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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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[I doe not feele the Storme]


I doe not feele the Storme
Which vexes you in the too soone Decay
Of your fair garden's verdure; where noe Spray
Lookes green, noe Flower
But run into his root.
Your fruit trees lower;
You cannot set your foot
In all your Garden on a liveing worme.


The glorie of your Toyle,
The high-pris'd Tulip, has noe Colour now;
The Gilly-flowers are dead; the Rose can show
Nor Red nor Smell,
T' envite the willing Sence.
Who now can tell
The violet's residence?
The Sweet-briar drye, the Lillie has noe foyle.


When I, beyond the Rage
Of Time, or winter's malice, now can Show
A liveing Paradice, and lead you through
Greene Alleys, set
With ever-verdant flowers;


The violet
Wants odour to the worst of ours;
Trim Nature stands here in firme Equipage.


I have a Rose, will keepe
Its Secret and beautie to another Spring;
(Nor wonder that I say it) I can bring,
This verie Day,
(Dead winter haveing nipt
Yours into Clay)
A goodly Tulip, Stript
In Gold and Purple; Nature not asleepe.


How doe they drop away!
Your flowers and Ioyes together? Goe with me
Into Apolloe's Garden, you shall see
To mocke at yours,
And frustrate all your Thought,
A bed of Flowers,
Into quaint Mazes wrought;
The Muses' bower, vnder the liveing Bay.