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  • AGENO, FRANCA, Nota sulle redazioni e le prime stampe del Morgante [of Pulci] Giorn. stor. lett. ital. , 70 (1953):508-13.[2360]
  • AGENO, FRIDERICUS, Librorum saec. XV impressorum, qui in publica ticinensi bibliotheca adservantur, Catalogus , Florence, Olschki, 1954. 472 p.(Bibl. di bibliogr. ital. 29).[2361]
  • ALKER, HUGO, Der Inkunabelkatalog der Universitätsbibliothek Wien, Biblos-Schriften , 3 (1953):178-83.[2362]
  • ALKER, HUGO, Über den Stil von Schöffers zweifarbigen Initialen, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):66-70.[2363]
  • ALMAGIÀ, ROBERTO, La diffusion des produits cartographiques flamands en Italie au XVIe siècle, Arch. int. d'hist. des sciences , 7:46-48.[2364]
  • ALMAGIÀ, ROBERTO, Note sulla cartografia dell'Italia nel sec. XV e XVI, Atti Accad. naz. dei Lincei , ser. 8, 6 (1951):3-9.[2365]
  • ALTAMURA, A., [Richard de Bury] . . . Ampia bibliografia delle fonti dei manoscritti, delle edizioni a stampa e delle traduzioni del suo Philobiblon, in BURY, A., Philobiblon , Naples, 1954, pp. 14-46.[2366]
  • ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH, Robert Estienne, Royal Printer , Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1954. xx p., Il., 309 p.[2367]
  • AUDIN, MAURICE, Types du XVme siècle, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):84-100.
  • BATTELLI, GUIDO, La biblioteca comunale di Sassoferrato e i suoi incunaboli, Accad. e bibl. d'Italia , 22:76-79.[2368]
  • BAUDET, H., M. A. NAUWELAERTS and F. TICHELMAN, Lijst van Werken von Noord-Nederlandse Humanisten Geboren voor of omstreeks 1500, Folium , 4:3-28.[2369]
  • BAUMANN, WALTER, Die Druckerei Stuchs zu Nürnberg, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):122-32.(Incl. STC of imprints: Georg Stuchs, 132 titles, ca. 1483-1517; Johann Stuchs, 93 titles, 1509-32; Nikolaus Stuchs, 2 titles, 1535-37).[2369a]
  • BENZING, JOSEPH, Domitzer's Pflantzbüchlein [1529-48]. Das Antiquariat , 10: 273-4.[2370]
  • BENZING, JOSEPH, Ulrich von Hutten und der Druck seiner Schriften in der Schweiz, Stultifera Navis , 11:68-72.[2371]
  • BIBLIOTHECA CATHOLICA neerlandica, impressa 1500-1727 , The Hague, Nijhoff, 1954. x, 669 p.(Pp. 1-56 cover 1500 to 1550 imprints).[2372]
  • BLUM, HANS, Ein neuer Erfurter Buchbinder des 15. Jh. [Nicolaus Moir], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):267-73.[2373]
  • BLUM, RUDOLF, Der Prozess Fust gegen Gutenberg , Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1954. 31., 118 p.(Beiträge zum Buch-u. Bibliothekswesen. 2).[2374]
  • BOER, BERTILO de, Een Lichtpuntje in de Costerkwestie?, Het Boek , 31:270-81.[2375]
  • BOUCHEREAUX, S. M., Recherches bibliographiques sur Gilles Corrozet, Bull. du Biblioph . (1954):260-95.(Cont. of Selective Check List, No. 6).[2376]
  • BOUZA BREY, F., La marca del impresor Agustín de Paz Mondoñedo 1550, Cuad. est. gallegos . 5(1950):393-408.[2377]

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  • BREEN, QUIRINUS, The Observationes in M. T. Ciceronem of Marius Nizolius [1535-1630], Studies in the Renaissance , 1:49-58.[2378]
  • BRISTOL (Eng.), REFERENCE LIBRARY, A Catalogue of Books . . . Printed in England and Ireland up to the year 1640 and of English Books Printed Abroad , Bristol, 1954. 51 p.[2379]
  • BROWN UNIVERSITY, LIBRARY, A Contribution to a Union Catalog of Sixteenth Century Imprints in Certain New England Libraries , [Providence], 1953. vii, 466 p.(STC. of about 10,000 titles; Harvard and Yale are not incl.)[2380]
  • BUCHER, O., Sebald Mayer, der erste Dillinger Buchdrucker [1550-76], Jahrb. Hist. Ver. Dillingen , 54(1952):107-29.[2381]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., Authors and Incunabula, Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton, Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 401-406.[2382]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., Battista Palmieri, printer and miniaturist, Libri , 5:153-55.[2383]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., Corrections in Caxton's Cordiale [1497], PBSA , 48:194-96.[2384]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., Savonarola's Arrest and the Theft of a Book . . ., Renaissance News , 7:95-97.[2385]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., A Volume from the Library of Dr. Nicolaus Pol [in the Pierpont Morgan Library, containing Census G499, G501, G498, G495 and L346], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):147-51.[2386]
  • CARTIER, R. E., La Bible de Gutenberg [a census], Bull. du biblioph . (1954):58-61.[2387]
  • CASALI, SCIPIONE, Annali della tipografia veneziana di Francesco Marcolini da Forli , [Forli, Casali, 1861, repr.:] Bologna, Gerace, 1953. 16, xviii, 344 p.[2387a]
  • CAVALLERA, F., Tridentina; raretés bibliographiques sur le Concile de Trente, Bull. litt. eccl. (1953):120-23.[2388]
  • CONI, FRANCO, Elenco descrittivo degli incunaboli della Biblioteca universitaria di Cagliari e di altre biblioteche sarde . . ., Cagliari, Granero, 1954. 51 p.(Pubbl. Sez. reg. sarda dell'Assoc. ital. per le bibl. 9.—Lists 222 items).[2389]
  • CONRADY, K. O., Zu den deutschen Plautusübertragungen; ein Überblick von Albrecht von Eyb bis zu J. M. R. Lenz , Euphorion , 48:373-96.[2390]
  • COSENZA, M. E., Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Italian Humanists and of the World of Classical Scholarship in Italy, 1300-1800 , New York, Renaissance Soc., 1954. 29 reels on 16mm film.(Reproduces the appr. 40,000 cards in the author's working file).[2391]
  • DALY, L. W., Master Jacobus' Frogs [Aristophanes, Frogs, Basle, Froben, 1524], [Univ. Penn.] Library Chron. , 20:66-68.[2392]
  • DE GRAAF, B., “Alardiana [Alardus Amstelredamus] in the Bibliothèque nationale, Folium , 3:183-87.(Cf. Selective Check List, No. 1883).[2393]
  • DE GRAAF, B., Alardus Amstelredamus (1491-1544), Folium 4:29-118.[2394]
  • DE GRAAF, B., Vergeten Glory; over de Studie van het Vroeg 16e-Eeuwse Nederlandse Humanisme, Folium , 3:81-91.(Plea for bibliogr. of Dutch Humanism).[2395]
  • DE MARINIS, TAMMARO, Di alcuni antichi libri fiorentini illustrati [St. Augustine, Lorationi, ca. 1498; Antonius, Confessione, 1496; the same ca. 1510; Apolonius de Tyro, ca. 1498; Paulo Enea, Disputatione, 1509; Petrarca, Trionfi, 1515; Pulci, Ciriffo Calvaneo, 1508; Trastullo delle donne, ca. 1515]. Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):152-67.[2396]
  • DOBROVSKÝ, J., O zavedení a rozíření knihtisku v Čechách , Prague, Nakl. česk. Akad. Věd., 1954. 125, xvi p.(Intro. into the hist. of printing in Bohemia).[2397]
  • DONATI, LAMBERTO, Micellanea bibliografica: I. Opera nova contemplativa [ca. 1537?]. II. Un altro relitto del Polifilo [1499], Bibliofilia , 56:21-26.[2398]
  • DONATI, LAMBERTO, Protogoni ed epigoni della miniatura, Amor di libro , 2:108-28.(Deals with parallels in book illus.)[2399]
  • DORGAN, C. W., Boccaccio's Genealogy of the Gods [in French, Paris, Jehan Petit], 1531, Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 6:117-19.[2400]
  • DORGAN, C. W., The French version of Alciati's Emblems [Livret des emblèmes, Paris, Wechel, 1536], Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 6:188-90.[2401]
  • DRESLER, A., Hat Gutenberg in Bamberg die 36-zeilige Bibel gedruckt?, Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 10:553-56; 618-22; 701-704.[2402]
  • DUHEM, J., Bibliotheca aeronautica vetustissima, Bull. du biblioph . (1954):39-47, 69-81.(Cont. of Selective Check List, No. 1891).[2403]
  • EIS, GERHARD, Martin Pollich's Vorhersage [undescribed edition of Prognosticatio, Leipzig, M. Landsberg] für 1490, Libri , 4:103-29.(With facs.)[2404]

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  • FASTNACHT, A., Katalog dokumentów Biblioteki Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich, Cz. 1: Dokumenty z lat 1507-1700 [Cat. of the Osslinski Library], Wrocław, 1953. vii, 328 p.[2405]
  • FAVA, DOMENICO, Manuale degli incunabuli , Milan, Görlich, 1953. 290 p.(2nd. ed.)[2406]
  • FONTAINE VERWEY, H. de la, Pieter Coecke van Aest en de Uitgaven van Serlio's Architectuurboek, Het Boek , 31:251-70.[2407]
  • FONTAINE VERWEY, H., De Wereld van het Boek; Rede . . ., Haarlem, Willink, 1954. 47 p.[2408]
  • FUHRMANN, O. W., The Gutenberg “Donatus” Fragment at Columbia University, New York, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1954):36-46.[2409]
  • FULTON, J. F., Michael Servetus . . . with a Bibliography of His Works and a Census of Known Copies by M. E. Stanton, New York, Reichner, 1953[1954]. 98 p.[2410]
  • GELDNER, FERDINAND, Um das Psalterium benedictinum von 1459, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):71-83.[2411]
  • GENTY, MAURICE, and G. N. GENTY, Les incunables de l'Academie de medicine de Paris, Libri , 3:420-23.[2412]
  • GERLO, ALOIS, Badius Ascensius “Stultiferae naves;” Latijnse Aanvulling bij Sebastian Brant's “Narrenschiff,” Rev. belge de phil. et d'hist. , 32:510-24.[2413]
  • GIEGLING, FRANZ, Über die Entwicklung des Notendrucks, Stultifera Navis , 11:80-88.[2414]
  • GIOVANNOZZI, LUCIA, Contributo alla bibliografia delle opere del Savonarola . . . , Florence, 1953. 170, 5 p.(Corrected entry of Selective Check List, No. 1937).[2415]
  • GIULIANO, MABELLI, Gli annali delle edizioni virgiliane , Florence, Olschki, 1954. 392 p.(Bibl. di bibliogr. ital. 27).[2416]
  • GOFF, F. R., Rare Books, Libr. Congress Quart. J. , 11:180-94.(Addit. to Rosenwald Coll.)[2417]
  • GOLDSCHMIDT, E. P., The First Cambridge Press [Siberch] in its European Setting , Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1955. 96 p.(Sandars Lectures, 1953).[2417a]
  • GOLLOB, HEDWIG, Studien zur deutschen Buchkunst der Frühdruckzeit; I Die Strassburger Initialserien der Inkunabeln und Frühdrucke. —II. Der Schmuck des Wiener Buches , Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1954. 20 p., 85 pl.(Zentralbl. f. Bibliotheksw. Beiheft 78).[2418]
  • GOLLOB, HEDWIG, Wiener Planetendarstellungen aus der Zeit der ersten Türkenbelagerung, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):143-46.[2419]
  • GRANT, W. L., European Vernacular Works in Latin Translation, Studies in the Renaissance , 1:120-56.(Ref. to numerous early editions given in copious footnotes).[2420]
  • GREG, W. W., Ad imprimendum solum [Regulation of Henry VIII, Nov. 16, 1538], Library , 5th ser., 9:242-43.[2421]
  • GRYCZOWA, A., Drukarstwo polskie w dobie Odrodzenia , Warzawa, 1953. 76 p.(Typewritten; on printing in Poland during the Reformation).[2422]
  • HARVARD UNIVERSITY [Renaissance Acquisitions], Renaissance News , 7:70-71.[2423]
  • HASE, MARTIN von, Erfurter Kleindrucker des zweiten Viertels des sechzehnten Jahrh. [III, Wolff Heinick.—IV. Golthammer], Guteberg Jahrb. (1954):198-203.(Cf. Selective Check List, Nos. 1373, 1907).[2424]
  • HIRSCH, RUDOLF, An Undescribed Printed Poster of 1516 [Ausschreiben of Duke Ulrich von Württemberg], PBSA , 48:414-16.[2425]
  • HISPANIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA, A History of the . . . Society , New York, 1954. x, 569 p.(“Library Collection,” describes among others the outstanding holdings in early printed books, pp. 373-541).[2426]
  • HOBSON, KENNETH, Some Notes on the History and Development of Bookbinders' Stamps and Tools, Print , 8(4):37-42.[2427]
  • HOLLSTEIN, F. W. H., German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts, ca. 1400-1700 , Amsterdam, Hertzberger, 1954- v. 1-[2428]
  • HOLTER, KURT, Zum gotischen Bucheinband in Österreich; die Buchbinderwerkstatt des Stiftes Lambach, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):280-89.[2429]
  • HOURS, ENRI and CLAUDE DELBANNE, Deux placards imprimés à Lyon en 1489 [Ordonnance d'Antoine de Feurs and Mandement de l'Eveque d'Autun], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):137-42.[2430]
  • ICAZBALCETA, J. G., Bibliografia mexicana del siglo XVI [repr. of 1886 ed.], Mexico, Fondo de cultura econ., 1954. 581 p., 1l.[2431]

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  • INDICE GENERALE degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d'Italia (v. III, G-H), Rome, Libr. dello Stato, 1954. viii, 254 p.(Indici e cataloghi. n.s. I).[2431a]
  • INGUANEZ, MAURO, A Hand-List of Incunabula of the Royal Malta Library, Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton, Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 407-11.[2432]
  • JACKSON, W. A., Printed Quire and Sheet Numbers, [Paris, 1510-50; Spain, 1598-1733], HLB , 8:96-102.[2433]
  • JENNY, MARKUS, Zur Geschichte des evangelischen Gesangbuches in Basel im 16. u. 17. Jh., Stultifera Navis, Festgabe Emanuel Stickelberger , 1954, pp. 31-38.[2434]
  • JOHNSON, R. K., A Survey of Early Paper-Making with Emphasis on Europe and the 15th Cent., Aspects of Librarianship , 3(22 p.)[2435]
  • JUCHHOFF, RUDOLF, Aufgang und Blütezeit des Kölner Buchdrucks, in WIENAND, A., ed., Fünf Jahrhunderte schwarze Kunst in Köln , Cologne, 1953, pp. 9-26.[2436]
  • JUCHHOFF, RUDOLF, Johannes de Westfalia als Buchhändler, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):133-36.(Identifies Johannes de Aquisgrano as Johannes de Aken de Westfalia, Louvain printer).[2437]
  • JUNTKE, FRITZ. Ein unbekannter österreichischer Lederschnittband des fünfzehnten Jahrh., Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):274-79.[2438]
  • KAZMEIER, A. W., Druck und Papier des Manifestes von Diether von Isenburg von 1462 [G.W. 8338], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1954):26-35.[2439]
  • KOCOWSKI, B., Śląskie studia inkunabulistyczne , Wrocław, Bibl. uniw., 1953. 28 p.(Repr. from his Z dziejów książki).[2440]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Enkele Nieuwe Gegevens over Henrick Eckert van Homberch [i.e. Butzbach; Delft-Antwerp-Brussels], Het Boek , 31:291-98.[2441]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Fragments of a Bookseller's List, Probably Antwerp, About 1533-35, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:14-37.[2442]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Houtsneden van Jan van Doesborch in Edinburg gebruikt [Palayce of Honour of Gawin Douglas, ca. 1540], Het Boek , 31:348-49.[2443]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Johann Haselberg von Reichenau als Johann Monteleporis te Antwerpen (1532), Het Boek, 31:299-302.[2444]
  • [KRUITWAGEN, B.], In memoriam Pater Dr. Bonaventura Kruitwagen O.F.M. [special issue of] Het Boek , 32, no. 1.(100 p.; biogr. articles on the great incunabulist).[2445]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Die ältesten gedruckten Atlanten, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):107-14.[2446]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Aus der Bibliothek von Martin Crusius [1526-1607], Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat) , 10:22-3.[2447]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Parisian Panel Stamps Between 1480 and 1530, SB , 7:113-24.[2448]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Stuttgarter Buchbinder des 16. bis zum Anfang des 19. Jh. Zeitschr. f. Württemb. Landesgesch. , 12 (1953 [1954]:310-26(Cf. Selective Check List, No. 1931).[2449]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Verzierte gotische Einbände im alten deutschen Sprachgebiet , 1. Tafelband [Cf. Selective Check List, No. 911], Stuttgart, Hettler, 1953. 31 p., 152 pl.[2451]
  • LABAYEN, A. M., El primer libro impreso en Tolosa, Bol. Real Soc. vascongada de amig. del pais , 9(1953):435-43.[2452]
  • LANCKOROńSKA, MARIA, Die Burgkmair-Werkstatt und der Petrarcameister, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):171-80.[2453]
  • LANCKOROńSKA, MARIA, Weiteres zur Identifizierung des Petrarcameisters, Stultifera Navis , 11:35-43.[2454]
  • LAW, R. A., Sixteenth Century Chronicles in the University of Texas Library, [Univ. of Texas] Library Chronicle , 5:9-16.[2455]
  • LEBEER, LOUIS, Le dessin, la gravure, le livre xylographique et typographique, Bruxelles au XV me siècle , Brussels, Libr. encycl., 1953, pp. 187-217.[2455a]
  • LEEMANN VAN ELCK, PAUL, Holbeins Holzschnitte in den Zürcher Bibeln, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1954):50-53.[2456]
  • LESCHINKOHL, FRANZ, Ein Beitrag zur ersten Druckerei Südosteuropeas [Obod, 1483-90], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):115-21.[2457]
  • LESKIEN, ELFRIEDE, Ein französischer Renaissance-Einband, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):304-307.[2458]
  • LESURE, F. and G. THIBAULT, Bibliographie des éditions musicales publiées par Nicolas du Chemin, 1549-1576, Annales musicales , 1(1953):269-73.[2459]
  • LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, The Rosenwald Collections , Washington, D. C., 1954. vi, 292 p.(XVth-XVIth cent. books and maps: nos. 23-789; pp. 7-147).[2460]

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  • LOPEZ, ATANASIO, La imprenta en Galicia, siglo XV-XVIII, Madrid , [Bibl. nac.], 1953. 289 p., 21.[2461]
  • LOPEZ ESTRADA, FRANCISCO, Sobre la imprenta en Sevilla en el siglo XVI, Arch. hispalense , 18(1953):37-48.(Suppl. to Escudero y Perosso, Tipografia hispalense).[2461a]
  • LOPEZ ESTRADA, FRANCISCO, Una edición desconocida del Enquiridion [of Erasmus] (Valencia, 1528), Rev. arch., bibl. y museos , 58(1952):449-63.[2462]
  • LUDOVICI, S. S., La xilografia e tipografia lombarda del '400, Linea grafica , 7:140-44.[2463]
  • MABELLI, GIULIANO, Gli annali delle edizioni virgiliane , Florence, L. S. Olschki, 1954. 396 p.(Bibl. di bibliogr. ital. 27).[2464]
  • MADURELL MARIMON, J. M., Algunas antiguas ediciones barcelonesas de libros (1502-1704), Bol. Real. Acad. de buenas letras, Barcelona , 24(1951-52):133-72.[2465]
  • MARCHETTI, ITALIANO, Di Bernardo Giambullari fiorentino, Amor di Libro , 2:155-60; 205-10.(Cont. of Selective Check List, No. 1939).[2466]
  • MARÍN [Martinez], TOMÁS, La biblioteca del obispo Juan Bernal Díaz de Luco (1495-1556) [legada a la Catedral de Calahorra], Hispania sacra (1952):263-326.[2467]
  • MARSTON, T. E., An Additional Group of Incunabula, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:103-5.[2468]
  • MARSTON, T. E., The First Illustrated Edition of the Canterbury Tales, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:150-52.[2469]
  • MASSON, IRVINE, The Mainz Psalter and Canon Missae, 1457-1459 , London, Bibliographical Soc., 1954. 8, 72 p.(Bibliographical Society [Folio] Publication for the years 1952 and 1953).[2470]
  • MEAD, H. A., A New Title from de Worde's Press [Octauyan the Emperoure of Rome, STC. 18799], Library , 5th ser., 9:45-9.[2471]
  • MOHAN, G. E., Incipits of Logical Writings of the XIIIth-XVth Centuries, Franciscan Studies , 12(1953):349-489.[2472]
  • NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY [Renaissance acquisitions], Renaissance News , 7:108-11.[2473]
  • NIAVIS, PAULUS, Judicium Iovis [Leipzig, M. Landsberg, 1492-95] . . . übersetzt u. bearbeitet von Dr. Paul Krenkel , Berlin, Akademie Verl., 1953. 63 p.(Freiburger Forschungshefte, Kultur u. Technik. D3.—Incl. facs.).[2474]
  • NISSEN, CLAUS, Die illustierten Vogelbücher, ihre Geschichte und Bibliographie , Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1953. 222 p.(1031 nos.)[2475]
  • OATES, J. C. T., Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library Cambridge , Cambridge, Univ. Library, 1954. xii p., 1l., 898 p.[2476]
  • PARISI, A. F., Jacottino de Rubeis, tipografo pinerolese , Pinerolo, Soc. stor. pin, 1953. 66 p.(Bibl. Soc. stor. pinerolese, 1).[2477]
  • PATHELIN, PIERRE, Maistre Pierre Pathelin; reproduction en facs. de l'édition imprimée en 1489 par Pierre Levet, Geneva, Droz [etc.], 1953. x p., 42 facs.(Coll. Textes litt. franç.)[2478]
  • PAVIA, BIBL. PUBLICA see AGENO, F. PERRY, WILLIAM, Renaissance Dictionaries in the University of Texas Library, [Univ. of Texas] Library Chronicle , 5(2):3-11.[2479]
  • PENNEY, C. L., The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America , New York, Hisp. Soc., 1954.(Nos. 1-10, pp. 28-53, of this catalogue cover editions printed between 1499 and 1545).[2480]
  • PÉREZ GÓMEZ, ANTONIO, Impresos sevillanos no mencionados por Escudero ni Montoto, Rev. bibl. doc. 3(1949):197-216.(Describes 20 new titles).[2481]
  • PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI, Oratio de hominis dignitate [lat. text of 1492 ed., and Engl. transl. by E. L. Forbes, pref. by P. O. Kristeller], [Lexington, Anvil Press, 1953], 1l., 48 p., 1l.[2482]
  • PIERPONT MORGAN LIBRARY , Constance Missal, Renaissance News , 7:71.[2483]
  • POYNTER, F. N. L., comp., A Catalogue of Incunabula in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library , London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1954. xiv, 159 p.(Publ. Wellcome Hist. Med. Mus., n.s., No. 5).[2484]
  • PRESSER, HELMUT, Neue Donatfragmente in der Type der 42-zeiligen Bibel in Mainz, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1954):47-62.[2485]
  • PROCTOR, ROBERT, An Index of German Books, 1501-1520, in the British Museum , [London, 1903, repr.:] ibidem, 1955. 273 p., 66 facs.[2485a]
  • RHODES, D. E., The Early Bibliography of Southern Italy: I. Cosenza [1478-1665], Bibliofilia , 56:102-109.[2486]

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  • RHODES, D. E., The First Book Printed at Bari [1535], SB , 7:208-11.[2487]
  • RHODES, D. E., Francesco Villani, a Forgotten Poet, Book Collector , 3:45-9.[2488]
  • RIDOLFI, ROBERTO, Nuovi contributi alla storia della stampa nel secolo XV, Bibliofilia , 56:1-20; 85-101.[2489]
  • ROSENTHAL, FRANK, The Study of the Hebrew Bible in Sixteenth-Century Italy, Studies in the Renaissance , 1:81-91.[2490]
  • ROTH, CECIL, The Border of the Naples [Hebrew] Bible of 1491-2 [GW. 4199], Bodleian Libr. Rec. 6(1953):295-303.[2491]
  • SÁNCHEZ, REAL, J., Las impresiones de Rosenbach en Tarragona, Bol. arq. tarrag. , 5(1950):66-110.[2492]
  • SCACCIA, S. S., Le opere dell' umanista Giovanni Sulpizio Verolamo nelle edizioni del sec. XV , Rome, Tip. della Pace, 1954. 18, 2 p.[2493]
  • SCHELER, LUCIEN, Une presse conventuelle à Bourges en 1511, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Rennaissance , 16:18-24.[2494]
  • SCHELER, LUCIEN, A Rabelais Discovery [Almanac for 1544], Book Collector , 3:41-4.[2495]
  • SCHIROKAUER, ARNO, The Place of Esop in Medieval Literature [to 1570], [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 20:5-16.[2496]
  • SCHNEIDER, HEINRICH, Der Text der Gutenbergbibel . . ., Bonn, Hanstein, 1954. 120 p.(Bonner bibl. Beitr. 7).[2497]
  • SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, Henrich Sybold, Physician and Printer at Strasburg [1528-30], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):168-70.[2498]
  • SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, Two Strasburg Reprints of Aldine Classics [Cicero, Orationes and Rhetoricorum libri IV, 1540], Library , 5th ser., 8(1953):274-75.[2499]
  • SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, Variant Settings-up in Zel Quartos, Library , 5th ser., 9:128-29.(Nider's Manuale confessorum and his De morali lepra).[2500]
  • SCHUNKE, ILSE, Vom Einfluss der ornamentalen Vorlagblätter auf den Einbandschmuck, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):290-303.[2501]
  • SCOGNAMIGLIO, GIOACCHINO, Saggio di bibliografia poliana [i.e. Marco Polo], L'Italia che scrive , 37:143-48.(XVth-XVIth cent. eds. descr. on pp. 143-44).[2502]
  • SELECTIVE CHECK LIST of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1953 , SB , 7(1955):219-238.(Pp. 219-26 cover incunabula and early Renaissance).[2503]
  • SHEPPARD, L. A., The Speculum-Printer's Editions of Donatus: a Numerical Estimate, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1954):63-65.[2504]
  • SKINNER, A. E., Fifteenth-Century Books in the University of Texas Library: An Interim Check-List [of 32 titles], [Univ. of Texas] Library Chronicle , 5:3-8.[2505]
  • SPEZIALI, P., Les dessins de la Divina proportione de Pacioli, Stultifera Navis , 11:9-12.[2506]
  • STARNES, DEW. T., Renaissance Dictionaries, English-Latin and Latin-English , Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1954. xii, 427 p.(STC with U. S. locations, pp. 394-99).[2507]
  • SULLIVAN, FRANK, Syr. Thomas More: a First Bibliographical Notebook , Los Angeles, Loyola Univ., 1953. 112 p.[2508]
  • THOMAS, HENRY, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza and His Plaquette Bindings, Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton, Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 474-80.[2509]
  • THORNDIKE, LYNN, A Problem as to Incunabula of the “Phisionomia” of Michael Scot, PBSA , 48:411-13.[2510]
  • THORNTON, J. L. and R. I. J. TULLY, Scientific Books, Libraries and Collectors , London, Libr. Assoc., 1954. x, 288 p.(Scientific incunabula and books of the XVIth cent., pp. 31-61).[2511]
  • TIBONI, RAFFAELE, Panorama della stampa in Abruzzo (sec. XV-XVIII), Notiziario della Soprintendenza alle biblioteche per l'Abruzzo e il Molise , 1, nos. 1-3:3-5.(To be cont.?)[2512]
  • TOLSADA PICAZO, FRANCISCO, Bibliografia española de agricultura (1495-1900) , Madrid, [González], 1953. lxviii, 122 p., 1l.[2513]
  • TOSCHI, ANTONIO, Elenco delle pubblicazioni del prof. Domenico Fava [1901-1955], Omaggio a Domenico Fava . . ., Bologna, [L. Parma], 1953. pp. 41-62.[2513a]
  • UGALDE, LOUIS, The Celestina of 1502 [printed in Sevilla], Boston Publ. Libr. Quart. , 6:206-22.[2514]
  • UPPSALA, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Bibliotheca walleriana , Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell, 1955. 2v.(Descr. of 150 incunables and a great number of XVIth cent. imprints in medicine and science).[2515]
  • VALENTI, MARIA, Saggio di una bibliografia delle edizioni di Tacito nei sec. XV-XVIII , Roma, Italia che scrive, 1953. 16 p.[2516]
  • VALENTI, MARIA, Saggio di una bibliografia di lacito nei sec. XV-XVIII , Rome, Italia che scrive, 1950. 16 p.[2517]

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  • VALVERDE, CRISTINO, Códices, incunables y manuscritos biblicos en la Catedral de Segovia, Cultura biblica (1953); 109-10, 173-76.[2518]
  • VAN DONGEN, J. A., History and Character of the Library of the Royal Netherlands Assoc. for the Advancement of Medicine, Libri , 3:88-94.(Lists 52 early medical books.)[2519]
  • VERHEYDEN, PROSPER, Noord-Hollandse Boekbanden: Haarlemse Banden [voor 1600], Het Boek , 31:197-239.[2520]
  • VIAL, JEAN, Imprimeurs allemands à Toulouse au XVième siècle, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):101-6.[2521]
  • VINDEL, F., El primer libro impreso en América fué para el rezo del Santo Rosario [Mejica 1532-34], Madrid, Faure, 1953. 102 p.[2522]
  • VOLZ, HANS, Ein gefälschter Wittenberger Lutherpsalter vom Jahre 1541, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1954):204-10.[2523]
  • VOLZ, HANS, Hundert Jahre Wittenberger Bibeldruck, 1522-1626 , Göttingen, Häntzschel, 1954. 170 p.(Arb.a.d. Staats-u. Univ. Bibl. Göttingen. 1). [2524]
  • VOLZ, HANS, Das Lutherwappen als “Schutzmarke” [sign of authorization, 1524-1543?], Libri , 4:216-25.[2525]
  • VOLZ, HANS, Neue Beiträge zu Luthers Psalmenübersetzung; die Wittenberger Psalmendrucke des Jahres 1525 [1524-28], Zeitschr.f.d. Philol. , 73:291-305. [2525a]
  • WEIL, GOTTHOLD, Ein verschollener Wiegendruck von Gio.Maria Angiolello [Breve narratione, Vicenza, 1490-91], Westöstliche Abhandlungen , Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1954, pp. 304-14.[2526]
  • WEISS, WISSO, Thüringische Papiermühlen und ihre Wasserzeichen , Weimar, Thüringer Volksverlag, 1953. 96 p., 46 illus.[2527]
  • WIENAND, ADAM, ed., Fünf Jahrhunderte schwarze Kunst in Köln . . . Cologne, Bibliophilen Ges., 1953. 45 p.[2528]
  • WIJNMAN, H. F., De Studie van het Ethopisch en de Ontwikkeling van de Ethiopische Typografie in West-Europa in de 16de Eeuw [J. Potken, ed.: Psalterium aethiopicum, Rome, 1513: Psalterium in quattuor linguis, Cologne, 1518], Het Boek , 31:526-47.[2529]
  • WIND, EDGAR, The Revival of Origen [1486-1536], Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton, Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 412-24.[2530]
  • [YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY] Additional Early Americana Deeded to the Yale Library by Henry C. Taylor, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:153-55.[2531]
  • [YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY] A Choice Decade of English Books [STC. 9995, 10891, 23876, 12470, 6473, 24875], Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:53-5.[2532]
  • ZAPF, H., Buchstabenverformungen seit der Renaissance, Folium , 3:92-96.[2533]
  • ZERMATTEN, MAURICE, Le livre et le vin [with emphasis on early printed books and their illustrations], Stultifera Navis , 11:137-149.[2534]


1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations

A. English and General

  • ALDEBURGH FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, George Crabbe. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Printed Books and Manuscripts at the Moot Hall , The Committee, 1954. 43 p.[2535]
  • BECERRA, BERTA, Los Libros Cubanos Más Pequeños, Boletín de la Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios , 6:82-84.[2536]
  • BENNETT, J. W., The Rediscovery of Sir John Mandeville , New York The Modern Lang. Assn. of America, 1954. 436 p.[2537]
  • BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE, Paris, Anvers, ville de Plantin et de Rubens. Catalogue de l'Exposition organisée à la Galerie Mazarine (Mars—Avril 1954) , Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1954. 264 p.[2538]
  • BOND, W. H., The Gallatin-Oliver Bibliography of Max Beerbohm , Library , 5th ser., 9:56-58.(In support of No. 1506, “Check List for 1952”; with some remarks on bibliographical description.)[2539]
  • BOWYER, T. H., Bentham's Publications on Evidence, Library , 5th ser., 9:205-207.[2540]
  • BRIGGS, W. G., The Early Editions of Mangnall's Questions , Library , 5th ser., 9:53-55.[2541]

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  • BROUGHTON, L. N., NORTHUP, C. S., and PEARSALL, ROBERT, Robert Browning: A Bibliography, 1830-1950 , Cornell Univ. Press, 1953. 446 p.(Browning's writings, pp. 1-74.)[2542]
  • CANAN, S. V., Dylan Thomas: An Annotated Bibliography , Western Reserve Univ. Master's thesis, 1954.[2543]
  • DEGOLYER, E. L., A Check List of the E. DeGolyer Collection in the History of Science and Technology, as of August 1, 1954 . Compiled by Arthur McAnally and Duane H. D. Roller, Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1954. 127 p.[2544]
  • FETTER, F. W., A Probable Source of Copinger's “On the Authorship of the First Hundred Numbers of the Edinburgh Review,” Library , 5th ser., 9:49-53.[2545]
  • FLETCHER, I. K., Bibliographical Descriptions of Forty Rare Books relating to the Art of Dancing in the Collection of P. J. S. Richardson, O. B. E. , London, The Dancing Times, Ltd., 1954. 20 p.[2546]
  • FREER, PERCY, Bibliography and Modern Book Production: Notes and Sources for Student Librarians, Printers, Booksellers, Stationers, Book-Collectors , Johannesburg, Witwatersrand Univ. Press, 1954. 345 p.(Lithoprinted.)[2547]
  • FRY, M. I., and DAVIES, GODFREY, Supplement to the Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700, HLQ , 16(1953):393-436.[2548]
  • FULTON, J. F. See Part I, No. 2410.
  • GECKER, SIDNEY, English Fiction to 1820 in the University of Pennslyvania Library. Based on the Collections of Godfrey F. Singer and John C. Mendenhall , Univ. of Pennsylvania Libr., 1954. 116 p.[2549]
  • GOLDWATER, WALTER, Wing Addenda, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, No. 30:2.[2550]
  • GORDAN, J. D., George Gissing, 1857-1903: An Exhibition from the Berg Collection , New York Public Libr., 1954. 45 p. Also BNYPL, 58:489-96, 551-66, 611-18; 59(1955):35-46.[2551]
  • GRANT, W. L., European Venacular Works in Latin Translation, Studies in the Renaissance , 1:120-56.[2552]
  • HERSHOLT, JEAN, Catalogue of the Jean Hersholt Collection of Hans Christian Andersen: Original Manuscripts, Letters, First Editions, Presentation Copies, and Related Materials , Washington, Libr. of Congress, 1954. 97 p.[2553]
  • HOBSON, A. R. A., The Literature of Bookbinding , Cambridge Univ. Press 1954. 15 p.[2554]
  • HORODISCH, A., Oscar Wilde's Ballad of Reading Gaol: A Bibliographical Study , Aldus Book Company, 1954.[2555]
  • ICAZBALCETA, J. G. See Part I, No. 2431.
  • JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Some Uncollected Authors: III, John Hamilton Reynolds, Book Collector , 3:211-15.[2556]
  • KEYNES, GEOFFREY, A Bibliography of Rupert Brooke , London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954. 148 p.[2557]
  • LAW, ALEXANDER, The Inscribed Copies of the First Edition (1773) of the Poems of Robert Fergusson, Transactions , Edinburgh Bibl. Soc., 3:125-35.[2558]
  • LECLAIRE, LUCIEN, A General Analytical Bibliography of the Regional Novelists of the British Isles, 1800-1950 , Paris, Belles-Lettres, 1954. 400 p. Reviewed by Michael Sadleir, Library, 5th ser., 9:275-76.[2559]
  • LOMER, G. R., Stephen Leacock: A Check-List and Index of His Writings , Ottawa, National Library of Canada, 1954. 153 p.[2560]
  • LONDON. CORPORATION, Handlist of Seventeenth Century Newspapers in the Guildhall Library , The Library Committee of the Corporation of London, 1954.[2561]
  • MACKANESS, GEORGE, Rare Coloured Plate Books. Australiana XIX, Amateur Book Collector , 4:No. 10:1.[2562]
  • MADRID. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL, Catalogo de Obras Iberoamericanas y Filipinas de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid , Madrid, Ministerio de Educacion Nacional, 1953. 322 p.[2563]
  • MEIGS, CORNELIA, editor, A Critical History of Children's Literature: A Survey of Children's Books in English from Earliest Times to the Present , New York, Macmillan, 1953. 624 p.[2564]
  • MORGAN LIBRARY, Children's Literature: Books and Manuscripts. An Exhibition, November 19, 1954 through February 28, 1955 [Prepared by Herbert Cahoon], New York, The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1954. 84 p.[2565]
  • MUIR, PERCY, English Children's Books, 1600-1900 , London, Batsford 1954. 256 p.[2566]
  • MURPHY, JAMES, Sydney Smith's Conlished by S. G. Lubbock in his Memoir of tributions to The Edinburgh Review , Library , 5th ser., 8:275-78.[2567]

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  • MURRAY, THOMAS, Lord Selkirk and the Canadian North-West, Amateur Book Collector , 4:No. 7:1-2.[2568]
  • NICOLL, ALLARDYCE, and SISSON, C. J., A Chronological Short-Title Catalogue, TLS , February 20, 1953, p. 121.(Description of that being prepared at the Shakespeare Institute.)[2569]
  • NISSEN, CLAUSS. See Part I, No. 2475.
  • PARR, JOHNSTONE, Tamburlaine's Malady and Other Essays on Astrology in Elizabethan Drama , Univ. of Alabama Press, 1953. 158 p.(Pages 112-50 contain an extensive STC of astrological textbooks current in Europe between 1473 and 1625).[2570]
  • PARRISH, S. M., A. Booksellers' Campaign of 1803: Napoleonic Invasion Broadsides at Harvard, HLB , 8:14-40.[2571]
  • PENNEY, C. L. See Part I, No. 2480.
  • POTTS, D. C., Some Uncollected Authors: III, Saint Evremond, Book Collector , 3:293-97.[2572]
  • PURDY, R. L., Thomas Hardy: A Bibliographical Study , London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1954. 387 p.[2573]
  • QUINBY, JANE, Beatrix Potter: A Bibliographical Check List , New York, The Author, 1954. 121 p.[2574]
  • RIEWALD, J. G., Sir Max Beerbohm , Man and Writer , The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1953. 369 p.[2575]
  • RUMBALL-PETRE, E. A. R., Rare Bibles: An Introduction for Collectors, and a Descriptive Checklist , 2d ed., revised, New York, Philip C. Duschnes, 1954. 53 p.[2576]
  • RYAN, L. V., “A List of the Works of Walter Haddon,” pp. 118-24 of “Walter Haddon: Elizabethan Latinist,” HLQ , 27:99-124.[2577]
  • SAUL, G. B., Crutches toward Stephens: A Tentative James Stephens Check List, BNYPL , 58:94-97.(Also printed in his Stephens, Yeats, and Other Irish Concerns, New York Public Libr., 1954.)[2578]
  • SCHOLFIELD, A. F., Additions to A List of the Writings of Dr. M. R. James [pub-1939], Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:95.[2579]
  • STERLING, LOUIS, The Sterling Library: A Catalogue of the Printed Books and Literary Manuscripts . . . Presented . . . to the University of London , London, Privately Printed, 1954. 612 p.[2580]
  • STERNFELD, F. W., Goethe and Music, A List of Parodies, and Goethe's Relationship to Music, A List of References , New York Public Libr., 1954. 176 p.(Separate publication including No. 548, “Check List for 1950.”)[2581]
  • SUPER, R. H., The Publication of Landor's Works , London, The Bibliographical Society, 1954. 125 p.[2582]
  • SUZUKI, HIDESABURO, Early Japanese Newspapers , South Pasadena, California, P. D. & Ione Perkins, 1954. 13 p.(Kansai Asiatic Soc. Occasional Papers, No. 2.)[2583]
  • TOOLEY, R. V., English Books with Coloured Plates, 1790 to 1860 , London, Batsford, 1954. 424 p.[2584]
  • TRINITY COLLEGE, Dublin, LIBRARY, Catalogue of an Exhibition of Books and Manuscripts in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Birth of Oscar Wilde, 1954 , Dublin, Friends of the Library, 1954. 24 p.[2585]
  • WALDBRIDGE, E. F., [Review of] A Critical History of Children's Literature [No. 2564 here], PBSA , 48:199-208. And A Second List of Errata, PBSA, 48:263-67.[2586]
  • WEBER, C. J., Russian Translations of Hardy, Colby Libr. Quart. , 3:253-56.[2587]
  • WOOLF, CECIL, A Bibliography of the Works of Norman Douglas , London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954. 200 p.[2588]
  • WYLLIE, J. C., Index to the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Volumes 26-45, 1932-1951; A Supplement to Index, Volumes 1-25, 1899-1931; And List of Members, Autumn, 1953 , New York, The Society, 1954. 84 p.[2589]
  • WYLLIE, J. C., STC Addenda, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, No. 31:16.[2590]

B. United States

  • ADAMS, R. F., Six-guns and Saddle Leather: A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on Western Outlaws and Gunmen , Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1954. 439 p.[2591]
  • ADAMS, Sister R. M., A Checklist of Connecticut Imprints from 1801 through 1810 , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2592]

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  • ATLANTA PUBLIC LIBRARY, Georgia, 1800-1900: A Series of Selections from the Georgiana Library of a Private Collector , The Library, 1954-1955.(Series One-Three, 1954: Series One: Some Notable Books in Georgia History, 27 p.; Series Two: Georgia Poets & Poetry, pp. 29-55; Series Three: Georgia Novels & Novelists, pp. 57-79.)[2593]
  • BELKNAP, G. N., McMurtire's Oregon Imprints; Second Supplement , Oregon Hist. Soc., 1954. 46 p.(Reprinted from the Oregon Historical Quart., 55:99-144; supplements No. 571, “Check List for 1950.”)[2594]
  • BESHERS, M. J., Checklist of Non-official District of Columbia Imprints, 1830-1835, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2595]
  • BRIGHAM, C. S., Paul Revere's Engravings , Worcester, Mass., American Antiquarian Soc., 1954. 181 p., 77 plates.[2596]
  • BRISTOL, R. P., Bristol Addenda Continued, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, No. 30:3-5(Addenda to No. 2079, “Check List for 1953.”)[2597]
  • BYRD, C. K., Manuscript Copies and Printed Editions of the Indiana Constitution, 1816, PBSA , 48:390-402.[2598]
  • DAVIS, V. A., A Checklist of Maryland Imprints from 1855 through 1858, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2599]
  • ELLISON, R. C., History and Bibliography of Alabama Newspapers in the Nineteenth Century , Univ. of Alabama Press, 1954. 209 p.[2600]
  • FREENEY, MILDRED, and HENRY, M. T., A List of Manuscripts, Published Works and Related Items in the Charles Waddell Chesnutt Collection of the Erastus Milo Cravath Memorial Library, Fisk University , Nashville, Fisk Univ. Libr., 1954. 32 p.(Lithoprinted.)[2601]
  • GARNSEY, C. J., Ladies Magazines to 1850: The Beginnings of an Industry, BNYPL , 58:74-88.[2602]
  • GIFFEN, H. S., California Mining Town Newspapers, 1850-1880 , San Fernando Valley, California, 1954. J. E. Reynolds, Bookseller, Van Nuys. 102 p.[2603]
  • GORDAN, J. D., Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Years of Fulfilment, 1804-1853. An Exhibition from the Berg Collection , New York Public Libr., 1954. 50 p.[2604]
  • GOTT, J. K., Checklist of Winchester Virginia, Imprints, 1793-1875, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2605]
  • GREENLY, A. H., Lahontan: An Essay and Bibliography, PBSA , 48:334-89.[2606]
  • HOWES, WRIGHT, U.S.-Iana (1700-1950): A Descriptive Check-list of 11,450 Printed Sources Relating to Those Parts of Continental North America now Comprising the United States , New York, Bowker, 1954. 656 p.[2607]
  • KIMBER, S. A., Cambridge [Mass.] Press Title-pages, 1640-1665 . Privately printed, Takoma Park, Maryland, Walter L. Kimber, 1954. 123 p., facsimiles.[2608]
  • KING, S. B., Checklist of Maryland Imprints, 1847-1850, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2609]
  • KOSKI, L. G., Checklist of Washington, D. C., Non-governmental Imprints, 1849-1930, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2610]
  • LINCOLN, WALDO, American Cookery Books, 1742-1860 , 2d ed., rev. and enlarged by Eleanor Lowenstein, Worcester, Mass., American Antiquarian Soc., 1954. 136 p.[2611]
  • McCOY, M. G., A Checklist of Norfolk, Virginia, Imprints, 1774-1876, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2612]
  • MARCUS, J. R., Jewish Americana: A Catalogue of Books and Articles by Jews or Relating to Them Printed in the United States from the Earliest Days to 1850 and Found in the Library of the Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati , Cincinnati, American Jewish Archives, 1954. 115 p.[2613]
  • MENDELOFF, N. N., A Checklist of Rhode Island Imprints, 1821-1830, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2614]
  • PIERCE, W. S., A Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals Published in Pittsburgh before 1900 , Carnegie Institute of Technology. Master's thesis. 1954.[2615]
  • QUIGG, DOROTHY, A Checklist of Maryland Imprints, 1874-1876, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2616]
  • RODRIGUEZ, ADELAIDE, A Checklist of Maryland Imprints, 1853-1854, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2617]

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  • WATERS, W. O., Franciscan Missions of Upper California as Seen by Foreign Visitors and Residents: A Chronological List of Printed Accounts, 1786-1848 , Los Angeles, Glen Dawson, 1954. 53 p. Reprinted, with some additions, from Bookmen's Holiday, New York, 1943.[2618]
  • WEBB, E. M., A Checklist of Maryland Imprints, 1811-1814, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2619]
  • WELLFORD, B. R., Check-List of Editions of Willian Wirt's The Letters of the British Spy, Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, No. 31:10-16.[2620]
  • WILSON, D. G., A Checklist of North Carolina Imprints, 1866-1876, with an Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Master's thesis. 1954.[2621]

2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliographical and Textual Scholarship

A. English and General

  • ADAMS, R. M., The Text of Paradise Lost: Emphatic and Unemphatic Spellings, MP , 52:84-91.[2622]
  • ADAMS, S. F., Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 29:35-36.(Describes a copy with Vol. II, E3 and Qq3 in uncancelled state.)[2623]
  • ALEXANDER, MICHAEL, Publishers' Colophons [i.e. marks], Typographica , 9:4-11.[2624]
  • ARCHER, H. R., A Survey of the History of Printing, Type-Founding and Bookselling in Seventeenth Century England , Univ. of Rochester Press for Assn. of College and Reference Libraries, 1953. 137 leaves(Univ. of California. Master's thesis, 1943. ACRL Microcard Ser. No. 7.)[2625]
  • ASHE, D. J., The Non-Shakespearean Bad Quartos as Provincial Acting Versions, Renaissance Papers , pp. 57-61.[2626]
  • ASHE, D. J., The Text of Peele's Edward I , SB , 7:153-70.[2627]
  • BATEY, CHARLES, Horace Hart and the University Press, Oxford, 1883-1915, Signature , new ser., 18:5-22.[2628]
  • BAUGHMAN, ROLAND, The Peccancies of T. J. Wise, et al.: Some Aftermaths of the Exposure, Columbia Libr. Columns , 3:No. 3:12-28.[2629]
  • BENNETT, J. W., The Rediscovery of Sir John Mandeville , New York, Modern Language Association, 1954. 436 p.(Appendix II: The Editions, p. 335-85.)[2630]
  • BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, An Early Literary Periodical [The History of the Works of the Learned, 1699-1712], TLS , Dec. 3, 1954, p. 788.[2631]
  • BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Memorandum Book of Henry Rhodes, 1695-1720, Book Collector , 3:28-38, 103-116.(Rhodes was a London bookseller.)[2632]
  • BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Missing Term Catalogue, SB , 7:185-90.[2633]
  • BLAND, DAVID, A Bibliography of Book Illustration , 2d ed. rev., London, Faber & Faber, 1954. 164 p.(1st ed., No. 1083, “Check List for 1951.”)[2634]
  • BLAYNEY, G. H., Variants in the First Quarto of The Miseries of Inforst Mariage , Library , 5th ser., 9:176-84.[2635]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, A Definitive Text of Shakespeare: Problems and Methods, in A. D. Matthews and C. M. Emery, editors, Studies in Shakespeare , Univ. of Miami Press, 1953, at pp. 11-29.[2636]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Motteux's “Love's a Jest” (1696): A Running-Title and Presswork Problem, PBSA , 48:268-73.[2637]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The Printing of Hamlet , Q2, SB , 7:41-50.[2638]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Underprinting in Mary Pix, The Spanish Wives (1696), Library , 5th ser., 9:248-54.[2639]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, GERRITSEN, JOHAN, and LASLETT, PETER, Further Observations on Locke's Two Treatises of Government: Three Contributions, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:63-87.(Cf. No. 1676, “Check List for 1952.”)[2640]
  • BRODMAN, ESTELLE, The Development of Medical Bibliography , Baltimore, Medical Libr. Assn., 1954. 226 p.[2641]
  • BROWN, J. R., The Compositors of Hamlet Q2 and The Merchant of Venice , SB , 7:17-40.[2642]
  • BROWN, T. J., English Literary Autographs: IX, Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794; X, Thomas Chatterton; XI, William Blake, 1757-1827; XII, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1772-1834, Book Collector , 3:53,137;219;301.[2643]

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  • BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, JOHN, Etching and Engraving: Techniques and the Modern Trend , London, Studio Pubn., 1954. 240 p.[2644]
  • BUCKLER, W. E., Tennyson's Lucretius Bowdlerized?, R.E.S. , new ser., 5:269-71.[2645]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., An Early Printing estimate for an Academic Press, [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 20:61-65.(Paul Manutius in 1558 for the Accademia Veneziana.)[2646]
  • BÜHLER, C. F., The Printing of a Valerious Maximus Dated 1671, SB , 7:177-81.[2647]
  • BURTON, K. G., The Early Newspaper Press in Berkshire (1723-1855) , The Author, The Central Public Library, Reading. 1954.(Typescript reproduced.)[2648]
  • CAHILL, PATRICK, Paint Names and Book Cloths, TLS , Feb. 6, 1953, p. 89.(Reply to remarks of a review of his English First Editions of Hilaire Belloc in TLS, Jan. 23, 1953, p. 64.)[2649]
  • CARNALL, GEOFFREY, The Monthly Magazine [London, 1796-1824], R.E.S. , new ser., 5:158-64.[2650]
  • CARTER, JOHN, Bibliography and the Rare Book Trade, PBSA , 48:219-29.[2651]
  • CHILDS, J. R., Further Clues Bearing on the Mystery of Casanova's Memoirs , PBSA , 48:248-62.[2652]
  • CHUTE, MARCHETTE, Publishing in the Good Old Days [Elizabethan], Saturday Review , Apr. 10, 1954, pp. [9]-10, 54.[2653]
  • CLAPPERTON, R. H., The Invention and Development of the Endless Wire, or Fourdrinier, Paper Machine, Paper Maker , 23:No. 1:1-17.[2654]
  • CLEMENSSON, GUSTAF, Papperets historica intill 1880 , Stockholm, Hugo Gebers Förlag, 1953. 99 p.(Gralska Institutets Skriftserie No. 8.)[2655]
  • COLES, W. A., The Proof Sheets of Keats's “Lamia,” HLB , 8:114-19.[2656]
  • COLGATE, WILLIAM, Pointers for Students of Early Canadian Printing, Printing & Graphic Arts , 2:17-27.[2657]
  • CORNELL UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Shakespeare Folios in the Cornell University Library , Ithaca, Cornell Library Associates, 1954. 16 p.[2658]
  • CRAIG, MAURICE, Irish Bookbindings, 1600-1800 , London, Cassell & Co., 1954. 47 p., colored frontispiece and 58 plates.[2659]
  • CRAIGIE, JAMES, Basilicon Doron: A Late Seventeenth-Century Edition, Transactions , Edinburgh Bibl. Soc., 3:155-56.[2660]
  • CROWLEY, F. J., The Walther Edition of Voltaire (1748), MLN , 69:331-34.[2661]
  • CRUM, M. C., A Manuscript of Essays by Addison, Bodleian Libr. Record , 5:98-103.[2662]
  • CRUM, M. C., Notes on the Texts of William Lawes's Songs in B.M. MS. Add. 31432, Library , 5th ser., 9:122-27.[2663]
  • DANGON, GEORGES, Notes d'histoire moulins à papier et compagnons papetiers, Courrier Graphique , No. 72 (Mai 1954):13-25.[2664]
  • DAVIES, D. W., The World of the Elseviers, 1580-1712 , The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1954. 159 p.[2665]
  • DAVIS, HERBERT, The Manuscripts of Swift's “Directions to Servants,” in Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton Univ. Press, 1954, at pp. 433-44.[2666]
  • DEARING, V. A., Dryden's MacFlecknoe: The Case for Authorial Revision, SB , 7:85-102.[2667]
  • DONALDSON, GORDON, The Making of the Scottish Prayer Book of 1637 , Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1954. 364 p.[2668]
  • DOUGAN, R. O., E. Ph. Goldschmidt, 1887-1954 , Library , 5th ser., 9:75-84.[2669]
  • DUBOIS d'ENGHIEN, H., La reliure en Belgique au XIX6 siècle. Essai historique suivi d'un dictionnaire des relieurs , Brussels, A. Leclercq, Paul van der Perre, 1954.[2670]
  • DUVEEN, D. I. and KLICKSTEIN, H. S., Le Journal Polytype des Sciences et des Arts, PBSA , 48:402-10.[2671]
  • ECKERSTROM, R. E., Contemporary Book Design , Univ. of Illinois Libr., 1953. 26 p.(Beta Phi Mu Chap-Book Number One.)[2672]
  • EDIFICIO en que fué instalada la primera imprenta de México [a picture], Boletin de la Asociacion Cubana de Bibliotecarios , 6:76.[2673]
  • ELLIOTT, HARRISON, The Evolution of Newsprint Paper, Paper Maker , 23:No. 2:45-49.[2674]
  • ELLIOTT, HARRISON, The Foudrinier Wire: Its History, Structure, and Function, Paper Maker , 23:No. 1:21-25.[2675]
  • ENGELMANN, A., Der Offsetdruck in der Praxis , 3d ed., Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1953. 298 p.[2676]

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  • ENOCH, KURT, The Paper-Bound Book: Twentieth-Century Publishing Phenomenon, Libr. Quart. , 24:211-25.[2677]
  • ENRIGHT, B. J., Edmund Curll and the “Cursed Blunders” in Fresnoy's New Method of Studying History , 1728, Library , 5th ser., 9:200-205.[2678]
  • ESDAILE, ARUNDELL, A Student's Manual of Bibliography , 3d ed., rev. by Roy Stokes, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1954. 392 p.[2679]
  • EVERITT, E. B., The Young Shakespeare , Copenhagen, Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1954. 188 p.(Anglistica, Vol. 2.)[2680]
  • FIXLER, MICHAEL, A Note of John Evelyn's History of the Three Late Famous Impostors [1669], Library , 5th ser., 9:267-68.[2681]
  • FOXON, D. F., The Printing of Lyrical Ballads , 1798, Library , 5th ser., 9:221-41.[2682]
  • GACHET, HENRI, Des premiers papiers aux premiers filigranes, Courrier Graphique , No. 72 (Mai 1954):27-36.[2683]
  • GARDNER, ANTHONY, The Ethics of Book Repairs, Library , 5th ser., 9:194-98.[2684]
  • GARDNER, HELEN, Donne's “Divine Poems,” TLS , Jan. 30, 1953, p. 73.(Defense of retaining “‘thy little booke” in the sixth of the La Coronna sonnets.”)[2685]
  • GASKELL, PHILIP, Baskerville's Punches , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. 11 p. including facsimiles.[2686]
  • GASKELL, PHILIP, Surviving Common Presses, Printing & Graphic Arts , 2:51-53.[2687]
  • GLASER, EDWARD, An Addition to the Cervantes Canon?, HLB , 8:88-96.(Exemplos de Caton, Barcelona, 1609, probably not edited by the author of Don Quixote.)[2688]
  • GORDAN, J. D., A Doctor's Benefaction. The Berg Collection at The New York Public Library, PBSA , 48:303-14.[2689]
  • GORDON, COSMO, The first English books on Book-keeping, Accounting Research , 5:215-18.[2690]
  • GRAVES, JOSEPH, Victor Hammer: Calligrapher, Punch-Cutter & Printer , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1954. 12 p.[2691]
  • GREEN, R. L., Lewis Carroll's Periodical Publications, N & Q , new ser., 1:118-21.[2692]
  • GRIESBACH, ELSIE, The Art of the French Bookbinder, Columbia Libr. Columns , 4:No. 1:19-27.[2693]
  • GRIFFITH, B. W., Jr., Shelley's “Ginevra,” TLS , Jan. 15, 1954. p. 41.(Another view, Neville Rogers, TLS, Feb. 12, 1954, p. 112.)[2694]
  • HAIG, R. L., The Circulation of Some London Newspapers, 1806-1811: Two Documents, SB , 7:190-94.[2695]
  • HAMMELMANN, H. A., Eighteenth-Century English Illustrators: Anthony Walker, Book Collector , 3:87-102.[2696]
  • HARKNESS, BRUCE, The Precedence of the 1676 Editions of Milton's Literae Pseudo-Senatûs Anglicani , SB , 7:181-85.[2697]
  • HAZEN, A. T., The Booksellers' “Ring” at Strawberry Hill in 1842, SB , 7:194-98.[2698]
  • HAZEN, A. T., Eustace Burnaby's Manufacture of White Paper in England, PBSA , 48:315-33.[2699]
  • HECKSCHER, W. S., Renaissance Emblems: Observations Suggested by Some Emblem-Books in the Princeton University Library, PULC , 15:55-68.[2700]
  • HINMAN, CHARLTON, The “Halliwell-Phillipps Facsimile” of the First Folio of Shakespeare, SQ , 5:395-401.[2701]
  • HOBSON, A. R. A., The Literature of Bookbinding , London, National Book League, 1954. 15 p.[2702]
  • HOBSON, G. D., German Renaissance Patrons of Bookbinding, Book Collector , 3:171-89, 251-71.[2703]
  • HODGART, M. J. C., The Eighth Volume of the Spectator , R.E.S. , new ser., 5:367-87.(Authors of papers identified.)[2704]
  • HODGES, J. C., The Library of William Congreve, BNYPL , 58:367-85, 436-54, 478-88, 535-50, 579-91; 59(1955):16-34, 82-97.(Separately published by the Library, 1955.)[2705]
  • HOOK, F. S., The Two Compositors in the First Quarto of Peele's Edward I , SB , 7:170-76.[2706]
  • HOOVER, B. B., Samuel Johnson's Parliamentary Reporting: Debates in the Senate of Lilliput , Univ. of California Press, 1953. 238 p.(Univ. of California Publications, English Studies, No. 7.)[2707]
  • HOPKINSON, CECIL, A Dictionary of Parisian Music Publishers, 1700-1950 , London, Printed for the Author, 1954. 131 p.[2708]
  • HORDEN, JOHN, Edmund Marmion's Illustrations for Francis Quarles' Argalus and Parthenia , Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:55-62.[2709]

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  • HOSLEY, RICHARD, The “Good Night, Good Night” Sequence in Romeo and Juliet , SQ , 5:96-98.(Reply to No. 2725 here.)[2710]
  • HOTSON, LESLIE, The First Night of Twelfth Night , New York, Macmillan, 1954. 256 p.[2711]
  • HUMPHRIES, CHARLES, and SMITH, W. C., Music Publishing in the British Isles from the Earliest Times to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. A Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers and Music Sellers, with a Historical Introduction , London, Cassell and Company, 1954. 354 p.[2712]
  • IWAI, HIROSATO, On the Latin-Portuguese-Japanese Dictionary Published by the Jesuit Mission Press in Japan [in 1595], Tokyo, The Tokyo Bunko, 1953. 20 p.[2713]
  • JACKSON, W. A. See Part I, No. 2433.
  • JAZAYERY, M. A., and LAW, R. A., Three Texts of King Lear [Globe, Neilson, Kittredge]: Their Differences, Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 32:14-24.[2714]
  • JENKINS, HAROLD, The Relation between the Second Quarto and the Folio Text of Hamlet , SB , 7:69-83.[2715]
  • JOHANSSON, CARL, Publishers' Addresses as a Guide to the Dating of French Printed Music of the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century, Fontes Artis Musicae , 1:14-19.[2716]
  • JOHNSON, A. F., J. F. Stam, Amsterdam, and English Bibles, Library , 5th ser., 9:185-93.[2717]
  • JOHNSON, F. R., The Editions of Robert Greene's Three Parts of “Conny-Catching”: A Bibliographical Analysis, Library , 5th ser., 9:17-24.[2718]
  • JONES, THOMAS, The Gregynog Press , Oxford Univ. Press, 1954. 39 p.[2719]
  • KENDALL, L. H., Jr., Notes on Some Works Attributed to George Wither, R.E.S. , new ser., 5:390-94.[2720]
  • KER, N. R., Pastedowns in Oxford Bindings, with a Survey of Oxford Binding c 1515-1620 , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1954.(Publications, New Series, Volume V, 1951-1952.)[2721]
  • KOLB, G. J., A Note on the Publication of Johnson's “Proposals for Printing the Harleian Miscellany,” PBSA , 48:196-98.[2722]
  • LABARRE, E. J., Dictionary and Encyclopaedia of Paper and Paper-Making , Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger, 1952. 488 p.(List of English terms and meanings worth adding, in a review by Allan Stevenson, Library, 5th ser., 9:59-63.)[2723]
  • LAURENCE, D. H., Bernard Shaw and the Pall Mall Gazette , Shaw Bulletin , No. 5:1-7; No. 6:7-12.[2724]
  • LEECH, CLIFFORD, Notes on Dr. Richard Hosley's Suggestions concerning the Received Text of Romeo and Juliet , SQ , 5:94-95.(Refers to No. 2185, “Check List for 1953.” For reply see No. 2710 here.)[2725]
  • LESLIE, SHANE, The Swift Manuscripts in the Morgan Library, in Studies in Art and Literature for Belle da Costa Greene , Princeton Univ. Press, 1954, at pp. 445-48.[2726]
  • LIVEING, E. G. D., Adventure in Publishing: The House of Ward, Lock, 1854-1954 , London, Ward, Lock, 1954. 108 p.[2727]
  • LOUGH, JOHN, Locke's Reading during His Stay in France, Library , 5th ser., 8:229-58.[2728]
  • LOWE, R. L., Matthew Arnold and Percy William Bunting: Some New Letters, 1884-1887, SB , 7:199-207.[2729]
  • McCRUM, B. P., and JONES, H. D., Bibliographical Procedures and Style: A Manual for Bibliographers in the Library of Congress , Libr. of Congress, 1954. 127 p.[2730]
  • McMANAWAY, J. G., The Colophon of the Second Folio of Shakespeare, Library , 5th ser., 9:199-200.[2731]
  • McMANAWAY, J. G., A Miscalculation in the Printing of the Third Folio, Library , 5th ser., 9:129-33.[2732]
  • MADAN, F. F., A Revised Bibliography of Salmasius's Defensio Regia and Milton's Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio , Library , 5th ser., 9:101-21.[2733]
  • MADDEN, P. J., Printing in Irish, Leabharlann , 12:74-85.[2734]
  • MALCLES, L. N., Cours de Bibliographie à l'intention des étudiants de l'Université et des candidats aux examens de bibliothécaire , Genève & Lille, 1954. 350 p.[2735]
  • MARKEN, J. W., The Canon and Chronology of William Godwin's Early Works, MLN , 69:176-80.[2736]
  • MAYHEW, GEORGE, A Draft of Ten Lines from Swift's Poem to John Gay, Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 37:257-62.[2737]
  • MAYHEW, GEORGE, Swift's Anglo-Latin Games and a Fragment of Polite Conversation in Manuscript, HLQ , 27:133-59.[2738]
  • MAYHEW, GEORGE, Swift's Manuscript Version of “On his own Deafness,” HLQ , 28:85-87.[2738a]
  • MILLER, C. W., A London Ornament Stock: 1598-1683, SB , 7:125-51 and 18 plates on 9 leaves.[2739]

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  • MILLER, E. H., Samuel Daniel's Revisions in Delia , JEGP , 53:58-68.[2740]
  • MISH, C. C., A Note on the Fiction Reprint Market in the Early Eighteenth Century, Newberry Libr. Bull. , 3:201-205.(Example: Cynthia: With the Tragical Account of the Unfortunate Loves of Almerin and Desdemona.)[2741]
  • MISH, C. C., Reynard the Fox in the Seventeenth Century, HLQ , 27:327-44.[2742]
  • MITCHELL, W. S., The Aberdeen Bindings of Frances Van Hagen, 1626-36, Libri , 5:156-61.[2743]
  • MITCHELL, W. S., British Signed Bindings in the Library of King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne , Newcastle upon Tyne, King's College, 1954. 28 p., 2 plates.(Library Publications No. 1.)[2744]
  • MOORE, J. R., Daniel Defoe: Star Reporter, BPLQ , 6:195-205.[2745]
  • MOORE, J. R., Defoe's Hand in A Journal of the Earl of Marr's Proceedings (1716), HLQ , 27:209-28.[2746]
  • MOORE, J. R., On the Use of Advertisements as Bibliographical Evidence, Library , 5th ser., 9:134-35.(Cf. No. 2274, “Check List for 1953.”)[2747]
  • MORISON, STANLEY, The Bibliography of Newspapers and the Writing of History, Library , 5th ser., 9:153-75.[2748]
  • MORISON, STANLEY, The Origins of the Newspaper , London, Times Office, 1954. 43 p.[2749]
  • MORRIS PRESS. The William Morris Press [a picture], HLQ , 27:No. 4:frontispiece, with leaf of description.[2750]
  • MUNBY, A. N. L., Fragment of a Bookseller's Day-Book of 1622, Book Collector , 3:302-306.[2751]
  • MUSSON, A. E., The Typographical Association: Origins and History up to 1949 , Oxford Univ. Press, 1954. 550 p.[2752]
  • NEW Wings for Intelligence: Being a Tribute to the Life and Work of Ottmar Mergenthaler , Baltimore, Schneidereith & Sons, 1954. 34 p.[2753]
  • NIXON, H. M., A Cambridge Binding, Perhaps by Daniel Boyse, c. 1627, Book Collector , 3:50.(English Bookbindings: IX.)[2754]
  • NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by Charles Lewis, 1812, Book Collector , 3:134.(English Bookbindings: X.)[2755]
  • NIXON, H. M., A Binding from Southey's “Cottonian” Library, Book Collector , 3:298.(English Bookbindings: XI.)[2756]
  • NIXON, H. M., An Irish Bookbinding, Probably Bound for Lord Carteret, c. 1725-30, Book Collector , 3:216.[2757]
  • NOMBRE, FREITAS, História da imprensa de São Paulo , São Paulo, Ediciões Leia, 1950. 267 p.[2758]
  • NORDQVIST, NILS, Giambattista Bodoni, Nyklassicismens store typograf, Bokvännen , new ser., 8:14-17.[2759]
  • OAKESHOTT, WALTER, Winchester College Library before 1750, Library , 5th ser., 9:1-16.[2760]
  • O'DONNELL, N. F., The Authorship of The Carless Shepherdess , PQ , 33:43-47.[2761]
  • OWEN, W. J. B., Letters of Longman & Co. to Wordsworth, 1814-36, Library , 5th ser., 9:25-34.[2762]
  • PADEN, W. D., A Note on the Variants of In Memoriam and Lucretius , Library , 5th ser., 8:259-73.[2763]
  • PARTRIDGE, A. C., Shakespeare's Orthography in Venus and Adonis and Some Early Quartos, Shakespeare Survey , 7:35-47.[2764]
  • PECK, L. F., Original Text, Variant Readings and “A Note on the Text,” in His Edition of Lewis's The Monk , New York, Grove Press, 1952.[2765]
  • PHILLIPS, J. W., The Origin of the Publisher's Binding in Dublin, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 2:92-94.[2766]
  • PLOEG, JAN VAN DER, Script Types, Print , 8:No. 6:17-24.[2767]
  • POTTINGER, D. T., Censorship in France during the Ancien Régime, BPLQ , 6:23-42, 84-101.[2768]
  • PRESSER, HELMUT, Morris-Drucke und andere Meisterwerke englischer u. amikanischer Privatpressen. Ausstellung des Gutenberg-Museums in Mainz , Mainz, Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1954. 32 p.(Kleiner Druck d. Gutenberg-Gesellsch., Nr. 55.)[2769]
  • PRINTED Quire and Sheet Numbers, II: Italian Examples [1584-1592], by William A. Jackson; Spanish Examples [through the 19th Century], by Francis M. Rogers; American Examples [1794-1845], by Earle F. Coleman, HLB , 8:363-74.(A Continuation of No. 2433 in Part I here.)[2770]
  • PROUTY, C. T., The Contention and Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI: A Comparative Study , Yale Univ. Press, 1954. 157 p.[2771]
  • RAMSDEN, CHARLES, Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (Outside London), 1780-1840 , Published for the Author by the Queen Anne Press, 1954. 250 p., 16 plates.[2772]

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  • RHODES, D. E., A Volcano for the S.T.C. , Library , 5th ser., 9:265-67.(A most Wonderfull and rare example . . . of a Certaine Mountaine in the Ile of Palme . . . , London, John Wolfe, 1585 or early 1586.)[2773]
  • ROE, A. S., Blake's Illustrations to the Divine Comedy , Princeton Univ. Press, 1953. 219 p.[2774]
  • ROSCOE, S., Reply to a Review of His Thomas Bewick: A Bibliography (No. 2056, “Check List for 1953”) by D. F. Foxon (Library, 5th Ser., 8:206-209), and Foxon's rejoinder, Library, 5th ser., 9:208-209).[2775]
  • ROSNER, CHARLES, The Growth of the Book Jacket , London, Sylvan Press, 1954. xxxiv p., and 74 p. with 226 illustrations.[2776]
  • ROSTENBERG, LEONA, Robert Scott, Restoration Stationer and Importer, PBSA , 48:49-76.[2777]
  • ROTH, R. N., The Houghton-Crewe Draft of Keats's “Ode to a Nightingale,” PBSA , 48:91-95.[2778]
  • RUFF, WILLIAM, Cancels in Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon, Transactions , Edinburgh Bibl. Soc., 3:137-51.[2779]
  • SARTON, GEORGE, Johannes Antonides Vander Linden (1609-1664): Medical Writer and Bibliographer, in Science, Medicine and History: Essays . . . in Honour of Charles Singer , Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, Vol. 2:3-20.[2780]
  • SCHOLES, P. A., God Save the Queen! The History and Romance of the World's First National Anthem , Oxford Univ. Press, 1954. 332 p.[2781]
  • SCHUNKE, ILSE, Jakob Krause , Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1953. 79 p.(Sixteenth Century German binder.)[2782]
  • SHAABER, M. A., The Folio Text of 2 Henry IV , SQ , 6:135-44.[2783]
  • SHAPIRO, I. A., Publication Dates before 1640, TLS , Feb. 6, 1953, p. 96.[2784]
  • SMITH, W. D., The Henry V Choruses in the First Folio, JEGP , 53:38-57.[2785]
  • STAUFFACHER, J. W., Janson: A Definitive Collection , San Francisco, The Greenwood Press, 1954. 58 p.[2786]
  • STROUT, A. L., Writers on German Literature in Blackwood's Magazine; with a Footnote on Thomas Carlyle, Library , 5th ser., 9:35-44.[2787]
  • SUTERMEISTER, EDWIN, The Story of Papermaking , Boston, S. D. Warren Co., 1954. 209 p.[2788]
  • SVENSSON, GEORGE, Modern Svensk Bokkonst , Stockholm, Sällskapet Bokvännerna, 1953. 254 p.(Bokvännens Bibliotek, No. 15.)[2789]
  • TAYLOR, R. H., Bibliothecohimatiourgomachia [“The importance of not having multiple copies”], PBSA , 48:230-38.[2790]
  • TEERINK, H., “Verses On the Death of Doctor Swift” Again, SB , 7:238-39.(Addendum to No. 1207, “Check List for 1951.”)[2791]
  • TILLOTSON, GEOFFREY, Eighteenth-Century Capitalization, Library , 5th ser., 9:268-70.[2792]
  • TODD, W. B., The “Private Issues” of The Deserted Village , SB , 7:239.(Addendum to No. 2277, “Check List for 1953.”)[2793]
  • TODD, W. B., Quadruple Imposition: An Account of Goldsmith's Traveller , SB , 7:103-111, and 12 figures on 3 plates.[2794]
  • TODD, W. B., The Text of The Castle of Indolence , English Studies , 34(1953):115-21.[2795]
  • TOWNSEND, F. G., A Neglected Edition of Arnold's St. Paul and Protestantism , R.E.S. , new ser., 5:66-69.[2796]
  • TREDREY, F. D., The House of Blackwood, 1804-1954: The History of a Publishing Firm , Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1954. 282 p.[2797]
  • VOORN, HENK, Alexander Mitscherlich, Inventor of Sulphite Wood Paper, Paper Maker , 23:No. 1:41-44.[2798]
  • WALKER, ALICE, Collateral Substantive Texts (with special reference to Hamlet), SB , 7:51-67.[2799]
  • WALKER, ALICE, Compositor Determination and other Problems in Shakespearian Texts, SB , 7:3-15.[2800]
  • WEAVER, WARREN, The Mathematical Manuscripts of Lewis Carroll, PULC , 16:1-9.(Also published in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Soc., 98:377-81.)[2801]
  • WEILER, J. F., Development of the Typographic Ornament, Print , 9:No. 1:29-36.[2802]
  • WENTERSDORF, KARL, The Authenticity of The Taming of the Shrew , Shakespeare Survey , 5:11-32.[2803]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Abercrombie and Housman: A Coincidence in Parodies, PBSA , 48:98-99.[2804]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Housman's Collected Poems, TLS , Feb. 12, 1954, p. 105.(Suggested emendations to Jonathan Cape's fourteenth impression edited by Mr. John Carter.) Reply by John Carter, Editing A. E. Housman, TLS, Mar. 5, 1954, p. 153.[2805]

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  • WHITE, WILLIAM, A Shropshire Lad in Process: The Textual Evolution of Some A. E. Housman Poems, Library , 5th serv., 9:255-64.[2806]
  • WICKSTEED, JOSEPH, William Blake's Jerusalem , London, William Blake Trust, 1954. 264. p.[2807]
  • WILLIAMS, H. H., The Text of Gulliver's Travels , No. 1771, “Check List for 1952.” Review by W. B. Todd, Library, 5th ser., 8:280-82; reply by Williams, ibid., pp. 283-84; rejoinder by Todd, Library, 5th ser., 9:135-36; further note by Williams, ibid., p. 270.[2808]
  • WILLOUGHBY, E. E., A Deadly Edition of Shakespeare, SQ , 5:351-57.(William Dodd, 1729-1777, hanged for forgery committed to finance projected edition he was annotating.)[2809]
  • WILSON, J. D., The New Way with Shakespeare's Texts: An Introduction for Lay Readers. I. The Foundations, Shakespeare Survey , 7:48-56.[2810]
  • WROTH, L. C., An Elizabethan Merchant and Man of Letters [John Frampton], HLQ , 27:299-314.[2811]
  • YARMOLINSKY, AVRAHM, Aesop in Russia: A Spencer [Collection] Accession, BNYPL , 58:3-5.[2812]

B. United States

  • ALDRICH, E. A., A Directory of the Book Trade in Greenfield, Massachusetts, 1792-1889 , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1954. 102 p.(Offset.)[2813]
  • AUSTIN, J. C., editor, Fields of The Atlantic Monthly: Letters to an Editor, 1861-1870 , The Huntington Library, 1953. 445 p.[2814]
  • BERNARDIN, C. W., John Dos Passos' Textual Revisions, PBSA , 48:95-97.(Cf. No. 308, “Check List for 1949” and No. 2846 here.)[2815]
  • BLACKBURN, C. E., Some New Light on the Western Messenger [Cincinnati, June 1835-April 1841], AL , 26:320-36.[2816]
  • BOLANDER, L. H., The [U. S.] Navy Register: Its Evolution, BNYPL , 58:337-43.[2817]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The Manuscript of Walt Whitman's “A Carol of Harvest, for 1867,” MP , 52:29-51.[2818]
  • BRIGHAM, C. S., [A Note on the Spirit of the Times], PBSA , 48:300-301.[2819]
  • BROWN, R. A., The Newport Gazette: Tory Newssheet, Rhode Island History , 13: — 108; 14:11-20.[2820]
  • BUTLER, C. E., T. and J. Swords, Publishers, BNYPL , 58:89-93.[2821]
  • CAVANAUGH, Sister, M. S., Catholic Book Publishing History in the United States, 1784-1850 , Univ. of Rochester for Assn. of College and Reference Libraries, 1954. 198 leaves(ACRL Microcard Series, No. 32. Univ. of Illinois. Master's thesis, 1937.)[2822]
  • CHAPLIN, R. A., The Anthoensen Press and the “Gentleman of the Peaceful Apple Orchard,” Print , 8:No. 5:17-24.[2823]
  • CLARK, G. P., Solitude: An Early Whitman Imitation, HLB , 8:213-223.[2824]
  • COHEN, B. B., Hawthorne and Parley's Universal History , PBSA , 48:77-90.[2825]
  • COLLINS, CARVEL, An Extra Issue of the “Spirit of the Times,” PBSA , 48:198.[2826]
  • COWAN, R. E., Booksellers of Early San Francisco , Los Angeles, The Ward Ritchie Press, 1953. xxiv, 111 p.[2827]
  • CROWERS, C. P., History of the Franklin Printing Company, Philadelphia, 1728-1954 . Master's thesis. Drexel Institute. 1954. 47 p.[2828]
  • DONNELLY, FLORENCE, Saratoga Paper Mill, Paper Maker , 23:No. 1:29-39.(Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1868-1883.)[2829]
  • DONNELLY, SHIRLEY, Journalism in Fayette County, West Virginia, West Virginia History , 15:153-161.[2830]
  • ECHEVERRIA, DURAND, “The Sale of the Hessians.” Was Benjamin Franklin the Author?, Proceeedings of the American Philosophical Society , 98:427-31.[2831]
  • ELLIOTT, HARRISON, The First Paper Mill in New York, Paper Maker , 22:No. 2:25-30.[2832]
  • ENGLEY, D. B., James Hammond Trumbull, Bibliographer of Connecticut, PBSA , 48:239-47.[2833]
  • FERREE, W. L., Andrew Bradford: A Pioneer Printer of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania History , 21:214-27.[2834]
  • GALLUP, DONALD, Gertrude Stein and the Atlantic , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:109-128.[2835]
  • GALLUP, DONALD, Joaquin Miller's Pacific Poems , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 29:87-89.[2836]

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  • GALLUP, DONALD, Two Early Manuscripts of Sinclair Lewis, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 29:37-41.[2837]
  • GREEN, RALPH, A History of the Platen Jobber , Chicago, The Printing Office of Philip Reed, 1953. 38 p.[2838]
  • GRIFFIN, L. W., Christopher Colles and His Two American Map Series, PBSA , 48:170-82.[2839]
  • GROSS, S. L., Hawthorne's Revision of “The Gentle Boy,” AL , 26:196-208.[2840]
  • HIATT, V. C., Elihu Stout, Indiana's First Printer , Univ. of Indiana. Master's thesis. 1953. 44 p.[2841]
  • HOGAN, BEECHER, The Robinson Jeffers Manuscripts at Yale, Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 28:81-84.[2842]
  • HOLLOWAY, JEAN, Edward Everett Hale on “How to Conquer Texas,” Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 31(1952):67-85.[2843]
  • HUMPHREYS, S. M., Henry James's Revisions for The Ambassadors , N & Q , new ser., 1:397-99.[2844]
  • IBEN, ICKO, “The Ford County Journal” (1859-1860): An Unrecorded Illinois Newspaper, PBSA , 48:273-82.[2845]
  • KALLICH, MARTIN, [John Dos Passos' Textual Revisions], PBSA , 48:97-98.(A reply to No. 2815 here.)[2846]
  • KELLAWAY, WILLIAM, Marmaduke Johnson and a Bill for Type , HLB , 8:224-27.[2847]
  • KING, R. T., The Territorial Press in Missouri, Bull. Missouri Historical Soc. , 11:73-81.[2848]
  • KNIGHT, L. C., The Fine Arts Press of Santa Ana, California Librarian , 15:151-53, 188-89.[2849]
  • LYDENBERG, H. M., George Philes: Bookman, PBSA , 48:1-48.[2850]
  • LYDENBERG, H. M., The Problem of the pre-1776 American Bible, PBSA , 48:183-94.[2851]
  • LYON, B. L., Journalism Comes to Hamilton County, Annals of Iowa , 32:446-59.[2852]
  • PARKER, W. W., Henry Stevens: The Making of a Bookseller, PBSA , 48:149-69.[2853]
  • PEARSON, N. H., Faulkner's Three “Evening Suns,” Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 29:61-70.[2854]
  • PHILBRICK, F. S., Notes on Early Editions and Editors of Franklin, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Soc. , 97:525-64.[2855]
  • QUENZEL, C. H., Edgar Snowden, Sr., Virginia Journalist and Civic Leader , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1954. 59 p.(Offset.)[2856]
  • ROMAINE, L. B., Yankee Bookseller: Richard Alsop, 1761-1815, Amateur Book Collector , 4:No. 9:1.[2857]
  • RUNYAN, HARRY, Faulkner's Poetry, Faulkner Studies , 3:23-29.[2858]
  • SILVER, R. G., Abstracts from the Wills and Estates of Boston Printers, 1800-1825, SB , 7:212-18.[2859]
  • STERN, M. B., James P. Walker and Horace B. Fuller: Transcendental Publishers, BPLQ , 6:123-40.[2860]
  • STERN, M. B., Louisa's Wonder Book: A Newly Discovered Alcott Juvenile, AL , 26:384-90.[2861]
  • THOMAS, M. H., The Reverend Samuel Johnson's “Collection of Prayers” (1759), PBSA , 48:416-21.[2862]
  • THOMPSON, E. A., The Club Bindery , Univ. of Rochester for Assn. of College and Reference Libraries, 1954. 57 leaves.(ACRL Microcard Series, No. 14.)[2863]
  • THOMPSON, L. S., Hand Bookbinding in the United States Since the Civil War, Libri , 5:97-121.[2864]
  • WESTLAKE, NEDA, Theodore Dreiser's Notes on Life , [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 20:69-75.(Ms. Univ. Penn. Library.)[2865]
  • YATES, NORRIS, The Spirit of the Times [1831-1861]: Its Early History and Some of Its Contributors, PBSA , 48:117-48.[2866]



The abbreviations used here for periodicals are taken from the Modern Language Association of America Style sheet. The compilers gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of Mr. Curt F. Bühler and Mr. John C. Wyllie, and the kindness of members of the Society in suggesting items for inclusion. The editor of Studies in Bibliography would be grateful for authors' reprints or copies of publications to ensure listing in this annual feature. However, books cannot be reviewed.