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Lydgate's Fall of Princes

Edited by Dr. Henry Bergen ... presented to The Early English Text Society by The Carnegie Institution of Washington

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[How Theo kyng of Egipt bi Artaxerses was dryven from his kyngdam and fledde in to Arabie.]

Next Enagora kam the kyng Theo,
Of al Egipt long tyme pocessour;
And to Iohn Bochas he gan declare his wo,
How Fortune dide hir froward labour,
And from hym drouh hir frenshepe and fauour,
And sodenli thoruh hir iniquite
She cast this kyng doun from his roial see.
She list hir malis from hym nat differre,
Ne wolde nat suffre hym to lyue in pes,
But caused hym to gynne a froward werre
Ageyn the said myhti Artaxerses,
Wenyng therbi taue had a gret encres,—
Gadred shippes and made a gret arme
In his entent tamette hym on the se.
To Lacedemonois he was fauourable,
Sent hem vessellis stuffid with vitaille,
Dempte of pride that hymsilff was able
With Artaxerses to holden a bataille.
But hasti trust doth foolis ofte faille,
For this Theo was aftir anon riht
Dryue out of Egipt and Iput to fliht.
Artaxerses pursuede hym so sore,
Toforn his face he durste nat appeere,—
Fledde in Tarabie, myn auctour seith no more;
Ban[y]shed fro Egipt, dedli of face & cheere.
And of his fate who-so list to lere,
He was depryued fro kyngli dignite
And bi Fortune cast from his roial see.