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Page 148


It was with a strong emotion of wonder that Mrs.
Partington read in the papers that a new wing was to be
added to the Cambridge Observatory.

“What upon airth can that be for, I wonder? I dare
say they are putting the new wing on to take more
flights arter comics and such things, or to look at the
new ring of the planet Satan, — another link added to
his chain, perhaps; and, gracious knows, he seems to go
further than he ever did before.”

She stopped to listen, as the sounds of revelry and
drunkenness arose upon the night air, and she glanced
from her chamber over the way, where a red illuminated
lantern denoted “Clam Chowder.” Why should she
look there just at that moment of her allusion to Satan?
What connection could there be in her mind between
Satan and clam chowder? Nobody was near but Ike,
and Isaac slumbered.