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  • AMERBACHKORRESPONDENZ . . . bearbeitet und herausgegeben von A Hartmann, Bd. 4:Die Briefe aus den Jahren 1531-36 , Basel, Univ. Bibl., 1953. xi, 503 p.[1841]
  • AMOR DI LIBRO ; rassegna di bibliografia e di erudizione, diretta da M. Parenti, Firenze, Sansoni, 1, 1953- (New bibliographical periodical).[1842]
  • ANGELERI, CARLO, Bibliografia delle stampe popolari a carattere profano dei sec. XVI e XVII, conservate nella Bibl. naz. di Firenze , Firenze, Sansoni, 1953. 218 p.(Contributi alla Bibl. bibliogr. ital. 2).[1843]
  • ANGELERI, CARLO, Le stampe popolari a carattere profano nella Bibl. naz. di Firenze, Amor di libro , 1:41-48;113-20.[1844]
  • ARBER, AGNES, From Medieval Herbalism to the Birth of Modern Botany, Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 17-36.(Incl. survey of botanical lit. of the Renaissance).[1845]
  • ARBER, AGNES, Herbals, their Origin and Evolution . . . 2nd ed., rewritten and enlarged, Cambridge, Eng., 1953. xxiv, 326 p.[1846]
  • ASCARELLI, FERNANDA, La tipografia cinquecentina italiana , Firenze, Sansoni, 1953. 259 p.(Contr. alla Biblioteca bibl. ital. 1).[1847]
  • AUER, ALBERT, Leidenstheologie im Spätmittelalter , St. Ottilien, Eos Verl., 1952. 142 p.(Incl. ms. tradition of the De duodecim utilitatibus tribulationum and bibl. of four English imprints: Duff 400; ed. 1530; Duff 365; ed. 1511).[1848]
  • AVILA, DIEGO G. de, Panegirico à la Reina Doña Isabel . . . [Valladolid, 1509, facs.:] Madrid, Real Acad. esp., 1951. 2,20,1l.[1849]
  • [BALDINI, UMBERTO], La mostra vasariana, Firenze . . . 1950; Catalogo, Studi vasariani , Firenze, Sansoni, 1952, pp. 257-87.(Bibliogr. descr. of 1st ed., 1550, and subsequent eds.)[1850]
  • BARONCELLI, UGO, Catalogo degli incunabuli della Biblioteca Ugo da Como di Lonato. . . , Firenze, Olschki, 1953. 172, 4 p. illus.(Bibl. di bibliogr. ital. 25).[1851]
  • BELLONI, LUIGI, Die figurierte Nomenklatur der aüsseren Körperteile des Menschen in der Tradition der griechischen Manuskripte und in den ersten gedruckten anatomischen Büchern [Hundt, Vesalius, Casserius], Centaurus , 2:181-200.[1852]
  • BENZ, RICHARD, Geist und Gestalt im gedruckten Buch des 15. Jh., Stultifera Navis , 10:67-74.(Type, and book illustration); also published separately: Mainz, Gutenberg-Gessleschaft, 1953.[1853]
  • BERENGUER, ISIDRO A., Las secciones de incunables de las bibliotecas de Alicante y de Orihuela, Biblioteconomia , 8(1951):167-79.(Lists 105 incunabula).[1854]
  • BERNSTRÖM, GUSTAV, [16] Nyfunna danska och svenska 1500-talstryck, Nordisk tidskr. bok-och biblioteksv. , 40:51-63.[1855]

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  • BIAGIARELLI, BERTA M., Di una inesistente edizione dell' Imitazione di Cristo [Venice, 1496], Bibliofilia , 54(1952):47-8.[1856]
  • BIANCHI, VINCENZO, Le opere à stampa di Matthaeus Curtius, Boll. Soc. pavese di storia patria , n.s., 4(1952):91-4.[1857]
  • La BIBLE de Jean Grüninger, 1485 ; intr. de Paul Ahnne, Strasbourg, W. Fischer, 1952. 21 p. illus.(Les livres illustrés strasbourgeois du XVe siècle. 1).[1858]
  • BINNS, NORMAN E., An Introduction to Historical Bibliography , London, Assoc. of Asst. Libr., 1953. xii, 370 p., 1l.(Incl. sections on early printing, book illustration and binding).[1859]
  • BLOCH, JOSHUA, Zacuto and His Almanach perpetuum [1496, Stillwell Z14], BNYPL , 57:315-18.[1860]
  • BLUM, ANDRÉ, Réponse à l'article de M. Georges Dangon [Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1953): 17-24], Ibidem (1953):104-5.[1861]
  • BOGENG, G. A. E., Doppeldrucke [issues, variants], Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 9:161-2.[1862]
  • BOINET, AMÉDÉE, Un bibliophile français du XVIe siècle: Claude Gouffier, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):176-79.[1863]
  • BONACINI, CLAUDIO, Bibliografia delle arti scrittorie e della calligrafia , Firenze, Sansoni, 1953. 409 p.(Bibl. bibliogr. ital. 5. -Exhaustive bibliogr., incl. many 15th-16th cent. titles).[1864]
  • [BRITISH MUSEUM] Manuscripts and Printed Books from the Holkham Hall Library, British Museum Quart. , 17(1952):23-40.[1865]
  • BÜHLER, CURT F., The First Edition of The Abbey of the Holy Ghost [hitherto undescribed, Westminster, Wynkyn de Worde, 1496], SB , 6:101-6.[1865a]
  • BÜHLER, CURT F., Iberian Incunabula in America, Libr. Q. , 23:281-83.[1866]
  • BÜHLER, CURT F., Some Observations on The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers , Library , 5th ser., 8:77-88.[1867]
  • BÜHLER, CURT F., The Two Issues of the First Edition of . . . [Thomas de Hibernia's Manipulus florum HC. 8542,] Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):69-72.[1868]
  • BUTTERWORTH, CHARLES G., The English Primers (1529-45) . . ., Philadelphia, Univ. of Penna. Press, 1953. xiii, 340 p.[1869]
  • BUTTERWORTH, CHARLES G., Erasmus [N.T., Greek, 1516 and 1519] and Bilney and Foxe, BNYPL , 57:575-79.[1870]
  • BUTTERWORTH, CHARLES G., The Lord's Prayer is Printed in London [1500], [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 19:93-98.[1871]
  • CAMPBELL, DONALD, The Medical Curriculum of the Universities of Europe in the Sixteenth Century, with Special Reference to the Arab Tradition, Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 357-67.(Incl. survey of textbooks).[1872]
  • CARRIAZO, JUAN de MATA, El Breve parte [de las hazañas del excelente nombrado Gran Capitán, Sevilla, 1527], Arch. hisp. , 2:51-74.[1873]
  • CLEMENS, P., Old New Year Cards, Graphis , 9:386-93; 420-21.(Incl. notes on 15th and 16th cent. printed cards).[1874]
  • CORDIÉ, CARLO, Ricerche bibliografiche intorno a Teofilo Folengo [ristampa delle “Maccheronee,” Fratelli da Legnano, 1520, and Arrivabene, 1520], Miscellanea Giovanni Galbiati , Milan, Hoepli, 1951, v. 2, pp. 329-40.(Fontes ambrosiani. v. 25-27).[1875]
  • CORTESÃO, ARMANDO, Nautical Science and the Renaissance, Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 303-16. (Incl. brief survey of literature).[1876]
  • DAGENS, JEAN, Bibliographie chronologique de la littérature de spiritualité et de ses sources (1501-1610), Paris, Brouwer, 1952. 208 p., 1l.(Chronol. arranged shorttitle listing of devotional lit. in its broadest sense).[1877]
  • DALBANNE, CLAUDE, Jacques Vise, cartier Lyonnais (1481-1517), Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):62-4.[1878]
  • DANGON, GEORGES, Gutenberg est bien le premier inventeur de l'imprimerie, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1953):17-24.[1879]
  • DANGON, GEORGES, Une cause célèbre, Coster contre Gutenberg, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1952):68-76.[1880]
  • DAVIDSSON, ÅKE, Catalogue critique et descriptif des imprimés de musique des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, conservés dans les bibliothèques suédoises (excepté la Bibl. de l'Univ. roy. d'Upsala), Upsala, 1952. 471 p.(Studia musicologica upsaliensia. 1.—Cf. Check List no. 980).[1881]
  • DAVIDSSON, ÅKE, Catalogue critique et descriptif des ouvrages théoretiques sur la musique, imprimés au XVIe et au XVIIe siècles et conservés dans les bibliothèques suédoises , Ibidem, 1953. 83 p.(Studia musicologica upsaliensia. 2).[1882]

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  • DE GRAAF, B., Alardus Amstelredamus, 1494-1544; a Bibliographical List of [35] Books Written or Edited by Him, Folium , 3:44-57.[1883]
  • DEL ARCO, RICARDO, Un panegírico de Fernando el Católico por el humanista Juan Sobrarias [Zaragossa, 1511], Bol. Real Acad. esp. , 32(1952):193-222.[1884]
  • DELARUE, HENRI, Trouvailles bibliographiques [Breviary for Bourges, Paris, Wolf, 1487-97; undescribed fragment of 8l., and a Primer, Geneva, Pomard?, 1534?], Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 15:161-63.[1885]
  • DONATI, LAMBERTO, Un' edizione non individuata del "Missale Zagrabiense" [Venice, 1511], Bibliofilia , 55:131-33.[1885a]
  • DONATI, LAMBERTO, Iniziali con la corona, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):9-10.[1886]
  • DONATI, LAMBERTO, Le problème de Lienhart Ysenhut, Libri , 2:320-25.[1887]
  • DORGAN, CORNELIA W., Le Roman de la rose , 1526, BPLQ , 6:58-61.[1888]
  • DRESLER, ADOLF, Augsburg und die Frühgeschichte der Presse , München, Pohl, 1952. 87 p.(With list of printers and bibliography of “Neue Zeitungen”).[1889]
  • DUBLANC, JOHANN, Heures à l'usage de Rome, Paris [Kerver] 1512, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1952):123-27.[1890]
  • DUHEM, J., Bibliotheca aeronautica vetustissima; inventaire des écrits laissés par l'antiquité classique sur le pouvoir du vol, Bull. du biblioph . (1953):259-76.(To be cont.— With short-title bibliogr.)[1891]
  • [DUMRESE, HANS], Buchdruck, Bucheinband und Druckgraphik in Lüneburg von der Renaissance bis zum Rokoko , Lüneburg, Museumsverein, 1953. 7l.[1892]
  • DUVAL, MICHEL, Le livre et sa diffusion en Bretagne dans la première moitié du XVIe siècle, Mém. Soc. d'hist. et arch. de Bretagne , 32(1952):31-61.[1893]
  • EDLER DE ROVER, FLORENCE, New Facets on the Financing and Marketing of Early Printed Books, Bull. Business Hist. Soc. , 27:22-30.[1894]
  • EDLER DE ROVER, FLORENCE, Per la storia dell'arte della stampa in Italia; come furono stampati a Venezia tre dei primi libri in volgare, Bibliofilia , 55:107-17.[1895]
  • EIS, GERHARD, Beiträge zur spätmittelalterlichen Prosa aus Handschriften und Frühdrucken [Andreas Proles, H.13394 and Reichl.I,693; 3 undescribed astron. fragments by S. Eyssenmann, ca.1515-20], JEGP , 52:76-89.[1896]
  • FERRARA, BIBLIOTECA COMUNALE ARIOSTEA, Edizioni Savonaroliane della Biblioteca . . ., Ferrara, 1952. xiv, 134p.[1897]
  • FIOR DI VIRTÙ , The Florentine Fior de Virtù of 1491, Translated into English by Nicholas Fersin, With Facsimile of All of the Original Woodcuts , [Philadelphia], Published for the Library of Congress, 1953. xxxi, 119p.[1898]
  • GALEAZZI, A. G., Fernando Colombo, bibliofilo, bibliotecario, storico, Accad. e bibl. d'Italia , 21:31-35.[1899]
  • GELDNER, FERDINAND, Bamberger und Nürnberger Lederschnittbände; Festgabe der Bayrischen Staatsbibliothek für Karl Schottenloher, mit einer Bibliographie der Veröffentlichungen Karl Schottenlohers von O. Schottenloher, München, Zink, 1953. 58p.[1900]
  • GELDNER, FERDINAND, Deutsche Buchdrucker des 15. Jh. als Mitglieder der Römischen Bruderschaften, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):209-14.[1901]
  • GRAYSON, CECIL, Notes on the Texts of Some Vernacular Works of Leon Battista Alberti, Rinascimento , 3(1952):211-44.(Incl. early printed eds. in the collation of texts).[1901a]
  • GUIGNARD, JACQUES, Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens, 1525-36, Bull. Assoc. G. Budé , ser. 3(1953):43-73.(L'humanisme européen et les civilisations d'Extrême-Asie. Cycle 1).[1902]
  • GUSMAO, A., Livros impresos do sec.XVI existentes na Bibl. publ. e Arq. distrital de Evora, A cidade de Evora , 9(1952):217-93.[1903]
  • GUTENBERG MUSEUM, MAINZ, Ausstellung . . . 1953. Grosse Drucker von Gutenberg bis Bodoni . . . , Mainz, 1953. 50p. 1l. ports.(Kleiner Druck der Gutenberg-Gesellsch., 54.—Short sketches of Gutenberg, Schöffer, Mentelin, Pfister, G. and J. Zainer, Koberger, Ratdolt, Drach, Aldus, Amerbach, Froben, Quentell, Schönsperger, Giunta, Lotter, Luft, Froschauer, Estienne, Egenolff, etc.)[1904]

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  • HARASZTI, ZOLTAN, Centennial Exhibit in the Treasure Room, BPLQ , 6:3-22.(Review of exhibit, incl. early printed books).[1905]
  • HARBOE, HENRIK, Litt svensk-norsk bokhistorie bielke-Gyllenstierna [Gustavus Vasa Bible], Nordisk tidsk. bok-och biblioteksv. , 40:64-70.[1906]
  • HASE, MARTIN von, Erfurter Kleindrucker des zweiten Viertels des 16. Jh. [A. Rauscher], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):92-5.(Cf. Selective Check List, no. 1373).[1907]
  • HAZAÑAS Y LA RUA, JOAQUÍN, La imprenta en Sevilla: Arte tipogr. . . . hasta el siglo XIX , Sevilla, Diput. prov., 1952. v. 1-).[1908]
  • HEGG, PETER, Ein unbekannter Apiarius Druck [Utz Eckstein, Concilium, Bern, ca. 1550, incl. fragments of proofs found in binding], Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum (1953):51-66.[1909]
  • HELWIG, HELLMUTH, Handbuch der Einbandkunde , [Hamburg], Maximilan-Ges., 1953. (v.1:226p.)[1909a]
  • HIRSCH, RUDOLF, The First Printed Protestant “Eheordnung” [1534-36], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):96-7.[1910]
  • HOLTER, KURT, Über einige Privatbibliotheken des 15. Jh., Das Antiquariat , 9:137-39.[1911]
  • HOOGEWERFF, GOFFREDO, L'editore del Vasari: Lorenzo Torrentino [1547 etc.], Studi vasariani , Firenze, Sansoni, 1952, pp. 93-104.[1912]
  • HORODISCH, A., Betrachtungen aus Anlass einer Buchausstellung [Italian books, London, 1953], Stultifera Navis , 10:130-36.(Emphasis on early printed books).[1913]
  • HUMBERT, DENISE, Inventaire des incunables de la bibliothèque Victor Cousin, Bull. du bibliophile (1952):309-18;(1953):29-51(Cf. Check List, no. 1332).[1914]
  • HUNGER, HERBERT, Michael Servet und das Exemplar seiner Restitutio christianismi in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Biblos , 1(1952):63-78.(Incl. pre-history of 1553 ed.)[1915]
  • JACKSON, WILLIAM A., Three Printed English Indulgences at Harvard, HLB , 7:229-31.[1916]
  • JANOT, J. M., Les moulins à papier de la région vosgienne , Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1952. 2v.(From 15th-19th cent.—With repr. of watermarks).[1917]
  • JOHNSON, FRANCIS R., Astronomical Text-Books in the Sixteenth Century, Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 285-302.[1918]
  • JUEGO DEL AJEDREZ , dechado de la vida humana [Valladolid, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, 1549, facs.:] Valencia, Ed. Castalia, 1953. 531.[1919]
  • JUNTKE, FRITZ, Jacobus van der Meer und der holländische Sachsenspiegel [GW. 9270, with correction from newly discovered complete copy], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):65-8.[1920]
  • KAHLER, ERNST, Karlstadt und Augustin; der Kommentar des Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt zu Augustinus Schrift “De spiritu et litera” [Wittenberg, 1517-19], Halle, Niemeyer, 1952. 62
    , 134p.(Hallische Monographien. Nr. 19—“Gestalt und Geschichte des Drucks,” pp. 45
  • KING, K. C., Das Lied vom hürnen Seyfrid: the Printers and Orthography of a Sixteenth-Century Text [ca.1524-1642], Bull. John Rylands Library , 35:61-87.(Develops stemma of printed eds. for text-critical purposes).[1922]
  • KINSMAN, R. S., The Printer and Date of Publication of Skelton's Agaynste a Comely Coystrowne [STC.22611] and Dyuers Balettys [STC.22604], HLQ , 16:203-10.[1923]
  • KNAUS, HERMANN, Heroldsromantik; zwei Blätter Michael Ostendorfers mit einem Spruchgedicht von Hans Sachs, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):86-91.[1924]
  • KRIEG, WALTER, Materialien zu einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bücherpreise und des Autoren-Honorars vom 15. bis zum 20. Jh. , Vienna [etc.], Stubenrauch, 1953. 250p.(Repr. in large parts from Das Antiquariat, cf. no. 904 of the Check List).[1925]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Een Latijnse Broederschapsbrief, in de Nederlanden Gedrukt [1515 or 1516], Het Boek , 31:173-78.[1926]
  • KRONENBERG, M. E., Uitgaven van Luther in de Nederlanden Verschenen tot 1541, Nederl. Arch. v. Kerkgesch. , 40:1-25.[1927]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Bamberger und Nürnberger Lederschnittbände, Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 9:345-46.[1928]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Nürnberger Einbände der Spätgotik, Börsenblatt (Aus dem Antiquariat), 9:519-20.[1929]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Schenkungsexemplare bekannter Drucker des 15. Jh., Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):36-8.[1929a]

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  • KYRISS, ERNST, Spätgotische Einbände im Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Zeitschr. f. württ. Landesgesch. , 11(1952):244-46.[1930]
  • KYRISS, ERNST, Stuttgarter Buchbinder der Renaissance, 1540-1630, Zentralbl. für Bibliotheksw. , 67:173-91.[1931]
  • LANCKORONSKA, MARIA, Das Lieblingsornament des Petrarcameisters, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):78-85.[1932]
  • LANCKORONSKA, MARIA, Der Petrarcameister und die Reformation, Imprimatur , 11(1952-53):162-74.[1932a]
  • LAURENT, MARIE H., Essai de bibliographie Catherinienne [Catherine of Siena]; les premières editions italiennes, Arch. fratrum praedictaorum , 20(1951):349-68.[1933]
  • LEWICKA-KAMINSKA, ANNA, Inkunabuł Biblioteki Jagiellońskeij nr. 2267 żródłem przewrotu w dotychczasowych badaniach nad Gutenbergiem, Przegląd Biblioteczny , 20(1952):222-32.(Criticism of Wehmer's theory on printer of 1448 calendar).[1934]
  • LODOVICI, SERGIO S., Un libro d'eccezione, “Il Valturio” [De re militari, Verona, 1472], Linea grafica , 5(1952):16-20.[1935]
  • LUCHSINGER, F., Der Basler Buchdruck als Vermittler italienischen Geistes, 1470-1529 , Basel, Helbing and Lichtenhahn, 1953. viii, 144p.(Basler Beitr. z. Geschichtswissenschaft. 45).[1936]
  • LUCIA, GIOVANNOZZI, Contributo alla bibliografia delle opere del Savonarola; edizioni dei sec. XV e XVI . . . Catalogo della Mostra savonaroliana . . . nel Museo di S. Marco in Firenze , Firenze, 1953. 170, 5p. illus.(271 nos. bibliogr., 237 nos. in exhibition cat.)[1937]
  • LUELFING, HANS, Universität, Buchdruck und Buchhandel in Wittenberg, vornehmlich im 16. Jh., Vierhundertfünfzig Jahre Martin Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg , Halle a. S., 1953, v. 1, pp. 377-91.[1938]
  • MARCHETTI, ITALIANO, Di Bernardo Giambullari fiorentino [Reichl. IV, 1219, etc.], Amor di libro , 1:25-34;97-102;167-75;225-32.[1939]
  • [MARTÍNEZ DE CALA Y JARAVA, ANTONIO] Vocabulario español-latino por Elio Antonio de Nebrija (Salamanca, 1495?), Madrid, R. Acad. esp., 1951, 181.(Nueva col. de facs. 4).[1940]
  • MARX, MOSES, A Catalogue of the Hebrew Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, Now in the Library of the Hebrew Union College [Cincinnati], Studies in Bibliography and Booklore , 1:21-47.(List of 65 titles).[1941]
  • MAYER, C. A., Une édition inconnue de Clément Marot [Petit traicté contenant plusieurs chantz royaulx, Paris, Jean de Saint-Denis, 1532], Bull. du biblioph. (1953):151-66.[1942]
  • MAYER, C. A., Le texte de Marot, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 15:71-91.(Cont. from Check List, no. 1421).[1943]
  • MELI, FILIPPO, Documenti inediti sull'arte della stampa e sul commercio librario in Palermo nel periodo della Rinascenza, Archivi , ser.2, 19(1952):211-13.[1944]
  • MENDOZA, IÑIGO de, Vita Christi, fecho en coplas (Zamora 1492); sale nuevamente a luz reproducida en facs. por acuerdo de la Real Acad. esp., Madrid, 1953. 3,40,1l.[1945]
  • MERCATI, G., Note per la storia di alcune biblioteche romane nei sec. XVI-XIX , Città del Vaticano, 1952. 4l., 190p.(Studi e testi. no. 164).[1946]
  • MONTEIRO, HERNANI, M. F. ASHLEY MONTAGU, C. D. O'MALLEY and J. B. de C. M. SAUNDERS [Articles on Vesalius and his Fabrica], Science, Medicine and History [Singer Festschrift], London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953, pp. 368-400.[1947]
  • MORISON, STANLEY, Some New Light on Verini [Secreti e modi bellissimi, 1530-35; Luminario libro 7, ca.1527; Luminario, 1538], Newberry Libr. Bull. , 3:41-5.[1948]
  • MORISON, STANLEY, A Tally of Types, Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1953. 102p.[1949]
  • MORTIMER, JEAN E., An Unrecorded Caxton at Ripon Cathedral [Laurentius Guilelmus of Savona, Epitome margaritae eloquentiae, ca. 1480], Library , 5th ser., 8:37-42.[1950]
  • NÉRET, JEAN A., Histoire illustrée de la librairie et du livre français , Paris, Lamarre, 1953. 397p. illus.[1951]
  • NESBITT, CHARLES F., Mercenary Motives in the Production of the English Bible in the Early Sixteenth Century, Anglican Theol. Rev. , 34:154-66.[1952]
  • NETTER, MARIA, Freiheit und Bindung in der Bibelillustration der Renaissance, Schweizer Gutenbergmuseum , 4:155-87.(Iconogr. of Bible illus.)[1953]

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  • NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, Fifty Incunabula Added to the Library's Collection, BNYPL , 57:107-13.[1954]
  • NIXON, HOWARD M., English Bookbindings: VI; an Early English Panel-Stamped Binding [B.M. I.A. 55550, ca.1500-20], The Book Collector (1953):140-2.[1955]
  • NURMELA, TAUNO, Manuscrits et éditions du Corbaccio de Boccace [eds.1487-1563], Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 54:102-34.[1956]
  • OHLY, KURT, Ein unbeachteter illustrierter Druck Eggesteins [Lucian, Goldener Esel, Schreiber 3346], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):50-61.[1957]
  • PARIS, GALERIE ROYALE, Exposition de 181 manuscrits, incunables et autres éditions rares de la Bibliotheca judaica Simonensiana de Copenhague . . . 1952 [Catalogue par D. Jassine], Paris, Ed. polyglottes, 1952. 64p.(Chefs-d'oeuvres hébraiques de la Bibl. royale de Copenhagen).[1958]
  • PEDRETTI, CARLO, L'arte della stampa in Leonardo da Vinci, Linea grafica , 5(1952):184-93.[1959]
  • PEDRO, DIEGO de, Tratado de amores de Arnalte y Lucenda . . . (Burgos, 1491), [repr.:] Madrid, Real Acad. esp., 1952. 71l.[1960]
  • PERRAT, CHARLES, Sur un tas de prognostications de Louvain, François Rabelais , Genève, Droz [etc., etc.], 1953, pp. 60-73.(With list of 29 prognostications, 1475-1560, incl. hitherto undescribed titles).[1961]
  • PFISTER, ARNOLD, Das schweizer Inkunabelinventar Nachr. Ver. Schweiz. Biblioth. , 29:155-70.[1962]
  • PLACE, EDWIN B., The Edition of the Amadis of Saragosse, 1521, Hisp. Rev. , 21:140-42.[1963]
  • QUARANTA, EMANUELA, Osservazioni intorno al caratteri greci di Aldo Manuzio, Bibliofilia , 55:123-30.[1964]
  • REICHLING, D., Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium bibliographicum additiones et emendationes . . . [Repr.:] Milano, Görlich, 1953. 2v.[1965]
  • RENOUARD, A. A., Annales de l'imprimerie des Aldes . . . [facs. repr. of the 3rd, best ed., 1834], Bologna, 1953. xvi, 582p., 3l., lxviiip, 2l, 8p.[1966]
  • RHODES, D. E., The British Museum's Copy of a Rare Book from Brescia [Giordano Ruffo, Arte de cognoscere la natura d'caual, tr. by G. Bruno, ed. Brescia, Thomas Fernandus, 1504], SB , 6:231-2.[1967]
  • RHODES, D. E., The 1472 Paris Edition of Plato's Letters, Library , 5th ser., 8:197-201.[1968]
  • RHODES, D. E., An Indulgence Printed at Mondovì in 1487 [hitherto undescribed], British Museum Quart. , 18:69-70.(Cf. Check List. no. 1443).[1969]
  • RHODES, D. E., A Note on Some Fragments of Vegetius from Augsburg [G. Zainer], Library , 5th ser., 8:36-7.[1970]
  • RICHTER, B. L. O., Printers and Poets; notes on Giolito and the Petrarchists, [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 19:77-92.(Deals primarily with the Rime diverse series).[1971]
  • RIDOLFI, ROBERTO, Del carattere italico aldino nel sec. XV, Bibliofilia , 55:119-22.[1972]
  • ROGERS, DAVID, The Holkham Collection, Bodleian Libr. Rec. , 4:255-67.(Sections on incunabula, STC books, English plays, and Italian books to 1601).[1973]
  • ROSENTHAL, ERWIN, Concerning the Dating of Rüst's and Sporer's World Maps, PBSA , 47:156-58.[1974]
  • RUYSSCHAERT, JOSE, A Note of the “First” Edition [1470, H.10269] of the Latin Translation of Some of Lucian of Samosata's Dialogues, Journ. Warburg Courtauld Inst. , 16:161-62.(Cf. Check List, no. 889).[1975]
  • SALLANDER, H., Eine neuentdeckte Ausgabe des Balsam Mariae Magdalenae [Nürnberg, Creussner, ca.1480], Nordisk tidskr. för bok-ock biblioteksv. , 40:34-36.[1976]
  • SANTIFALLER, LEO, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Beschreibstoffe im Mittelalter , Graz [etc.], Böhlau, 1953. Teil 1-(Mitt. d. Inst. f. österr. Geschichtsforschung. Erg. Bd. 16, H. 1-).[1977]
  • SARTORI, CLAUDIO, Bibliografia della musica strumentale italiana stampato in Italia fine al 1700 , Florence, Olschki, 1952. xxiv, 652p.[1978]
  • SARTORI, CLAUDIO, Nuove conclusive aggiunte alla “Bibliografia del Petrucci” [Firenze, 1948], Firenze, Olschki, 1953. 36p.(Offprint from Coll. hist. musicae, v. 1).[1979]
  • SAULNIER, V. L., Notice sur deux poètes du règne de François Ier: Jacques le Gros [Temple d'honneur, 1504; Les excellentes vaillances, n.d.], Robert Cusson, Bull. du biblioph . (1953):167-75;207-16.[1980]

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  • [SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO] La Bibliofilia , anno 55, dispensa 1a, nel V centenario di Girolamo Savonarola, Firenze, Olschki, 1953. 84p.(Contents: R. RIDOLFI, Il quinto centenario . . . —R. BLUM, Un inedito documento . . . —L. DONATI, Di una figura savonaroliana.—A. de RUBERTIS, La censura delle opere di . . . Savonarola.—G. AVANZI, Le bibliografie savonaroliane.—Recensioni).[1981]
  • SCHELER, LUCIEN, Un quatrième exemplaire des “Grandes et inestimables chroniques” [de Rabelais], Lyon, 1532, Francois Rabelais , Genève, Droz [etc., etc.], 1953, pp. 44-52.(Descr. a hitherto unknown issue).[1982]
  • SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, A Folio With a Strange Device [J. Lindholtz, Arbores consanquinitatis, Strassburg, Schott, 1516], Library , 5th ser., 7(1952):273-75.[1983]
  • SCHOLDERER, VICTOR, An Unrecorded Early Printing Centre [Psalterium, Castano Primo, Joh. Ant. de Cornate, 1486], Library , 5th ser., 8:128-29.[1984]
  • SCHOTTENLOHER, KARL, Ein fürstlicher Bücherliebhaber der Renaissance [Ottheinrich, Pfalz-Neuburg, with notes on the printing press of Hans Kilian in Neuburg], Gutenburg Jahrb. (1953):180-88.[1985]
  • SCHULZ, HERBERT C., Albrecht Pfister and the Nürnberg Woodcut School [the British Museum and the Huntington Library Passion series], Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):39-49.[1986]
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  • SCHUNKE, ILSE, Die vier Meister der Farnese-Plaketteneinbände, Bibliofilia , 54(1952):57-91.(With list of bindings described).[1989]
  • SELECTIVE CHECK LIST of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1952 , SB , 6:266-86.(Pp. 266-72 cover incunabula and early Renaissance).[1990]
  • SERVOLINI, LUIGI, Le xilografie di Ugo da Carpi, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1953):105-10.[1991]
  • SHEPPARD, L. A., The Early Provenance of the Museum Copy of the Missal Printed at Rome by S. Plannck, 1496, British Museum Quart. , 16:2-4.[1992]
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  • STEIGER, C. F. de, Die Bibliothek des Berner Schultheissen Johannes Steiger [1518-81], Stultifera Navis , 10:44-54.(With list of 16 titles, 1530-75).[1999]
  • STONE, HOWARD, The French Language in Renaissance Medicine, Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 15:315-46.(With chronol. list of 16th cent. medical writings in French: I. Translations. II. French originals).[2000]
  • SURTZ, E. L., Thomas More and the Great Books, PQ , 32:43-57.(Comparison of More's Utopia with Erasmus' Plan of Study, etc.)[2001]
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