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In the following listing, the titles are given exactly, but no attempt has been made to follow Paulding's capitalization. Following each title are the following data: the date (when indicated in the copybook), the total number of lines of each poem, and the copybook page on which the poem appears. The first line is given for each poem. For those poems whose periodical publication has been discovered, the wording of the printed title has been added when a variant occurs. In those cases in which the number of lines in the printed poem differs, the number of printed lines is recorded. Following the check-list is an abbreviated index of titles and first lines.
- 1. The Unknown. (1800. 24 lines. p. 1) First line: She glanc'd before my dazzled eye Printed anonymously in the Analectic Magazine (Phila.), IV (Sept., 1814), 256-57, under the title "Lines Written in Remembrance of a Lady the Author Saw But Once." 32 lines. The printed version contains many textual changes.
- 2. The Seat. (1800. 92 lines. pp. 2-4) First line: Fancy! dear forest tripping Queen Printed anonymously in the Analectic Magazine, II (Dec., 1813), 519-21. 120 lines. An explanatory note in the copybook indicates that the poem was written at the country estate of Paulding's friend, Frederick Philips. Paulding "built a seat there covered with moss, and overlooking a fine succession of Falls of water."
- 3. Inspiration. (1800. 18 lines. p. 5) First line: Who is't that tells
- 4. Braying. (1800. 4 lines. p. 5) First line: Hearing a great Stump Orator one day Printed in Graham's Magazine (Phila.), XXV (Oct., 1844), 161. Signed "Gnoman." — The English Traveller. (1829. 12 lines. p. 6) (See number 53, below.)
- 5. Too Much of a Good Thing Good for Nothing. (1804. 22 lines. p. 6) First line: I love the bright, warm glorious God of Day
- 6. The White and the Red Man. (1820. 22 lines. p. 7) First line: The white man toils from day to day Printed in Southern Literary Messenger (Richmond), IX (Jan., 1843), 56-57. 20 lines.
- 7. The Enigma Solved. (1820. 8 lines. p. 7) First line: Tom cheats, Lies, and Tipples, and gambles and w[hore]s
- 8. Half a Loaf Worse Than no Bread. (1809. 16 lines. p. 8) First line: Says frolicksome Bess, in her light laughing way Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXVIII (Mar., 1846), 108. Signed "Gnoman."
- 9. Song. (1804. 20 lines. p. 8) First line: The snows lay thick upon the ground Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXVI (June, 1845), 280, under the title "Flora." Signed "P."
- 10. On Seeing an Aged Beggar Made Game of. (1804. 14 lines. p. 9) First line: The mouldering Pile, the ruin'd Tower
- 11. The Sanctuary. (1826. 12 lines. p. 9) First line: Of old, the murderer, racking from his crime
- 12. The Wish. (4 lines. p. 9) First line: I wish with all my soul that I
- 13. Vice Worshipping Virtue. (1826. 8 lines. p. 10) First line: When Rochefoucault, that flippant heartless sage
- 14. Song to the old air of "Hoot awa frae me Donald." (1820. 16 lines. p. 10) First line: Hoot awa frae me Donald, Ye're nae Lad for me
- 15. The Lament of the Faithless Shepherdess. (1807. 36 lines. p. II) First line: The morning smiles, the Spring beguiles Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXIII (July, 1843), 34. Signed "J. K. P."
- 16. Song. Go Hide those Love-begetting Eyes. (1800. 24 lines. p. 12) First line: Go hide those Love-begetting Eyes
- 17. I Wonder What can Ail me Now. (1800. 56 lines. pp. 13-14) First line: I wonder what can ail me now
- 18. The Valentine. (37 lines. p. 15) First line: The Little warbling Birds, they say
- 19. A Whisper from the Grave. (1843. 48 lines. pp. 16-17) First line: As through the church yard lone I stray'd Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXII (May, 1843), 293. Signed "J. K. P."
- 20. To a Lady. (1801. 12 lines. p. 17) First line: There's something in that eye of thine Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXIV (Mar., 1844), 108, under the title "To Flora." Signed "Gnoman."
- 21. To Julia. (1800. 24 lines. p. 18) First line: Ah! if as ancient Poets say
- 22. Sabina. (20 lines. p. 19) First line: Hast thou e'er sat upon the River's bank Author's note at end of poem: "I found this among my old scraps of M. S Poetry, but have some doubts as to its being mine. It seemed however worth preserving let it be whose it will."
- 23. Labour Lost. (2 lines. p. 19) Text: To this vile world more toil and pains are giv'n, Than would suffice to carry us to Heav'n.
- 24. The Divine Right of Kings. (1814. 12 lines. p. 20) First line: The only King by right divine Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXVII (Oct., 1845), 189. Signed "P." A love poem addressed to Ellen King. The last line reads, "The King, my King, can do no wrong."
- 25. A Similitude. (1814. 4 lines. p. 20) First line: That Beaus and Cinnamon Trees are much alike Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXVII (Oct., 1845), 150. Signed "Gnoman."
- 26. Job's Comforter. (1814. 4 lines. p. 20) First line: At his last gasp poor Ralph was lying Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXV (Aug., 1844), p. 59. Signed "Gnoman."
- 27. The Good Man. (1814. 2 lines. p. 20) Text: 'Twas all he wish'd for, all his soul's desire To virtue's crown by virtue to aspire.
- 28. On N. P. Willis—Who is very Pious in Verse, and very Profane in Prose. (1840. 4 lines. p. 21) First line: Two different Muses Willis must inspire Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXVII (July, 1845), 39, under the title "On Nincom, who is very Devout in his Poetry, and very Licentious in his Prose." Signed "Gnoman."
- 29. Song. (1804. 20 lines. p. 21) First line: To win her heart I vainly tried
- 30. Song. (1804. 16 lines. p. 22) First line: They say Love's Fancy be it so
- 31. Epitaph, on a Recreant Politician. (1804. 18 lines. p. 22) First line: Detested by the good, scorn'd by the wise
- 32. Cupid's Garlands. (1800. 26 lines. p. 23) First line: Dan Cupid's once on Sweet May Day Several textual changes in manuscript.
- 33. The Forsaken Youth. (1800. 24 lines. p. 24) First line: I've seen another prop her hand
- 34. Barbara Allen. (1810. 104 lines. pp. 25, 26, 27[A], 27[B]) First line: There was a time, ere cursed thirst of gold
- 35. The Empire of Fancy. (1801. 28 lines. p. 28) First line: That though to me wealth's glittering prize
- 36. Love, Wealth, and Ambition. (1843. 28 lines. p. 29) First line: Out of my sight! Ye Imps of Hell
- 37. The Wife's Grave. (1843. 28 lines. p. 30) First line: Beneath the Shade of Yon old Tree
- 38. The Volunteer. (1812. 24 lines. p. 31) First line: Go! triumph in a righteous cause
- 39. The Grave of Washington. (1817. 32 lines. p. 32) First line: O! peaceful sleep the mighty dead Notation in margin but crossed out: "Published in the 2d number of the Columbian Magazine".
- 40. "First Proof." (1843. 12 lines. p. 33) First line: Says Tom to Dick, canst tell me why Printed anonymously in Graham's Magazine, XXII (June, 1843), 336, under the title "'First Proof' Reasoning."
- 41. The Dawn in the Highlands of the Hudson. (1799. 72 lines. pp. 33-35) First line: The opening Eyelids of the waking morn Printed anonymously in United States Magazine (N. Y.; variant titles), XXXIII (Sept., 1853), 218-220, under the title "Dawn in the Highland of the Hudson." 80 lines. Reprinted in William I. Paulding, Literary Life of James K. Paulding (1869), 31-33. W. I. Paulding refers to this poem as "the first specific and complete effort [of poetry] I have encountered."
- 42. The Tone. (1798. 18 lines. p. 36) First line: When whispering strains like Echoes Steal
- 43. The Invitation. (1819. 28 lines. p. 37) First line: Come dearest Flora, let us rove Poem is crossed out, but readable. In revised form appears below as no. 61.
- 44. Rhyme and Reason. (6 lines. p. 38) First line: Three Schools of Poets grace this happy Clime Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXIV (May, 1844), 230. Signed "Gnoman." —(Following this poem on page 38 is one of six lines, heavily crossed out and unreadable.)
- 45. Calumny Refuted. (6 lines. p. 38) First line: They say that Bards in these dull prosy times
236Printed in Graham's Magazine, XXV (July, 1844), 14, under the title "Who Says that Poetry is Cheap?" Signed "Gnoman."
- 46. [Says Moses to Aaron] (4 lines. p. 38) First line: Says Moses to Aaron Poem is crossed out, but readable.
- 47. Bryan O Linn. (4 lines. p. 39) First line: Bryan O Linn had no tail to his mare
- 48. To ___. (4 lines. p. 39) First line: I'll answer you in rime, it is my trade
- 49. The Stripes and Stars. (16 lines. p. 39) First line: Hail to the Flag aloft that flies Probably written during the War of 1812.
- 50. The Salamander and the Bull Frog; or Habit is every thing. (8 lines. p. 40) First line: A Salamander to a Bull Frog said
- 51. The Salamander and the Bull Frog. A Fable. (98 lines. pp. 40-43) First line: Close by a cool, clean crystal Fount
- 52. Cheap Living. (8 lines. p. 43) First line: Says Tom, a vain, soft, shallow pated Tool
- 53. The English Traveller. (16 lines. p. 43) First line: A creature of arrogance, folly, conceit On p. 6 is a different, 12-line version (written in 1829), same title, crossed out, with this notation, "See pa 43".
- 54. Last Repentance. (6 lines. p. 44) First line: Old crow, who from sixteen to seventy five
- 55. Song. (18 lines. p. 44) First line: Sweet is the breath of morn that blows
- 56. Miss Thorne. (4 lines. p. 45) First line: Let others choose the Rose without the thorn
- 57. [Next to the Love . . .] (2 lines. p. 45) Text: Next to the Love of those I love, I prize The hatred of the wretches I despise.
- 58. Good Reason for Talking. (4 lines. p. 45) First line: You ask me why Louisa's Lips of Rose
- 59. To Mary. A Mere Abstraction. (1800. 28 lines. p. 46) First line: What though thou never canst be mine
- 60. On Seeing a Nest of young Birds in the Stall of a Horse. (4 lines. p. 47) First line: In midst of Life we are in death
- 61. The Invitation. (1816. 40 lines. pp. 47-48) First line: Come Gentle Lady let us rove See no. 43 above.
- 62. Thy Heart, Thy Heart. A Mere Abstraction. (1800. 24 lines. p. 49) First line: Thy heart! thy heart! give me thy heart
- 63. The Constellation to the Lone Star. (26 lines. p. 50) First line: Star of the South all Hail! thrice welcome home Notation in margin: "Published in the Globe." Notation at end: "Sent to the Globe Apl 6th 1845." The poem celebrates Texas' admission to statehood. — The Rising Sun and the Motto, "Excelsior". (20 lines. p. 51) (See number 74, below.)
- 64. The Lover's Oath. (8 lines. p. 51) First line: By the Keen Starry lustre of thine Eyes
- 65. On Seeing a Notice of the Publication of a Work called The History of the Soul. (Sonnet. p. 52) First line: The History of the Soul! presumptuous fool!
- 66. The Bard. A New Pendaric [sic] Ode. (95 lines. pp. 53-55) First line: On Niagara's height sublime Author's notation: "Published in The Knickerbocker". One six-line stanza written in the margin of p. 53 is crossed out. Several textual changes in manuscript.
- 67. On the death of J... J.... A.... who after a long life of meanness, trickery, and overreaching, died with several millions, leaving a large legacy to a Public Library, in consequence of which he was lauded to the skies for his liberality. (26 lines. p. 56) First line: At length, oppress'd, with Tears and wealth he dies The poem, of course, refers to John Jacob Astor, who died in 1848.
- 68. Ode on the National Apathy. (1813. 68 lines. pp. 57-59) First line: When foes invade, the veriest slave Notation following the title: "Written and published in The National Intelligencer Washington, D. C. in 1813 when Federal opposition to the war had almost paralized the national efforts & exposed our country to the crimes of the British in all quarters."
- 69. The Eyes and the Spectacles. (16 lines. p. 60) First line: Says the Eyes to the Spectacles once in a huff Printed anonymously in the United States Magazine (N. Y.; variant titles), XXXIV (Nov., 1854), 446.
- 70. The Rights of Genius. (131 lines. pp. 61-65) First line: When Critics o'er the world of Letters rule Printed anonymously in the United States Magazine (N. Y.; variant titles), XXXII (Feb., 1853), 115-119, under the title "The Apotheosis of Dullness." 204 lines. In both manuscript and printed versions there is a prose quotation from Oliver Goldsmith's Enquiry into the Present State of Polite Learning in Europe immediately preceding text of the poem.
- 71. The Pilgrim and his Guide. (1825. 810 lines. pp. 66-95) First line: Once on a time a Pilgrim wound his way A brief excerpt appears in W. I. Paulding, Literary Life of James K. Paulding, 189-190, under the title "Lost!" Altered wording indicates that William Paulding copied from a source other than this copybook. In a prefatory note he indicates that, to his knowledge, the poem had not been previously printed or excerpted. Written in Spenserian stanzas. A narrative poem, concerning an inhabitant of Massachusetts who travels to the western prairies in search of "accursed gain." He and his Indian guide outrun a prairie fire, only to die of starvation and thirst.
- 72. An Old Man's Blessings. (84 lines. pp. 96-99) First line: You think because I'm fourescore Years Printed anonymously in the New York weekly, Literary World, XI (Nov. 6, 1852), 298. Signed "By an Obsolete Author." 88 lines. This printing listed in Herold, p. 157, but the date of issue is in error. Printed in W. I. Paulding, op. cit., 356-58, under the title "The Old Man's Blessings." 88 lines.
- 73. The British Spy: or The Three Honest Men and True. A Ballad for the 4th July. (304 lines. pp. 100-109) First line: 'Twas in the autumn of that year Printed anonymously in the United States Magazine (N. Y.; variant titles), XXXIII (Aug., 1853), 117-125, under the title "The British Spy; or, The Three Good Men and True. A Ballad. 160 lines. Notation following title: "Written on occasion of laying the corner-stone of the Monument now being erected on the spot where André was captured, near Tarrytown." The cornerstone was laid, with appropriate oratory, at Tarrytown, N. Y., on July 4, 1853. The printed program distributed at this ceremony gives no reference to Paulding's poem or to Paulding's presence. Major John André was apprehended in 1780 by three men, one of whom was John Paulding, a relative of James Kirke Paulding. Andre was executed as a spy. This Paulding poem is another addition to the long list of literary Andréana to which Freneau, William Dunlap, Clyde Fitch and others have contributed.
- 74. The Rising Sun and the Motto, "Excelsior". (16 lines. p. 110) First line: Auspicious word! O, may it be Written on a loose sheet of letter paper and numbered 110. This is a fair copy of a poem on p. 51 (see entry following poem number 63, above). Possibly copied to send to a publisher. Fair copy omits the final 4-line stanza. (The check-list numerals total 74 rather than 73, inasmuch as no. 61 is a revision of no. 43.)





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