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Page 384


A quiet tone is observable in the Russian organs!”
said Mrs. Partington, as the line in the telegraph news
arrested her eye. She mused upon it a moment.
“Church organs, I dare say; and we heard the other
day that the Emptier of Russia — dear, pious man! —
was organizing his soldiers to go and give the gospel to
the Turks at the point of the bayonet. Quiet-toned
organs! Well, I wonder if they won't get one for our
church, that 'll play nothing but serious tunes; for the one
we 've got 'll play Yankee Doodle jest as well as Old
Hundred, and for my part I don't put no faith into it.”
She looked at the vane, on the top of a distant spire, that
turned in the wind, and mixed its variableness with
church organs that played many tunes, and men of the
church as variable as the organs, while Ike was teasing
the kitten with a bran-new cap-border that the old lady
was just doing up.

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