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A. English and General

  • ALDEN, JOHN, Deception in Dublin: Problems in Seventeenth-Century Irish Printing, SB , 6:232-37.[2117]
  • ALLOTT, KENNETH, The Text of Praed's Poems, N & Q , 198:118-20.[2118]
  • ALTICK, R. D., English Publishing and the Mass Audience in 1852 , SB , 6:3-24.[2119]
  • ARNDT, K. J. R., Charles Sealsfield and the Courier des Etats-Unis [New York], PMLA , 68:170-88.[2120]
  • AVIS, F. C., Moxon's “Mechanick Exercises,” Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):120-23.[2121]
  • BAUER, JOSEPHINE, The London Magazine [1820-1829], Copenhagen, Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1953. 363 p.(Anglistica, Vol. 1)[2122]
  • BEEBE, LUCIUS, The “Territorial Enterprise,” American Heritage , new ser. 4:20-23, 67-68.[2123]
  • BEEBE, LUCIUS, The “Territorial Eenterprise,” Nevada's First Newspaper, New 95 Years Old, Print , 8:No.4:33-36.[2124]
  • BERRY, W. T., and JOHNSON, A. F., Encyclopaedia of Type Faces , London, Blanford Press, 1953. 336 p.[2125]
  • BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Notes and Queries, Book Collector , 2:72-80, 154-59, 219-24, 278-84. Including: W. B. Todd, “Goldsmith's Millenium Hall, 1762”; W. B. Todd, “Johnson's Marmor Norfolciense”; A. I. Doyle, “A Late Use of a Crested Roll”; T. G. Harmsen, “Goldsmith's Millenium Hall, 1762”; A. N. L. Munby, “The Publication of Camilla”; D. F. Foxon, “Binding Variants in the Brontës Poems”[2126]
  • BINNS, N. E., see Part I, No. 1859.
  • BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, The Genesis of the Term Catalogues, Library , 5th ser., 8:30-35.[2127]
  • BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, Notes on the Ballad Market in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century, SB , 6:161-80.[2128]

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  • BLAYNEY, G. H., An Error in Microfilms [Taken from a Misbound Photostat: A Warning to Users], Library , 5th ser., 8:126-27.[2129]
  • BORRONI, FABIA, Contributo alla storia della tipografia pisana del secolo XVII: Giovanni Fontani e Gio. Battista Boschetto, Amor di Libro , 1:241-44.[2130]
  • BOULTON, J. T., The Reflections: Burke's Preliminary Draft and Methods of Composition, Durham Univ. Jour. , 14:114-19.[2131]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker , edited by Fredson Bowers, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. Vol. 1 of 4.[2132]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Dryden as Laureate: The Cancel Leaf in “King Arthur,”, TLS , April 10, 1953, p. 244.[2133]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Ogilby's Coronation Entertainment (1661-1689): Editions and Issues, PBSA , 47:339-55.[2134]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The Problem of the Variant Forme in a Facsimile Edition, Library , 5th ser., 7:262-72.[2135]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Purposes of Descriptive Bibliography, with Some Remarks on Methods, Library , 5th ser., 8:1-22.[2136]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Shakespeare's Text and the Bibliographical Method, SB , 6:71-91.[2137]
  • BROWN, J. R., The Printing of John Webster's Plays (I), SB , 6:117-40.[2138]
  • BROWN, T. J., The Detection of Faked Literary MSS., Book Collector , 2:6-23.[2139]
  • BUTTERWORTH, C. C., The English Primers (1529-1545), Their Publication and Connection with the English Bible and the Reformation in England , Univ. Penn. Press, 1953. 340 p.[2140]
  • CALLAN, NORMAN, Pope's Iliad: A New Document, R.E.S. , new ser., 4:109-21.(Proof sheets of first eight books, corrected by Pope himself.)[2141]
  • CARLO, A. M., and CALVO, JULIAN, Juan Pablos, primer impresor que a esta tierra vino , Mexico, Libreria de Manuel Porrua, 1953. 221 p.[2142]
  • CARNALL, GEOFFREY, A Hazlitt Contribution, TLS , June 19, 1953, p. 397.[2143]
  • CLAPPERTON, R. H., The History of Papermaking in England, Paper Maker , 22:No. 2:9-22.[2144]
  • CLARKE, W. J., Early Nottingham Printers and Printing , 2d ed., Nottingham, Thos. Forman & Sons, 1953. 71 p.[2145]
  • CLOWES, W. B., Family Business, 1803-1953 , London, William Clowes and Sons, 1953.[2146]
  • CRAIG, MAURICE, The Irish Parliamentary Bindings, Book Collector , 2:24-37.[2147]
  • CROFT, WILLIAM, The Achievement of Bulmer and Bensley; Together with a Note on the Work of Bulmer and Bensley for the Roxburghe Club. Handlist of Books Printed by Thomas Bensley, Signature , new ser., 17:32-54.(Supplement to No. 1621, “Check List for 1952.”)[2148]
  • DAVIS, HERBERT, Reprinting The Craftsman [in the Works of Swift, as a Preface to His Answer], Book Collector , 2:279-82.[2149]
  • DEARING, V. A., Jonathan Swift or William Wagstaffe?, HLB , 7:121-30(The Miscellaneous Works of Dr. William Wagstaffe, 1726, his and not Swift's.)[2150]
  • DENONAIN, JEAN-JACQUES, editor, Religio Medici , edited from the manuscript copies and the early editions, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. 163 p.[2151]
  • ELLIOTT, HARRISON, John Baskerville (1706-1775), Type-Founder, Typographer, Printer and Originator of Wove Paper, Paper Maker , 20:No. 2:10-15.[2152]
  • ELLIOTT, HARRISON, The Oldest Paper Mill in the Western World [Cartiere Miliani-Fabriano] and Its Historical Background, Paper Maker , 21:No. 1:39-46.[2153]
  • ELLIS, R. W., Book Illustration; A Survey of Its History & Development , Kingsport, Tennessee, Kingsport Press, 1952. 76 p.[2154]
  • ENSCHEDE, (JOH.) EN ZONEN, The House of Enschedé, 1703-1953 , Haarlem, Enschedé, 1953, lxi, 147 p.[2155]
  • EVANS, G. B., The Text of Dryden's Mac-Flecknoe , HLB , 7:32-54.[2156]
  • EWART, K., Copyright , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1952. 19 p.(Cambridge Authors' and Printers' Guides. 5.)[2157]
  • FAY, H. C., Chapman's Text Corrections in His Iliads , Library , 5th ser., 7:275-81.[2158]
  • FAY, H. C., Critical Marks in a Copy of Chapman's Twelve Bookes of Homers Iliades , Library , 5th ser., 8:117-21.(Ben Jonson's copy?)[2159]
  • FERRARI, G. E., La metodologia bibliografica, verso una definizione del suosvolgimento, in Miscellanea di scritti di bibliografia . . . in memoria di Luigi Ferrari , Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1952, p. 287-312.[2160]

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  • FEUILLERAT, ALBERT, The Composition of Shakespeare's Plays: Authorship, Chronology , Yale Univ. Press, 1953. 340 p.(“This book . . . in all seriousness verges on the lunatic fringe of scholarship,” Review, MP, 51:132-35; see also SQ, 5:70-77.)[2161]
  • FOAKES, R. A., On the Authorship of The Revenger's Tragedy , M.L.R. , 48:129-38.(Supports Cyril Tourneur as author as against Middleton.)[2162]
  • FOXON, D. F., Some Notes on Agenda Format, Library , 5th ser., 8:163-73.[2163]
  • GASKELL, PHILIP, Addendum [to No. 1644, “Check List for 1952”]: Type Sizes in the Eighteenth Century, SB , 6:286.[2164]
  • GASKELL, PHILIP, Baskerville's Punches. (Printed on the occasion of Charles Peignot's presentation of the surviving Baskerville punches to the University of Cambridge, 12 March 1953.) , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953.[2165]
  • GRASES, P., El primer libro impreso en Venezuela. Edición facsimilar del Calendario manual y guía universal de forasteros en Venezuela para el año de 1810 , Caracas, Edics. del Ministerio de Educación, 1952. 100 p., 64 p. facsims.[2166]
  • GREENING, W. E., Paper Makers in Canada , Cornwall, Ontario, 1952. 96 p.[2167]
  • GREG, W. W., Jonson's Masque of Gipsies in the Burley, Belvoir, and Windsor Versions: An Attempt at Reconstruction , London, G. Cumberlege, for British Academy, 1952. x, 235 p.[2168]
  • GRIFFITH, R. H., Pope on the Art of Gardening, Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 31:52-56.(His corrections of Gardiner's translation Rapin Of Gardens, 3d ed., 1728.)[2169]
  • GRUBB, G. G., The American Edition of “All the Year Round,” PBSA , 47:301-304.[2170]
  • HABER, T. B., Editing A. E. Housman, TLS , Oct. 2, 1953, p. 636; reply by John Carter, TLS, Oct. 23, 1953, p. 677.[2171]
  • HAIG, R. L., The Last Years of the Gazetteer [London, 1783-1797], Library , 5th ser., 7:242-61.[2172]
  • HAMILTON, M. H., The Manuscript of Dryden's The State of Innocence and the Relation of the Harvard MS. to the First Quarto, SB , 6:237-46.[2173]
  • HAMMELMANN, H. A., Eighteenth-Century English Illustrators. Francis Hayman, R. A., Book Collector , 2:116-32.[2174]
  • HARRIER, R. C., Notes on the Text and Interpretation of Sir Thomas Wyatt's Poetry, N & Q , 198:234-36. Reply by Kenneth Muir, ibid., p. 236.[2175]
  • HART, E. F., Caroline Lyrics and Contemporary Song-books, Library , 5th ser., 8:89-110.[2176]
  • HASLER, CHARLES, A Show of [Typographical] Hands, Typographica , 8:4-11.[2177]
  • HAZLETT, McCREA, “New Frame and Various Composition”: Development in the Form of Owen Felltham's Resolves , MP , 51:93-101.[2178]
  • HILLEBRAND, H. N., and BALDWIN, T. W., editors A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. Troilus and Cressida , Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1953. xix, 613 p.[2179]
  • HINMAN, CHARLTON, The Proof-Reading of the First Folio Text of Romeo and Juliet , SB , 6:61-70.[2180]
  • HINMAN, CHARLTON, Variant Readings in the First Folio of Shakespeare, SQ , 4:279-88.[2181]
  • HOBSON, A. R. A., French and Italian Collectors and Their Bindings, Illustrated from Examples in the Library of J. R. Abbey , Oxford, Privately Printed, 1953. xliii, 190 p., 90 plates.[2182]
  • HOBSON, KENNETH, Some Notes on the History & Development of Bookbinders' Stamps & Tools, Print , 8:No.4:37-42.[2183]
  • HODGSON, SIDNEY, The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Notes on Its Origin and History , London, Stationers' Hall, 1953.[2184]
  • HOSLEY, RICHARD, The Corrupting Influence of the Bad Quarto on the Received Text of Romeo and Juliet , SQ , 4:11-33. Followed by Clifford Leech's, Notes on Dr. Richard Hosley's Suggestions concerning the Received Text of Romeo and Juliet, SQ, 5 (1954):94-95, and The “Good Night, Good Night” Sequence in Romeo and Juliet, SQ, 5 (1954):96-98.[2185]
  • HUDSON, R. B., The Publishing of Meredith's Rhoda Fleming , SB , 6:254-57.[2186]
  • JANOT, JEAN-MARIE, Les moulins a papier de la région vosgienne , Nancy, Imprimerie Bergen-Levrault, 1952. 2 vols.[2187]

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  • JENNINGS, AUDREY, Hood's “Autumn,” TLS , June 26, 1953, p. 413.[2188]
  • JOHNSON, S. F., Coleridge's The Watchman: Decline and Fall, R.E.S. , new ser., 4:147-48.[2189]
  • JONAS, K. W., Franz Kafka: An American Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 20:212-16, 231-33.[2190]
  • JUEL JENSEN, BENT, Polyolbion, Poemes Lyrick and pastorall, Poems 1619, The Owle , and a few other Books by Michael Drayton, Library , 5th ser., 8:145-62.[2191]
  • KARCH, R. R., How to Recognize Type Faces , Bloomington, Ill., McKnight & McKnight, 1952. 265 p.[2192]
  • KAZMEIER, A. W., Ein Druck auf Asbestpapier über Asbestpapier, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):25-29.[2193]
  • KEAST, W. R., Some Emendations in Johnson's Preface to the Dictionary , R.E.S. , new ser. 4:52-57.[2194]
  • KEIR, DAVID, The House of Collins: The Story of a Scottish Family of Publishers from 1789 to the Present Day , London, Collins, 1953. 303 p.[2195]
  • KELLEHER, DENIS, Papermaking in Ireland, Paper Maker , 19:No.2:21-29.[2196]
  • KELLEHER, DENIS, Papermaking in Wales, Paper Maker , 21:No.1:51-56.[2197]
  • KEYNES, GEOFFREY, Religio Bibliographici, Presidential Address to the Bibliographical Society, March, 1953, Library , 5th ser., 8:63-76.[2198]
  • KEYNES, GEOFFREY, The Work of Thomas Bewick, TLS , June 5, 1953, p. 372. Added comment by S. Roscoe, TLS, June 19, 1953, p. 397.[2199]
  • KOCH, HERBERT, Aus der Frühgeschichte des Jenaer Buchdrucks, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):98-104.[2200]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, see Part I, No. 1931.
  • LABARRE, E. J., editor, Zonghi's Watermarks , Hilversum, Holland, Paper Publications Society, 1953. xvi, 168 p., 134 plates.[2201]
  • LANG, C. Y., The First Chorus of Swinburne's Atalanta , Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 27:119-22.[2202]
  • LEACH, N. R., Edith Wharton's Unpublished Novel, AL , 25:334-53.[2203]
  • LEONARD, I. A., On the Lima Book Trade, 1591, Hispanic American Hist. Rev. , 33:511-25.[2204]
  • LEWIS, GWYNETH, Thomas Taylor's Maps of Wales, 1718, Jour. Welsh Bibl. Soc. , 7:193-95.[2205]
  • LIEVSAY, J. L., and DAVIS, R. B., A Cavalier Library—1643, SB , 6:141-60.[2206]
  • MacGRATH, KEVIN, New Light on the Irish Printing Press at Louvain, Irish Book Lover , 32:36-37.[2207]
  • MACKENZIE, A. D., The Bank of England Note: A History of Its Printing , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. 163 p.[2208]
  • MACLEOD, R. D., The Scottish Publishing Houses , Glasgow, W. and R. Holmes, 1953. 28 p.[2209]
  • McMAHON, DOROTHY, Variations in the Text of Zárate's Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Peru , Hispanic American Hist. Rev. , 33:572-86.[2210]
  • McMANAWAY, J. G., An Unrecorded English Coranto, Library , 5th ser., 8:125-26.[2211]
  • MARTIN, L. C., Henry Vaughan and “The Chymists Key” [London, 1657], TLS , Dec. 11, 1953, p. 801.[2212]
  • MEDINA, J. T., Contribución a la historia de la imprenta en Venezuela . Edición conmemorativa . . . Presentación y notas de P. Grases, Caracas, Ed. del Ministerio del educación, 1952. 73 p.[2213]
  • METZDORF, R. F., The Full Text of Rossetti's Sonnet on Sordello, HLB , 7:239-43.[2214]
  • METZGER, B. M., Three Learned Printers and Their Unsung Contribution to Biblical Scholarship, Jour. of Religion , 32:254-62.(William Bowyer, Isaiah Thomas, Jr., and Robert Young.)[2215]
  • MILLER, E. H., The Editions of Robert Greene's A Quip for an Upstart Courtier (1592), SB , 6:107-116.[2216]
  • MILLER, SONIA, The Text of the Second Edition of Milton's Eikonoklastes , JEGP , 52:214-20.[2217]
  • MISH, C. C., Best Sellers in Seventeenth-Century Fiction, PBSA , 47:356-73.[2218]
  • MITCHELL, W. S., John Harrison's Signed Roll?, Library , 5th ser., 8:123-24.[2219]
  • MONAGHAN, T. J., Johnson's Additions to His Shakespeare for the Edition of 1773, R.E.S. , new ser., 4:234-48.[2220]
  • MORGAN, PAUL, A Bookseller's Subscription in 1669, Library , 5th ser., 7:281-82.(Registration in the Diocesan Registry of Worcester under Section VIII of the Act for Preventing Abuses in Printing.)[2221]
  • MORISON, STANLEY, A Talley of Types Cut for Machine Composition and Introduced at the University Press, Cambridge, 1922-1932 , Cambridge, Privately Printed, 1953. 102 p.[2222]

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  • MUIR, KENNETH, editor, King Lear , New Arden Shakespeare, Harvard Univ. Press, 1953. lxiv, 256 p.(Reviewed, with comment on editorial procedure, by Fredson Bowers in Shakespeare Survey, 4:471-77.)[2223]
  • MUIR, KENNETH, The Painfull Adventures of Pericles, Prince of Tyre , by George Wilkins. Edited by Kenneth Muir, Univ. of Liverpool Press, 1953. 120 p.[2224]
  • MUNBY, A. N. L., Collecting English Signed Bindings, Book Collector , 2:177-93.[2225]
  • NIXON, H. M., English Bookbindings: V An Eighteenth-Century London Binding, c. 1764; VI An Early English Panel-Stamped Binding; VII Binding by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, 1888; VIII A Binding Presented to Edward VI, c. 1552, Book Collector , 2:66-67; 140-41; 212-13; 272-73.[2226]
  • NIXON, H. M., Twelve Books in Fine Bindings from the Library of J. W. Hely-Hutchinson , Oxford, Privately Printed, 1953. xvi, 78 p., 15 plates.[2227]
  • NOLTE, E. A., Michael Scott and Blackwood's Magazine: Some Unpublished Letters, Library , 5th ser., 8:188-96.[2228]
  • NOSWORTHY, J. M., The Publication of Marlowe's Elegies and Davies's Epigrams , R.E.S. , new ser., 4:260-61.[2229]
  • OATES, J. C. T., Cambridge Books of Congratulatory Verses, 1603-1640, and Their Binders, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:395-421, 5 plates.[2230]
  • OLIVER, L. M., An Early Socinian Publication in England, HLB , 7:119-21.[2231]
  • PARROTT, T. M., “God's” or “gods” in King Lear , V.iii.17, SQ , 4:427-32.[2232]
  • PASSOS, ALEXANDRE, A imprensa no período colonial , Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Educação e Saúde, 1952. 72 p.[2233]
  • PHILLIPS, J. W., Richard Mountague, Bookbinder, Library , 5th Ser., 8:124-25.[2234]
  • PIERCE, LORNE, The Ryerson Press, Canadian Libr. Assn. Bull. , 9:135-37.[2235]
  • POTTER, G. R., and BUTT, JOHN, Editing Donne and Pope , William Andrews Clark Memorial Libr., 1953. 24 p.[2236]
  • POTTER, G. R., and SIMPSON, E. M., The Sermons of John Donne , Univ. of California Press, 1953. Vol. I.[2237]
  • PRICE, G. R., The First Edition of Your Five Gallants-and of Michaelmas Term , Library , 5th ser., 8:23-39.[2238]
  • PUBLISHING and Printing in the Netherlands , Amsterdam, Graphic Export Center, 1953. 28, 22 p.[2239]
  • QUIGLY, ISABEL, The House of Guasp, Book Collector , 2:264-69.(Printers at Palma de Mallorca since 1579.)[2240]
  • RAMSDEN, CHARLES, Richard Wier and Count MacCarthy-Reagh, Book Collector , 2:247-57.(Wier's work for the Count as a binder.)[2241]
  • RANSOM, HARRY, Ownership of Literary Titles, Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 31 (1952):125-35.[2242]
  • REILLY, DESMOND, Early Papermaking in Canada, Paper Maker , 21:No. 1:13-21.[2243]
  • RENKER, ARMIN, Die Erfindung der Papiermaschine, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):30-35.[2244]
  • ROGERS, BRUCE, Pl: A Hodge-Podge of the Letters, Papers, and Addresses Written during the Last Sixty Years by Bruce Rogers , Cleveland and New York, World Publishing Co., 1953. 185 p.[2245]
  • ROGERS, NEVILLE, Shelley and the Skylark, TLS , July 24, 1953, p. 482.[2246]
  • ROSENKILDE, VOLMER, Trykkeriet i den Danske Koloni Frederiksnagor eller Serampore, Nordisk Tidskrift för Bok- och Biblioteksväsen , 40:16-25(summary in English at p. 25).[2247]
  • ROSTENBERG, LEONA, Richard and Anne Bladwin, Whig Patriot Publishers, PBSA , 47:1-42.[2248]
  • SADLEIR, MICHAEL, The Nomenclature of Nineteenth-Century Cloth Grains, Book Collector , 2:54-58.(Photographs of 24 types.)[2249]
  • SCHNEIDER, ELISABETH, The Text of Hazlitt: [“Of Persons One Would Wish to Have Seen”], TLS , May 8, 1953, p. 301. Further comment by P. G. Gates, TLS, June 5, p. 365, and by H. M. Sikes, TLS, June 12, p. 381.[2250]
  • SCHOENBAUM, SAMUEL, John Day and Elizabethan Drama, BPLQ , 5:140-52.[2251]
  • SERONSY, C. C., Daniel's Manuscript Civil Wars with Some Previously Unpublished Stanzas, JEGP , 52:153-60.[2252]
  • SETERS, W. H. van, De Nederlandse Uitgaven van “The Man in the Moone,” Het Boek , 31:157-72.[2253]
  • SHERBO, ARTHUR, The Cancels in Dr. Johnson's “Works” (Oxford, 1825), PBSA , 47:376-78.[2254]

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  • SHERBURN, GEORGE, The Swift-Pope Miscellanies of 1732: Corrigendum, HLB , 7:248.(Corrects No. 1731, “Check List for 1952.”)[2255]
  • SKELTON, R. A., Visscher's View of London, British Museum Quart. , 18:65.[2256]
  • SLEIGH, G. F., The Authorship of William and Margaret , Library , 5th ser., 8:121-23.(By David Malloch or Mallet.)[2257]
  • SOLER, W. G., John Dickinson's “Ode, On the French Revolution,” AL , 25:287-92.[2258]
  • SOLER, W. G., A Reattribution: John Dickinson's Authorship of the Pamphlet, A Caution, 1798, Penn. Mag. Hist. & Biog. , 77:24-31.[2259]
  • SOLER, W. G., Two Variants of John Dickinson's “Ode, On the French Revolution,” N & Q , 198:63-65.[2260]
  • STEFFAN, GUY, Byron's Focus of Revision in His Composition of Don Juan , Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 31 (1952):57-67.[2261]
  • STERN, M. B., Sherlock Holmes, Rare-Book Collector: A Study in Book Detection, PBSA , 47:133-55.[2262]
  • STEVENSON, ALLAN, Chain-Indentations in Paper as Evidence, SB , 6:181-95.[2263]
  • SULLIVAN, FRANK, Little Pitchers in the Big Years, Being a Study of the Water Pitcher Watermark in Elizabethan England, Paper Maker , 20:No. 1:10-19.[2264]
  • SULLIVAN, FRANK, Syr Thomas More: A First Bibliographical Notebook , Loyola Univ. of Los Angeles, 1953. 112 p.[2265]
  • SUPER, R. H., Landor's American Publications, M.L.R. , 14:360-74.[2266]
  • SUPER, R. H., “None Was Worth My Strife”: Landor and the Italian Police, PBSA , 47:113-32.[2267]
  • TAYLOR, N., Derbyshire Printing and Printers before 1800, Jour. of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural Hist. Soc. , No. 70, 1950.[2268]
  • THOMPSON, L. S., Danish Christmas Books, Notes on Printing & Graphic Arts , 1:76-79.[2269]
  • TIMES, London, Printing The Times since 1785 , London, Printing House Square, 1953. 195 p.[2270]
  • TINDALE, T. K., and TINDALE, H. R. The Handmade Papers of Japan , Rutland, Vt., Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1952. 3 vols. and portfolio.[2271]
  • TODD, W. B., Concealed Editions of Samuel Johnson, Book Collector , 2:59-65.(The False Alarm and Taxation No Tyranny.)[2272]
  • TODD, W. B., Multiple Editions of Lyttelton's “The Court-Secret” (1741), PBSA , 47:380-81.[2273]
  • TODD, W. B., On the Use of Advertisements in Bibliographical Studies, Library , 5th ser., 8:174-87.[2274]
  • TODD, W. B., Press Figures, Library , 5th ser., 7:283.[2275]
  • TODD, W. B., The Printing of Johnson's Journey (1775), SB , 6:247-54.[2276]
  • TODD, W. B., The “Private Issues” of The Deserted Village , SB , 6:25-44.[2277]
  • TODD, W. B., The 1680 Editions of Rochester's Poems, with Notes on Earlier Texts, PBSA , 47:43-58.[2278]
  • TODD, W. B., Three Notes on Charles Hanbury Williams, PBSA , 47:159-60.(The Old Coachman, 1742; The Country Girl, 1742; An Ode to the Honourable H---y, F--x, 1746.)[2279]
  • TODD, W. B., Three Notes on Fielding, PBSA , 47:70-75.(An Apology for the Life of Mr. T[heophilis] C[ibber], 1740; A Dialogue between a Gentleman of London . . . and an Honest Alderman of the County Party, 1747; Amelia, 1752.)[2280]
  • TRACY, WALTER, A Note on Eric Gill's Pilgrim Type, Book Collector , 2:50-53.[2281]
  • TREWIN, J. C., and KING, E. M., Printer to the House: The Story of Hansard , London, Methuen, 1952. 272 p.[2282]
  • URE, PETER, Chapman's “Tragedy of Bussy d'Ambois”: Problems of the Revised Quarto [1641], M.L.R. , 48:257-69.[2283]
  • VANDERHOOF, M. B., Hamlet: A Tragedy Adapted from Shakespeare (1770) by Jean François Ducis. A Critical Edition, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Soc. , 97:No. 1:55 p.[2284]
  • VIETH, D. M., A New Song by Rochester, TLS , Nov. 6, 1953, p. 716. Comment by J. L. Mackie, TLS, Feb. 19, 1953, p. 121, and MacDonald Emslie, TLS, Feb. 26, 1954, p. 137.[2285]
  • VOORN, HENK, In Search of New Raw Materials [in Making Paper in the Eighteenth Century], Paper Maker , 21:No. 2:1-14.[2286]

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  • VOORN, HENK, Papermaking and Papermakers in Long Ago Holland, Paper Maker , 20:No. 2:1-9.[2287]
  • VOORN, HENK, Random Rambles through the Glorious Past of German Papermaking, Paper Maker , 22:No. 1:1-9.[2288]
  • WALBRIDGE, E. F., An Additional Note on “The Card-board Box,” PBSA , 47:75-76.(Corrects a note in PBSA, 34:190-91.)[2289]
  • WALKER, ALICE, King Lear—The 1608 Quarto, M.L.R. , 47(1952):376-78.[2290]
  • WALKER, ALICE, The Folio Text of I King Henry IV , SB , 6:45-59.[2291]
  • WALKER, ALICE, Textual Problems of the First Folio: Richard III, King Lear, Troilus & Cressida, 2 Henry IV, Hamlet, Othello , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1953. 170 p.(Shakespeare Problem Series, 7.) (Reviewed by Philip Williams, SQ, 4:481-84.)[2292]
  • WEEKLY, MONTAGUE, Thomas Bewick , Oxford Univ. Press, 1953. 223 p.[2293]
  • WEISS, K. T., Die Bestimmung einer Stuttgarter Handschrift mit Hilfe des Verwendeten Papieres und Seiner Wasserzeichen, Guntenberg Jahrb. (1953):16-24.[2294]
  • WEITENKAMPF, FRANK, American Illustrators of Dickens, BPLQ , 5:189-94.[2295]
  • WHEELWRIGHT, W. B., How Marbled Papers Are Made, Paper Maker , 22:No. 2:1-5.[2296]
  • WHITAKER, S. F., The First Edition of Shaftesbury's Moralists , Library , 5th ser., 7:235-41.[2297]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Variant Readings in Housman's “More Poems,” Book Collector , 2:73-77.[2298]
  • WILLIAMS, PHILIP, Two Problems in the Folio Text of King Lear , SQ , 4:451-60.[2299]
  • WINNY, JAMES, A Marvell Emendation, TLS , Oct. 2, 1953, p. 629.[2300]
  • WOLFF, J. J., Gissing's Revision of “The Unclassed,” NCF , 8:42-52.[2301]
  • WORMSER, R. S., Fabulous Fiction, PBSA , 47:231-47.(Some printed publications which are hoaxes and some which describe nonliterary hoaxes.)[2302]
  • WYLLIE, J. C., The Forms of Twentieth-Century Cancels, PBSA , 47:95-112.[2303]
  • WYLLIE, J. C., The Printer of a 1641 Suckling Pamphlet [Wing S 6123], PBSA , 47:70.(John Dawson.)[2304]
  • ZACHRISSON, BROR, Akke Kumlien: 1884-1949, Notes on Printing & Graphic Arts , 1:45-56.[2305]