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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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The righteous, in Ioy or Griefe, Life, or Death, God keepes as his Treasure.

The righteous, in Ioy or Griefe, Life, or Death, God keepes as his Treasure.

Fell Malice most of her owne Poison drinkes;
for them she plagues, doe sippe but of the toppe;


But she of that, which to the Bottome sinckes,
to worke in Her Perdition, without Hope.
Impietie and Plagues are of an age;
being burnt, not in the Hand, but in the Heart:
For, who against the good doe battaile wage,
shall perish through his pow'r that takes their part.
And, if, for vertue, Men are made away,
God takes for sacrifice, their sufferings:
But when, by course of Nature, they decay,
he then receiues them as Peace-offerings:
So that in life and death, the righteous rest,
As th'Apple of his Eye, as safe, as blest.