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Part I: Incunabula and Early Renaissance, by Rudolph Hirsch
Part II: Later Renaissance to the Present, by Lucy Clark and Fredson Bowers
A CHECK list of the previous year's bibliographical scholarship will hereafter become a regular department in Studies in Bibliography. The present list is experimental: overlooked items will be cumulated in the 1950 compilation. The editor would appreciate copies of off-prints or collected publications containing material for listing, although reviews cannot be undertaken. Interested persons are invited to send references to books or articles which should appear here. This annual listing does not propose to treat the large number of enumerative catalogues which acquaint scholars with secondary publications in their field or assist libraries in the performance of their duties. Instead, the single attempt is made to bring together a selective account of primary investigations dealing with printing and publishing history, and bibliographical treatment of authors and their books, together with such critical or textual studies as are based on bibliographical evidence or the interpretation of basic documents. The claims of history have not been entirely excluded under these conditions; but in general the emphasis in Part II is placed on English and American literature. In Part I some few works on manuscripts are noted, but no attempt has been made to collect this material comprehensively. The compilers gratefully acknowledge a number of items suggested by Mr. Rollo Silver and Mr. John Wyllie.
The following abbreviations have been used for certain periodicals:
AL American Literature
BSA | Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America |
HLQ | Huntington Library Quarterly |
JEGP | Journal of English and Germanic Philology |
MLN | Modern Language Notes |
NEQ | New England Quarterly |
N & Q | Notes and Queries |
NYPB | New York Public Library Bulletin |
PMLA | Publications of the Modern Language Association of America |
PQ | Philological Quarterly |
RES | Review of English Studies |
SB | Studies in Bibliography |
TLS | Times (London) Literary Supplement |

1. Part I: INCUNABULA and EARLY RENAISSANCE by Rudolf Hirsch
- ACHTNICH, W. H. Katalog der biblischen Bilder aus Albert Schramms Bilderschmuck der Frühdrucke , Berne, Achtnich, 1949.[1]
- BAUER, K. F. Gutenberg und der Weg des Abendlands , Frankfurt a.M., Der goldene Brunnen, 1949.[2]
- BENNETT, H. S. “Printers, Authors, and Readers, 1475-1557,” Library , 5th ser., 4:155-65.[3]
- BENZING, JOSEPH, comp. Aloys Ruppel: Verzeichnis seiner Schriften , Mainz, Gutenbergmuseum, 1949.[4]
- BLASER, FRITZ. “Daten zur Geschichte der graphischen Gewerbe in der Schweiz,” Schweizerisches Gutenbergmuseum (1948), pp. 136-62(Years 1314-1600 occupy pp. 138-44).[5]
- BOUCHEREAUX, S. M. “Recherches bibliographiques sur Gilles Corrozet,” Bull. du Biblioph . (1948), 134-51, 204-20, 291-301, 324-36, 393-411, 470-78, 532-38, 584-96; (1949) 35-47, 93-107, 147-54, 196-202.[6]
- BOWERS, F. Principles of Bibliographical Description , Princeton 1949 (“Incunabula” [chap. 9], pp. 322-51; “Some application of formulary notation to incunabula” [app. III], 487-99).[7]
- BOWERS, F. “Printing Evidence in Wynkyn de Worde's Edition of The Life of Johan Picus by St. Thomas More,” BSA , 43:398-99.[8]
- BRACKER, F. “The Lost Book of Privileges of Columbus Located and Identified,” HLQ , 12:401-7.[9]
- BROWN, R. B. “The Printed Works of Isidore of Seville,” Univ. Kentucky Occ. Contr. , no. 5(mimeographed).[10]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “The British Museum's Fragment of Lydgate's Horse, Sheep, and Goose, Printed by William Caxton,”, BSA , 43:397-98.[11]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “The Fleurs de toutes vertus,” PMLA , 64:600-1.[12]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “Incunabula,” in Standards of Bibliographical Description , Univ. Penn., 1949.[13]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “The Incunabula of the Grenville Kane Collection,” Princeton Univ. Libr. Chron. , 11:26-36.[14]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “A Note on a Fifteenth Century Printing Technique,” Univ. Penn. Libr. Chron. , 15:52-55(blind impressions).[15]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “Seven Variants in The Chastising of God's Children,” BSA , 43:75-78.[16]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “A Spanish Incunable,” BSA , 43:191(deletion of Gesamtkatalog no. 7251 since printed after 1501).[17]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “The Statistics of Scientific incunabula,” Isis , 39 (1948), 163-68.[18]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “Stop-Press and Manuscript Corrections in the Aldine edition of Benedetti's Diaria de bello Carolino,” BSA , 43:365-73.[19]
- BUTTER WORTH, C. C. “Early Primers for the Use of Children,” BSA , 43:374-82.[20]
- BUTTER WORTH, C. C. “Robert Redman's Prayer of the Bible [1535],” Library , 5th ser., 3:279-86.[21]
- CAPLAN, H. & H. H. KING, “Latin Tractates on Preaching; a Booklist,” Harvard Theol. Rev. , 42:185-206.[22]
- CHAMARD, H. “Bibliographie des éditions de Joachim du Bellay,” Bull. du Biblioph . (1949), 400-15, 445-63.[23]
- DE LA FONTAINE VERWEY, H. & M. JACOPS & L. GILKENS. “Hendrik van Brederode en de Drukkerijen van Vianen (1563-66),” Het Boek , 30:3-41.[24]
- DEMPSTER, G. “The Fifteenth-Century Editors of the Canterbury Tales and the Problem of Tale Order,” PMLA , 64:1123-42.[25]
- D'EVELYN, C. “Notes on Some Interrelations between the Latin and English Texts of the Ancren Riwle,” PMLA , 64:1164-79.[26]
- DONATI, L. “L'ancora aldina,” Bibliofilia , 50 (1948), 179-82.[27]
- DONATI, L. “Discorso sulle illustrazioni dell' Esopo di Napoli (1485) e sulla Passio Zilografica,” Bibliofilia , 50 (1948), 53-107.[28]
- DOYLE, A. I. “Two Medieval Calendars and other Leaves Removed by John Bowtell from University Library MSS.,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:29-36.[29]
- EVOLA, N. D. Libro e Cultura in Sicilia nel Secolo XVI , Palermo, Priulla, 1949.[30]
- FAYE, C. U. Fifteenth Century Printed Books at the University of Illinois , Univ. Illinois Press, 1949.[31]
- FERGUSON, F. S. “John Siberch of Cambridge; an Unrecorded Book from his Press,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. 1:41-45(for a binding on a Siberch book, see further pp. 46-47).[32]
- GOFF, F. R. “Early Music in the Rare Books Division of the Library of Congress,” Music Libr. Assn. Notes , 6 (1948), 58-74.[33]
- GOLDSCHMIDT, E. P. “An Italian Panel-Stamped Binding of the Fifteenth Century,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:37-40.[34]
- HIND, ARTHUR M. Early Italian Engraving , 3 vol., London, Quaritch, 1949.[35]
- HOBSON, G. D. “`Et amicorum',” Library , 5th ser., 4:87-99(Grolier's books).[36]
- HUSNER, F. “Die Editio princeps des Corpus historiae byzantinae, Johannes Oporin, Hieronymus Wolf und die Fugger,” in Festschrift Karl Schwarber, Basle, 1949, 143-62.[37]
- HUESCA. BIBLIOTECA PUBLICA PROVINCIAL. Incunables de la Biblioteca . . . Catalogo descriptivo . . . por Isidoro Montiel , Madrid, Cuerp facult. de arch., bibl. y arqueol., 1949.[38]
- Huldeboek Pater Dr. Bonaventura Kruitwagen. O. F. M. , The Hague, Nijhoff, 1949 (41 contr. honor famous Dutch incunabulist).[39]
- JEREMY, M, Sister. “Caxton's original additions to the Legenda aurea,” MLN , 64:259-61.[40]
- KER, N. R. “Medieval Manuscripts from Norwich Cathedral Priory,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:1-28.[41]
- KRANS, G. H. A. “Steven Joessen, Drukker en Uitgever te Kampen van c. 1550-1581,” Het Boek , 30:91-115(incl. catalogue of 30 Joessen imprints).[42]
- KRUITWAGEN, B. “De Freeska Landriucht-Drukkerij [Friesland?, ca. 1485-90],” Het Boek , 29:213-37.[43]
- KYRISS, E. “Der verzierte gotische Einband des deutschen Sprachgebiets,” Zentralbl. für Bibliotheksw. , 63:192-205.[44]
- LAURENT, M. H. “Alde Manuzio l'ancien éditeur de S. Catherine de siena (1500),” Traditio , 6(1948), 357-63.[45]
- LE GEAR, C. E. “Sixteenth Century Maps Presented [to the Library of Congress] by Lessing J. Rosenwald,” Libr. Congress Quart. Journ. , 6:18-22.[46]
- LEGMAN, G. “A Word on Caxton's Dictes,” Library , 5th ser., 3:155-85.[47]
- LEHMANN, P. “Der Reformator Johannes Hessius als humanistisch gerichteter Büchersammler,” Medievalia et Humanistica , 5 (1948), 84-87.[48]
- LEPORACE, T. G. “La società tipografica Beretta-Gerardengo (1479-1492) nei documenti inediti coevi,” Bibliofilia , 50 (1948), 24-52(incl. catalogue of 61 imprints).[49]
- MALONE, K. “Readings from the Thorkelian Transcripts of Beowulf,” PMLA , 64:1190-1218.[50]
- MARSTON, T. E. “The Rabinowitz Incunabula [at Yale],” Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 24:37-39.(see also L. Nemey, ibid., 95-96).[51]
- MENDENHALL, T. C. “A Library of Nautical Americana and Early Books on Navigation,” Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 24:70-73(Henry C. Taylor collection, 1471-1551 imprints).[52]
- MESEGUER FERNÁNDEZ, J. “Impreso raro [Reformationes ord. frat. Min., called Estatutos alejandrinos, Barcelona] 1540, y algunos documentos de interés, 1517,” Árch. Ibero-Americano , 9: 34:239-54.[53]
- MITCHELL, W. S. “Hector Boece's Copy of Galen's Thegni [1515],” Aberdeen Univ. Rev. , 33:34-35.[54]
- MONTENOVESI, O. “Un gruppo di incunaboli nell' Archivio di Roma,” Archivi , ser. 2, 11-16: 5-10.[55]
- MUNBY, A. N. L. “Jacob Bryant's Caxton's: Some Additions to de Ricci's Census,” Library , 5th ser., 3:218-22.[56]
- OATES, J. C. T. “The `Costerian' Liber precum,” Library , 5th ser., 3:65-66.[57]
- OATES, J. C. T. “The G. U. Yule Collection of the Imitatio Christi in the Library of St. John's College,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:88-90.[58]
- PENNICK, R. “Petrarca Teghen die Strael der Minnen; een Unicum van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek [Campbell 1393, Gouda, ca. 1484],” Het Boek , 29(1948), 239-53.[59]
- PERRAT, C. “Le Polydore Virgile [De rerum inventoribus, Lyons, Gryphius, 1546] de Rabelais,” Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 11:167-204.[60]
- RIDOLFI, R. “Nuovi contributi sulle `stamperie papali' di Paolo III,” Bibliofilia , 50(1948), 183-97.[61]
- RUPPEL, A. “Heinrich und Nikolaus Bechtermünze,” Nassauische Lebensbilder , 3:60-75.[62]
- RUYSSCHAART, J. “Autour des études de Juste Lipse sur Tacite; Examen de quelques Éditions du XVIe siècle,” Gulden Passer , 26:29-40.[63]
- SARTON, G. “Incunabula Wrongly Dated,” lsis , 40:227-40.[67]
- SARTORI, CLAUDIO. Bibliografia delle opere musicali stampata da Ottaviano Petrucci , Firenze, Olschki, 1948 (Bibl. di Bibliografia Ital. vol 18).[68]
- SAULNIER, V. L. “Deux oeuvres inconnues de Jean Sève [1558] et une Édition Inconnue de Baïf,” Bull. du Biblioph . (1949), 265-79.[69]
- SAULNIER, V. L. Maurice Scève , 2 vol., Paris, Klincksieck, 1948-49 (vol. 2 contains bibliography of Scève).[70]
- SCHAZMANN, P. E. “La Bulle d'excommunication de Georges de Supersaxo: un imprimé officiel de 1519, émenant de la chancellerie épiscopale de Bâle,” in Festschrift Karl Schwarber , Basle, 1949, 207-12.[71]
- SCHELER, L. “Jean de Brinon, bibliophile,” Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance,” 11:215-18.[72]
- SCHMIDT-KÜNSEMÜLIER, F. A. “Das Schriftmetall der ältesten deutschen Druckerzeugnisse,” Zentralbl. für Bibliotheksw. , 53:343-59.[73]
- SCHOLDERER, V. “The Beginnings of Printing at Basel,” Library , 5th ser., 3:50-54.[74]
- SCHOLDERER, V. “Hilprand Brandenburg and his Books,” Library , 5th ser., 4:196-201.[75]
- SCHOLDERER, V. “Printers and Readers in Italy in the Fifteenth Century,” Proc. British Acad. , 35(issued separately before complete volume).[76]
- SCHOLDERER, V. “Schoolmen and Printers in Old Cologne,” Library , 5th ser., 4:133-35.[77]
- SHEPPARD, L. A. “The Early Ownership of the British Museum Copy of Caxton's Recuyell of the Histories of Troy,” Library , 5th ser., 3:216-18.[78]
- STEPHANIDES, M. “Table chronologique d'histoire des sciences du XVIe siècle pour ce que regarde le monde grec,” Aroh. Intern. d'Hist. des Sciences , 9:1144-50(with listing of editions).[79]
- STRASBOURG BIBLIOTHÈQUE MUNICIPALE. Catalogue des incunables et des livres du XVIe siècle , Strasbourg, Heitz, 1948 (comp. by François Ritter).[80]
- TYLER, A. E. “The Chronology of the Estienne Editions, Paris, 1526-50: Old Style or New?” Library , 5th ser., 4:64-68.[81]
- VINDEL, F. El arte tipográfico en España durante el siglo XV. Zaragoza . . . . Madrid, Dir. de rel. cult., 1949.[82]
- WARDROP, J. “A Note on Giovanantonio Tagliente [Opera . . . a scrivere, Venice, 1524],” Signature , new ser., 8:57-61.[83]
- WEAD, E. “Early Binding Stamps of Religious Significance in Certain American Libraries: A Supplementary Report,” SB , 2:64-77.[84]
- WEINBERG, B. “Une édition du Dialogo contra i poeti de Berni [Ferrara, 1537; Modena, 1540; n.p., 1542],” Bull. du Biblioph . (1949), 33-34.[85]
- WIRIATH, R. “Les rapports de Josse Bade Ascensius avec Erasme et Lefebvre d'Etable,” Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 11:66-71.[86]

2. Part II: THE LATER RENAISSANCE TO the PRESENT by Lucy Clark AND Fredson Bowers
1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumeration
A. English and General
- ALDEN, J. English Books, 1641-1700, Acquired 1 July 1948—30 June 1949 , Univ. Penn. Libr. (mimeographed).[87]
- BESTERMAN, T. “Preliminary Short-Title List of Bibliographies Containing Manuscript Notes,” BSA , 43:209-26.[88]
- BESTERMAN, T. A World Bibliography of Bibliographies , 2nd ed., revised, 3 vols., Priv. pr. author, London 1947-49.[89]
- BOWERS, F. Supplement to Woodward & McManaway Check List English Plays 1641-1700 , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia (mimeographed).[90]
- CARTER, J. “Hand-List of the Printed Works of William Johnson, afterwards Cory,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:69-87.[91]
- CORDASO, F. G. M. & K. W. SCOTT. Wilkie Collins and Charles Reade , Long Island University, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1949.[92]
- FRANKLIN, B. & G. LEGMAN, David Ricardo and Ricardian Theory: A Bibliographical Checklist , N. Y., Franklin, 1949 (prominent 19th-century economist).[93]
- GEORGE, M. D. Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires , vol. 9, British Museum, 1949 (covers period 1811-1819).[94]
- GIBSON, S. A Bibliography of Francis Kirkman , Oxford Bibliographical Society Publ., new series, I (for 1947), 1949.[95]
- GILMOUR, J. S. L. “The Early Editions of Rogers's Italy,” Library , 5th ser., 3:137-40.[96]
- HATCH, B. L. “Notes Towards a Definitive Bibliography of Thomas Hardy's Poems of the Past and Present,” Colby Libr. Quart. , Nov. 1949, 195-98.[97]
- HEIFETZ, A. & A. YARMOLINSKY, “Chekhov in English: A List of Works by and about him,” NYPB , 53:27-38, 72-93.[98]
- JOOST, N. “Henry Stephens: Bibliographical and Biographical Note,” N & Q , Sept. 3, 1949, 379-80.[99]
- LEHMANN-HAUPT, H. One Hundred Books about Bookmaking , rev. ed., Columbia Univ. Press, 1949.[100]
- MACGILLIVRAY, J. R. Keats: A Bibliography and Reference Guide, 1816-1946 , Univ. Toronto Press, 1949.[101]
- McANALLY, H. The Alfierian Canon , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1949 (reprinted from MLR, 44).[102]
- McKAY, G. L. “Books about Books,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 7:266-76.[103]
- MILLER, C. W. Henry Herringman Imprints , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia (mimeographed).[104]
- OSBORNE, M. T. Advice-to-a-Painter Poems 1633-1856: An Annotated Finding List , Univ. Texas, 1949.[105]
- PARTRIDGE, C. “School-Books, 1800-1823,” N & Q , Sept. 3, 1949, 387-89.[106]
- PHILIP, A. J. Index to Special Collections in Libraries, Museums, and Art Galleries in Great Britain and Ireland , London, F. G. Brown, 1949.[107]
- PRAZ, M. Studies in 17th Century Imagery, v. 2: A Bibliography of Emblem Books , London, Warburg Institute, 1949.[108]
- SMITH, W. C. Bibliography of Musical Works Published by John Walsh , Bibl. Soc. (London), 1949.[109]
- TANNENBAUM, S. A. & R. D. Robert Herrick: A Concise Bibliography , Tannenbaum, Eliz. Bibl. no. 40.[110]
- WHITE, W. “James Joyce: Addenda to Alan Parker's Bibliography,” BSA , 43:401-11.[111]
- WHITE, W. “D. H. Lawrence: A Checklist, 1931-1948,” pts. 2 & 3, Bull. Bibl. , 19:209-11, 235-39.[112]
- WORLEY, P. “Current National Bibliographies,” Libr. Congress Quart. Journ. Current Acquisitions , Aug. & Nov., 1949.[113]

B. United States
- BAER, E. Seventeenth Century Maryland: A Bibliography , Baltimore, Garnett Library, 1949.[114]
- BIBL. SOC. AMERICA. Preliminary Finding List of Writings on the Kentucky Book Trade , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia (mimeographed).[115]
- CHOMET, O. “Jack London: Works, Reviews, and Criticism published in German,” Bull. Bibl. , 19:211-15, 239-40.[116]
- COLEMAN, J. W. Bibliography of Kentucky History , Univ. Kentucky Press. [117]
- FOLEY, T. T. Books About Collecting: Year-and-aquarter Bibl. Report of Books Appeared in American Book Market , Priv. pr., Paris, Ill. [118]
- GALLUP, D. Bibliographical Check-List of Writings of T. S. Eliot , Yale Univ., 1949.[119]
- HARDING, W. “Additions to the Thoreau Bibliography,” Thoreau Soc. Bull. , see issues.[120]
- HINTZ, C. W. “Notable Materials Added to North American Libraries 1943-47,” Libr. Quarterly , 19:105-18.[121]
- HISTORICAL SOCIETY PENNSYLVANIA. Guide to Manuscript Collections of Hist. Soc. Penn. , 2d ed., Phila., 1949.[122]
- KALLICH, M. “Bibliography of John Dos Passos,” Bull. Bibl. , 19:231-35.[123]
- LARREMORE, T. A. “An American Typographic Tragedy—the Imprints of Frederick Conrad Bursch,” BSA , 43:1-38, 111-72, 425-26.[124]
- MORSE, A. R. The Works of M.P. Shiel: A Study in Bibliography , Fantasy Publ., Los Angeles, 1949.[125]
- NASH, R. The Isaiab Thomas Donation Library of Dartmouth College , Dartmouth Libr., 1949.[126]
- NEW YORK CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY. Berg Collection. Edgar Allan Poe; an Exhibition Catalogue , ed. J. D. Gordan, 1949.[127]
- NORTHERN, P. 100 Years of the “Shields Gazette” 1849-1949 , priv. pr. South Shields, Ill., 1949.[128]
- NORTHWEST BOOKS. Bibliography Northwest Writing; Ist suppl. 1942-47, Univ. Nebraska, 1949.[129]
- RUSSO, D. R. Bibliography of Booth Tarkington , Indiana Hist. Soc., 1949.[130]
- SILVER, R. G. Baltimore Book Trade Directory, 1800-1830 . At present in reference files, Peabody Institute. [131]
- SPILLER, R. E. etc. Literary History of the United States , v. 3, bibl. MacMillan, 1948-49.[132]
- TEMPLEMAN, W. D. “Additions to Young's Night-Thoughts in America,” BSA , 43:348-49.[133]
- VAIL, R. W. G. “Gold Fever: Catalogue of California Gold Rush Exhibition,” N. Y. Hist. Soc. Quart. , 33:237-71.[134]
- WAGMAN, F. Newspapers on Microfilms; a Union Checklist , Washington, 1949.[135]
- WETHERBEE, W. JR. Donn Byrne: A Bibliography , N. Y. Publ. Libr., 1949.[136]
- WINKLER, E. W. Check List of Texas Imprints 1846-1860 , Texas State Hist. Assn., Austin, 1949.[137]
- WYATT, E. A. IV. Preliminary Checklist of Petersburg, Va. 1786-1876 , Virginia State Library, Richmond, 1949.[138]

2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliographical and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ADAMS, F. B. JR. “Another Man's Roses,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 6:107-12(“Two Roses” Thomas Hardy forgery).[139]
- ADAMS, H. M. “Tables for Identifying the Edition of Imperfect Copies of the Book of Common Prayer 1600-1640,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:61-63(details of some unrecorded editions also).[140]
- “ALDINES at Venice,” TLS , Nov. 4, 1949, p. 724(account of exhibit).[141]
- ALLISON, A. F. “Robert Howard, Franciscan,” Library , 5th ser., 3:288-91(concerns STC 17567 and an unrecorded Mistical Crowne of Virgin Marie, 1638).[142]
- ALTICK, R. D. “A Neglected Source for Literary Biography,” PMLA , 64:319-24(suggests reference sources to determine existence of autograph letters).[143]
- ANGELI, H. R. “Cor Cordium and Thomas J. Wise,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 7, 237-44.[144]
- ARBER, E. Transcript of Register of Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640 , v. 1 & 2 (offset), N. Y., Peter Smith, 1949.[145]
- BAINE, R. M. “The Publication of Steele's Conscious Lovers,” SB , 2:169-73.[146]
- BALD, R. C. “Landor's Sponsalia Polyxenae,” Library , 5th ser., 4:211-12.[147]
- BARLOW, H. & S. MORGENSTERN, A Dictionary of Musical Themes , London, Williams & Norgate, 1949 (listed here for importance of new system of indexing themes, see TLS, April 9, 1949).[148]
- BATDORF, F. P. “An Unrecorded Edition of Crabbe,” BSA , 43:349-50.[149]
- BELLINGER, R. R. “The First Publication of Ode on a Grecian Urn,” N & Q , Oct. 20, 1949, p. 478-79.[150]
- BENGER, F. B. “John Wolf and A Spanish Book,” Library , 5th ser., 3:214-16(1589 Tractado with Turin imprint printed London).[151]
- BLACK, R. K. The Sadleir-Black Gothic Collection (Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia offset pamphlet).[152]
- “BOOKBINDERS' Historian,” TLS , Jan. 22, 1949, p. 64; Feb. 5, p. 92(scholarly writings of late G. D. Hobson).[153]
- “Cambridge Bindings,” TLS , Nov. 25, 1949, p. 780.[154]
- “English Blind-Stamped Bindings,” TLS , Dec. 30, 1949, p. 864.[155]
- “Modern Book-Binding,” TLS , June 3, 1949, p. 372; June 10, p. 381.[156]
- “Exhibition of Book-Jackets,” TLS , Oct. 7, 1949, p. 654.[157]
- BOUTEL, H. S. First Editions of Today and How to Tell Them , 3d ed. rev., Univ. Calif., 1949.[158]
- BOWERS, F. Principles of Bibliographical Description , Princeton Univ., 1949.[159]
- BOWERS, F. “Bibliographical Evidence from the Printer's Measure,” SB , 2:153-67(methods for compositor identification).[160]
- BOWERS, F. “Bibliographical Evidence from a Resetting in Caryll's Sir Salomon (1691),” Library , 5th ser., 3:134-37.[161]
- BOWERS, F. “Bibliography and the University,” Univ. Penn. Libr. Chron. , 15:37-51.[162]
- BOWERS, F. “The Cancel Leaf in Congreve's Double Dealer, 1694,” BSA , 43:78-82.[163]
- BOWERS, F. “Thomas Dekker, Robert Wilson, and The Shoemakers Holiday,” MLN , 64:517-19.[164]
- BOWERS, F. “Thomas D'Urfey's Comical History of Don Quixote, 1694,” BSA , 43:191-95.[165]
- BOWERS, F. “Variants in Early Editions of Dryden's Plays,” Harvard Libr. Bull. , 3:278-88.[166]
- BOWERS, F. “The Wits [pt. 2, 1673],” (in no. 95).[167]
- BOYCE, G. K. “The Costs of Printing Gibbon's Vindication,” BSA , 43:335-39.[168]
- BÜHLER, C. F. “Two Unrecorded Jacobean Proclamations,” Library , 5th ser., 3:121.[169]
- CABOT, N. G. “The Illustrations of the First Little Gidding Concordance,” Harvard Libr. Bull. , 3:139-42.[170]
- [CARTER, J.] “The Bibliographical Jungle,” TLS , Aug. 5, 1949, p. 512(case-histories of dark places in bibliography; for discussion, see W. H. Bond, TLS, Sept. 23, p. 624 concerning Sidney's Defense of Poesie; and D. Flower, ibid. concerning Candide).[171]
- CHAPMAN, R. W. “Gilt,” Library , 5th ser., 3:223(use of term for size).[172]
- “The Dispersal of Coleridge's Books,” TLS , Oct. 28, 1949, p. 704; Dec. 9, p. 809.[173]
- COLLINS BAKER, C. H. “Some Illustrations of Milton's Paradise Lost (1688-1850),” Library , 5th ser., 3:1-21, 101-119(for a correction, see ibid., 4:146-47).[174]
- CRAIGIE, J. “The Basilicon Doron of King James I,” Library , 5th ser., 3:22-32.[175]
- CROW, J. “'A Thing Called Adagia',” Library , 5th ser., 4:71-73(rediscovered 1621 edition of Bartholomew Robinson's proverb book).[176]
- DAHL, F. “Amsterdam—Cradle of English Newspapers,” Library , 5th ser., 4:166-78.[177]
- DAVIES, D. W. Social and Economic Background to History of the Elzeviers , Univ. Chicago Microfilms Editions no. 392, 1949.[178]
- DAVIS, R. B. “George Sandys v. William Stansby; The 1632 Edition of Ovid's Metamorphosis,” Library , 5th ser., 3:193-212(lawsuit provides much general information printing and binding costs, names of binders).[179]
- DAWSON, G. E. “Warburton, Hanmer, and the 1745 Edition of Shakespeare,” SB , 2:35-48(isolates and assigns emendations by Warburton previously confused).[180]
- DICKINS, B. “The Irish Broadside of 1571 and Queen Elizabeth's Types,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:48-60.[181]
- DONAHUE, M. J. “Tennyson's Hail, Briton! and Tithon in the Heath Manuscript,” PMLA , 64:385-416.[182]
- DUNKIN, P.S. “The Dryden Troilus and Cressida Imprint: Another Theory,” SB , 2:185-89.[183]
- DUNKIN, P.S. “The 1613 Editions of Bacon's Essays,” Library , 5th ser., 3:122-24.[184]
- EAGLE, R. L. “The Arcadia (1593) Title-Page Border,” Library , 5th ser., 4:68-71.[185]
- ELWIN, M. “Reprints of English Classics,” TLS , May 20, 1949, p. 329(textual variations in reprints of Tristram Shandy).[186]
- ENCK, J. J. “John Owen's Epigrammata,” Harvard Libr. Bull. , 3:431-34.[187]
- EVANS, G. B. “The Text of Johnson's Shakespeare (1765),” PQ , 28:425-28.[188]
- EVANS, L. H. “Copyright and the Public Interest,” NYPB , 53:3-26.[189]
- FINCH, J. S. “Sir Thomas Browne: Early Biographical Notices, and the Disposition of his Library and Manuscripts,” SB , 2:196-201.[190]
- FLETCHER, H. “A Second(?) Title-Page of the Second Edition of Paradise Lost,” BSA , 43:173-78.[191]
- FRANCIS, F. C. “Drawback on Paper,” Library , 5th ser., 4:73(term related to duty).[192]
- FRENCH, J. M. “The Date of Milton's First Defense,” Library , 5th ser., 3:56-58.[193]
- GALLAWAY, R. J. “Bibliography Evidence of a Piracy by Edmund Curll,” Univ. Texas Stud. in English , 28:154-59(Abbe Vertot's History of Revolutions in Portugal, 1735).[194]
- “GALSWORTHY'S Man of Property,” TLS , Jan. 22, 1949, p. 64; Feb. 19, p. 126; March 12, p. 174(variants in 1st ed.).[195]
- GARROD, H. W. “Erasmus and his English Patrons,” Library , 5th ser., 4:1-13.[196]
- GATHORNE-HARDY, R. “The Bibliography of Jeremy Taylor,” Library , 5th ser., 3: 66(explains twin titles in Great Exemplar).[197]
- GERRITSEN, J. “The Printing of the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647,” Library , 5th ser., 3:233-64.[198]
- GETTMANN, R. A. “Serialization and Evan Harrington,” PMLA , 64:963-75(information about the periodical Once a Week).[199]
- GILBERT, S. “The Wanderings of Ulysses,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 7:245-52.[200]
- GOLDSCHMIDT, E. P. The Printed Book of the Renaissance: Three Lectures on Type, Illustration, and Ornament , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1949.[201]
- GRIEVE, H. E. P. Some Examples of English Handwriting , Chelmsford, Essex Record Office Publications, 1949.[202]
- GRIFFITS, T. E. Colour Printing , 2 vol., London, Faber, 1949.[203]
- HADLOCH, W. S. “Concealed Fore-Edge Painting,” Essex Institute Hist. Coll. , 85:97-100.[204]
- HEAWOOD, E. “Paper Used in England after 1600,” Library , 5th ser., 3:141-42(some French paper makers identified on information from A. H. Stevenson).[205]
- HODGES, J. C. etc. “Congreve's Library,” TLS , Aug. 12, 1949, p. 521; Sept. 2, p. 569.[206]
- HOPPE, H. R. “The Birth-Year of Gillis van Diest I, Antwerp Printer of English Books,” Library , 5th ser., 3:213.[207]
- HOPPE, H. R. “The Birthplace of Stephen Mierdman, Flemish Printer in London,” Library , 5th ser., 3:213-14.[208]
- HOTSON, L. “The Library of Elizabeth's Embezzling Teller,” SB , 2:49-61(list of books and assessed prices in 1597).[209]
- HUMMEL, R. O. JR. “Henry Crosse's Virtues Commonwealth,” BSA , 43:196-99(discussion of issues 1603-5).[210]
- HURT, P. Bibliography and Footnotes , rev. ed., Univ. Calif., 1949.[211]
- JACKSON, W. A. “Humphrey Dyson's Library, or, Some Observations on the Survival of Books,” BSA , 43:279-87.[212]
- JOHN, L. C. “The First Edition of the Letters of Hubert Languet to Sir Philip Sidney,” JEGP , 48:361-66.[213]
- “Hyde Collection of Johnsonian Manuscripts,” TLS , Sept. 23, 1949, p. 624.[214]
- JOHNSON, A. F. “The King's Printers, 1660-1742,” Library , 5th ser., 3:33-38.[215]
- JOHNSON, S. F. “Reflections on the Consistency of Coleridge's Political Views,” Harvard Libr. Bull , 3:131-39(textual changes in the Addresses).[216]
- JORDAN, J. E. “The Reporter of Henry VI, part 2,” PMLA , 64:1089-1113(textual study of memorial reconstruction in the Contention).[217]
- KARCH, R. “Introduction to Type Faces,” Print , 6, pt. 2:33-60.[218]
- KEYNES, G. “Books from Donne's Library,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:64-68(for more on this subject, see J. H. Pafford and others, TLS , Sept. 2, 1949, p. 569; Sept. 23, p. 617).[219]
- KNOTTS, W. E. “Press Numbers as a Bibliographical Tool: A Study of Gay's The Beggar's Opera, 1728,” Harvard Libr. Bull. , 3:198-212.[220]
- LEIGHTON, D. “Canvas and Bookcloth: An Essay on Beginnings,” Library , 5th ser., 3:39-49.[221]
- LEWIS, W. S. “The Last Word,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 6, 163-66(concerning the Walpole edition with the case-history of a letter).[222]
- LORING, R. B. “Colored Paste Papers,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 5:33-40.[223]
- LOWNES, A. E. “Two Editions of John Wilkins's Mathemataicall Magick, 1648,” BSA , 43; 195.[224]
- LUCAS, R. C. “Book-Collecting in the Eighteenth Century: The Library of James West,” Library , 5th ser., 3:265-78(contains some prices).[225]
- McMANAWAY, J. G. “The Two Earliest Prompt Books of Hamlet,” BSA , 43:288-320.[226]
- McMANAWAY, J. G. “Early English Literature 1475-1700,” in Standards of Bibliographical Description , Univ. Penn., 1949.[227]
- MAYOR, A. “A Suspected Shelley Letter,” Library , 5th ser., 4:141-45(see also T. G. Ehrsam, TLS, Sept. 30, 1949).[228]
- MEAD, H. R. “Richard LeGallienne's Perseus and Andromeda,” BSA , 43:399-401.[229]
- MILLER, C. W. “A Bibliographical Study of Parthenissa by Roger Boyle Earl of Orrery,” SB , 2:115-37.[230]
- MOGG, W. R. “Some Reflections on the Bibliography of Gilbert Burnet,” Library , 5th ser., 4:100-13.[231]
- MORISON, S. English Prayer Books , 3d ed. Cambridge Univ., 1949.[232]
- MORISON, S. Four Centuries of Fine Printing , 2d, rev. ed. N. Y., Farrar, Straus, 1949.[233]
- MOZLEY, J. F. “Grindal and Foxe,” N & Q , July 23, 1949, p. 3-3-15(defence of Foxe against forgery in publication of Cranmer's book on eucharist, 1551).[234]
- MUELLER, W. R. “Robert Burton's Frontispiece,” PMLA , 64:1074-88.[235]
- MUIR, P. “The Kehl Edition of Voltaire,” Library , 5th ser., 3:85-100.[236]
- MUMBY, F. A. Publishing and Bookselling , N. Y., Bowker, 1949 (contains revised bibliography).[237]
- PAFFORD, J. H. P. “Binding Costs, 1735,” Library , 5th ser., 3:222-23.[238]
- PATTON, L. “Coleridge's Marginal Comments on Bowles's Spirit of Discovery,” Library Notes Duke Univ. Libr. , Feb, 1949, 12-15.[239]
- THE PENROSE ANNUAL, vol. XLLIII, London, Humphries, 1949 (review of graphic arts).[240]
- PETTIT, H. “Young's Night-Thoughts Re-Examined,” Library , 5th ser., 3:299-301.[241]
- “Beatrix Potter Books,” TLS , Aug. 26, 1949, p. 560.[242]
- PRICE, G. R. “The Early Editions of The Ant and the Nightingale,” BSA , 43:179-90(relations of two eds. 1604 of Middleton's book).[243]
- PRICE, G. R. “The First Edition of A Faire Quarrell,” Library , 5th ser., 4:137-41.[244]
- RANDALL, D. “The Court of Appeals,” New Colophon , see issues 1949 for these questions and answers on points of the bibliography of specific books.[245]
- READE, A. L. “Early Career of Dr. Johnson's Father,” TLS , June 17, 1949; June 24, p. 413(his book-collecting and book-binding interests).[246]
- ROLLINS, C. P. “Adventures in Typography,” New Colophon , see 1949 issues.[247]
- ROLLINS, H. E. “Letters of Horace Smith to his Publisher Colburn,” Harvard Libr. Bull. , 3:359-70.[248]
- ROSENKILDE, V. “Printing at Tranquebar, 1712-1845,” Library , 5th ser., 4:179-95.[249]
- RUSSELL, G. H. “Philip Woodward: Elizabethan Pamphleteer and Translator,” Library , 5th ser., 4:14-24.[250]
- SCHURER, H. “Bibliography in Germany, 1939-47,” Journal of Documentation , 5:98-112.[251]
- SHAABER, M. A. “The Third Edition of Wits Common Wealth,” Univ. Penn. Libr. Chron. , 15:56-58(unique copy of 1598 ed. not found in STC).[252]
- SHAW, P. “Richard Venner and The Double PP,” BSA , 43:199-202(affirms Dekker's authorship).[253]
- SHELLEY, P. A. “Archdeacon Wrangham's Poems,” Library , 5th ser., 4:205-11.[254]
- SHIELD, H. A. “Links with Shakespeare, IV,” N & Q , Dec. 10, 1949, p. 536-37(on Isaac Jaggard's widow and her second bookseller husband Luke Fawne).[255]
- SILVER, H. M. “'Near-Print' Draws Nearer,” Journal of Documentation , 5:55-68.[256]
- SMITH, W. C. “John Walsh and his Successors,” Library , 5th ser., 3:291-95.[257]
- STARKEY, L. G. & P. ROPP, “The Printing of A Declaration of the Demeanour and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1618,” Library , 5th ser., 3:124-34.[258]
- STECK, J. S. “Dryden's Indian Emperour: The Early Editions and their Relation to the Text,” SB , 2:139-52.[259]
- STEELE, M. A. E. “The Woodhouse Transcripts of the Poems of Keats,” Harvard Libr. Bull. , 3:232-56.[260]
- STEWART, P. “A Bibliographical Contribution to Biography: James Miller's Seasonable Reproof [1735],” Library , 5th ser., 3:295-98.[261]
- STEWART, P. “Typographical Characteristics of The Loyal London Mercuries,” N & Q , March 19, 1949, p. 118-19(standing type in headings of 17th-cent. newspaper).[262]
- TEERINCK, H. “Swift's Cadmus and Vanessa Again,” Harv. Libr. Bull. , 3:435-36(printings in 1726 from standing type; see also 2:254-57).[263]
- TEERINCK, H. “Swift's Discourse . . . Contests . . . Athens and Rome,” Library , 5th ser., 4:201-5.[264]
- THOMAS, S. “Bibliographical Links between the First Two Quartos of Romeo and Juliet,” RES , 25:110-14.[265]
- THOMAS, S. “A Note on the Reporting of Elizabethan Sermons,” Library , 5th ser., 3:120-21.[266]
- THOMAS, S. “Richard Smith: 'Foreign to the Company',” Library , 5th ser., 3:186-92(records of publisher and his books 1567-97 with analysis of imprints and his legal status).[267]
- TODD, R. “The Techniques of William Blake's Illuminated Painting,” Print , 6:53-64.[268]
- TODD, W. B. The Identity and Order of Certain XVIII Century Editions , Univ. Chicago Microfilm Editions no. 433, 1949.[269]
- TODD, W. B. “The Early Editions and Issues of The Monk, with a Bibliography,” SB , 2:3-24.[270]
- TOOLEY, R. V. Maps and Map Makers , London, Batsford, 1949.[271]
- TURNBULL, J. M. “An Elian Make-Weight,” N & Q , Jan. 22, 1949, p. 35-6(revision and resetting in Lamb's 'A Quaker's Meeting').[272]
- WEBER, C. J. A Thousand and One Fore-edge Paintings , Colby College Press, 1949 (see TLS, Sept. 30, 1949, p. 633 for a correction).[273]
- WEEDON, M. J. P. “Richard Johnson and the Successors to John Newberry,” Library , 5th ser., 4:25-63(with annotated checklist of this 18-century printer's writings).[274]
- WILLEY, M. M. “Peter the Whaler, Plagiarist,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 5, 29-32(plagiarism by W. H. G. Kingston).[275]
- WHALLEY, G. “The Bristol Library Borrowings of Southey and Coleridge, 1793-8,” Library , 5th ser., 4:114-32.[276]
- WILLIAMS, G. “A Note on King Lear, III. ii.1-3,” SB , 2:175-82(assesses the punctuation and its emendation on bibl. evidence).[277]
- WILLIAMS, P. “The 'Second Issue' of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, 1609,” SB , 2:25-33(cancel title printed as part of last sheet).[278]
- WILLOUGHBY, E. E. “A Long Use of a Setting of Standing Type,” SB , 2:173-75(in Speed's Genealogies, c. 1631-1640).[279]
- WILLOUGHBY, E. E. “Bacon's Copy of a Douai-Reims Bible,” Library , 5th ser., 3:54-56.[280]
- WILSON, F. P. “A Merie and Pleasant Prognostication (1577),” Library , 5th ser., 135-36.[281]
- WOLF, E. 2nd. “The Fragonard Plates for the Contes et Nouvelles of La Fontaine,” NYPB , 53:107-20.[282]
- WOLF, E. The Textual Importance of Manuscript Commonplace Books of 1620-1660 (Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia mimeographed pamphlet).[283]
- “Modern Wood-Engraving,” TLS , Oct. 21, 1949, p. 688; Oct. 28, p. 697.[284]

B. United States
- ADAMS, R. “The Bibliographical History of Thoreau's Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers,” BSA , 43:39-47.[285]
- ALDRIDGE, A. O. “Benjamin Franklin and the Maryland Gazette,” Maryland Hist. Mag. , 44:177-89.[286]
- BANTA, R. E. Indiana Authors and their Books , Wabash College, 1949.[287]
- BATTELL, F. C. “The DuBuque Visitor and its Press,” Iowa Jour. History , 47:193-214.[288]
- BENNETT, W. A Practical Guide to American Nineteenth Century Color Plate Books , N. Y., Bennett Book Studios, 1949.[289]
- BINGHAM, M. T. “Emily Dickinson's Handwriting—A Master Key,” NEQ , 22:229-34.[290]
- BROWN, H. G. & M. O. “A Directory of the Book-Arts and Book Trade in Philadelphia to 1820 including Painters and Engravers,” NYPB , 53:211-26, 290-98, 339-47, 387-401, 447-58, 492-503, 564-73, 615-22.[291]
- CARSON, M. S. & M. W. S. SWAN, “John Bioren: Printer to Philadelphia Publishers,” BSA , 43:321-34.[292]
- CLOUGH, B. C. “Poor Nancy Luce,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 7, 253-65.[293]
- CORDASCO, F. “The First American Edition of Junius,” N & Q , May 28, 1949, p. 233(corrects Sabin by noting 1791 edition).[294]
- “CORRESPONDENCE of R. W. Griswold,” Boston Libr. Quart. , July, 1949, 61-74(of publishing history interest for authors' letters).[295]
- DANDRIDGE, E. P. JR., “Proposals of Nine Printers for a New Edition of The Journals of the Continental Congress, 1785,” SB , 2:189-96.[296]
- DAVIS, C. C. “A Letter from the Muses: the Publication and Critical Reception of James M. Legaré's Orta-Undis, and Other Poems (1848),” North Carolina Hist. Rev. , 26:417-38.[297]
- DOZER, D. M. “The Tariff on Books,” Miss. Valley Hist. Rev. , 36:73-96(affairs of 1850-80).[298]
- DUNCAN, H. “The Cummington Press,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 7, 221-36(adds check list).[299]
- EDEL, L. “The Texts of Henry James's Unpublished Plays,” Harv. Libr. Bull. , 3:395-406.[300]
- EDELSTEIN, D. S. “Joel Munsell: Printer and Bibliographer,” BSA , 43:383-96.[301]
- ELLISON, R. C. “Early Baptist Printing in Alabama,” Alabama Review , 2:24-31.[302]
- FERGUSON, A. R. “Some Bibliographical Notes on the Short Stories of Henry James,” AL , 21:292-97.[303]
- FULTON, D. “The Typophiles,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 6:143-62.[304]
- HAMILTON, S. “'The Earliest Device of the Colonies' and Some Other Early Devices,” Princeton Libr. Chron. , 10:117-23.[305]
- HEILBRON, B. L. “Henry Lewis' Das illustrirte Mississipithal: A Contemporary Advertisement,” BSA , 43:344-45.[306]
- “HENRY JAMES Reprints,” TLS , Feb. 5, 1949, p. 96; Feb. 12, p. 105; Feb. 19, p. 121; March 12, p. 169; March 19, p. 185(textual changes made by James in novels).[307]
- KALLICH, M. “A Textual Note on John Dos Passos' Journeys Between Wars,” BSA , 43:346-48.[308]
- KESSELRING, M. L. “Hawthorne's Reading, 1828-1850,” NYPB , 53:55-71, 121-38, 173-94.[309]
- KINGSBURY, M. “Emily Connor and the Marchbanks Press,” Print , 6:1-16.[310]
- KIRKLAND, F. R. “An Unknown Franklin Cartoon,” Penn. Mag. Hist. & Biog. , 73:76-79.[311]
- LEWIS, O. “Grabhornana,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 5:13-28.[312]
- LUCKE, J. R. “The Cancels in Lockman's Travel of the Jesuits, 1743,” SB , 2:205-7(Sabin 40708).[313]
- McANEAR, B. “William Bradford and The Book of Common Prayer,” BSA , 43:101-10.[314]
- McDERMOTT, J. F. “Banvard's Mississippi Panorama Pamphlets,” BSA , 43:48-62(see also 43:245).[315]
- MILES, W. “Notes on Some Early Chemistry Books Published in Pennsylvania,” Isis , 40:313-16.[316]
- MULKEARN, L. “The Biography of a Forgotten Book—Pownall's Topographical Description of North America,” BSA , 43:63-74.[317]
- NOWELL-SMITH, S. “Signatures in Some Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts Duodecimos: A Query,” Library , 5th ser., 3:58-62(enlightenment from W. A. Jackson and A. T. Hazen, 3:224-29).[318]
- NAUMBURG, E., JR. “A Seventeenth Century Book-Label Problem,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 5:41-53.[319]
- PENROSE, B. “The First Book about America Printed in England,” Penn. Mag. Hist. & Biog. , 73:3-8(trans. by Rich. Eden from Latin in 1553 as A Treatyse of the newe India).[320]
- ROBBINS, J. A. “Fees Paid to Authors by Certain American Periodicals, 1840-1850,” SB , 2:95-104.[321]
- SEALTS, M. M. JR. “Melville and the Shakers,” SB , 2:105-14(Melville's marked copy of The Millenial Church).[322]
- SEALTS, M. M. JR. “Melville's Reading: A Check List of Books Owned and Borrowed,” Harv. Libr. Bull. , 3:119-30, 268-77, 407-21(cont. 1950).[323]
- SILVER, R. The Boston Book Trade 1800-1825 , N. Y. Public Library, 1949.[324]
- STARKEY, L. G. “The Printing by the Cambridge Press of A Platform of Church Government, 1649,” SB , 2:79-93.[325]
- STARRETT, V. “Firsts in a Manner of Speaking,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 5:68-81.[326]
- STERN, M. B. “Keen & Cooke: Prairie Publishers,” Jour. Illinois State Hist. Soc. , 42:424-45.[327]
- SWAN, B. F. Gregory Dexter of London and New England, 1610-1700 , Rochester, N. Y., L. Hart, 1949.[328]
- TARG, W. The Making of the Bruce Rogers World Bible , ltd. ed., Cleveland, World Pub., 1949.[329]
The Cost Books of Tichnor and Fields and their Predecessors,
3021858 , N. Y., Bibl. Soc. America, 1949.[330]
- “TWO More Torrents Turn Up,” Colby Libr. Quart. , ser. 2, May, 1949, p. 161-62(adds to census of E. A. Robinson).[331]
- VAIL, R. W. G. Voice of the Old Frontier , Univ. Penn., 1949.[332]
- VAIL, R. W. G. “Bibliographical Notes on Certain Eastern Mining Companies of the California Gold Rush, 1849-1850,” BSA , 43:247-78.[333]
- VAN PATTEN, N. “The Yerba Buena Press and Some Related Privately Printed Books,” BSA , 43:202-9.[334]
- VERNER, C. “Some Observations on the Philadelphia 1794 Editions of Jefferson's Notes,” SB , 2:201-4.[335]
- WALSH, M. J. “Contemporary Broadside Editions of the Declaration of Independence,” Harvard Libr. Bull , 3:31-43.[336]
- WHEAT, C. I. “The Literature of the Gold Rush,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 5, 54-67.[337]
- WINTERICH, J. T. “The Life and Death of the Lafayette Publishing Co.,” New Colophon , 2, pt. 7:209-20.[338]
- WROTH, L. C. Typographic Heritage , Portland, Me., Anthoensen, 1949.[339]
- WROTH, L. C. “Early Americana,” in Standards of Bibliographical Description , Univ. Penn., 1949.[340]

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