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Self-Dedication at the Table of the Lord.
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Self-Dedication at the Table of the Lord.

Long Metre.

A Sacramental Hymn.


Lord, I am thine, entirely thine,
Purchas'd and sav'd by Blood Divine,
With full Consent thine I would be,
And own thy sov'reign Right in me.


Here, Lord, my Flesh, my Soul, my All
I yield to Thee beyond Recal;
Accept thine own so long withheld,
Accept what I so freely yield!


Grant one poor Sinner more a Place
Among the Children of thy Grace;
A wretched Sinner lost to God,
But ransom'd by Emanuel's Blood.



Thine would I live, thine would I die,
Be thine thro' all Eternity:
The Vow is past beyond Repeal,
Now will I set the solemn Seal.


Be Thou the Witness of my Vow,
Angels and Men attest it too,
That to thy Board I now repair,
And seal the sacred Contract there.


Here at that Cross, where flows the Blood
That bought my guilty Soul for God,
Thee my new Master now I call,
And consecrate to Thee my All;


Do Thou assist a feeble Worm
The great Engagement to perform:
Thy Grace can full Assistance lend,
And on that Grace I dare depend.