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Linden Kent Memorial School of English Literature
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Linden Kent Memorial School of English Literature

English A1: Composition and English Literature.—1. Composition,
with weekly themes and parallel reading. 2 and 3. Survey of English literature,
with parallel reading and frequent themes. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
for those who have not received credit for English A2 or A3 or A4.)
Fifteen sections. Associate Professor Johnson, Assistant Professor Gordon,
Assistant Professor Davis, Mr. C. R. Wilson, Mr. Shepperson, Mr. Ewing,
and Mr. McLeod.

English A2: Composition and American Literature.—1. Composition,
with weekly themes and parallel reading. 2 and 3. Survey of American literature,
with parallel reading and frequent themes. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
for those who have not received credit for English A1 or A3 or A4.)
Three sections. Mr. C. R. Wilson.

English A3: Composition and Literature: For engineering students.
1 and 2. Composition, with particular attention to exposition and description;
weekly themes. 3. Survey of nineteenth-century prose literature, with parallel
reading and frequent themes. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for those
who have not received credit for English A1 or A2 or A4.) Associate Professor

English Literature B1: Drama, Biography, Short Story: English A1
or A2 or A3 prerequisite.
—1. Shakespeare. Several plays studied in class and
twelve others assigned as parallel reading. Written reports. 2. Biography in
the eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Parallel reading and written reports.
3. Modern prose fiction: Stevenson, Kipling, and the English short story.


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The writing of brief sketches or stories. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Professor Metcalf and Assistants.

English Literature B2: Poetry and Prose of the Nineteenth Century and
English A1 or A2 or A3 prerequisite.—1. Nineteenth-century poetry.
2. Prose from Lamb to Stevenson. 3. Contemporary poets and novelists. Parallel
reading and frequent papers. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor
Wilson and Assistants.

English Literature B3: Drama, Essay, and Eighteenth Century Poetry:
English A1 or A2 or A3 prerequisite.—1. Shakespeare. Several of the historical
plays studied in class and others assigned as parallel reading. Written reports.
2. The early eighteenth-century essayists. 3. The precursors of the
Romantic movement, Pope and his contemporaries. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Associate Professor Johnson.

English Literature C1: The Drama, Elizabethan and Modern: Any two
B courses in the Schools of English Language and Literature prerequisite.
The Elizabethan drama. 2. Restoration and eighteenth-century drama. 3. The
modern British drama. Professor Metcalf, Professor Wilson, and Assistant
Professor Gordon.

English Literature C2: Literary Composition: English B3 and one other
B course prerequisite. This course is open only to those of proved aptitude in
composition who have obtained the consent of the professor in charge.
—1. Essay-writing
and book-reviewing. 2. The writing of sketches and short stories. 3.
Dramatic composition. Parallel reading in current periodical literature. By consent
also, this course may be taken two years in succession. Conferences. Professor

English Literature C3: Nineteenth-Century Literature and Thought:
Any two B courses in the Schools of English Language and Literature prerequisite.
Some acquaintance with the course of English history in the nineteenth century
is presumed, but is not prerequisite.
—English literature of the nineteenth
century studied in relation to the history, literary biography, and thought of the
period. The course will link the fields of history and literature. Assistant Professor

English Literature D1.—1. Studies in the early English Renaissance.
2. Eighteenth-century prose fiction. Hours by appointment. Professor Metcalf.

English Literature D2.—1. Elizabethan literature (non-dramatic): Spenser
and his contemporaries. 2. Seventeenth-century literature: Milton and Dryden.
Hours by appointment. Professor Metcalf. (Omitted in 1927-28.)

Old French C13: One hour a week throughout the year. Marie de
France and the Old French Romance. Interpretation of Old French texts. A
collegiate knowledge of modern French is essential Professor Abbot.

This course, offered in the School of Romanic Languages, will hereafter be
required of candidates for the Ph.D. in English who are specially interested in
early English literature.