A., editor, The Importance of Being Earnest . . . As Originally Written by Oscar Wilde , New York Public Library, 1956. 2 v.[339]
- DOIG, R. P., George Paton's Contributions to Herbert's Typographical Antiquities , Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3:215-9[340]
- DOIG, R. P., A note on John Baine, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 3:222[341]
- DUVEEN, D. I., and KLICKSTEIN, H. S., The “American” Edition of Lavoisier's L'art de fabriquer, William and Mary Quart. , 33:493-8[342]
- ELWIN, MALCOLM, editor, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. In Both the Revised and the Original Texts with Its Sequels , Macdonald, 1956. xxiii, 614 p.[343]
- ENRIGHT, B. J., The Later Auction Sales of Thomas Rawlinson's Library, 1727-34, Library , 5th ser., 11:23-40, 103-13[344]
- FORMAN, P., Two Rare Books in the University Library, Glasgow [Michael Scott's Mensa Philosophica, 1609, and the Grammar of Sulpitius, between 1506 and 1518], Bibliotheck, 1:22-3[345]
- FOXON, D. F., Another Skeleton in Thomas J. Wise's Cupboard, TLS , October 19, 1956, p. 624. Also T. J. Wise Again, ibid.:p. 617[346]
- FOXON, D. F., On Printing “At One Pull”, and Distinguishing Impressions by Point-Holes, Library , 5th ser., 11:284-5[347]
- FRASER, PETER, The Intelligence of the Secretaries of State and Their Monopoly of Licensed News, 1660-1688 , Cambridge, At the University Press, 1956. xii, 177 p.[348]
- FRIEDLAND, L. S., The Illustrations in The Theatre for Worldlings , HLQ , 20:107-20[349]
- FRY, M. I., and DAVIES, GODFREY, William Prynne in the Huntington Library, HLQ , 20:53-93[350]
- GARDNER, HELEN, Milton's First Illustrator, Essays and Studies , 1956; 27-38[351]
- GETTMANN, R. A., Colburn-Bentley and the March of Intellect, SB , 9:197-213[352]
- GIBSON, R. W., A New-Found Discourse on Bacon, TLS , March 16, 1956, p. 165[353]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol: Three States of the First Edition , New Haven, Privately Printed, 1956. [8] p.[354]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Domingo Navas Spénola, Impresor, Editor y Autor, Revista Nacional de Cultura , Caracas, No. 114:69-81[355]
- GRASES, PEDRO, La Fecha de Impresion del Libro de Quintana , Caracas, 1956. 8 p.[356]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Origenes de la Imprenta en Cumana , Caracas, 1956. 14 p.[357]
- GREENE, D. J., Johnson's Contributions to The Literary Magazine , R. E. S. , n.s., 7:367-92[358]
- GREG, W. W., The English Stock of the Stationers' Company, Library , 5th ser., 11:53.(Corrects remark in No. 3203, “Check List for 1955”)[359]
- GREG, W. W., Samuel Harsnett and Hayward's Henry IV, Library , 5th ser., 11:1-10[360]
- GREG, W. W., Some Aspects and Problems of London Publishing between 1550 and 1650 , Oxford Univ. Press, 1956. viii, 131[361]
- HAAS, W. J., English Book Censorship , Univ. of Rochester Press for the Assn. of College and Reference Librs., 1955. 80 leaves.(ACRL Microcard Series No. 49)[362]
- HABER, T. B., The Text of Housman's Poems, TLS , July 20, 1956, p. 435.(Reply to No. 331 above)[363]
- HABER, T.B., A Unique “Shropshire Lad,” PBSA , 50:198-200[364]
- HARLOW, NEAL, The Well-Tempered Bibliographer, PBSA , 50:28-39[365]
- HETHERINGTON, J. R., Robert Walker, Printer, c. 1755, Library , 5th ser., 11:286[366]
- HINMAN, CHARLTON, The prentice Hand in the Tragedies of the Shakespeare First Folio: Compositor E, SB , 9:3-20[367]
- HISCOCK, W. G., In and Not in “Wing” at Christ Church, TLS , September 14, 1956, p. 544[368]
- HOFER, PHILIP, Eighteenth-Century Book Illustration , Los Angeles, Univ. of California, 1956. 66 p.[369]
- HONIGMANN, E. A. J., The Date of Hamlet, Shakespeare Survey , 9:24-34[370]
- HOOK, LUCYLE, The Publication Date of Rochester's Valentinian , HLQ , 20:401-7[371]
- HORST, I. B., Thomas Cottesford's Two Letters , Library , 5th ser., 11:44-47[372]
- HOSLEY, RICHARD, Quarto Copy for Q2 Romeo and Juliet , SB , 9:129-41[373]
- HOTSON, LESLIE, Falstaff's Death and Green field's, TLS , April 6, 1956, p. 212. Further comment by Ernest Barker, TLS, April 13, 1956, p. 221[374]
- HOY, CYRUS, The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (II), SB , 9:143-162.(For Part I see No. 3270, “Check List for 1955”)[375]
- JOHNSON, EDGAR, Bibliographical note in his introduction to the facsimile edition of A Christmas Carol , Columbia University Press, 1956 [376]
- JOLLEY, L., Two Inquiries about the Bibliography of William Cullen, Bibliotheck , 1:28-9[377]
- KIRSCHBAUM, LEO, Shakespeare and the Stationers , Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1955. x, 421 p.[378]
- KRONICK, D. A., The Origins and Development of the Scientific and Technological Periodical Press, 1665-1790 , Univ. of Chicago. Doctoral Thesis, 1956 [379]
- KYRISS, ERNST, Notes on Bindings from English Collections at Stuttgart, Book Collector , 5:158-61[380]
- LAWLIS, M. E., Shakespeare, Deloney, and the Earliest Text of the Arthur Ballad, HLB , 10:130-4[381]
- MACKANESS, GEORGE, Collecting Norman Lindsay, American Book Collector , Vol. 7:No. 1:15-20, No. 2:22-7, No. 3:17-20[382]
- MacKENNA, R. O., “Memoirs of James, Marquis of Montrose” [by George Wishart], Bibliotheck , 1:27-8[383]
- MAIN, C. F., New Texts of John Donne, SB , 9:225-33[384]
- MARCHAND, JEAN, Une Pseudo Edition ou contrefaçon Elzévirienne du tome III de l' “Historie Universelle” d'Agrippa d'Aubigné, en 1626, Bull. du Bibliophile , 1956:153-60[385]
- MAUD, RALPH, The Date of Brian Melbancke's Philotimus, Library , 5th ser., 11:118-20[386]
- MAYO, ROBERT, Two Early Coleridge Poems, Bodleian Libr. Record , 5:311-8[387]
- MECHANIZED Collation, TLS , March 9, 1956, p. 156[388]
- MICHON, LOUIS-MARIE, Les Reliures mosaiquèes du XVIIIe siècle , Paris, Société de la Reliure Originale, 1956. 125 p., and 45 pl.[389]
- MOORE, J. R., The Canon of Defoe's Writings, Library , 5th ser., 11:155-69[390]
- MOORE, J. R., “Robin Hog” Stephens: Messenger of the Press, PBSA , 50:381-7[391]
- MOSCOW Responses to Harvard Library Accounts of Recent Russian Acquisitions, HLB , 10:403-405.(Harvard's account was No. 3274, “Check List for 1955”)[392]
- MOSER, THOMAS, “The Rescuer” Manuscript: A Key to Conrad's Development—and Decline, HLB , 10:325-55[393]
- MUMBY, F. A., Publishing and Bookselling , 4th ed., London, Jonathan Cape, 1956. 442 p.[394]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding for John Carteret, 2nd Earl Granville, 1741 (English Bookbindings, XIX), Book Collector , 5:368[395]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by Fletcher, 1660 (English Bookbindings, XVI), Book Collector , 5:53-4[396]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by Fletcher, c. 1662 (English Bookbindings, XVII), Book Collector , 5:150[397]
- NIXON, H. M., A Mosaic Binding by A. de Sauty, c. 1904 (English Bookbindings, XVIII), Book Collector , 5:248[398]
- NIXON, H. M., Styles and Designs of Bookbindings from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century , London, Published for the Broxbourne Library by Maggs Bros, Ltd., 1956. 251 p.[399]
- NOSWORTHY, J. M., Hand B in Sir Thomas More , Library , 5th ser., 11:47-50[400]
- NURMI, M. K., Blake's Revision of The Tyger , PMLA , 71:669-85[401]
- PAFFORD, J. H. P., Defoe's Proposals for Printing the History of the Union , Library , 5th ser., 11:202-6[402]
- PETERSON, W. M., The Text of Cibber's She wou'd and She wou'd not , MLN , 71:258-62[403]
- PHILBRICK, T. L., British Authorship of Ballads in the Isaiah Thomas Collection, SB , 9:255-8[404]
- POLLARD, GRAHAM, Changes in the Style of Bookbinding, 1550-1830, Library , 5th ser., 11:71-94[405]
- POVEY, KENNETH, On the Diagnosis of Half-sheet Impositions, Library , 5th ser., 11:268-72[406]
- POVEY, KENNETH, Twenty-Fours with Three Signatures, SB , 9:215-6[407]
- PRICE, G. R., The Manuscript and the Quarto of The Roaring Girl , Library , 5th ser., 11:180-6[408]
- RANC, ROBERT, L'Excellence de l'imprimerie exposee au Roi Louis XV, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1956):242-50[409]
- RAYSOR, T. M., Wordsworth's Early Drafts of The Ruined Cottage in 1797-98, JEGP , 55:1-7[410]
- RENKER, ARMIN, Eine Papierfabrik vor Hundert Jahren, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1956):57-61[411]
- RHODES, D. E., Volcanoes, Variants and the S.T.C., Library , 5th ser., 11:282-283.(Supplement No. 2773, “Check List for 1954”)[412]
- RICKERET, CORINNE, An Addition to the Canon of [Francis] Bacon's Writings, M.L.R. , 51:71-2[413]
- ROBERTS, S. C., The Evolution of Cambridge Publishing , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1956. ix, 67 p., 14 pl.[414]
- ROLLINS, H. E., Notes on Keats' Letters, SB , 9:179-95[415]
- ROSTENBERG, LEONA, John Bellamy: “Pilgrim” Publisher of London, PBSA , 50:342-69[416]
- ROSTENBERG, LEONA, The Will of John Martyn, “Printer to the Royal Society,” PBSA , 50:279-84[417]
- RUTHERFORD, ANDREW, An Early MS. of “English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,” Keats-Shelley Memorial Bulletin , 7:11-3[418]
- RYDER, JOHN, Printers' Flowers: Some Notes on a Few Selected Examples, Book Collector , 5:19-27[419]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, The Dating and Order of the Fragments of Christopher Smart's Jubilate Agno , HLB , 10:201-7[420]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, The Probable Time of Composition of Christopher Smart's Song to David, Psalms, and Hymns and Spiritual Songs , JEGP , 55:41-57[421]
- SHROEDER, J. W., The Great Folio of 1623: Shakespeare's Plays in the Printing House , Hamden, Connecticut, Shoe String Press, 1956. 136 p.[422]
- SIMMONS, J. S. G., The Undated Oxford Broadsheet Specimen [1757 or 1758], Library , 5th ser., 11:11-7[423]
- SIRLUCK, ERNEST, To Your Tents, O Israel: A Lost Pamphlet, HLQ , 20:301-5[424]
- SPARROW, JOHN, The Text of Donne, TLS , Dec. 21, 1956, p. 765.(Correction of Donne's Songs and Sonnets, London, Methuen, 1956)[425]
- SPOERRI, J. F., The Odyssey Press Edition of James Joyce's “Ulysses,” PBSA , 50:195-8[426]
- SPROTT, S. E., The Osler Mnauscript of Herbert's Religio Laici , Library , 5th ser., 11:120-2[427]
- STRATHMANN, E. A., A Note on the Ralegh Canon, TLS , April 13, 1956, p. 228[428]
- STROUP, T. B., “The Christmas Ordinary”: Manuscript and Authorship, PBSA , 50:184-90.(William Richards not Henry Boxe)[429]
- STROUT, A. L., The Authorship of Articles in Blackwood's Magazine, Numbers XVII-XXIV (August 1818 - March 1819), Library , 5th ser., 11:187-201[430]
- SULLIVAN, J. J., G. K. Chesterton, Manchester Review , 7:416-21.(On collecting Chesterton)[430]
- TAPLIN, G. B., Mrs. Browning's Poems of 1850, BPLQ , 8:181-94[431]
- The TEXT of Housman's Poems, TLS , June 22, 1956, p. 377[432]
- THOMAS, J. D., A Modern Instance [of an Error in Pagination Resulting from an Error in Folding a Sheet], PBSA , 50:302-4[433]
- TINGAY, LANCE, The Publication of Trollope's First Novel, TLS , March 30, 1956, p. 200. Further comment by John Hagan, TLS, May 4, 1956, p. 269[434]
- TODD, W. B., Concealed Pope Editions, Book Collector , 5:48-52[435]
- TODD, W. B., The Early Editions and Issues of Scott's Border Antiquities , SB , 9:244-51[436]
- TODD, W. B., The First Edition of The World , Library , 5th ser., 11:283-4.(Compare No. 3344, “Check List for 1955”)[437]
- TODD, W. B., Goldsmith's The Traveller , Library , 5th ser., 11:123-124.(Reply to comments by L. W. Hanson in a review, Library, 5th ser., 10:297-8, on No. 2794, “Check List for 1954”)[438]
- TODD, W. B., A Prospect of Society by Oliver Goldsmith Reconstructed from the Earliest Version of The Traveller , Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. 31 p.(Reprints text from a privately printed edition of 1954, and No. 2794, “Check List for 1954”)[439]
- VIETH, D. M., The Text of Rochester and the Editions of 1680, PBSA , 50:243-63[440]
- VINDEL, FRANCISCO, En papel de fabricacion azteca fue impreso el primo libro en America , Madrid, 1956. 42 p., 8 pl.[441]
- WALKER, ALICE, Principles of Annotation: Some Suggestions for Editors of Shakespeare, SB , 9:95-105[442]
- WALSH, J. E., A Poem by Donne, TLS , April 6, 1956, p. 207[443]
- WALTON, J. K., The Copy for the Folio (No.3349, “Check List for 1955.”) Reviewed by W. W. Greg, Library , 5th ser., 11:125-9[444]
- WEBB, R. K., The British Working Class Reader, 1790-1848: Literacy and Social Tension , London, Allen & Unwin, 1955. 192 p.[445]
- WEITENKAMPF, FRANK, American Illustrators of Shakespeare, BNYPL , 60:70-2[446]
- WHALLEY, GEORGE, Coleridge's Sheet of Sonnets, 1796, TLS , November 23, 1956, p. 697[447]
- WHITE, H. O., An Allingham Pamphlet [Flower Pieces], TLS , August 17, 1956, p. 486[448]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Colophon Notes for Housman Collectors, American Book Collector , 7:No. 2:18-20[449]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Misprints in A Shropshire Lad , Bull. of Bibl. , 21:200[450]
- WHITING, F. B., 2nd, The Authorship of “A Proposition for the Safety and Happiness of the King . . .” (1667), PBSA , 50:182-3[451]
- WILES, A. G. D., The Date of Publication and Composition of Sir William Alexander's Supplement to Sidney's “Arcadia,” PBSA , 50:387-92[452]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., An Initiation into Initials [in British Renaissance Books], SB , 9:163-78[453]
- WILLOUGHBY, E. E., The Making of the King James Bible , Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1956. 31 p.[454]
- WILSON, J. D., The New Way with Shakespeare's Texts: An Introduction for Lay Readers. III. In Sight of Shakespeare's Manuscripts, Shakespeare Survey , 9:69-80[455]
- WINGER, H. W. See Part I, No. 211
B. United States
- ADAMS, F. B., Jr., Franklin and His Press at Passy, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 30:133-8[456]
- ALDEN, JOHN, Hawthorne and William Henry Smith: An Essay in Anglo-American Bibliography, Book Collector , 5:370-4[457]
- ALDERIDGE, A. O., Franklin's Essay on Daylight Saving, AL , 28:23-9[458]
- ALLEN, G. W., Regarding the “Publication” of the First Leaves of Grass, AL , 28:78-9[459]
- ARCHER, H. R., The Writings of William Faulkner: A Challenge to the Bibliographer, PBSA , 50:229-42[460]
- ARNDT, K. J. R., Early Impressions: An Unknown Work by Sealsfield, JEGP , 55:100-16[461]
- ATCHESON, R. M., Southern Literary Magazines, 1865-1887 , Duke University. Thesis, 1956 [462]
- BIGGS, D. C., The Printers in Stevenson's Regiment, Quarterly News Letter , Book Club of California 21:29-35[463]
- BINGHAM, E. R., Charles F. Lummis: Editor of the Southwest , San Marino, Huntington Library, 1955. 218 p.[464]
- BLODGETT, H. W., Bibliographical Description as a Key to Whitman, Walt Whitman Newsletter , 2(March-June, 1956):8-9[465]
- BLUMENTHAL, W. H., American Book Burnings, American Book Collector , 6:No. 10:13-9[466]
- BOHNER, C. H., The Red Book , 1819-1821, a Satire on Baltimore Society, Maryland Hist. Mag., 51:175-87[467]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, The Manuscripts of Whitman's “Song of the Redwood-Tree,” PBSA , 50:53-85[468]
- BRUCCOLI, M. J., A Collation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise , SB , 9:263-5[469]
- BURANELLI, VINCENT, The Myth of Anna Zenger, William and Mary Quart. , 33:157-68[470]
- CARPENTER, E. H., Jr., Army Field Printing in the New World, PBSA , 50:169-80[471]
- CARPENTER, E. H., Jr., The World War I Stars and Stripes and Its Derivative Publications, BNYPL , 60:129-34[472]
- CHEN, J. Ti-Ti, A Survey of Catholic Americana and Catholic Book Publishing in the U. S., 1891-1895 , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1956 [473]
- COLEMAN, E. E., Copyright Deposit at Harvard, HLB , 10:135-40[474]
- COLEMAN, E. E., Harvard, Millot's History and Isaiah Thomas, HLB , 10:240-4[475]
- CONNETT, E. V., Some Random Notes on the Derrydale Press, PUBLC , 18:11-4[476]
- DOWGRAY, J. G. L., Jr., A History of Harper's Literary Magazine , Univ. of Wisconsin. Doctoral Thesis, 1956 [477]
- DUGAS, M. S., The Development of Subject Bibliography in American Literature , Univ. of Chicago. Thesis, 1955 [478]
- FAHEY, HERBERT, Early Printing in California, from Its Beginning in the Mexican Territory to Statehood, September 9, 1850 , San Francisco, The Book Club of California, 1956. ix. 141 p.[479]
- FLINT, R. W., The Boston Book Trade, 1835-1845 , Simmons College. Thesis, 1956 [480]
- FOSTER, J. W., Fielding Lucas, Jr., Early Nineteenty-Century Publisher of Fine Books and Maps, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 65(1955):161-212.(Also issued as an offprint)[481]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, The First Appearance of Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 31:87-9[482]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, New Political Writings by Thomas Paine, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 30:94-107[483]
- GRIER, E. F., The Eighteenth Presidency! By Walt Whitman, A Critical Text Edited by Edward F. Grier, Lawrence, Kansas, Univ. of Kansas Press, 1956. x, 47 p.[484]
- GROSS, S. L., A Note on Joaquin Miller's “The Bravest Battle,” N & Q , 3 (March, 1956):124-5[485]
- GUILDS, J. C., Jr., Simms's First Magazine: The Album , SB , 9:266.(Corrects No. 3376, “Check List for 1955”)[486]
- HAACKER, F. C., The Peekskill Paper Mills (1777-1852), Westchester Historian , 32:69-74, 104-9[487]
- HAMILTON, M. W., The Library of Sir William Johnson, New-York Historical Soc. Quart. , 40:209-51[488]
- HARASZTI, ZOLTAN, The Enigma of the Bay Psalm Book , Univ. of Chicago xiii, 143 p., and a volume of facsimile[489]
- HARDING, WALTER, The Influence of Thoreau's Lecturing upon His Writing, BNYPL , 60:74-80[490]
- HOVDE, C. F., The Writing of Henry D. Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers: A Study in Textual Materials and Techniques , Princeton Univ. Thesis, 1956 [491]
- HOYT, H. P., The Sandwich Island Story of California's First Printing Press, California Hist. Soc. Quart. , 35:193-204[492]
- JOHANNSEN, ALBERT, Phiz. Illustrations from the Novels of Charles Dickens , Univ. of Chicago Press, 1956. 453 p.[493]
- JORDAN, A. M., Magazines for Children, BNYPL , 60:599-604[494]
- KASER, DAVID, The Chronology of Carey Imprints, PBSA , 50:190-3[495]
- KASER, DAVID, The Retirement Income of Mathew Carey, Pa. Mag. of History and Biography , 80:410-5[496]
- KENDIG, P. F., Some Notes on a Little Known American Novel. The Prisoners of Niagara or Errors of Education (1810) by Jesse Lynch Holman , Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. 16 p.[497]
- KNERR, V. C. H., Elihu Stout, Indiana's First Printer , Univ. of Rochester Press for the Assn. of College and Reference Libraries, 1955. iii, 44 leaves.(ACRL Microcard Series, No. 49)[498]
- KOESTER, LEONARD, An Amusing Description of the Pioneer Press in Kentucky, Register of the Kentucky Historical Soc. , 54:214-20[499]
- KRAUS, S. J., Henry James's Revisions of The Portrait of a Lady: A Study of Literary Portraiture and Perfectionism , Columbia Univ. Thesis, 1956 [500]
- LAWRENCE, A. A., Georgia's First Printer, James Johnston . . . . With Decorations and Remarks on Johnston's Work by Ray Dilley , Savannah, The Pigeonhole Press, 1956. 54 p.[501]
- LESTER, J. G., Some Early Georgia Maps, Emory Univ. Quart. , 22:31-4[502]
- MABBOTT, T. O., Newly Found Verses Ascribed to Poe, N & Q , 3 (March, 1956): 122[503]
- McDADE, T. M., Lurid Literature of the Last Century: The Publications of E. E. Barclay, Pa. Mag. of History & Biography , 80:452-64[504]
- McDERMOTT, J. F., An Unrecorded Sealsfield Publication, PBSA , 50:193-4[505]
- MARSH, PHILIP, Further Attributions to Hamilton's Pen, New-York Historical Soc. Quart. , 40:351-60[506]
- MATCETT, W. H., The “Success” by Emily Dickinson, BPLQ , 8:144-7[507]
- MEARNS, D. C., Thayer's The Pioneer Boy: A Second and Harder Look, Libr. Congress Quart. Journ. , 13:129-34[508]
- MOORE, P. A., The Newspaper Press of the Calumet Region, 1836-1933, Indiana Mag. of History , 52:111-40[509]
- MOORE, R. S., Southern Writers and Northern Literary Magazines, 1865-1890 , Duke Univ. Thesis, 1956 [510]
- O'NEAL, W. B., Jefferson's Fine Arts Library for the University of Virginia , Univ. of Virginia Press, 1956. 53 p.[511]
- POWELL, D. M., The Peralta Grant: A Lost Arizona Story, PBSA , 50:40-52[512]
- RAPIN, R., Dreiser's Jennie Gerhardt , Chapter LXII, Expl., 14:Item 54(May, 1956)[513]
- ROBERSON, J. R., The Manuscript of Page's “Marse Chan,” SB , 9:259-62[514]
- RODENBERG, JULIUS, Buchdruck und Zeitung, die Ausgangspunkte von Benjamin Franklins staatsmännischem Wirken, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1956):251-62[515]
- SHAFFER, ELLEN, Portrait of a Philadelphia Collector: William McIntire Elkins (1882-1947), PBSA , 50:115-29.(Also published as a separate, with No. 279 here, Philadelphia, The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1956, 56 p.)[516]
- SHAFFER, ELLEN, The Rosenbach Collection of Early American Children's Books in The Free Library of Philadelphia, American Book Collector , 6:No. 7:3-7[517]
- SILVER, R. G., Publishing in Boston, 1726-1757: The Accounts of Daniel Henchman, Proc. American Antiquarian Society , 66:17-36[518]
- SOWERBY, E. M., Thomas Jefferson and His Library, PBSA , 50:213-28[519]
- SPALDING, T. M., The First Printing in Hawaii, PBSA , 50:313-27[520]
- SPICER, J. L., The Poems of Emily Dickinson, BPLQ , 8:135-43[521]
- STALLMAN, R. W., Stephen Crane: Some New Stories, BNYPL , 60:455-62, 477-86[522]
- STERN, M. B., Imprints on History: Book Publishers and American Frontiers , Bloomington, Indiana, Univ. of Indiana Press, 1956. xii, 492 p.[523]
- THOMPSON, E. A., and THOMPSON, L. S., Fine Binding in America: The Story of the Club Bindery , Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Library, 1956. 64 p., 8 pl.(Beta Phi Mu Chapbook No. 2)[524]
- THOMPSON, L. S., Kurze Geschichte der Handbuchbinderei in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika , Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1956. 111 p.[525]
- TRASCHEN, ISADORE, Henry James and the Art of Revision, PQ , 35:39-47[526]
- TRASCHEN, ISADORE, James's Revisions of the Love Affair in The American , New England Quarterly , 29:43-62[527]
- TURNER, R. K., Jr., Coxe's A Description of Carolana (1722-1741), SB , 9:252-55[528]
- VAIL, R. W. G., Adventures of Jonathan Corncob, Loyal American Refugee (1787), PBSA , 50:101-14[529]
- VAIL, R. W. G., The Manuscript of a Revolutionary War Play from Long Island, New-York Historical Soc. Quart. , 40:20-7[530]
- WEEMS, EDDIE, Notes on Frontier Editors and Newspapers [in West Texas, 1866-1885], Southwestern Historical Quart. , 60:282-88[531]
- WENTZ, ROBY, Eleven Western Presses , Los Angeles Club of Printing House Craftsmen, 1956. 58 p.(First presses of present eleven western states)[532]
- WHEAT, C. I., Mapping the American West, PBSA , 50:1-16[533]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, More about the “Publication” of the First Leaves of Grass , AL , 28:516-7[534]
- WILLGING, E. P., and HATZFELD, HERTA, Catholic Serials in the 19th Century in the United States: A Bibliographical Survey and a Union List. Part IV, Records of the American Catholic Historical Soc. of Philadelphia , 67:31-50.(Parts One through Three, RACHS, 65(1954):158-75, 55(1955):156-73, 222-38)[535]
- WOLF, EDWIN, 2nd, A Key to the Identification of Franklin's Books, Pennsylvania Mag. of History and Biography , 80:407-9[536]
- WOLF, EDWIN, The Romance of James Logan's Books, William and Mary Quart. , 33:342-53[537]
- WOODFIELD, DENIS, The “Fake” Title-page of “The Gilded Age”: A Solution, PBSA , 50:292-6[538]
- ZEITLIN, JACOB, Small Renaissance: Southern California Style, PBSA , 50:17-27[539]
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