[MS. Trin. Coll. Cam. R. 3. 20, leaves 53 to 55.]
Beholdeþe nowe filowing next here þe translacyoune
of Gaude virgo mater Christi made by Daun Iohan þe
Munke Lydegate by night as he lay in his bedde at London.
Gaude virgo mater christi.
Be gladde, mayde, moder of Cryst Ihesu,
Whiche conceyvedist oonly by hering,
Whane þeoholy Gooste, moost souereyn of vertu,
Entred þy brest frome hevon descending,
An Gabryel brought þee þeo tydyng,
For þilk Ioye, and for þilke gret gladdenesse,
Haue on vs mercy, and stynt our hevynesse.
Gaude quia deo plena.
Fulfilled of God, be gladde, O mayden free!
Whiche has chylded with-outen soore or peyne,
With þe lylye of mooste pure chastytee
Of all mankynde þe trouble to restreyne;
Nowe, blessed lady, of pytee not disdeyne,
To save þy servauntes for þis gret gladnesse,
Oonly of mercy, and stynt hir hevynesse.
Gaude quia tui nati.
Reioysse also, moder and pure virgyne,
Desconsolate in Crystis passyoun,
Think agaynwarde þy Ioye dyde shyne
At his vprist and resureccion,
Nowe for þat Ioye and consolacyon
Þou haddest þanne, and for þat gret gladdnesse,
Haue on vs mercy and stynt oure hevynesse.
Gaude Cristo ascendente.
Be gladde also of his ascencyoun,
To þy gret honnour to haue þer-of sight,
For of his might and goodely mocyon
He styeghe ful hye aboue þe sterres hight,
Wher Ioye is euer and eternal light,
Now for þat Ioye þou haddest and gladnesse
Haue on vs mercy, and stynt oure hevynesse.
Gaude que post ipsum scandis.
Be gladde also þat affter doost ascende
In-to þat heeghe hevenly mansyoun,
Þer hooly sayntes and Aungelles ay comende
Þy chaaste clennesse and þy parfeccion,
Þy famous honnour and þy qweenly Renoun,
ffor þilk[e] Ioye and for þy gret gladnesse,
Haue on vs mercy, and stynt oure hevynesse.
Vbi fructus ventris tui.
Nowe blessed lady, O qweene most mercyable!
Which for þy meryt bare þe fruyt of lyff,
In þilke Ioye make vs þer partable,
Whiche were alloone mayde, moder, and wyff;
Be oure defence ageyne þinfernal stryff
For alle þy Ioyes and þy gret gladnesse,
Haue on vs mercy, and stynt oure hevynesse.
Pryncesse of mercy, for þy Ioyes fyve
Whane we part hens be oure proteccioun;
Fraunchyse oure waye lest þe feondes wold stryve
To lett oure passage by fals collusyoun.
Conduyt vs vpe vn-to þat Regyoun
Where-with þy sone þou regnest in gladnesse
Oonly of mercy, and stynt oure hevynesse.