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1. Part I: INCUNABULA and EARLY RENAISSANCE by Rudolf Hirsch
- ACHTNICH, W. H. Katalog der biblischen Bilder aus Albert Schramms Bilderschmuck der Frühdrucke , Berne, Achtnich, 1949.[1]
- BAUER, K. F. Gutenberg und der Weg des Abendlands , Frankfurt a.M., Der goldene Brunnen, 1949.[2]
- BENNETT, H. S. “Printers, Authors, and Readers, 1475-1557,” Library , 5th ser., 4:155-65.[3]
- BENZING, JOSEPH, comp. Aloys Ruppel: Verzeichnis seiner Schriften , Mainz, Gutenbergmuseum, 1949.[4]
- BLASER, FRITZ. “Daten zur Geschichte der graphischen Gewerbe in der Schweiz,” Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum (1948), pp. 136-62(Years 1314-1600 occupy pp. 138-44).[5]
- BOUCHEREAUX, S. M. “Recherches bibliographiques sur Gilles Corrozet,” Bull. du Biblioph . (1948), 134-51, 204-20, 291-301, 324-36, 393-411, 470-78, 532-38, 584-96; (1949) 35-47, 93-107, 147-54, 196-202.[6]
- BOWERS, F. Principles of Bibliographical Description , Princeton 1949 (“Incunabula” [chap. 9], pp. 322-51; “Some application of formulary notation to incunabula” [app. III], 487-99).[7]
- BOWERS, F. “Printing Evidence in Wynkyn de Worde's Edition of The Life of Johan Picus by St. Thomas More,” BSA , 43:398-99.[8]
- BRACKER, F. “The Lost Book of Privileges of Columbus Located and Identified,” HLQ , 12:401-7.[9]
- BROWN, R. B. “The Printed Works of Isidore of Seville,” Univ. Kentucky Occ. Contr. , no. 5(mimeographed).[10]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “The British Museum's Fragment of Lydgate's Horse, Sheep, and Goose, Printed by William Caxton,”, BSA , 43:397-98.[11]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “The Fleurs de toutes vertus,” PMLA , 64:600-1.[12]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “Incunabula,” in Standards of Bibliographical Description , Univ. Penn., 1949.[13]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “The Incunabula of the Grenville Kane Collection,” Princeton Univ. Libr. Chron. , 11:26-36.[14]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “A Note on a Fifteenth Century Printing Technique,” Univ. Penn. Libr. Chron. , 15:52-55(blind impressions).[15]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “Seven Variants in The Chastising of God's Children,” BSA , 43:75-78.[16]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “A Spanish Incunable,” BSA , 43:191(deletion of Gesamtkatalog no. 7251 since printed after 1501).[17]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “The Statistics of Scientific incunabula,” Isis , 39 (1948), 163-68.[18]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “Stop-Press and Manuscript Corrections in the Aldine edition of Benedetti's Diaria de bello Carolino,” BSA , 43:365-73.[19]
- BUTTER WORTH, C. C. “Early Primers for the Use of Children,” BSA , 43:374-82.[20]
- BUTTER WORTH, C. C. “Robert Redman's Prayer of the Bible [1535],” Library , 5th ser., 3:279-86.[21]
- CAPLAN, H. & H. H. KING, “Latin Tractates on Preaching; a Booklist,” Harvard Theol. Rev. , 42:185-206.[22]
- CHAMARD, H. “Bibliographie des éditions de Joachim du Bellay,” Bull. du Biblioph . (1949), 400-15, 445-63.[23]
- DE LA FONTAINE VERWEY, H. & M. JACOPS & L. GILKENS. “Hendrik van Brederode en de Drukkerijen van Vianen (1563-66),” Het Boek , 30:3-41.[24]
- DEMPSTER, G. “The Fifteenth-Century Editors of the Canterbury Tales and the Problem of Tale Order,” PMLA , 64:1123-42.[25]
- D'EVELYN, C. “Notes on Some Interrelations between the Latin and English Texts of the Ancren Riwle,” PMLA , 64:1164-79.[26]
- DONATI, L. “L'ancora aldina,” Bibliofilia , 50 (1948), 179-82.[27]
- DONATI, L. “Discorso sulle illustrazioni dell' Esopo di Napoli (1485) e sulla Passio Zilografica,” Bibliofilia , 50 (1948), 53-107.[28]
- DOYLE, A. I. “Two Medieval Calendars and other Leaves Removed by John Bowtell from University Library MSS.,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:29-36.[29]
- EVOLA, N. D. Libro e Cultura in Sicilia nel Secolo XVI , Palermo, Priulla, 1949.[30]
- FAYE, C. U. Fifteenth Century Printed Books at the University of Illinois , Univ. Illinois Press, 1949.[31]
- FERGUSON, F. S. “John Siberch of Cambridge; an Unrecorded Book from his Press,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. 1:41-45(for a binding on a Siberch book, see further pp. 46-47).[32]
- GOFF, F. R. “Early Music in the Rare Books Division of the Library of Congress,” Music Libr. Assn. Notes , 6 (1948), 58-74.[33]
- GOLDSCHMIDT, E. P. “An Italian Panel-Stamped Binding of the Fifteenth Century,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:37-40.[34]
- HIND, ARTHUR M. Early Italian Engraving , 3 vol., London, Quaritch, 1949.[35]
- HOBSON, G. D. “`Et amicorum',” Library , 5th ser., 4:87-99(Grolier's books).[36]
- HUSNER, F. “Die Editio princeps des Corpus historiae byzantinae, Johannes Oporin, Hieronymus Wolf und die Fugger,” in Festschrift Karl Schwarber, Basle, 1949, 143-62.[37]
- HUESCA. BIBLIOTECA PUBLICA PROVINCIAL. Incunables de la Biblioteca . . . Catalogo descriptivo . . . por Isidoro Montiel , Madrid, Cuerp facult. de arch., bibl. y arqueol., 1949.[38]
- Huldeboek Pater Dr. Bonaventura Kruitwagen. O. F. M. , The Hague, Nijhoff, 1949 (41 contr. honor famous Dutch incunabulist).[39]
- JEREMY, M, Sister. “Caxton's original additions to the Legenda aurea,” MLN , 64:259-61.[40]
- KER, N. R. “Medieval Manuscripts from Norwich Cathedral Priory,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:1-28.[41]
- KRANS, G. H. A. “Steven Joessen, Drukker en Uitgever te Kampen van c. 1550-1581,” Het Boek , 30:91-115(incl. catalogue of 30 Joessen imprints).[42]
- KRUITWAGEN, B. “De Freeska Landriucht-Drukkerij [Friesland?, ca. 1485-90],” Het Boek , 29:213-37.[43]
- KYRISS, E. “Der verzierte gotische Einband des deutschen Sprachgebiets,” Zentralbl. für Bibliotheksw. , 63:192-205.[44]
- LAURENT, M. H. “Alde Manuzio l'ancien éditeur de S. Catherine de siena (1500),” Traditio , 6(1948), 357-63.[45]
- LE GEAR, C. E. “Sixteenth Century Maps Presented [to the Library of Congress] by Lessing J. Rosenwald,” Libr. Congress Quart. Journ. , 6:18-22.[46]
- LEGMAN, G. “A Word on Caxton's Dictes,” Library , 5th ser., 3:155-85.[47]
- LEHMANN, P. “Der Reformator Johannes Hessius als humanistisch gerichteter Büchersammler,” Medievalia et Humanistica , 5 (1948), 84-87.[48]
- LEPORACE, T. G. “La società tipografica Beretta-Gerardengo (1479-1492) nei documenti inediti coevi,” Bibliofilia , 50 (1948), 24-52(incl. catalogue of 61 imprints).[49]
- MALONE, K. “Readings from the Thorkelian Transcripts of Beowulf,” PMLA , 64:1190-1218.[50]
- MARSTON, T. E. “The Rabinowitz Incunabula [at Yale],” Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 24:37-39.(see also L. Nemey, ibid., 95-96).[51]
- MENDENHALL, T. C. “A Library of Nautical Americana and Early Books on Navigation,” Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 24:70-73(Henry C. Taylor collection, 1471-1551 imprints).[52]
- MESEGUER FERNÁNDEZ, J. “Impreso raro [Reformationes ord. frat. Min., called Estatutos alejandrinos, Barcelona] 1540, y algunos documentos de interés, 1517,” Árch. Ibero-Americano , 9: 34:239-54.[53]
- MITCHELL, W. S. “Hector Boece's Copy of Galen's Thegni [1515],” Aberdeen Univ. Rev. , 33:34-35.[54]
- MONTENOVESI, O. “Un gruppo di incunaboli nell' Archivio di Roma,” Archivi , ser. 2, 11-16: 5-10.[55]
- MUNBY, A. N. L. “Jacob Bryant's Caxton's: Some Additions to de Ricci's Census,” Library , 5th ser., 3:218-22.[56]
- OATES, J. C. T. “The `Costerian' Liber precum,” Library , 5th ser., 3:65-66.[57]
- OATES, J. C. T. “The G. U. Yule Collection of the Imitatio Christi in the Library of St. John's College,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:88-90.[58]
- PENNICK, R. “Petrarca Teghen die Strael der Minnen; een Unicum van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek [Campbell 1393, Gouda, ca. 1484],” Het Boek , 29(1948), 239-53.[59]
- PERRAT, C. “Le Polydore Virgile [De rerum inventoribus, Lyons, Gryphius, 1546] de Rabelais,” Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 11:167-204.[60]
- RIDOLFI, R. “Nuovi contributi sulle `stamperie papali' di Paolo III,” Bibliofilia , 50(1948), 183-97.[61]
- RUPPEL, A. “Heinrich und Nikolaus Bechtermünze,” Nassauische Lebensbilder , 3:60-75.[62]
- RUYSSCHAART, J. “Autour des études de Juste Lipse sur Tacite; Examen de quelques Éditions du XVIe siècle,” Gulden Passer , 26:29-40.[63]
- SARTON, G. “Incunabula Wrongly Dated,” lsis , 40:227-40.[67]
- SARTORI, CLAUDIO. Bibliografia delle opere musicali stampata da Ottaviano Petrucci , Firenze, Olschki, 1948 (Bibl. di Bibliografia Ital. vol 18).[68]
- SAULNIER, V. L. “Deux oeuvres inconnues de Jean Sève [1558] et une Édition Inconnue de Baïf,” Bull. du Biblioph . (1949), 265-79.[69]
- SAULNIER, V. L. Maurice Scève , 2 vol., Paris, Klincksieck, 1948-49 (vol. 2 contains bibliography of Scève).[70]
- SCHAZMANN, P. E. “La Bulle d'excommunication de Georges de Supersaxo: un imprimé officiel de 1519, émenant de la chancellerie épiscopale de Bâle,” in Festschrift Karl Schwarber , Basle, 1949, 207-12.[71]
- SCHELER, L. “Jean de Brinon, bibliophile,” Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance,” 11:215-18.[72]
- SCHMIDT-KÜNSEMÜLIER, F. A. “Das Schriftmetall der ältesten deutschen Druckerzeugnisse,” Zentralbl. für Bibliotheksw. , 53:343-59.[73]
- SCHOLDERER, V. “The Beginnings of Printing at Basel,” Library , 5th ser., 3:50-54.[74]
- SCHOLDERER, V. “Hilprand Brandenburg and his Books,” Library , 5th ser., 4:196-201.[75]
- SCHOLDERER, V. “Printers and Readers in Italy in the Fifteenth Century,” Proc. British Acad. , 35(issued separately before complete volume).[76]
- SCHOLDERER, V. “Schoolmen and Printers in Old Cologne,” Library , 5th ser., 4:133-35.[77]
- SHEPPARD, L. A. “The Early Ownership of the British Museum Copy of Caxton's Recuyell of the Histories of Troy,” Library , 5th ser., 3:216-18.[78]
- STEPHANIDES, M. “Table chronologique d'histoire des sciences du XVIe siècle pour ce que regarde le monde grec,” Aroh. Intern. d'Hist. des Sciences , 9:1144-50(with listing of editions).[79]
- STRASBOURG BIBLIOTHÈQUE MUNICIPALE. Catalogue des incunables et des livres du XVIe siècle , Strasbourg, Heitz, 1948 (comp. by François Ritter).[80]
- TYLER, A. E. “The Chronology of the Estienne Editions, Paris, 1526-50: Old Style or New?” Library , 5th ser., 4:64-68.[81]
- VINDEL, F. El arte tipográfico en España durante el siglo XV. Zaragoza . . . . Madrid, Dir. de rel. cult., 1949.[82]
- WARDROP, J. “A Note on Giovanantonio Tagliente [Opera . . . a scrivere, Venice, 1524],” Signature , new ser., 8:57-61.[83]
- WEAD, E. “Early Binding Stamps of Religious Significance in Certain American Libraries: A Supplementary Report,” SB , 2:64-77.[84]
- WEINBERG, B. “Une édition du Dialogo contra i poeti de Berni [Ferrara, 1537; Modena, 1540; n.p., 1542],” Bull. du Biblioph . (1949), 33-34.[85]
- WIRIATH, R. “Les rapports de Josse Bade Ascensius avec Erasme et Lefebvre d'Etable,” Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 11:66-71.[86]


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